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January A.D. 1926 by petitIo~ applied to the Judge of the County Judge's Court in and for St.
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That the oai~ ~usan B. Reams IUardian 80 aforesaid having on the 6th day of
Luoie County, ~lorida for authority to sell oertain real estRte., the p.operty of 8aid minors
~ylng and being In said County of St. Luoie and more partloularly hereinafter deoOTibedj and
the prayer in sai~ petition having appeared to said Judge to be reasonable aud ~.,~ and to the
best interest of said alnore ana the Court being satIsfied of the expedi.no~, of suoh sale,
having made an order dated the 13th day of Karoh A.D. 1926 directing the oaid guardian to
H1.1 the .... ree.1 estate at prlwag .u., and thereupoa the said guardian having contraoted
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to sell the said real estate to the said party of the seoond part for the oum of One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars, to be paid as follows:
- - C. ASH -
And the said guardian having reported said contraot to the Court, and the oourt being fUlly
advised in the premiseo and satisfied that the prioe offered for said real estate'waB fair and
reasonable, and that the oonditions of such sale were ouch as the interest of Baid minors re-
quired, having by order dated the 13th day ofVaroh A.D. 1925, ratified and confirmed Baid
oontract of sale and crdered the said guardian to make deed to said party of the second part
of the real esta~e hereinafter desoribed upon the termo hereinbefore det forth.
NO~ THEREIORE, in consiceration of the premises and the sum of Jne Hundred ($100.00)
Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to him in hand paid, at aud before the
ensealing and delivery of these presents, by the party of the secon~ part, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part hereto as guardian eforesaid has granted
bargained, sold, alien.4. remised, released, oonveyed and confirmed unto the said party of the
second part and to his heirs ond ~B.lgn. forever, ell that oertain lot, tract and paroel of land
situate, lying and being in the CO'U!ty of St. Lucie and State of Plorida, known and described
as follows, to-wit:
Lot Six (6) of William N. ~eams Estate as per plat recorded in
Plat Book I 4, page 77, St. Lucie County, Plorida records.
ao~es, more or less.
TOGETH~ with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and q;~mrtenances thereunto be-
longing or in anT~ise appertaining.
TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD the same, the above described and hereby granted premises, with the ap-
purtenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns to his own
proper use, benefit and behoo~ aforever.
And the said party of the first part.doth hereby covenant to and with the said party of ,the
second rart his heirs and assigns, that in all things in and about said sale and this oonveyanoe
he hath conformed to the ordero of the Court and the Statutes in such case made and provided.
IN WITNESS i1.HEREO~, the said party of the fi~8t part has hereunto set his l~nd aLd seal
~n this the day and year firot above written.
Susan E. ~eams (Soal)
Guardian of the estate of Dewey D. Reamo and James
Y. Reams, minore.
} .
Signe4, sealed Bnd delivered in presence of:
Anlus Sumner
E. K. Sumner.
Beforo me, an ~ff~oer authorized to take aoknowled~ents, p~r~onally appeared Suoan E. Reams
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well known to me, end known to me 08 th& indivIdual desoribed in and who e~.cuted thetoregolng
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