HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approval114018 aos Nome Florida Bustling Cade Onima V I In Jw n,vWnHan NRTepW SuemltsurcMpe SI..Fac4 NelloYps pr,41NWR: tllPProva1 wed: nE1k W V rrmursM,nu ....... .�y_.y> bail ArNwrwn fist, l FL a 4 ' ApplkadOn Type Code Veralon Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Addreas/Phone/Email Authorhed Signature Technical Representative Addresa/Phone/Emeil Quality Assnrace Representative Address/Phone/Ermill Gte9ory Subratepory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida Utense Qwl(ty, Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiratlon Date Validated By Genii of Independence M Fe0 san xrs sas n.o una se ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEVOC-3� FOR COMPLMIC4 R Ravi am R7 DATE 1 ' / ReNakn PUNS AND PE MIT zov MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR AP NO INSPECTION WILL BE Mar 08/18/2017, datereapi AND ALI 1Pl)POSEDWDRX ARE SDIIIEI.T'OAN'C(TS'V TIONS Extreme Metal Fabrlca REQED:5V Fk' D INS('rSTC�iS TtiAT 2160 SW Foma pdVGT tit NECESSAriY ICJ ORDER TU Paen Oty, FL 34990 COMPLY WIN All APPLIC" CODES (772)872-8034 Bvalidet(an@yahoo.com Richard MCKuhM NCF;IED FASTENERS OF ATTACHMENTS BvalldationQyahoo.com AFETHE RESPONSIEI."OFTHE Richard McKuhen CONTRACTOR OF RECORD 2160 SW P4ma Drive Palm Clty, FL 34990 (772) 872-8034 dchard0emfab.net Roofing Metal Roofing Evaluation Raport from a Florida Registered Anpi or a Uexnsed Flo Prof atonal Engineer Evalwtlon Report - Mardoopy Received WOKE BOWDEN PE-49704 Keystone CertlBotions, Inc. 0y22/2024 Zachary R. Mast, P.E. Validation Checklist - Mardcopy Received Refananced Standard and Year (of Standard) yy,B"m YAW TAS L25 2003 UL 1897 2012 UL 580 2006 EOof ProduR Standard.cxruffed 1: 11 1: r o py By fAipe:11VA".110ridabullding.aypr/pr_apP_o8.eep.7pare-WGEV%QWOW28BQPNpQQe&k4MkUEoR%2bGWG)Fe5%CM2EgvOOveeg%3dY.M 1/4 1AM8 IlIilo Flodda Buldbp Coda ONirle Sections Nom the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/18/2017 Date Validated 08/25/2017 Data Pending FBC Approval 08/28/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 I* N, ModNumber or Name 11022.1 1 -'SV Cnmp' (86) Limits W Uss AM as far was In HVHZ: No Approved for we outsitle HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant. No Issalg , pressure: +N/A/-Tbble A 01i Refer to evaluation report for conditions. Install the assembly in compliance with the installation method listed In this spat and applicable code sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Instmctions. 17022.2 - _ 12 - "SV Cnmp' (R6) U.N. of Use Approved for uss In HVHZ: No Approved for caw ptdda HVHZ: Yes Impact Assistant: No Assign Prsssumi +N/N-Table A Chthsr. Refer to evaluation report for condlllons.Install the assembly In comWance with the Installation method listed in this report and applicable code sections or FBC. Refer m manaacturees Installanan InstruMons. 17022.3 13 -"1.5" Mechanical Seam"IRS) LlnrNa I UN J Approved for uaa In HVHZ: No Approved for uses autside HVHZ: Yes Impact ROMaes:rr: No Dadgn Prwure: +N/N-Table A oBlert Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of We. Install the assembly In compliance with the installation method Rued In this report and applicable coda aecaona or roe. Parer to manu/eRurort Ininafi. on InsbVclons. 17022.4 4 - "1.5" Mechanical Seam" (RS) LImRs of UM Approved for um In HVHZ: No Approved for card outside HVHZ: Yes Impact RNlatsnt: No geali Pr m: +N/N-Tbble A prison pares to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use. Install the assembly in compliance elm me Installation method listed in this report and applicable code sectors of FBC. Refer to in installation puerlptlan 4 a 26 Gauge steel, 3/8" rib reant, 24" wide sipped roof panel mechanically attached W 15/32" plywood or Wood Deck wp [netsboad Isstruatsns FL37022 RJ ll PL 1J022.1 5 V CRIMP scrper. Venfled By: lock. Bowden, P.E. 497" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes 0.032", Inum, 3/8' RA, height, 21" wide lopped roof pa r attached to 15/32' plywood or Wood Deck wll gem. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Thhd Party: Yes 1.5" db height, 16' wide, 24 gauge Steel, spending seem It panel mechanically attached to 15/32' plywood or wood de warn Oil" and %~am. Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Third Perry: Yes 1.5' rib height, 16" Wide, 0.032" aluminum, staMing seem roof panel mxhanlW iy attached W 15/32- plywood a W. Deck with clips and fastening. Instsllallon Isstructlass 1]0 J J tl IJ > MEl u AI ecaM ALUMINUM _rodf Verified By: lack. Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by Independent Thin! Perry: Yu Evoluation Reports Created by Independent Third Perry: Yes 17022.5 5 - % In. Nall Shop" IRS) Tl' db height, 16" wltle, 26 gauge Aee1, standing seam rool .. n.,,n_�-cnsru,FmRYbxvloA3tl%Otl 214 semis t Florida Building code onnnJQ — Panel mechanically attached to 15/32' Plywood or wood de with fasteners. unw of uss Approved for toe In NVNZ: No Approved far rase oull NVNZ: Yes Impost Reebtent No Detlgn Pre .! +N/A( -Table A Well Rarer fa evaluation report for conditions and limitations & use. Install the assembly In compllr. with the Installation method listed in MIS report and applicable code sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturer's installation Instrucilons. Inatsltseen Inatucterts 17022 117 11 Fl. 17022.5 1.0 NAILSTRIP liscoalf Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by Independent Third Party: yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: nas 17022.E 6 - 1 In. Nall Strippi 1' rib height, 16- wide, 0.032" aluminum, standing Seem n panel mechanically attached to attached to 15/32" piywoac Woed Deck with fasteners, Linatts of UpInebpatbn Destructions, Approved for use In NVNZt No FL170)2 R7 It R 17022 6 1 0 NMI STRIP 0,032 Approved tar use oubNde NVNZ: Yes AWN M •ar_adr Mpact Reslatoat: No VeHBed By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 497N Demon prsssun: +N/A/ -Table A Created by Independent Thiel parry: Yes ODIati Reed to evaluation report for conditions and Rveluatbn Rporre limitations of use. Install the assembly in compliance with Me w f 7022 R7 AE FL 17022.6 1.0 NAIL MIP 0.022 Installation method listed In MIS report and applicable code ALUM --r Rtlf sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturers Installation Created by Independent ThIM Party: Yes Instructions. -_- 17022.7 17 --1.5 In. Neil Sthi IRS) Approved for use In NVNZ: No Approved for use outside NVNZ: Yes ZonaleY Resistant: No Design Prossurs: +N/A/ -Table A ONeer: Rehr to evaluation report for conditions and imWtbns of use. Install Me assembly in compliance with the retaliation method listed In this report and applicable code motions of FBC. Refer b manufacturers installation 17022.8 B -'EMAX III (R5) Approved for t In MVNZ: No Approved tar use outside NVNZ: Yes suspect ReeletsM: No Dempn pressure: +N/A/ -Table A 01Ner. Refer to evaluation report for conditions and Iimnabons of use. Install the Summary In compliance with Me Installation method listed in MIS report and applicable code sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturers Installation 17022.9 19 -' PBR MAX" (R5) umNs a caw Apo cal for use In NVNZ: No Approval to, use outside NVNZ: Yes Impact RssYtare: No Daalgn pressure: +N/A/-1 ble A ONtsr: Refer to !Valuation rai far conditions and limitations of use. Install the assembly In compliance with Me Installation method listen In MIS report and applicable tole sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturer's Installation 1.5'rtb height, 19- wide, 26 gauge steel, standing seam rc panel mechanically attached to 15/32- plywood or wood de with fasteners. Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes (valuation Reports FLI 702 R7 AF IFIL 17WZ,7 1 c Nail Strip •a W.oat Created by Independent Third Party: Yes lapped roof panel mechanically attached to or wood deck with exposed Insures s. Created by independent Third Pant: Yes Evaluall" Reports f Al" R7 AFFL IZM22 Ai Rath Mr.otlf Created by Independent Thivtl Parry: Yes 26 gauge steel, lapped roof panel mechankaly atbesd b 15/32" plywood a wood deck with exposed fasbners. tFI 1701 R7 IIt R- I mu lied R7 o FL Bowden, PER Pan sec -oar Verified By: cache Bowden, P.E. Created by Independent Third! Party: M: Yes evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes fonud-sk::10, las, Suna a, Imo'"'° a EL 1_. ...... eH.u>-uv m. ew..f rw.vo:>.n wean «.row.. m, rl ., :: :! A ...W s :: term w...rr....,4MAYx,WMn.vnlnrhsr Soo dd.alms7mmm=wGEVXQMDgV2MOPHPOCe6nAZMkIIEOR%2bGXHOxFa6(kCHZEgvK)01 p%ad%id 314 V Palm City, FL 34990 Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 (6ei ad.) Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule # 61G20-3 Compliant: Keystone Certifications Produch 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec.1507.4.2 Yield strength: 50 ksl min.; Attached to min.15/32' plywood or Wood Deck w/ min. OA2 specific gravity with screws. 24" Coverage Rib Height 3/B" Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC Sec.1507A.3 Fastener 1(Metbod 1 Attachment): #9 x 1-1/2" Hex -Washer Head wood screw* to penetrate 3/16" min. thru deck or S/B" embedment Into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Fastener 2 (Method 2,3, & 4 Attachment): #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Washer Head wood screw• to penetrate 3/16" min. thru deck or S/B" embedment Into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Underbryment: To be compliant with FBC Sec. Mart 1507.1.1 Slope: Shall be In compliance with FBC Sec.1507. See Fastener attachment spechftn bas above Install Detalls: Table A Allowable lauds I METHOD 1 I METHOD 2 I METHOD 3 I METHOD 4 DESIGN PRESSURE' -86 PSF A3.5 PSF •101 PS -22e PSF ROW SPAONG 16• o c 16' O.C. 8' o.t. 6" o - FASTENER SPACING ALONG Panel width lY o.c. SY' o.a. 12• o.c. 12' at. FASTENER SIZE #9 #10 #10 MO Reference Data: ARc HrrELTURAL TESTING, INC. TST ID#: 1527 UL s" a 1a974w Teat Report 0=9&O"3e-18 os/e2A4 Teak Report F3366.01-450-1812/W1i' TAS 125-03 Taft Report 005893.02-450-18 07/11/14 •aQWVAL1NLY-UL1897-04 to equh~to tastS&Mbri UL 1997-i7hrU *Dae/9n Fr max -On ofSO&W1.1 kadu aowden, P.6 don not 1wae, notwnl a 4Uw a+wnar IM,44iq WV t' IV. p'jia uir{ or aeuwwn# Proatls andw eds awAuaeML Indn aowdwr, P.F. b not owned, opwnW, or OntrOed by a& coshm w4wa kunk or"utae Wodrau undo tlds rapen. 4 4 FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel), 24" Wide Roof Panel - Details Lirrfle5ans: 1. Umdettaymetlt to be compliance with current Florida Building Cade (FBC)2017 6" ad. 2. Minimum dope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6" ad., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for Stara of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliant Method: 1-D 4. Engineering analysis for'proJact spedfic approval by local authorities wlurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Ftre claotficedon is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 5, Support /remig in compliance w/FBC 2017 fr ^ ad., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This report does riot Imply warnsmy, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. —FYes a.r-r¢un. e WO.1-11[Mn. F�Yi M•blbw � SV CMeeetlnnrl tprleW0.FMaraVnu a",ww Hrc wam sown 1[' 1Z 3a- �^ `arnaw�smwnore� ^^ Panel Profile Fa ten 112' Min. or #10 z 1-112- Min. per Table'A HoOksher Head Screw Spaced Wft Panel Rec Refer to Tab eA' four Spacing "Pens) long Panel Overlap Length Deck- IW32' or greater Plywood. or -Wood plank 1MR0[8 B. C - I 9Oa XOTe lO9 In VIN RegIWMlon dfSpr wPApproval Wad: Wall[U Florida Building Cede Online Q MIX Tcpin suEmrt SurRiar9! Scats aFUR NdlpWna fK Ala CCIS SNI Msp� MaudmemrI Men `. MY-W FL a F2p3 Application Type Code Version 201, Appllgtlon Statue LNew APPro ved ad by DBYR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified! and/or the C=Isa ion R necessary. Comments1 Archlved Product Manuf dumr AddreaWPhone/Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Nnine/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phpne/Eri category Subcategory Compliance Method CertlBration Al Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equhralence of Product Standards Canbhad By Gardner Asphalt Corp. 4161 E. 2th Avenue Tampa, FL 33605 (813) 248-2101 Ext 1141 mmu8lns®9ardner•glbson.rom den white dwhlte®gardner-gibson.com Roofing Undedayri Certifrwtion Mark or Ustlng Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Mlaml-Dade BCCO - VAL Standard ASTM 0 1970 ASTM D 226 TAS 103 Approved Certlflcabon Agency Approved Evaluation Endty FIL2"-83 RO Epuly 17 Eaulvalencv LetteroM Fr24483 RO Eonv 12042210.0da YM 2015 2009 1995 .. .. _ _...,...,..,.an...n,.n.rovxnwrMirnWEtoYFLLV5BInE9BpWCP9Mi28PT021191%2beL1Qa%3d%30 114 19=18 16 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Data Pending FBC Approval Data Approved Flonde Building Code Online! Method 1 Option A 11/17/2017 11/22/2017 11/30/2D32 FL • Medal, Number or "me Description 24483.1 APOC Tuff -Felt 26 Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, 2 square s30 _ _ ofties UnnieApproved Cer4483 ionRO Ce42710.s Approved for use in HVNZ: Yes Cg C UC 1struct Fuality Approved for use cutbacks HVHZ: Yes Quality/ Anunnp Gntract E%pintlon Deb a Expiration Impact N/A Ilnal4H3 ressbnt: Pressure. WA Desigations Install018 ]AotrucUmo 11111M: Other: i, FL448a 0.0 tt 1JONJlO.etli fin Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independem Third Party: Evaluation Mporb Created by Independent Third Party: 24483.2 APOC T -Felt 46 I Asphalt Saturated Felt undeNayment, 4 square, #15. Umlb of Use _ VeMfiestion Agency CorlMbb Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL24483 RO C CAC 17042710 .OM Approves for use pergola HVHZ: Yes ��, Quality Aswrance Gnbaet Eaalration Data I MM ROMMM: WA 03/28/2018 Design Primitive: N/A Installation Instruction, Other: F124483 RO 11 17042710.pdf Verified By: Miami -Date BCCO - CER Created by Independent Thin! Party: Evaluation Reports GatprSkln Synthetit roof underleyment comprised o/ layers a film. Approves for use In WHIZ: Yes FL24983 RO-C CAC 17042710.edi Approved for ions outside HVHZ. Yes Qualiy Ansurand Contract Expiration Dab Impact Resistant.• WA 03/28/2018 Design Preesrrro: N/A Installation Instruction, Otibr. FL24483 RO 11 17042710.acf Verlflac By: Miami -Dace BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evolustsn Mperts Created by Independent Third Party: 29483.9 _ United FGURIO UmNs of Use __...� Approved for us, In HVNZ. Yes Approved for ues outs HVHZ: Yes hrrpeet R MM: N/A Design Prolprret N/A Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, 4 squire e15 CarNficatlon Agency Dertllleab R 24491 RO C dC 1 J0.t2]10 odf Quality Assurance Grltri Eaplrotien Deb 03/28/2018 Other: FL24483 RO 11 17042710.Ddf VerlBed By: Miami -Dade El . CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports, Created! by Independent Third Pony: 24483.5 United FGUR20 Asphalt Saturated Felt underiayment, 2 square ♦30. undts o/ Iles I Certification Agency Certificate Approves for use In HVHZ: Yes FL2M83 RO C QC 17093710.Wf Approved for woe outsba HVHZ: Yes Quality a as r<nn Contract Eaplratlan Dab Impact Resistant; WA 03/28/2018 Dealers Prs pure: WA Inetellation Instruction, Other; FL24483 RO 11 17042210.pdr Verified By: Miami -Dace SCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Peed: Evaluation Mporb , Created by Independent Third Party: -,_-,_,_..,,..x_..,.n....e.,,_,.nc�rVrwnn..irl F�nvF11 VfiRInF80DaiCPpM128eT0(LU81%2WLtOw%3d%3d 2/4 1M/2018 Florida Building Code Online 24483.E United FGUR20 halt Saturated Felt underlaymenq 30 1 souare a AspCarDRuuw UmwofUse Agency c nmve. Approved for use In MVNZ: Yes Approved for ues aviation Wlct: Yes FU4483 RO C CAC 17042710.Of Quality Aaesronss Co. b se Expiration Dabs respect Reslsbnt N/A i 03/28/2018 Design Pressure: WA i Installed" Iestructlons Othert F1.24483 RO Il 1204VIO.odf VenOed By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Craatm by Independent TMrd Party: 24483.7 1Weather-Armor Cx-L LiMlbr o/ U" Approved for um In MVNZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVMZ.• Yes Impact Rp M. WA Design Pressure: N/A Other: High Strength hybrid undedayment comprised of bvo layer polyolefin and polymer synthetic fabric with a Min layer of modified bitumen between the two oils. [edification Apem.V CMlllente Ft2"83 RO C CAC 17"221d.odf Quality Assurance Wnlnct Explration pats 03/28/2018 Installation Instruction Ft24483 RO II I70427I0.odf Vertical By: Mlaml-Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evauation Repots Created by Independent Third Party: 24683.8 WeaMervArmor tT3 Belf-edhering mcmbmne composed of eland, polymers, j bitumen polyester and queen relnfamemeM. Undue of Use Certification Agency Contllkabe Approved far on In MVHZt Yes Fl 04481 RD C CAC 170427MR9 Approved for ues noted@ Iffift: Yes Quality Assurance Continue ExpiratRm Dab Impact Reslatsnt: N/A j 03/28/2018 Dalpn Prepare: N/A Installation Instructions Other: FU4483 RO 11 1704271e.0tlf Venfled By: Mlaml-Dade BCCO - CER Crested by Independent Third Party: Evsluetl0n Repots Created by Independent Third Party: 24483.9 Weather -Anew HT3 Self -adhering membrane composed of elastic polymers, bitumen, glass reinforcements and a times laminated sheet j surfacing. Urine of use Certification Agency Certificates Approved for use In MVNZ: Yes FU4483 R0 C eC 17042710.29 Approved for on outolde IIVMZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Eapiratlpn pats Impact ReWbM: N/A 03/28/2018 Design Prisoners: N/A I Installation Instructions Other: F1224483 RO 11 17W710.odi Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports ICreated by Independent Third Party: 24483.10 Weather -Armor SB-1 j Glen per Mnbrced, polymer modified aspheN, granulate self-adhwed und.Haymem. Ymlts Of Ues —. .---TCertMuebn Agency Cartllle b Approved for one in HVIIZ: Yes I FJ24483 R0 C CAC 17042710.Wf Approved for ues outede MVMZ: Yes Quality Assurance it* b ct Expiration Dab Impact ResialeM: We 03/28/2016 Oeaupn Preswro: N/A Installation InstruWons Verified By: Mlaml-Dade RCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports li Created by Independent Third Party: 00 L4anda::1. _n,a,aam,..,.M..,-M w,. a.w,. rwr,.... a, ar0.mebw,. —,I,.,..a2.,o„ :: t ornnst .—I : a —Irs . Seem—:: � .,.,, wu•.,,.n,,mm.wr.cvxt2wrDntilnuElOYFLLVBEInE98p.IC M828pT02U91%2b 10w%3d%3d 3/4 1NI2018 Flalda BuAding Code OnlinQ IleCv npNY NOW, araMa eCberw IM Wdk ImNf.VYW&Me veM Your e-mail aCORL rehsvE In rbpeteebepYtlk-remrYer aaG Eo—aaMi all mail W ei eM ,,, =d. mrNM Ilr dlln or gwne or"vetlXlorW mail. 11 you eew any puvlbM, quw caM lsom'.1N5.'PrnYM 45Mn ma. ma all p forl may m ueen orarraW aammumuaoe MM tre loaaeee. rmrMrr. em u ai arld., pieu p Mft Me CepeNnen['MM an amen Wares wnkn un re meae aratleela W u<i pleas ala0¢. heauaeNpsva�Jcwb: ®®®oe Credit Card soft ml wxp.Pmnm=wGEV%0wlOaujlLUE1oVFLLVSBInE8Bpe1CPBM12BpT0(t1181%YbeL1Ow963d%7d Al4 i+ 4 Wa3HANII-DADS COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONONTIC RESOURCES (RER) I I SW 26 Sa Roue 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVWON Mum Florida 33173-2474 T(786)315-25N F (796) 315-25W NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Gardner Asphalt Corporation 4161 W. 7a Avenue Tompa, FL. 33605 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section In be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AM). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AM (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material Intel for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AM may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within theirjurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product m material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed I comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Gardner Underlayments LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement. "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, fm sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall because for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If my portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA# 1"707.09 and consists of pages I through 5. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigers. � �(eTr `r NOA: 174427.10 Eipiratlon Date: 031297E Approval Date: 0931117 Page 1 a/5 V V ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Catmorv: Roofing Sob-Cateeorv: Underlaymnt MaterW: Asphalt TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED By APPLICANT: Tot Product Product Dimensions Specification Description APOC Tufr Felt 16 36" x 72' rolls ASTM D 226 Type 11 Asphalt Saturated Fell underlayment, 2 Manufacturing square #30, Location #1, 2 United FGUR20 Manufacturing Location #1, 2 APOC Tuff -Felt 46 Manufacturing Location #1, 2 United FGUR10 Manufacturing Location #1, 2 United FGUR70 Manufacturing Location #i, 2 GatorSkin Manpfuciurfng Location #3 Weather -Armor CX-L Manufacturing Location #3 Weather -Armor SWI Manufacturing Location #4 Weather -Armor IW Manufacturing Location #4 36" x 72' rolls ASTM D 226 Type U Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, 2 square #30. 36" x 144' rolls ASTM D 226 Type I Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, 4 square#I5. 36" x 144' rolls ASTM D 226 Type I Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, 4 square #15. 18" x 72' rolls ASTM D 226 Type U Asphalt Saturated Felt underlayment, I square #30. 42" x 285.8' rolls ASTM D 226 Type 11 Synthetic roof underlayment comprised of layers of polyolefin film. 37.25" x 145' rolls ASTM D 226 Type 11 High strength hybrid underlayment comprised of two layers of polyolefin and polyester synthetic fabric with a thin layer of modified bitumen between the two plies. 36" x 65' 8" rolls ASTM D 1970 Glass fiber reinforced, polymer modified asphalt, granulated self -adhered underlayment. 39" x 65' 8" rolls ASTM D 1970 60-mils thick (nominally), self -adhering membrane composed of elastic polymers, bitumen, glass reinf nvemenb and a cross laminated sheet surfacing. NOA: 174427.10 Expiration Date: 03Rg11g Approval Date: 001117 Page2015 11 F, TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED By APPLICANT: Test Product Produc Dimensions SpeciDation Description Weather -Armor FTs 39" x 65' 8" rolls TAS 103 60-mils thick (nominally), self -adhering Manafarlar/ng membrane composed of elastic polymers, Location #4 bitumen polyester and glass reinforcement. MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS: 1. Tacoma, WA. 2. Eutaw, AL. 3. Hangzhou, China. 4. Springville, AL. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identlfler Tat Name/Renort ggtf PRI Construction Materials GGI-100-02-01 ASTM D 226 06/22/12 Technologies 00I-101-02-01 ASTM D 226 06122/12 GGI-132-02-01 ASTM D 226 04/28/15 G01-176-02-01 ASTM D226 09/26/16 GGI-178-02-01 ASTM D 1970 10/25/16 GGI-194-02-01 ASTMD 1970 08/04/17 GGI-196-02-01 TAS 103 OS/08117 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: 19h2" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(1): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck. Anchor Sheet: One or more plies of APOC Tuff -Felt 26, United FGUR20, United FGUR70, GamrSkin, or Weather -Armor CX-L with a minimum 4" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6 inches o.r. minimum at all laps and three staggered rows fattened at 12 inches o.c. minimum in the field of the roll. Nails shall be driven flush and 90 degrees to the roof deck. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, metal roof applications, and as an anchor sheet in roof tile applications. Must Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes. NOA: 17-0427.10 Expiration Date: 03/281FIS Approval Date: 08/31/17 Pagt3 of Q 4 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: "hr" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(2): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck. Amber Sheet: Minimum 2 plies or more of APOC Tuff -Felt 46, or United FOUR O with a minimum 19" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6 inches o.c. minimum at all laps and three staggered rows fastened at 12 inches o.c. minimum in the field of the roll. Nails shall be driven Bush and 90 degrees to the roof deck. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, metal roof applications, and as an anchor sheet in roof tile applications, Most Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes. Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: "hz' or greater plywood or wood plank System E(3): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Amber Sbeet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type 11 or ASTM D 2626 with a minimum 4" besdlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll, Membrane: One or more plies of Weather -Armor SB-1, or Weather -Armor HT' self -adhering membrane adhered to the anchor sheet with a minimum 3" headlap and 6" end lap. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, and metal roof applications. Mug Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes. Deck Type l: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: "/,t" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(4): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Anchor Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type 11 or ASTM D 2626 with a minimum 4" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. Membrane: One or more plies of Weather -Armor FT' self -adhering membrane adhered to the anchor sheet with a minimum 3" headlap and 6" end lap, Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, metal roof, and mechanically fastened roof file applications. Most Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes. NOA: 17-0427.10 Expiration Dare: 03/28/18 Approval Date: 08/31/17 Page 4 of 5 V V LABELING: All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami -Dade County Product Control Seal ar shown below. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this material. LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3. Weather -Armor SB-1, and Weather -Armor HT' shall not be hot mopped; refer to manufacturer's published literature for product compatibility. 4. Gardner Underlayments listed herein are components used in roof assemblies. Roof assemblies are approved under specific assembly Notice of Acceptance. S. APOC-Tuff Felt 26, United FGUR20, APOC-Tuff Felt 46, United FGURI O, United FGUR70, GamrSkin, Weather Armor CX-L, and Weather -Armor SB-1 listed herein shall not be fell exposed se; a temporary roof for longer than 30 days of application. 6. Weather -Armor HT' and Weather -Armor FT' listed herein shalt not be left exposed at a temporary roof for longer than 180 days of application. 7. Gardner Underlayments listed herein may be used with any approved roof coveting Notice of Acceptance listing Gardner Underlayments listed herein as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If Gardner Underlayments listed herein is not listed; a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or the Miami -Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products, wind uplift resistance, and fire [eating results. & For fire classification of specific roof assemblies using Gardner Underlayments listed herein refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 9. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE 1OA: 17-0427.10 Expiration Date: 031ME Approval Date: 0813U17 Page 5 of 5