wip ("6110$v
`Planning & Development Seryices.
Building .&,Code Regulation Divisiorf
2300 Virginia'Ave,, Rm 201
Fort. Pierce, EL $4982
P.hone:772-462-2165 Fax:772=461.6443
House infiltration Test Certification
mance Method _< 2
Prescriptive and
Date: _ ���� Permit
Contractors M rG(l
Job Address:. a / N �3rDc.tc
Construction: ( New Construction—;G
Houselnfilttation Test Results SLC
CFM (so)-= QG 7
Volume.-; LIIIl. -.
ACH (SO) = CFM (SO) x 60.1 Volume
Passing results must be:&.ACH'(SO) or less
( ) Existing— After Addition
t Date;.
rchonical Ventilotion required less than 3 A0
) Pass ( ) Fall
FBC; Energy ' I
The building or dwelling unit shall' be tested. and verified as having an airleakage rate of not exceeding;? air changes per
hour in Clirriate:26ne 1,'2 and.3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted with a
blower door at pressure of 0.2 inches w. g, (50 Pascals): ITesting shall be conducted by,either Indlviduals-as defined in
Secti6n.553.993(5) or-Q), Florida Statutes or individuals I'iZsed as set forth in.Sedlon 489.105 (3)(fj, (g) or-(i) or an
approved third party. Awritteri report of the results of the test shall be signed by,,the: partyconducting the test and
proVided'to.the code official. Testing shall.be performed ai any time after creation of all penetratipns.of the building.
thermal envelope.
FBC, Residential
Where the air infiltration rate:of a dwelling unit is less than 3 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door .at a
pressure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa),in- accordance with Sectidln R402:4;1.2 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation
the. dwelling unit shall be provided with whole-house.mechanieal'ventilation.In.accordance with Section M1507:3..
Testing -Company /1
Company.Name: FlorldaEnerglyTestin�l Address:/}-t�C.L:c
l hereby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation
requirements in accordance with Section44402.4.L! Clirnate.Zone 2.
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