HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1471 i::J -, ..l. .._~------~_.__.,..---._----~-_.~-~..... --_..__.:.-----~' .,---..--.---------- -----------'--. -~. ----- ~ .....--...- - ,..-...,.... .~". ~.-- _ __n__n___ _ \___ . ',-'- ,..,- as follows: ~ ! !!. !. And the aaid guardian having reported said oontreot to the Court, and the Court being fully ad- ( r -.188d in the prel!lises aol satisfied thst the prioe offered for said real eetote WftS fair and I I I reasonable, and that the oondl'lon. of 8uoh sale were ouoh os the intoreot of s8id mino~s re- qulred, having by order dated the 13th day of l!aroh A. D. 1921:, ratified ond oonfirmed 8ald oontraot of 8a1e and ordered the 8aid ~lardian to meke deed to 8aid party of tha 8eoond part i ! - I : of the real estate hereinafter desor.ibed upon the terms hereinbefore Bet forth, now THER::FORE, in the oonsideration of the premise+DiI the IIWD of One Hundred Dol1ftrs, lawful money of the United States of Amerioa, to him in hend paid, at and before tho enseeling and d8liver~ of ~hese ~resents by the party of the .eco~ part, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aaknowledged, the party of the first part hereto, as guardian aforesaid has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, oonveyed and oonfiraed unto the said party of the seoond ~~ part and to heirs and assigns forever, all that oertain lot, traot ~nd parcel of land situate 11ing and being in the County of St. Luoie and State 0' Florida, known and described 08 follows, to-wi t: Lot Four (4) of William ll. ReaIDs Estate, as PQr plat reoorded in Plat Rook 14, Page 17, St. Luoie County, Florida reoord.. ( oontaining aoros more, or le8s. TOGETHER with *l~ftd singular the teneoents, hereditaments and appurten9nces thereunto belongin~ or in anywise appertaining. TO HA;~ MID TO HOLD the same, the above-desoribed and hereby-granted premises, wtth the appurtenanoes, unto the saId party of ~he second part and to her heirs and assIgns to her own proper use, benefit and ~8hoof forever. And the said party Of/the first part doth hereby oovenant to and with the soid party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, that in ell thinfB in ond about said sele and this o)nveyanoe he hath oonformed to the orders of the Court and the ~tatutes in such case ~~de and provided. IN 'llTNE~Q '!Jlffi!{EOP, the 801 d party of th e fi rat p art has hereunto set his ha m 8 nd seal. -t,~ e.- on thj~ _ (try ani year first above written. " SllS8n E. Reema (S~L) ~igned, sealed ond delivered in presence of: i Anlms Sumner : E. K. SUlIl.Qft r v , Guardian of of th~8tste, of Dewey D. Reams and James ll. Reoma minors. State of Florida County of St. Luoie Before me, sn officer authorized to take acknowledgments, personal11 appeared Susan R. R8ams well known to me, end known to me 8S the indivldll41 desoribed in sad who executed the foregoing deed of convq.oe :'.d-aoknowledgsd that he exeouted the foregoing deed, a8 ((.1 i ;~aforeBaid for the purposes therm_n e~reosed. lGJ WITkE~S my ~d and 0~101al s8al this 13th d~ of , Ll4,''''~S~ b 1 (SEAL) ...([j . ~ I ~ 1~ oorded this Mar. 16, 1925. ~~ i b ! Ct. a- i ~ i ~ I i t -------------------------------------------------------- llaroh A. D. 1926. .Angus Sumne r County Judge. BY ROSE 'fMIS P. ! THE BEACHLAJfD DEVELOPllENT COllPAHY 'fO AGREEt.OOI'f OP DRKD ~- AR'l'ICLE~ or AGREEUElJ'l', }dade th1a-day of Jauuary in the year of our lord one thousand nine " " I I hundred and btnty-tbree. ! - . . BErnEN THE REACHLAlfD DEVELO?lAENT C<I1PA!fY, part1 of the flrst,J8rt, end itoee Treia. perty ~~jf~~\~~il~i!{~ ... c. ....~.. .'F~:i~iif~~