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party of the s300nd ~rt.
WITNESSETH, That if tho said party of the oeoond part ahall first make the pa~-
ments a4d perf~rm the covenants hftreinafter mentioned on his part to be made and performed. the
8aid party of the first hereby oovenants and ftgl'ee to oonveyond aosure to the said party of the
seoond part, his heirs e~eoutors, administrators or assi~na, in fee simple, olear of all inoum-
branoes whatever. by a ~ood and suffioient deed, thl lot pieoe, or paroel of ~rou~d situated in
the ~ounty of St. Luoie, State of Florida, known and desoribed a8 follows, to-wit:
Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) -in Blook One (1) of the Beaohland Development
Company's Sub-division of Government Lot Six, Townshi~ Thirty-two, Seotion Thirty-two. South Range ~
Porty East..
RB~TRICTIONS:- No house to be built nearer than Thirty-five feet from the street line; house
to cost Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars; ~srar.es and oheaper buildin~s to be one hundred feet
back from street line; no building to be nearer than ten feet from lot side lines.
These Lote
restrioted to dwelling !lUrpOS8S, and the said f)8rt~ of the seoom part hereby covenants am
aF1"8$B to 9ay to the said party of tht first part the ~::~f:ft'~i"t'iundred (800.00) Dollars,
~) in the Usnner following Fifty Dollars (50.00) oash on delivery of this A~ree-
mente and to Pay Twenty Dollars ($20.00) fhe first of every month thereafter until the full
amount of ~our Hundred Dollars per lot ie paid,
with intareet at tht rate of six (6) per centum
per annum payable semi-8nnually on the whole 8U~ remeinin~ from time to time unpaid, and to pay
ell taxes, assessments or impositions that may be l.~lly levied or imposed upon said land sub-
sequent to the year 1923. and to keep the buildings upon said premioes insured in some com~ny
s8tisfaotory to the party of the first part in a Bum not le8s than-Dollare during the term of
thio agreement.
And in case of failure of the said party o~the 8econd part to make either of tbl
payments or any pert thereof, or to perform allY of the covenants on hi.) nart hereby mde and
entered into, thie contract shall, at the opt1on of ~h. party of the first part, be forfeited
an4 terminated, and the ~ party of the seoond part srall forfeit all payments made by him
on this contract; and such payments shall be retained by the said party of the first p~rt in
full satisf~ction 8~d liquidation of all damapes by them, sustained, and said party of the first
part shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premiseo aforesaid without
being liable to any action therefor. The sa ill first party further a~ree8 tlat tl:e plat hereto
attached, and which is e part of this agreement, will be properly reoorded, and that the perty
of the seoond part oan pay the fUll aMount in oash thereby saving interest and .eceive a ~ar-
rant7 Deed by July 1st, 1923, A good and sufficient Abstract of Title will be furnished showing
the property free and clear.
If IS lIDTUALLY AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that the time of P&Y-
ment shall be an essential part of this oontraot, and that ell oovenants and a~reements herein
oontained shall extend ..a'- 'ie:to aoo be obligatory uIJon the heirs, exeoutors, administrators and
assigna of the respective parties.
In ~ITlrns~ YHEREOr, The parties of these presents haVe hereunto set their hsnda
and sealo the day and year flrat above written.
Signed, sealed and dolivered in preoenue of:
The Beach1and Developm~~t Company.
ChaB. B. Zinr-
James 11. LbW.
J ~ 11. Taylor
( S&AL)
Rose Tre1s
Reoei_.d on within Contraot thl following BUms:
t -oto.
$ ota.
Jan 29
J.' "\. '0
Uar. 6
J. U. T.
Apr. 6
- J. U. T.