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JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLE^ OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAILUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4401014 OR B 4097 PAGE 369, Recorded d13/2018 02:04:06 PM RECEIVED ( C NOTICE OF COMM I:NI KN FEB 131018 ,, Commit Pe rant Nn. I `e U�_- _11 7� prnperty'I's ID No.. State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will Ix mad. to certain real property, and In accordance with Chapter7)3, Florida Sntatc., the following information Is loavid-ed in this Notice of Comnte we menl. %Legal Descrlptinn mf prtI and address if evaili Me$ Pi 7NU115 3�11 �( -15 t'1It Fir D� .- General dexcAption of impmvemems C�r.Ls s _ 1.yC—Ui.��T2s-+ _. K X Interest in property: Fee Simple Title holder (if othcrtban owner) _. —._ .. .. Address_ AddressL4-�('s0\ G,L7 : t-f-�--`t��C__ __. _.. Flssk Sulely 1 ._ e.. �, Ti �`ta�1� Pl o r, f Address / Fes US1ATE OF FIDIROA Amount of Bond THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A lender _ Phnn BUEIO AND CORRECT COPY OF THE Address _ _ _ _.. Fax a H Y Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon who muicev ornthe� by Scclion 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Stains: dame __ Pha.00 Address_ Fax# In addition to himself. owner designates Phone Foxt to receive x copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 113.13(1)(b). Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice or cammrncement is one year from the date of recording mill... a different date is specified WARNING TO OWN ER ANY IIFCTS MAIL RY I IIF'. (MN£R AFTFR THF. FNPIR d'I ION OIIIIL NONCL Of CONI JiNC FOFFT :\RE 111 NSIOLKI-.I) Ihll'mn•LR PAYAIF%IS UNIN91(111713 II. r$.. AM)CAN RFSl11.T IS )'OUR R,Y1NG'I',IIL I'OR INIP1101 I IIF\ 1} T0l AIIIt PIRWI R I 1 . NOl'I(IF OF (OxI mt.No m I:T'I' 11I'i'f HI'. arc om1rn ANDPOSTED ON THE JOHNI I I. HE:FOHH, i nN i Hsi ISirEc-Oax. orP'p11 m it NO r)ORT:IIN FIN ANCINO, CONSULI WITII VOL It I FNDFR ON AN .ITTORN I all OHL COMNILM ING WOR9 ON RFCORD1s1: YOUR NOOCF ill' Cal\I\IF\Cbll-.N'I. ,rnerrl.ean,.,n Onner r nr 1 e55ee`a AutLerinJ llnlrcrillimr.,ri l'utlxNUan.ere' liemlurc ©xi sfa,��aor;'. Tnle;Dnhe . Slate of floridn, Couoly of f) 1</ t [' AcknowledgedbeforenT this_ r ,day or ahuo4 _20 z, by who 1, n�Xoo, produced as identifltntinn. Rpc ar Pri [Nxmc of :N Im �,,,,o gIMRERtY Allfae4lAE a' `� Noury Pualle Elm. W flp4a Title: Not.,, Public Cnmminira Nomber___ __ i C.mmb.bn lFf esa». �j NY Comm. Erplm Jun t5, 2020 b�' bMrElbnpAaMbrMMOIry Nm.