HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD DENSITY TEST08/13/2009 23:49 7722299439 S( Ut eda'ir • a TESTING InC. U N 13th Ave Pumpapo Beth, FL 33W% flA,® Field tensity Tests of Qa Project: Pr Address: 20 Area Tested: Material Type: Client: Address; Nettles Blvd., Jensen Beach, FL 3uildinsa Pad Brown Inc. Jansen Beach. PL 34957 !.A 6W & RECEIVED JUN 12 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County. `�1 f PAGE 04/07 Phane 254,.784.2941 800-848.1919 Fax 954-784.7875 www.fed-eng.com fed-eng.com I D-0938 � Date: June 8, 2018 Order #: 18GMT1573 permit #- Tech: UK Compaction Req., 96% Proctor Method: A.STM .D-1557 Test TEST' LOCATION Probe Depth Elev. Moist % Dry Density Proctor Value Optimum Moisture Compaction Pass I Center of BuildingPad 12" FL 9.1 103.2 108.8 8-9 95.L1% Yes 2 NE Corner of Bulidin • Pad 12" 'FL 13-4 103.8 108.E 8.9 95-6% Yes ' 3 SW Comer of BuildPaid 12" FL '8.9 104.8 108.6 8.9 96.6% Yes 4 SF Corner of Bulldi . Pad 12" FL 8.4 104.1 108.E 8.9 95.9% Yes 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 jC kilt Remarks: See Fteirerse fide P$ ®Z a# 2] #or Addltlaftal Irrfortnatipn.for Disclaimer .r Phis Is a Compaction Test onIX on the top 12" of 0, a. pad and is not a verification ce Soi C 1 Legend for Elevation; PR T Proofroil 1,2,3 =1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift Submitted by. �. $1- = springline FL;-- Final Lift Keith LeBlanc, P.Z: 0-',, �F R SG � Subgrade 9G : Below Grade Federal Engineering�'T -+*� BC = Basecout; 9GF Bottom of Footing Florida Reg. No, a939P 'ii "�� �'�� TOP w top of Pipe FG a Finished Grade3 Certificates of Authorixatio�I� p �A9t� F nutual protection to clients. tfis public and ourselves, all reports are submitte es the confidential property of c aMe, end authorizatiarf for puChCbtfon o� statements, t`Jsions or extracts from or regarding our reports la reserved pending our wrlaen aiproves A density test defg{mines the degree orcompdttion of the tested layer of material . MY, A density do96 rAt ropl®ce a soil bearing capacity determination. These density tests do not fsrtiiy the underlying soil materlm►$ Wow the proposed structure. The resuke do not preclude or guaraptee.that futum sWoment and cracking will not occur. A soil baring test fa required to certify.that the underlying soils will support the proposed stfuduFe without settiamant. If ad soil horings have been performed to ver8y the underlying soils we recommend that sell bodngs be performod to evaluate the suitability of the undadyfn® soil to support the proposed structure. After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or after heavy riln/atorms, retesting must be performed on this wept, ' PAGI 9 of 2 08/13/2009 23:49 7722?99439 PAGE 05/07 Compacted Soils, ®-6933 (Disclaimer pursuant to -your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. TET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test w�a� to determine the degree of compaction of the tested 'layer of material only. in no way shall a compaction test replace a5 soll bearing Capacity detaitnination. A soil boring test must be performed by the client prior to_construction to verify subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12' of added 51i material. FET was not cbritracted to perform supervision of the. building pad preparation. This testing of the added fill material does not include, an analysis of the unde llying.soil materials to determine if they are capable of supporting the proposed structure without settlement_ This densliycompaction test does not warranty any underlying soil.materials or ti conditions below the tested top 12 Inches of material. if no�.oundstlon soil borings have been performed in the location of the proposed structure, we recoMmend performing soil borings below all areas of the proposed structure to verify the underlying soil conditions, Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. if environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an envl nmental analysis of"the soil materials. The scope of services is for determination of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of matedat only. No other analysis is implied or warranted. Job project specitcations were not available at the time the work was performed. Deterrnination of�the pass/fail compaction reaults •airy based on current common industry requiren'tehis of 95% of the ASTM, 0-1557 standard for building foundations and 98% of the AASHTO T-180 standard for paved areas such as roadways and parking lots. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering & Testing,. Inc, shall be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site wrk arid. should not be railed upon to represent conditions on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances -due to Later erosion, rain waters, construction activities, utility or footing -,xcavations, overgrown vegetation, trafflc.and other diisturtiances will void this test and the site must be re -compacted and re- ,,.,,asted prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the pubilo and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our cllQnt and authorization for use, publication. of atatements, to olusions or extracts' from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and. we look forwaiq to doing so in the. near future_. 08/13/2009 23:49 7722299439 L4=de- ra.1 TEsirip4 .7 Imc- 50 SW 13th Ave Aamilano Beach_ FL 33069 Organic Content CLIENT: Niel-Ry Construction, Inc, PROJECT. troposed Single Familj Horne ADDRESS: 2044 Nettles Blvd., Jensen Bea PAGE 06/07 Phone 954-784-29+41 800�848-1919 Fay 954.784 7878 fod-eieo'com ►t (AASHTO T-267) DATE: 6/8/2018 ORDERM 18CMT1573 FL 34957 SAMPI_,ED BY: BK. REPORTED TO:. RESULt OF TESTS Location: Buildigg Sample Description:• Brown Sand :es of Rock & Sh Client crilaibie y'lliight 4�-ir4ciw;vei t Weigltl + 1V,la�ei1 :" +;I+V[tryiiial Conceal ' •.. ' . Before $1eirnIns A,c'ter •l�taxht , ..: (giraids); • ; (O#jn ) 25.3 63.1 62.9 ' 0.53 Tested By: Checked By. Respectfully Subrni OH Keith LeBlanc, Federal Enginee ,'Tres IffC. ,/fW�� Yy Florida_Registratio�RI certificate of AuthA�` mIBE§1}�0��1'! Construction Material Engineering CnUnril American Concrete Institute Kami Made County Florida• Dapartment ot?rAMPOnetion 08/13/2009 23:49 7722299439 Wderal & WSTING IN . 250 SW 13Ih Ave Pomnano Beach, FL 33669 PROCTOR DATE SAMPLED: 6/8/2018 DATE CLIENT: _ Mel-RX Construction, Inc. ADDRESS: 10967 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, PROJECT: Proposed Single Famlly Home LOCATION: 20.44 Nettles Blvd., Jensen Beach; FL'. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: L+ght Brown Sand FL PAGE 07/07 Phone 954-784.2941 800-848-1919 Pax 954-7814.7875 fed-ens.eorn �'AC"' ION TEST 6/8/2. i18 SAMPLE #: 1$CMT2573 of Rock & Shell Safnpie;l from Building Padl MATERIAL M N/A SAMPLED BY: BK TESTED 8Y: KL TIN M 132.378091-000 SPECIFICATION GOVERNING. ASTM D4557 LAB NO: 104035 _ RRSUITi OF TESL': The following compaction test was conducted in accordance, with the Stal Bard Methods of Moisture Density Relations of soil using a 10 lb. Hammer and an 28" drop as per the above specified method. MOIST -URE_ .. WET EjV ATY„(PCF) DRY DENSITY P F 6.3 11�.2 106.5 7.5 115.7 107.6 8.9 118.3 108.6 20.0 II��YiI111iWItlYY�.I I 1111111 WIIIIr�I I I Igll11 """ 117.5 IM.�II�II"-'-'-"' 106.8 ' 109.0 1 I Optimum Moisture (Percentage M_ 108.5 10I3.0 W. - - i Maximum pry Density (lbsj/ u. Ft.). t 108.+1; PCF a ' u I M Respectfully Submitfie�\\��f !d p7z 106.5 f 94 Keith LeBlanc, Pow -a �, ; 106.0 +— -- - Federal Engineer3t+�est�%Q! 6 7 a 9 10 tl Florida Reg. No 5'� All, IDp,,-.'��,.� Moisture (%) Certificate of Au Aol`r r ' 0 Cory5lruotiop loaterlal American Cuncrei(3 Miami Dade. Florida Dapxrtmtgni Engineering Council Institute County of Transportation