HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1478 ~'i~ State o~ Mis80uri subjeot to all ttes and ditoh aB- sessments o~ any speoia 8seB8mente, if any ~e levied for the year 926 and all subse- quent taxes and asoesemento. List & Gifford Construotion Co. .,.], -t - --... ----.- ---~- - --_.'~~- ... .-.-- ---.-...---... ...---._-_. ---,-- --. .-_..-___.____.___~_'_ _~__._..___~__._._. ___.___ _________.. .~_..___+__.__.._____H .____ .-.--""--. ~ ~ .~ _.~.< ~.'" .. - ~.. ....- --- .. - ~ ....,. _- ',.- ..._.~.. ."...._ __ ... ....' _r'_, _~._... . .-." .._.... -'.--_,' . ..- ._..... .~__ . .'_ '~'~...' -,_._ _. '_.' ___ _".-:-.... _ ~_- _- .._..... ". ..,_._...~. _. __...~._. ._r_ .,.-. ...._ p... ... INlfITNESS WHERE(\r, the said party of the first part has htreunto set its hand aDd 8ea1 the day end year above written. Signed, oAa1ed and delivered in our presenoe: G. E. Browne O. A. Beggs .. BY Wi1li8~ n. List' Pre8. President. ( SEAL) S9 Oounty of Jaok80n 1 HEREBY CERTIlT. that on this 28th day of February, A,~. 1925, before me per- sonally appeared William It. List to me known to be the President of List & Gifford Construotion C:..,., persons desori bed in and who exeouted the fort going oonvt7&nCIl,;r,snd 8oknow ledged the ( exeoution thereof to be ~is free aot and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. '/fITNESS my signature ani offioial seal at Kansa3 City, in the County of .Taokson ~ of J!issouri the day and year last aforesaid. ( ~ L. Elisabeth Wstson N. P. Seal . Notary Publio \ JIy oormnission expires llov. 2, 1928. \, . ............e....................... LIST & GIPFORD CONSTRUCTION CO. RAILROAD COJlTRACTORS. 415 Railway Exohange Building.. Kansa8 City, Yo. COpy or RESOLUTlOIf OP BOARD or DIRECTORS OP LIST & GIPFORD COJlSTRUCTIon COHPAllY. AT }m~TING OP BOARD or DIRECTORS, HELD AT THE OFFICg OF THE CONPAliY on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY !8th, 1925. (SEAL) On motion, the ~olloWing resolution was dnly passed: Resolved: That the following land in St. Luole Oounty, Florida, now the p~operty of List & . Gifford Conetruotion Company, be and is hereby sold to Cornelius J. Brown, for 001 Dollar ($1.00) ana other valuable oonsiderations: Traot Two(2) in Seotion Thirty-Three (33), Township Thirty- three (33) south of Raage Thirty nine(39) East, oontatning 40.67 aores, 8S the same is desig- {/. nsted on the last general p1st of lan"~ of th e Indi an Hi ver Farms Compeny, filed in the offioe of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County, Plorida, exoept, howevtsr, the right of way for publio roada, drainage oanals m1d ditohes, ao shown on ~h. plat of said lands mede by tm Indian River Farmo Company. Traot Six (6) in the South Half of Seotion Uine (9) Township-two (32) South. Range Twenty-nine (29) East. oontainJ.ng in all ten (10) aores, more or le8s, as the B8lJl8 is designated on the 1 last genoral plat of ~d8 of the Indian River Farns Compeny filed in the office of the Clark of the ouit Court of St. Luni. Oounty; exoept, however, the right of way for public roads, drain- ~ age can9lS')and ditches, 8S shown on Baid plat." ,(Corp. Seal) / Piled ..and reoorded thio Yay, 17, 1925. ,/ W. JI. List Chairman Ct: Ct. Sea1.\ I b . fl' * ([;<. ~ ~t;. o - C; I ',,- // ~ BY D . -- // -------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- R. R. UARTI11 TO - B. E. HOLLAND. C. J. Bro't'n 8ecetary P. C. Court) "land Contraot" J THIS A~~EEllEUT, Made this 10th do"~ o~ April in the year, 1924, between R. R. J.:artln, of Pt. Pieroe, St. Luoie County, State of Florida, perty of tl1t first part, and g. E. Holland of Gifford of the County of St. Lucie ~fo.d of ~h. 8o~7 at St. b~i. in the State of rlortda, party of the second pert, ?IlTllES~ZTH, Th6t in oonsideration /)~ the stipulations herein contaIned and the P8J1D80ts !:o be made 80 Ntr"lnafter epeoitUd. tbl sa14 party of tho first p8rt hereby agrees to ~t.f~ir~~l~llzl~~ .. .<: ',' ..~:;::~~~f~~~~t'!~ .,