HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1435 , I I I I ,- ~ti5 -. ---.-....;:.. -~. ~.-....-. ~"- -- ......--.-.-----.-.. ..,..-_. -~.~~=::-",..~ ~~:.;:..:~-;;:_-:;::::.~:-::--.:__~.-~~. ~::~~_=_~::::::::-.-~ .~-:-:.: ~ ~ .-:'"'..~.7:"_:-.-~~.~: -: - _--::-=-~ ~,.~. ::--:_-.--"~-_.:. "." . -=-..~" - '", - < I~ and off\oial seal at Port Pieroe in the County of st. Lucie and the dq and year last aforesa1d. '-t (II .r ~ r d~ ~f waroh A. D. 1925. ,a;: hB ~ George T. Baker (SEAL) 1I0tar,y Publ10 state of Florida at Large. :.!y Commission expires Aprll 10. 1926. p. C. Eldred, Clerk Circu1t Court. By 71 rl)V J/ It/;(>/, -, ---- D. C. - .........__~........*...*......*..A.........*...*.....~.....*...*....*.._.*...*....*.._*.....* llASTER' S DUD ELWY1I THOMAS URS. ELIAZBETH PEAZEL 'l'HIS nlDE11TURE~ Ilade the 2nd day of March, 1925, bet\'een Elwyn Thomas, as Special Waater in Chanoery, of the first part, and llrs. Eliazbeth Feazel, of Saint Lacie County, Plorlda. part,y of the second part: WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida. in &ld for tne County of st. Lucie, in Chanoer,y, on the fifth day of February, A. D. 1825, among other things ordered, ~judged and deoreed, in a certain c'.3e then pending in the said Cou~t, betwe~n Town of Pellsmere, Complainant and George T..Ordway, defendant. that the pre- mises oovered by lien mentioned in said decree, and hereinafter particularly described, be Bold by said Uaster, at public auotion~ the said ~aster first giving fo~r weeks notice of the - ;s4,...{. time 9lld place of sale, in a newspaper published at Fart Pierce, in the said State, to-wi t, the Fort Pieroe Hews-Tribune. ( AllD WHEREAS, tne said Special Uaster. Elwyn Thomas, and party of the first pgrt to these present~. in pursuance of the saId order and decree of the said Court in Chancery, iid on the second d83 of Uarch. 1926, sell at public auction the said premises covered by lien, hereinafter particularly described, having ;irst given pravious notice of the time and place, with a description of the said premises, agreeable to the order afore3aid, at which sale the said premises covttred by lien, herein after partIcularly described. were sold to the said party of the second part for the sum of Two Hundred sixty-two and 50/100 ($262.50) Dollars, th9t being ~he highest sum bidden for the same. HOW, TH~ORE. THIS I:IDEBfURE wITNESSBTH: That tho 3aid Special Master, in order to r. ca~ry into effect the said sale so made &S aforesaid, in pursuan~e of the said decree of the said Court of Chancery, in consideration '.of the premises, snd of the S'i id sum of ~wo H~mdred sixty-two and 50/100 (262.50) Dollars. paid at the ti~e of the exe~ution hereof, by the said party of the second part to th~ said Special Uaster, the receipt whereof, he does 'hereby acknowledg~, has granted. bargained, and sold, aliened, released, conveled and confirmed, ~d by these pres- ents does grant~ bargaIn and sell. alien, release, convey and confirm unto the said ~arty of the second part, and to his neirs and 8ssigns forever, the certain parcels of land in the Coun- ~y of st. Lucie and State of Florida, described as follows: r 'l: Lot 4 in Blook 98. according to the Plat of tha Town of Fellsmere. together wi th all and singular the rights. members. privileges heredi tamentB and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and shi6ular tho said premiso~. above mentioned and describe~, and hereby granted and oonveyed, or intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said . to thTnlY party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, proper uae, benef it ana behoof of the said party of the seoond part, his heira IlIld assigns forever. IN ~ITH&SS WHEREOP, The 8aid SpeCial Waster 1n Cbancery, aa aforesaid, naa hereunto set his h8~)d 7' seal Signed ~ 3aled end the d8,7 and loer firat ahow wrlt'hln. delivared in presenoe of: -. .....':' >~\;-':_:-\:;::~:i;;.:~r~:;~1~~X ~ -, ~ ~." . .~~..~~;#~,.... S;:-c~~~..~.((/ .~.,.:.. >' . .,,: ~ :.<'.~\:.'~~(>~*~lff::?i~;~~~i:-~