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PERMIT ,R, AGREEMENT (Type of Trade). For the pTqjqct,lqqated at �6&otj, '(Project Street Ador Pkperty Tax ED (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our par6cipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie. County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. —ANTRA &PR SIGNAPW (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR sIGNATt(Qualffier) 'Edward .June CAME PRINT NAME 10892 cobNTYuMRTwxCATION NiurvmEyv I COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER State of Florida,.County of HE State of Florida, County of - St LuIc-le � The foregoing instrumexitwas signed berare m this a�dy Of The forego" in5trumentvVas,sigued before me day of AAW)V-) 20 b3yi CA 0c, Y who is personally Imolv5ar has produced �a who is personally known for bas produced a as ide. Ca n- Signa re of 'otaryPnblic Print Name of Notary Pul5lie 'asentification- STAMP f4willi STAMP ftnatdre of Not ,tryllublic IC LCBROIBROTTO tnjs9ffMWW)733 W ExpjTes-JanUMM'2020 Revised 11116l2016 M HELLE Ic L BRUTTO ATA commission# FF 949733 Expires January 12 2020 Bold,d Thru TMy Fah Insurance 800-385.7019 .8taoeyGarcia 'PrintNawebf Notary Public, STACEYOARCLA '3 MYCOMMISSIO1:N#GGW9&6 'Y 1 EXPIRES' . 16, D260ii L &-WedThiu PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Services, Inc. (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type ofTrade) For the project located at (Project Street Mdress'or Property Tax have agreed to be forrt ,� t, (Primary Contractor) I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing o C nge of ub-contractor notice. tNTRACTOR ATUR all rer) VV 1 P I NAAtE - IC CO NTI' C R IFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or, tL The foregoing instrument was idg5icd before me this61-1 ay of JG n z who is personally known or has produced a SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ,Robert Ludlum PRINT NANIE 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU\iBER State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before methis tQ7 day of A22.,�_,zalr Robert Ludlum who is personally known -)Oor has produced a as identification. as identification. y LISA LESTER `r rNOTAX;0?, ICSTAMP pSgn ureofNotaryPublic =STAT ORIDA o .- a Comm#GG127647 U , t_ Print Name of Rotary ` e e_� S� 5" Expires712412021 Print Name of Notary Public 0 = Commission # FF 949733 Revised II/I62016 - - Expires January 12, 2020 1 Bonded ThruTroy Fain lnsurance8"5.7019 i �1 PLANNING & DEVELOPmENT SERVICES b''�� ` ' " Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MECHANICAL AIR CONDITIONING CORP. have agreed to be (Company Nanie/Individual Name) the HVAC Sub -contractor for PORT ST LUCIE PROPERTIES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5604 SEAGRAPE DRIVE, FOR, PIERCE FLORIDA'33060, (Project Street Address or Property Tax I.D #) I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. �ucio County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ! C ON, 'R.&CTOR SIGMA" (Qualifier) 'I AME g�e y COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of S , L (-z-P- The foregoing instrument was signed before me 1,100 day of � 20-L?, b,4hi l 11p AM, fQ %C�I• II who is personally known�L' has produced a as identification. 6014 „ STAMP m Si ht c `otary�[ ublic' MAA tQSON Yr,� MICHELLE L BRUTTO �. Print Name of Notary Public _.; A:.__Commission # FF 949733 Expires January 12, 2020 Bonded Th u Troy Fein Insurance 800-385.7019 Revised 11/16/2016 SUB -CO '%i'I2A FOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) i OR AN SAYRE PR[NT NAME COUNTY CERTIFIC_TION NUMBER State of Florida, County of -PA '_"i," �C The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ t? l dray of t t' A-kQM 20by A —I r-d— who is personally known ____0__r7bas produced a as identification. e"W Pee Notary Public State of Mr lda "Deborah M Tychawicz 1 CC * My Coti��[�?r��(isslon FF 952797 oN4E371I$20 Signature of Notary Public E.z-- Print Naine.of Notary Public PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division )/ l-? cq/ 120 0 6 r7 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT fix have agreed to be (Cgrparfy ame/Individual fqa* the !Z(/ 0 f 7 %)(' Sub -contractor for RQ 2� (Type -of Trade),-% (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (a D e_7 -- D D'7 &a - 'C)C-)0 -- -S- ect Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned, project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ial-l_�Wlljll ONTRACTOR SIGNAT (Qualifier) COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of s�• L JL��� The foregoing instrucnent.was signed before �%mDe this day of �Xt V 20by � �j� Ig f �7zi eirl who is personally known has produced a as identification. /)/np z7G� Signature of Notary Public Goo PrmtName b Notary Public •;i?:: Y,ej ry MICHELLE L B749773 =k — Commission # FExpires JanuaryFain ln00 Revised 11/16/2016 C� 1 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIG ATURE alifier) /3n QI -, -tea 'PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMMBE/R, p State of Florida, County of S7; (/L/1 rr The foregoing instrument was signed before me thli�! J2�of . / 11G1 2h .. )0 Y?, _J �© f) who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. (_Vt/ STAMP 1� / )JJSTAMP .Signature of Notary Public Jfir)n /41, l�S Print Name of Notary Public oY e Notary P� f Florida Jennifer Davis i My Commission FF 966029. "�'arr�� E><pkaso�rzt3rao2o �.S Ti� kir Y F 1. Q P A toe Forlhe.prqject located -at 'PLANNING &DEVET.,OPMENT SER�TbEs' Building & CodeCGmpnoneo Digs on sm-coNT4,A;cT61z A.GREEWNT -)I)K 4 At have agreed to be ideal Name) Ci Subqdnt� I aqtarfbr_�,r+._94... Lt�_Cl� oap_j,� ez (Mmazy CDntraotor) '0 Y 73 (Project Stect Address or Proveriv Tailb -,) 1, It is understood that, ifthe.re is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and �Code Regulation Division of St LuOe Colwty will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change-of/sub-contractor notice CONTF—kCrOR FRM KAM /U�1��7CY�&iIRiG4'fiO?49tiIT3t+/lBER (� Theforego,itigiDstrlxmcutwzs-sipedbeSurr.zaeibi dayof s 2 t1by, W110 is personally knovvu or b3s prodneed a SU3•CO3XMCT0R8TGNATrjTR9(Q 0 '7 LZ-7n E" k" A d14o LTF PRW NANMI ZUN -ry State oflk.arida, County -f—aLa'r/--e— by Who i5.jcmnal1yidaovm.Kr bnsproduced a. 7:aside cation., 7 T�` , STAM Public Signature ofNotary Public' 1V11mtN23ne0TKoturyPublic Public M LLE EMM7 ICHE SHMON AMERWN -VI Commission # FF 949733 :3 MY COMMISSION OGG 08M Rondad Thm Tmy Fain hwenm M-386-7019 Expires January 12, 2020 i xpires :,3r WJiES:Apd25.2020 t;70� Rmndd U/16.?2016 i%.6 dTWHudN"Sw4=