HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL�VY u11 UN V� r. 1/2I2018: .. 8t7$ Home I fa9ln• I Uswaegfslratlom I f1oETooks I Si Flbrllfa d(�� 1�I PI;USRi� Pa68c User Ylt Product Annrovtli4O—>PmdtKtbr AAnlintinn 50wh>Annlir Code Version' AppllcatltSn Status: CoinrneriEs . Archived Product Manufactitrer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quallty Assurance Represegtative Address/Phone/Email:. 'category. . Subcategory - Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who develape tfe-Evaluation Report. Florida Ucense Quality. Assurance Entity Quality.Assurarice Contract Expiration Date. Validated By. Certificate of Independence, Referenced Standard:and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from. the Code i I fa'Building Code Online -"--I mif suic wtd .I Slats & Facts I Publimlbns I M Staff ( flaS Site Map I. tlnks 'I Search I tinnlJ'- AppnotW. optail - F0555.-R4' R&lSion di -201Z .Approved . UNION CORRUGATING: COMPANY 7,01 S. KING ST.• FMETt6al- E, NC 28361 ... (910),483-0479 Ext 156 3stieby(gl66 ncorrugating.com ' Jahn Stieby JiUg'Oy@ unioncoreggatirig.- corh Structural Components Roof Deck: Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida ProfessionalEngineer' Evaluation Report - Hardcopy,Received, d Bala Sockaitngam PE-62240 Keystone Certlfca_Eions, Inc. . 09/07%2027'' Yoosef LaVf,,.P.E. Validation Checklist.- Hardcopy Received FL9555 R4''COi Ceitificatefndmendence odt; Standard Year ASTM'E1592 '2005- FM 4476 2012 i-. q,aspx?param=wGEVXQwtI qtvOROQkZA5RE8EOgziUdl7ntuF1u2jC.5s'/o3d •1/3 I 11212018, Floi do Budding Code Online Product Approval Method Mettiod'1 Option D Date Submitted 08/23/2017 Dafe Validated . 08/28/2017 Date' Pending FBC Approval 09/09/201Z .Date Approved• 32/12/20i7 • suinnia _'ofProduefs Fi. 7C•, Model, Number or,oame . Description. • . . 95s5a SV Panel I 29 ga., 20 wide,.through fastened panel over wadd supports Limits of Use, ; Installatiori.Instructiods • • . _ Approved for use in HVHZ: No odfc .FL9555 R4' tI Lod Approved for.use'outside HVHZ; Yes'- Verified By:_ Bala Sockalingam PE.6224.0 Impact Resistant:- N/A. Created byInAependentThird; Party: Yes Desrgn Pressure: +N/A/ 7D.25 Evaluation Reports Other Uplift load'of 70 25 psf @ support'spaang of.24 o c. Ft9555' R4` AE EyaluationRe0ortC2172 •1:odF ' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' 9555.2 MasterRib, Panel I 26 ga:; 36 wide, through fastened pane( over steel supports Limits of iisol Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No FL9555 114 fi Eval6atlonReDQrtC2172 7 odf Approved for use outside HVHZd Yes Verified By,: Bala Sockelingam,',PE'62240 - Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design pressure:+N/A/-472 Evaluation Reports' Other Uplift load of 47 2 psf @ support spacing ;of 60 ',o:c. :FL9555 R4 AE Evaluatlonrieooftt? 172 2 udf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 95553• MasterRib Partei .. 29 ga:, 36 wide, through fastened panel over steel supports Limits.of,Use Installation Instructions Approved for.usein-HVHZ; No FL9555• R4 II- 1-v EvaluationrtC2172 3 odfi Approved fo'r use outside'H_ VHZ: Yes, Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 622410 = Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +27 1/-37.7 Evaluations Reports' Other: Desigq load of 27 1 &=37.7 psfatsup ortspacing'of FL95SS R4 AE 'Ev6I4aU6hReoortC2172 3 odf . 48" o c 'Created by indepeirdentThird.Party,Yes 9555.4 Masterkib Panel 29 `ga:, 36 iwide, through fastened panel over wood supports' Limits of Use. - Installation Instructions• Approved for use in HVHZ: No, FI'9555' R4 -fi EvaluationRe-Vorti 2172 413 . ' Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes: Verified By: Bala Sockalingam:PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A. 'Created by Independent .hard Party: Yes. Design Pressure: +27 1/ .36.2 Evaluation Reports Design load of 27 1'& -36 2 psf at support spacing of FL9555 R4 AE 'EvaluationReoortC2172 4 odf .Other- 48" o c I. Created by Independent Third Party -'Yes' 9sSS S' MasteiRib Panel 29 go.-, 36" wide; through faste_ned'panel over nom. 1" x 4" wood supports Limits of Usel Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZi Nbi FL9555 R* 11 FvaluationReoortC2172 Sxdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Baia Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ' Design Pressure: +N/A/-138.9 Evaluation Reports Other• Uplift load of 138.9 psf f 24" o.c. sp FL9555 R4 AE- FJaluationReooitC2172 S.odort f ' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9555;6 PBR Panel i Min: 26 ga., 36" wide, through fastened roof panel over open• steel supports limits of Use 3nstailaidon Instructions Approved for use in,HVHZ: No FL9555 R4 iI• EvaluationReoortC2172 6 odf ' ' Approved for use outside HVHZrYes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by'Independent Third Party: Yes 'Design Pressure: +96/ 163. 1 Evaluation Reports Otherp Design loads of 96 &.46.3 psf at support spadng.of .: FL9555 R4 AEEvaluationiteoorl:6172 .6:odF 20" ox. j Created by Independent Third Party: Yes, contact us :: 2601 OW Stone Road. Ulahassee FL 92399 Phone: 050-407-1824 The state of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. [oovdaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement;: Armssibilitb Statement ::,Refund Statement ' underFlodda law, einall'addiesses am liublic records. if youdo not wantyour e-mail address released In response to a public-reeords.request,.do not sendelectronlc, , 'https:Uwww.floridab_uiiding-erg/pr/pr_app rill.aspVparam=w.bEVXQMbgtyOROQkzASRE8EOgziudl7ntuFlu2iC5sa/o3d' ,2/3 j i I EVALUATION gtEPORT'OF UNION (CORRUGATING COMPANY `26 GA. IViASTERRIB PANEL"' OVER:STEEL SUPPORTS FLORIDA "•DUII MINNG Obt 6TH, •EDITI0N.(201'n FLOR DA PRODUCT.APPRO'VAL, FL ST _VCTUItA1,. 9555:Z;MR COMPONENTS . ROQYDECK, .". . P- pa re -e red For: U uion Corrugafing:Compaay: 7015: King "St: Fayetteville, IBC 28301 Telephonet :(910) 483-0.479 Fax: (910) 4834091- Prepared Bv: Bala So6k4, gam,, Ph.D ; P.E. Florida Professional Engineer #62240 ' 1216 N )Lansing _Ave:, Suite C Tulsa, OK.74106 Telephone: (918) 492-'5992 FAX; (866):366-1543' This report consists. of Evaluation Report (IPagesincluding cover):. Installation Details (I Page): Load Span Table (1.Page) `o�aeanaaeQ�aQ�B LIIV(�gv9A✓.. q��cay0G1CA- a .GENS�• a m�Q:;v 2 4Q• ��• 2 m G" ca : Report Ndw ,C2172-2 •;c ?� p� ' Lu y Date: 8.20.2017 :' Qe s.o•: S�P�E C? ", FL .9555.2-R4 C2172-2 8.20.2017 .Page 2 of 3 . Manufactger' Union. Corrugating Company ProductName: Mast&Rib Panel Panel Description: 36" wide..coverage with 3%4" high --ribs at.9"- o.c: Materials: Minimum 26 ga., 80 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel (ASTM' A653) or Galvalume Boated steel, ,(ASTM, A792)- oc_ painted "steel• '(AS -M A75*.. Support D"ascription:,.. Minto-ga:, SO.ksi steel: ,(IVlust be designed by others); Slope; 1/2 12 or greater in:accordance with FBC.2011 Section .1507.4:2 Design Uplift Pressure: 47:2 psf:@maxim m, support`spacinitbf 60"' o.c: (Factor;of safety" ..- 2) . ,. . Support -Attachment`. #1244 x P long elf -drilling. screws With -washers . . At end supports. @ 3S"-5 5" 3.5" o c across panel width At it termediate supports @' 9" o.c_ across panel'widtlir. Sidelap Attachment: i/4'-14 x 7/8" long $pS with washer @ 30" o:c. Test Standards:. Roof assembly tested rn_ accordance with ASTM E1592-0.1 `Test Method for Structural Performance of Sheet Metal. Roof and Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference'' and FM 4470, :S.ectiion:53, `Resistance; to Foot:Traffc'. Test Equivalency; The test procedure :in ASTiVI, E1592-01 complyy with test procedure prescribed in AS TTM E1592-05(2012)., The test procedure, in FIv1 4470 (1992), comply with -test procedure prescribed in F1V1 470 (2012)., Code. Compliance:, _ . , ...: ce with °FBC The product described herein, has demonstrated complian. .201.7 Section 1507 4 Producr'Limitations, Design, wind loads shall be determined "for each project in :accordance with FBC ;201.7 Section 1609. or AS CE 74G using allowable stress design: The maximum support: 'spacing -listed, herein shall. not be exceeded The; design uplift pressure for reduced support spacing may be computed using rational analysis prepared by a Florida Professional 'Engineer or. based on Union:Corrugating load span table. This product is not. approved, for. use 'in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone:. Fire classification is not within scope of`thrs,Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and: current, _approved roofing, materials directory for frelratings ofthis.pcoduct. I . PANEL FASTENER SEE PANEL SRIElAP� 'S6IELIP-FASTENER - i .... . - O' 9 O.C. OtTAIL O ]0 0 C . . }--9" O.0 WEERe INTERIOR .SUPPORTS' I PA Et RIB /•'' �• a r NIN 16,:GA.-STEEL. (OEStGNED'6YOTHERS) - - .. ..PANEL' FASTENER O - _' SIDELAP_ FASTENER fi 35—5.5"-7S O.C. . O.C.. - - PANEL EBB 9. - _ _ , END' SUPPORTS.. I' MIN is CA. STEEL. - _ (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) TYPICAL- PANEL I qSTACLATION -X-SECTION. Grm a, zT . UASTERRR1 . . -PANEL FASTENER __SIOEIAP FASTENER . PANEL.. FASTENER O u'vi o_ PANEL '0,9 O.C. .O'10, D.C.: .. 35"-5.5'-3S• D.C. • -- - Se - I - AMAY � I.. - (SEE IDAD SPANiABLE FOR, . MIN 16 .�'STEEIC - _ _ _ . ... .. ;(DESIGNED BY OTHERS)• � ALLOWABLE LOA05'ATID SPAYS)' . m a �RS SECTION VIEW. g6@ I GENERAL NOTES-j . 1. ROOF.PANEL-HAS. BEEN bESTGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDASIDELA .RI P FASTENER UASTERB' BUILDING CODE (FOG). '1/4'"/4'-145051Y1TH PANEL 2. RDOF PANELS SHALL BE 26 CA. (t = 0017� EFFECTNE COYERINb WIDTH • 8m ee . '~ - PIWEI. FASTENER OF-PMU 36. WASHER O. ]0' O.C. ] ROOF PAHELS*SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER STRUCRIRE'AS SPECIFIED ON THIS ii12-14 .■ 1"_HANGROOF, CS SOS WRH'YIASHER -4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL -BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT. . .-' THIS PANEL SYSTEM MAY.NTTT OE INSTALLED WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN - _ - WIND LOADS ARE GREATER THAN.THE ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS. 'S. ALL. FASTENERS UUST'8E. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ORANWG &..'THE FLORIDA MIN 16 GA.' STEEL BUILDINGCODE. IF ADIFFERENCE GCCURS BETWEEN, THE MINIMUM - ' (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) •REQUIREMENTS. OF THIS DRAWING & THE CODE. THE CODE SHALL CONTROL .. - ASUPPORTS MUST BE DESIGNED.TO WITHSTAND; WIND 'LOADS AS REQUIRED_ PANEL SIDELAP' REQUIRED' FOR EACH APPLICATION AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. .7..PANELS MAY SPAN BERYEEN EAVE TO IUOCE SUPPORTS OR RARE TO RAKE - 'SUPPORTS. T • .. I I UNION' CORRUGATING, COMPANY' MasterRio Roof Panel 36" wide; 26, ga. (min) Steel Panel over- Steel Supports Span Condition. Loading TYP.e' _. -.- ,AllowabkLoad(psf) -- — Support Spacing.(ft) _- 1.50; 1.75 2.60, . 2.50 3.00. 3:50 4.06 , - 4.50 5.60 Two Span Uptifr 138 3 l 18 5 _ ' 103 7. i 83 0 69,2 59.3. 511 46.1 37.7- Three Span; Uplift. 1571 134.7 10.9 94 3 78-.6 67.,4 58.9- 52.4 47.2 Four or More; Spans -. Vplcft 1513 . 129.6 f ! 113.4 90.81, . 75.6 -64.- • 56s7, $0-A 441. 1 Notes: . . L AllowableJ.cad for each condition is thesmallest load calculated based.on fastener capacity, panel strength grid . . and deflection limit of U180. Allowable loads are calculated for minimum 26 ga. panel Z. The wptd load is taken as 0.7 tunes the "cofnponeut and cladding"' loads for the purpose -f determining deftectionaimit:. r.: 3 The panel allowable pcoperdm4 a determined from full scale ASTM E1592 tests at 5V span . 4 Tiie panel fasteners are #12 14. x 1""long self dn(ling screws with- washers: Fastener spacing across panel width , is 9.0" o.c. in. the interior supports and 3r5" 5.5"-3 5j' o c: at panel.ends: . 5.. Sidelap fasteners'are 1/4" 44 _ic 7/8" ong self drilling screWs with: washer at 30" o.c: 6. Steel supports are minimum 16 ga.. ,All supports mu�stbe designed to resist all loads unposed on the panel. . 7 .-Tire panels r,ddy spazi from eave io ridge or rake to ra e: 8.'Panels must be installed as per Evaluation Report P19555.2 and Union current installation procedure. �aOaaaneApQ ;a'6 G�CALIN, 13 G °B9soo . 162?. ca ` N°' tr : w. ' C7v O L 1216-N Lansing Ave., Suite C • S O��'S Bala Sockalingarn, Ph.D., P.E. Tulsa,'01G74106, ''ae'' ^ PE-62240 '918492 5992. 26..2ci.lr7 I. 1/2/2018' Flarida'Bu'ilding Code Online i Business e Professional F® Regulation =k-A-M, ' eg5,rrome •I Lagfi User,a6J6trailmi,I HotTopli3 I Su "it5urdiarge I ,Stars&Facts'i PubUcaCdr% ns ! Fac srr ! ear rice r+au j,' unis l saRn I.' Product /1pp�ovat''dbivIiIV USER: Put V curer- ... . := I ' Pmdiitt•Annrovaltdenu>�Pioduct or Amdkatim�Srarch r'AnnhcalFon last>A fotlonDetail • f� �� FL9555'R4. __, , _ --- AP.Plicatlon,'lype� .. Revision Code: Verslori Z47 . . .Applicatiori 5tata`s: Approved A?ctiived +�: Product:Manufacturer, ;, UNION GURRUGATING cOM_PANY '. Address/Phone%Email; . . '' .. fAYETIEVIIlE;�iyC.2.8303, •' - :..' 483-0479 EXC 25Ei - . JStleby@uniancorrugatlny.c6m autForized Signature John Stle6y jstl by'I Unioncorru9adng.com . Technical Representative`,' .... .. .... . Address/Phori%Emall " Quality`Assurance Represeritativer" '. ':. Address/,P.tion%.Em511J" .. :. .. .. . .". " Category ... Structural CamporientS ' . ,. Subcategory, " Roof Deck . .... .... .... Compllance.Method Evaluation ReportOdin a Florida Registered'Architect or Uceosed Fiorida .. ProfessionaLEnglneer•" .. J Ev - _ alyatlon ,Report n Hardcopy Received: Florida Engineer,orArc_hite_ct•Narhe`whd•d& eio ed.' Bala Sockalingam khe.,EvAluptlop Report; .- 'Florida Ucerise .•. .Quality.Assuragce.Entity%..'. • " Keystone Cerdficatlons, Iric., ' QualityAssurance'Cantract Ezpiratidn Date .. 09/07/2027 '' Valldated YooSef 1a41;'P.E:; ?i `Veiulatld6 Checklist-:Haedcopy kcdhmd :CertiPlcate of Indeperldeilce F SS R4 -Oi C-rtlfir atGinileoendence:oilf .... ... .... -- __ .... Referenced Mandard and Year (of Standard)' .... .. ... Stands 8; ar.". ASTM E1592: .. FM 9470> 2012, E iilv`alence of Product Stiiridards; 9 ;*v5gd'By, • .' Secfloris from .the"Code .: .. • • . httpsJ/wwwtloddabuilding:orglpdPr_app dU.aspx?parartr=wGEVXQwtDgtiiOROQkZA5RE8EOgiiUdl7ntt Flu2jC5s'%3d 113 - 7/2/2018 htip id, Florida Building Code Online product Approval Method Method 1 Option D M4._SWbmitted OB/23/•2017 ' Date Validated. OB/28/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 69/09/2017 Date Approved 12/12/20.17 Summa of`Products FL* Model; Number, or Name° Description - 9555A SV Panel 29 ga., 24" wide, through fastened, panel over wood supports Liirifts of Use Installation, Instructions Approved; for use in HVHZ: No. -FL•9555 R4 i1 Evaliiatk,7ReoortC2172 l.odf' Approbed,for•-use outside HVHZ: Yes -Verified By Bala Sockalingam• PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure +N/A/-70.25 Evaluation Reports Other- Uplift load'of-70.25 psf @ support spael fg`of 24"b.c. 1170555, R4 -AE Evaluat1onRe6ortC2172 1 bdf, ' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9555.2 Master -Rib Panel. 26 ga.; 3iV wide; through fastened panel over steel supports Limits of use - - Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9555 •R4 if .EvaluationReport C7-172 '7.odf? Approved"for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 ` . Impact R®sistanfp N/A - Yes Created by, Independent Third Party' Design Pressure*, +N/A/ 47.2' Evaluation Reports Other Uplift load of 47.2 psf @'support spa.1 g of 60 ot.' FL9555 R4 'AE EvaluatidhRenoifC2177. -2.o6f . Created by independent Third Party: Yes 95553 MasterRib Panels 29 ga:, 36 wide,­ ttirougti fastened panel over steel supports' Lirriits:of Usa Installation Instntctions Approsed for use in HVHZ: No FL9555 64, if EJaluatlonlleoorfC 172- 3.68f', Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes. Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE'62240 Impact:Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +27 1/-37.7 Evaluation Reports" Other Design toad of 27.1 & -37.7 psf at gupport'spacing of- I FL9555' R4- Ae' EvaluationfteoorEC7.177_ 3.odf 48" o c.. Created by Independent Third Party*, Yes 9555.4 MasterRib Panel I 29 ga., 36" wide, through fastened panel over wood supports;. Limits, of Use Installation Instructions. Approved for use in HVHZ: No. .. .Fr 9555 R4 li EValtiatimr eadrtC2172 4 odf• Approved fd� use outside HVHZ- Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent.Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: i-27 1/ 36.2 Evaluation'Reports Othem Design load of 27S & -36.2 psf at support,spacing of : FL9555-'R4 AE EvaluationRe00rtC7177 4.iidf 48" o.c. 'Created by Independent Third Party: Yes: 9555.5 MasterRib Panel' 29 ga., 36" wide, through fastened panel over nom: 1" x 4.'" . wood supports Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No F_I;9555' 114 if- 6aldatlon'ReDortC2172 5.odf. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Bala Sockaiirigam,PE 62240 . Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent,Thlyd party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-138.9 Evaluation Reports Other: Uplift load. Of. 138.9'psf @ suppdrtspadng of 24"o.t: FL9555, R4 AE •Eva litationReiiortC2i77. `S.odf• Created by,IndependentThird.Party: Yes' 9555:6 PBR Panel Min. 26 ga., 36" wide, through fastened roof panel over open steel supports Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for'use in HVHZ: No FL9555; R4 :i1 EvaluatlonReoo�tQ172 6.odf . Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 impact Resistant: N/A Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Design Pressure; +96/7163 Evaluation Reports Other: Design loads 'of 96 & =163 psi at support spacing of FL9555': R4 AE-tvaluationRebortC2172 6:odf- 20" o:c. Created by Independent.Third, Party: Yes contact Us ;: W1 Blalr Stone Road. TallahaMe FL 32399 Phone: 850-467-1624 The state of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. [oovrinht i001-20135fste'of Fiorldn.:: PdOcy Statement:: Accessiblllty Statement,:: Refund Statement. Under Florida law, enrall addresses are public records. If gau'do not want your e=mall address'released In response to a public -records request,'do not send electronic g.drglpt/pr_app dtl.aspx7paratn=wGEVXQwtDgtvORO,QkZA5REBEOgziUdl7ntuFlu2jC5-Md. 2/3 i EVALUATION REPORT 'OF UI�IIOiJ COkRU�ATING' COMPANY— 426 GA. MAST:ERRIB_PANEL' OVER STEEL SUPPORTS FLORIDA`BUILiDING'COIDE 6THEDITION,•(2017) FLORgDA. PROIDUCT APFRO�TAL .. . FL 9555:244 STRUC'TIJddA4[. COP%LPONEI�NTS' ROOF.QECK' . . - Prepared • _For.C" Union Corrugafing : __ompany ..... y Fa ettevflle NC 2 gM Telephone_ (916) 483=0479 Prepared $y, Bala Socka&gam, Ph.D., P.E. Florida Professional Engineer #62240 1216;N; La� ng Ave.;.,Suite C. Tuls , ' 74106 Telephone . (918) 492=5992 FAX: (8b6)• 366-1543. This report consists of Evaluation.Repott (3 Pages.including cover) . Installation Details (1 Page) Load Sot,•Table (1 Page) 1m56&0Gold 44bQacoG\CALIiVG2���•'a - v ��• ,ZOO -`p.. Repoit,'No.:.C2172-2 Date:'8.20.2017 OF 0 P, e k•_ -o'•.:..s� :' L. O.R ...���;. •S e �^k s. FL 9555.2-R4 C2172-Z 8.20.2017 . Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer:Union Corrugating Company Product Name:: MasterRib Panel - Pagel Description: �36" `wide coverage, with 3/4""' high ribs at 9" o.c: Materials: Minimum 26 ga , 80 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel` (ASTl1i1.A653) or Galvalume coated' steel. kA-STM A792) or painted ;steel (ASTM. A755).. Support Description:; Min 16 ga „SO ksi--steel. (Must be:de§igned by others) . . "Slope: 1/2:12 or'greater; inf accordancevith FffC 2017 ;Section.1507A.2 Design 'Uplift Pressure;' 4Z 2 psf @ maxim_ um, support spacing, of 60" o.b. (Facfor of Safety. =,2), . :. . Support Attachment: -4 2-14; x I"' long self= -drilling screws:with washers . . At end supports @ 3.5"-55-3.5" o c: across panel width. At intermediate supports @ 9" o_c, across p�ttel width . Sidelap Attachment: %4'=14 x.7/8" long SDS wrtli-washer @ 30" o.c. Test -Standards:' Roof assembly tested, in accordance with ASTM E1592-01 `Test Method for Structuial''Perfocniance of Sheet Metal Roof and Siding Systems by Uniform Static .Air Pressure Difference', and FM 4470 'Section 5.5 `Resistance to Foot.Traffic'. Test Equivalency: The test.procedule. in ASTM E1592-01 comply with test procedure prescribed in A8T�M E1592--05(201.2). The test procedure in FM.4470 (1992), comply Withtest procedure. prescribed'in F1VI4470 (2012): Code.Compliapce: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC. 2017 Section:1507:4. Product Limitations: Design loadis be'determined for each in accordance wind sh411 project . with. FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using' allowable stress desigm .The maximum support spacing listedherein, shall not lie exceeded. The design uplift pressure. for reduced support spacing may be computed using -rational analysis prepared by a Florida Professional Engineer or based on'Union Corrugatipg load span. table: This product, is not approved for 'use ;in: the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Fire classification.'is not within scope .of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section :1505' aad. current ,approved roofing materials, directory for fire -i atings of this product.. - 1 i .. ". PANEL FASTENER _ - .SEE PANEL SODEIAP� 'SIOEIAP FASTENER .' "� " O: 9' O.C. _ .. . .. .. - 9' O.C:—. OETAL- C 30 D.C.- MASTEFIRIB . INTERIOR' SUPPORTS .... - _ vAHEEt _ UN L 16 GA., STEEL (DESIGNED BY OTHERS), PANEL FASTENER O . " SIDEIAP. FASTENER 6 . .'. 3.5'-5.S--7b' O.C:. .' _ .. O `30' O.C. END.'SUPPORTS: vAN1E MIN 16.Cll STEEL' - (DESIGNED''DY 07HER5) - ' .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . TYPICAL PANEL- INSTALLATION X;—SECTIONnq �r 3bz 1 O .. MASTERRI9" PANEL . _. PANEL FASTENER 0 '9' O.C. SIDEUIP FASTENER . : PANEL I FASTENER. '0 30- O:C: 3.ST-5.5-b.5- O.C. �zo^ - _ y . 'Im 16 CA STEEL - .(DESIGNED BY- OTHERS). .. - '(SEE LOAD.SPAN:TABLE'FOR_,. ALLDNAeIE.MDS .. _ I.. ANT SPANS) _ 'R , n, - SECTON VIEW. GENERAL. NOTES:. ,1. ■+{ " D ROOF,PANEL WAS BEEN'DFSIGNED M _ACCORDANCE WITH. THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (MC). . SIDEIAP. FASTENER... .: PANEL :2. ROOF -PANELS SHALL BE 26 CA. (t v 0.0171. EiFECiNE.COVERINC WIDTH . 1/4'-14.505 YRTFI - . • OF PANEL • 3W.' ,. .. WASHER O JO' O.C, PANEL FASTENER - 1 <LONG - 3: ROOF,PANELS S1NLL BEINSTAILEO OVER'STRUCTURE AS'SP.ECIRED OH ,THIS - •�12=14•a DS WITH W0.SHER, ,DRAWING: 4„REQUIRED. DESIGN WIND.LCADS SHALL BE DETERMNED FOR EACH,PROJECT.' • 'THIS `StMA MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE. REQUIRED DESIGN -PANEL: WINO: LOADS ARE GREATER THAN, THE ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS: 5. ALL FASTENERS MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE -WITH THIS DRAWING h-THE FLORIDA. MM. 16 W STEEL " BUILDING. CODE IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM _ (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) REQUIREMENTS OF.THIS DRAWING & THE CODE: THE CODE SWILL CONTROL.. B. - PANEL.SIDELAP - SUPPORTS Must BE DESIGNED m WITHSTAND WIND LOADS AS REQUIRED :REQUIRED FOR EACH APPLICATION AIM ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF.OTHERS. ' 7. PANELS AUIY,SPAH .BETWEEN SAVE TO RIDGE SUPPORTS ORRAKE 70 RAKE . S_UPPORTS. .. ... - •. .. q or • I- I I i UNION - ORRilGATING: ' OMPANX Master)kib' Rvil Panel . 30 wide, 26 ga (min) feel Panel.over Steel Supports Span .. . Condition Loading Type Allowable Load (psb _.__ _ __ _ _�_. Support,Spacing(ft) 1.50: ' " '1:75. 2.00 ISO 3.00 M& 4.00 - 4.50 _ 5,t10 Two Span• Uplifti 138 3 . .- 118.5 103 7' , _ 83 0. 60. 59:3 51.9 46.1 i 37.7 Tluee Span. Uplift 157.2.' 134.7 117 9 94.3 78.6 67.4 58.9 514 47.2 Four or More Spans Uplift 151.3 V�9.0.113:4 90.8. .75.6 64.8 56.7 50.4 44.1 - Notes 1. Allowable load for each condition is the'smallest'load�calculated based on fastener capacity, panel, strength and"- ' and deflection limitof U180 Allowable loads are calculated for minunum.26 ga panel." 2;. The Wnd load is taken as 0 Ttimes the "component alnId cladding" 16ads for:the purpose ofdetermining deflection•limit. 3 The panel' allowable properties are determined" from hill scale ASTM E1592 tests at• 5' 0" span 4 The panel fasteners are.#13-14 x 1" long" self drilling screws with washers: Fastener, spacing across panel width; . is:9.0:' o:c.. in,tlie interior supports and 3.5"_ $.5"-3 5" �o c. at panel,ends: .5 Sidelap, fasteners -are 1/4!'r 14.x 7/8" long self drilling IsIcrews with waslier at,30" o.c. 6`. Steel supports are minimum l6'ga. All supports tnusfbd designed to resist all loads imposed on .the panel. 7 'The panels may span,tram.eave, to ridge o ,rake to rake:. . S. Panels mus-0e installed as per Evaluation Report,FL 9555:2'and Union current installation procedure. ebe�Baeasaeai�oe- . �0•° R .:G� i SF (man . z�.� : v. 6,Z24Q . ® C-0 : N0 . ;U OF ' c •• g CI QQ .?off '1216 N Lansing Ave.,:Suite C Bala S'ockalingam,. Ph.D., P.E: '� Tulsa, OK74106" ' a � -- PE.62240. 019 492 5992 i A 3/212016 FlOdda'BWding Code Online ° gcks Hcme Cog J, Usec Registratiarr. • . �. HotTcPics i S It surtfiargq • Scats & Pa,Rs i 'Publtcatloas �' FBC.State �aus stt° Mae 11nks Fldrid� . • . -: , �' Prodni* Approval • ProAu�f Aboroval Menti > Prodtirx or AopGcagoo Search tt dor. Ltst > Appllcutl°n Datall; .. . FC17996-R1 Affirmation' - - APPilcation Type Code -Version ApPlicatlon Sbi s Approved . Archived L .. - ProducEMariufactnrec Elixir Dotir and Metal Company.' Address/Phone/Enieil S Pope Dn _ t 121 ve Douglas,, GA 31533 (912).R93-2215, rya�tierry.@.etizirdmccom Authorized Signature Randall Yarberry ryarberry@ellxirdhic!com Technical Representative- PT'C Product Design Group. Address/Phone%Email 'PO Bbk 520775 Longwood, FL 32752 , Ahfo@etc corp.com: Quality Assurance Representative; Address%Pfione/Emaii, -' ' Category Exterior Doors. Subcategory, . winging Exte S riot Door Assem611es p Com liance. Method. ' " Celtiflcation Mark or Listing Cgrtl5potion Agency . American-ArchitecfuraF Mantifadurers Assodatlori Validated By, American'Archiledural Manufacturers,Assgciation. Referenced:5tandard' and Year (of Standard)' Standard + ear ASTM E330, 2002. Equivalence of Product Standard`s Certified. By:. . ✓: I affirm that there are'rio changes in the new Florida, Building, roduct s =and my prbduct(s)_re in Cod ' -hich affeii mn , P _ ( ) coinpilance with the new Florida_ Building Code., Documentation from approved Evaluation.or-Validation Entity Yes, No' N/A _ - • FL17996 R1 COC•_Affirrrration FL17996 413001 https;/lvuwuufloridebw►dirig.org/prior_'ape_dtl.a9px?param=wGEVX(lwtDquTluhTgK2%2bdSR%2b%2bN"%2f8fj059RCioMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw%3d%3d' 116• 3/2i20% Flodila Building (36de Online Product Approval MgtKod Method 1 Option A.: . . bate Submittedi Ol/29/w018 Date Validated 01/29/2018 Date'Pending FBC:Approval pate Approved D2%04/2018 Sumrtr_a_ry-of Produdfs Go to Page :_ •�70 il). Page 1 / 24, 40 FL # Model; Humber, or Name • DescNption •17996,1 series N50 ZOS.Sreel Door'. Series 202 20S Steel 0 S.'Door w/-Vertical Slider Windw, o Limits of Use :Certification Agency Certificate. Approved fof use 1rrHVH2:,; No : Approved4or usd:outside HVHZ: Yes !'Impact Resistant: No Design pressures - 3*-jo, . Other.: FL17996 Rl C .G4C- FXR 202 205 Vertical Slider AS. M E33.0 p us5 df Quality 4sura00e Contract EzpiratronDate 12%03/2018 Installation Instrpctlans, :FI 17996' 1 'II ELIX0034 Rev A Series 26246S,SS•pdf.' Verified; Byv Robert J. Amaiuso, PE FL PE No 49752- ' Createil,by Independent Third Party; Yes - Evaluation Reports _ FL-17996 R1 AE pERA642 Re0' 415 0705: ss:od Created by Independent Third'Party: Yes -- _ - _ ... 17996.2 Series 230 W9;Sfeel Door " . Series.!to W9 Steel O S. boorw/ Cottage.Window _=,- Limits oUs f e Approved for use'in HVHZ-.No _ Approved far use outside IVHZ Yes Impact Resistattte'No Design Pfess4re:'+30/-30 Other:; Certification Ageney,;Certifleate FL.17996 R3 'G me -EXR_ 230:W9 Cottage ASTM EM us5 SI F Quality Assurance Contract_Ex_piration Date 12/03/2018 Installation.Ir>stru`ctions FL17996 III ELIX00331Rev A Series-230 W9 SS:oilf Verified -By Robert J.Anroruso, PEA PE No. 49752 'Created. by IndependentTfiird'Partyp Yes Evaluation Reports• FL17996 Rl;AE,PER 1642 Rev3 415-0705 ss.pdj', Created by Independent Thlyd'Pa: Yes 179963 .,.' Series.402'14' .. Vinyl SEeei Ou*: winging Regular:Door- 14"z14 Window. lirnits of Use Certification Agency Certlfleate. _ Approved for use in HVHZ: No F11 97 9 @��_�_FXR 402-14! E330 In usS•iidf Approved for use 64611de,HVH2::Yes ,Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, Impact Resistant,: No, W/14/2020 Design Pressure: +40/40 Installation Instructions 'Other: 'FL17996 g1_II EL1X0050 REV -A OS MODEL 402-14 M11191 Verif'ieil By: Robert J: Amoni"so; PE FL PE No. 49752 ' _. Created'by Independent Third Party: Yes' Evaluation Reports_ FL17996R1 AE- PER- 195i, Rev1a 415=0705`a_s pdf...' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' 17996.4 Series 402-20S; Vinyl.SteefOut-swinging Regular Door - 20" sllder window . Limits of Use Approved for use -in HVHZ: No App'roved'foi use outside. HVHZ, Yes Irrr_P act Resistant: No, 'Design Pressure,.+40/-4S .,Other:: . ' -Certification Agency Certificate FL179 Rl C' CAC EXR'402-205 E330 olus5 odF . Quality Assurance Contract,Expiration Date• ' .09/14/2020 Installation Instructions FL17996 RI_ Ii . ELIX0051 REV -A OS MODEL 402-20S. sf Verified By: Robert J. Amdruso, PE FL PE Um 49752,s.od Created.by Independent.Third Party: Yes j Evaluation Reports FL'17996 :Rl. At PER. 1951 11evla,,415=070S sEj pdf Created by IndependentThird'.Party: Yes . 17996:5 ,. Series.407 _..._ Vinyl Steel Out -swinging Regular;Door - Blank (no window) . Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate ' Approved for use in HVHV No ' 1FL 7996 'BBC CAC_EXRA07'C-330 d1m5'.pdF, Approved' for. use outside HVHZ: Yes; Quality,Assuiance,Contract Expiration';DaEe Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2026 Design Pressure:-F40/45- Installation ihmi'•uctlons Other: FL17996 R1 IC.ELIX0052 REV -A OS MODEL 407 spd Verifled 3y: Robert 3. Amoruso,, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by In Thud Party Yes Evaluation Reports httpsJ/www.flor dabwlding:orgfpr/pr app dtl:aspx7param=wGEWQwIDquTluhTgK2'/o2bd3R%2b%2bN%o2f8fjOsgRCIoMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw'/°3d%3d 2/6 3/2/2018 Fib""da Building Cade Online FL17996, I I AE PER 1951 Reviat.415.0705 ss.oaf- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ` - IM,6 6 Series 436 W-5 VinylSteel Out styl_pging Regular Door - 9 Lite Window (_i-8" x l 3-0") . Limits of Use : Ceitifieatibn Agency Certificate' Approved for use in; HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17996 RV C', CAC EXR 430-W9 E330'plus5.pdf•, QualityAssurance Contract p(piration.Date. Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +33/,-40 Other. 09/.14/2020 Installation Instructions 1 -17996'R1--II•ELIX0053 REV=A OS MO)El430-W9 ss.odf 'Verified By: Robert J.-APnoruso; PE FL PE 11m 49752- Created by IndeperidentThied Patty: Yes Evaluation Reports' F117996 Rf AE PER -1951' Revla: 415-0705 spdf Created byr lndependentThlyd Party:, Yes' 17996:7 Series 6400W9. Cottage Series 646o=W9 Ndj i-Ir fip67#jrfswlfi0 Painted; Steel Door w/Storm Door Limits of Us® Ceitlfiwdon Agency Certificate Approved farrise'in HVHZ: No, Approved for use,outsrde HVHZ Yes` i:mpact Resistant: No. Design Pressure: +66/-56 Otilri r. FL17996 Fd C, CAC EXR6406 E3 16 olus5:odf. Quality.Assurance ContsacE Expiration Data 09/1§/2019 Installation Instructions: FLIM& R1-1I EUX0056 Rev-A�15 MODEL-kddi-W9`WITH. STORM 000k ss.odf - ' Verified ay: Robert J. Amoruso jE FL PE N_o: 49752' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports T;:FL17996 R1-'AE:PER i954_dgy2 415-0765-ss:gdf, Created by IodependentTiilyd•.P.arty: Yes 17996.8 Sei9es7500.Oval!. Series.7S00 Non -Impact Inswing:Vinyl Laminated Steel Door- w/Adjustable Threshold Limits of Use- • 'Certification Agency Certificate 'Approved.for use in HVHZ: No FL1799fi Ri 'C CAC EXR 7500 Oval-21 adisrstabie'threshold ' E330 olusSaodB Approtred`far use critsida HVHZ: Yes "Impact Re'sistdrib Nb Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design,P,ressure_: +34/=50 Other.- 09/1712019. Installation Instructions -MODEL F 17dg6 'R1 'I1 EUX6055 Rev -A IS 7500 OVAL21 WITH ADJUSTABLE THRFESHOLD ssiodf Verified, By: Robert J.'Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 .Created, by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports, FL17996:91••AE PER; 1955 Rey2 415-0705 �s.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.9 Series. 500 Oval Series 7500"Non-Impact Iriswirig Vinyl Laminated Steel Doorr w/Storm Door and PVC Jambs Limits of Use' Approved for use In,HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes; Certification Agency Certificate FL17996 RI• C-CAC_EXR 7500 Ovat 23 E330 Ir Wgjjzdf; Quallt:V�Msurance'Contract Expiration Date, Impact' Resistant: No 09/10/2019 Design'Pressure: +50/-50 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 9k U Fi ix0060.Rev=A IS,MODEL- STR 7500 23 . . OVAL -WITH STORM DOOR,'ss.odf' Verified By: Robert). Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - - Evaluation' Reports FL17996 RI 6EPER-1955'Rev2�15-0705 s df Created by Independent Third Party. Yes 17996.10 Series 9400 W9 Cottage Series 8400.w9 Non -Impact Oval Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Daor w/Storm Door Ltm1Es of Use Approved 'W use in HVHZ:. No Certificatlon Agency Certificate •FL17996 R3 C' CAC EXR 8400 E330 919WA. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Quallty..Assurance Contract.Expiratloe Date 09gis/2019 'Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other:' Installation Instructions FL17996 Ri 11' EI X0057.Rey-A IS MODEL 8400-N19 OVAL WITH STORM DOOR u4& Verified By: Robert 3. Amor.uso; PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by IridependentThird Party: Yes - Evaluation. Reports ' Ft.17996 Ri .AE PPER_1954 e42- 415-070.5 tLpdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - https-,#w".floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_d0.aspx?paiam=wGEVXQwtDquTluhTyK2%2bd3R%2b%2bN'/o2f8QOs9RC1oMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXiw%3d%9d 3/6 A 11 I 302018 ' Flodda' Building Ca&Online 17996.1E Series 9000 Series 9400 Nan -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated, Steel Door. .- w/Storm Door limits of Use Approved.for use in HVHZdNo. - Approved for use outside HVHZ Yes Certification Agency,"CerHfieate., R17996 91 C CAC EXR 9000'50 E330 olus5.odf Quafity Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/16/2019 Design Pressure• +50%-50' Other: - Installation Instruction's FL17996 Rl iII EUX0058 Rev=A•IS BLANK 9000 DOOR* STORM DOOR ss.pdf- Verified By Robert 3. 'Aniorilso, PE FL PE No: 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes: Evaluation Reports Fl 17996 Rl AE"RER_1954 -11ev2' 415-0705,7ss:pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes :. - 17996.12 ' .. Series 940. 0 Cottage: Series 9400-W9 Non Impacct Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel., Door W/Stdrm.Door Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ:-No Approved for use outside HVHZ- Yes, : Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure +50/-50 , . Other: Certification Agency Certificate FL17996 f . C CAC EXR 9400 E330' olus5.pdf Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration Date: 09/16/2019 Instailat:on instructions FL17996 Rl'II ELIX0059 Rev=A IS-MODEL_:§4601*9; COTTAGE W:.STORM DOOR ss.odf Verified -By: Robert J. Anloruso;, PE FL PE No. 49752. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes . .. -. Evaluation Reports . ,E117996 R1 AE PER .1954,$ev2.41$-0705 ss.pdf Created-by:Independent Third Pa'rty:'Yes, 17996 13 Series AFIF7N _ I 'Series AFIF7N NonrImpactIS Fiberglass Door' Lrmifs of Use. Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL'1 6 R1 C-CAC EXR AFIF7N E330 p us5 df Approved for use: outside' HVHZ Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure: +3B/-30 , _ Installation Instructions . Other: Fn7aak,Ri rri ELIX0040-AFIF7N=BFIF7N--ReyA_'$S:udf Verifled ey; RobertJ; Amorusai PE,FL PE No: 49752 Created: by Independent Third Party: Yes• Evaluation Reports, TL17996 RI AE' PER 1952 i evZ• 415-0705, ss-off Created by IndependentThlyd Party:'Yes 17996:14 Series AFOF7N SeriesAFOF7N-Non Impact.0S Fiberglass Door Limits "of Use: Certification Agency CerUf Kate Approved for use in HVHZ: No'_ FL17996 gt C` CgC EXR AFOF7N E330 p us5.'"df• Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance ContractExpiration Date Impact Reslstahe No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure: +38/-38' instaliatloe Instructions- Other,:' FL17996_Rl It E1:IX0042 AFOF7N-BFOF7N RevA P_9& f Verifled By Robert'J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No 4975.Z Created by Independent Third,Party:' Yes Evaluation Reports FL17946-F3LM-E�g -iM-gig-2 AI2&Z.OS S,.S p Created by IndependentThlyd-Party: Yes 17996.15 Series AVIF7N Series AVI�F7N Non -Impact IS Steel Door Limits of. Use Certification Agency Certificate, - Approved for use In HVHZ: No, „ Approved far use outside'HVHM Yes: FL17996 _Rl C_CAC ,EXR AVIF7N E930' Ip usS•odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact'R'eslstant:,No! " 04/051202P Design Pressure: +25/-25 .. Oth_e_r: Installation Instructions FL17996-Ri-II ELIX0047AVIF7N-BVIF7N RevA.s_§,pdf Verified By. Robert J. Amoruso,'PE FL -PE No..49752. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports .Rey2'-415-070.5 FL-17996-11 -.AEA PER- 1953 9 per' Createdby.IndependentThird Party: Yes .. . 17996.16 Series AVOF7N Limits of Use Approved foruse in. HVHZ:, No. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 4 Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +21/-21 Other: abyiidi_g,org/pr/per app_dll,aspVparam=wGEVXQwtDquTluhTq Series AVOF7N Non -Impact O$ Steel Doors Certification Agency -Certificate EL17996- gl CAC EXR AVOFM E390 pi6s5.pd Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/06/2020 Installatlon Instructions FLI7996 Rl II ELIX0048 AVOF1N-BVOF7N RevA �s,pdf; Verified By: Robert J. Amorusb, PE FL PE No: 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yo ,2bd3R%2b%2bN%2f8gps9RCIoMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGJXIW°/a3d%a3d -416 3/2/2016 Florida Building:Cade Online Evaluation Reports FL17996:R1 gE'PER 1953 Rev2 415-0705-ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party. 17996:17 Series B-FIF7N Series BFIF7N Non -Impact IS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use, Certification AgencyCerti£cate Approvetl for use iri HVH2: No FL17996 R C CAC- EXR BFIF7N E330 p us5 dE Approved for. use outside HVHZ Yes Quality"Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Na 09/15/2019 Design Pressure: +38/-38 Installation instructions Other:: :1217996'R1 rr EI_TX0046 AFiF7N (KFM RevA• R3,pdf - 'Verifled' By: Robert]. Ainoruso PE FL PE"No. 49752 Creaied-by,IndependeritThird Party: Yes.. Evaluation Reports . FL17996 �9E_P_EB._�-64YZ 415-0705 �� Created by. IndependentThird Party: Yes; 17996:58 Series BFIF75 1 sfii BFIF7S Non -Impact IS Fiberglass French Door Limits of Use - Certification Agency Certificate "- Approved for use in HVHZ: No 'FL17996 R1 `t!CAC EXR BFIF7S E330 o us5 dE Approved for use outside'HVIM Yes,, Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/15 2019• _ Design Pressure +38/ 3ti' Installation, Instructions' Instal . O_ ther. FL17996 R1 If ELIX0046 BFIF75: RevA, sS.pdf Verified By: Roberti: Amorusoi:PE FL PE No. 49752 .. - ' Created Independent Third -Party: Yes Eiraluatipn Reports FL17996 Ri-g PER, •1952-Rev2' 415=0765 ss:p ,• Created by Independent17110 Party: -Yes 17996A9 . Series BFOF7N I Series BFOF7N Non -Impact OS Fiberglass Door uniile of Use Certification Agenry-Certif[eate• "] Approved for use in HVHZ2 No FI17996A C CAC $XR BFOF7N E330.o usS Approved •for use "otitslde HVHZe Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +30%-30 •04/06/2020, Si stillation Instructions ' Other: +FLJZ996_ Ri ;H r; Xbl142 •AF0F7N-BF6F7N 41M SS.pdf Verified. By: Robert]: Amariiso, PE. FL- PE No: 49752 Created by IndependentThird Party: Yes Evaluation Reports- . : FCiZ49��i�A�P�125Z_B�cZ_a1s-o7os ss.odf• i Created by Independent TFiird Party:. Yes • ' 17996 20,' Series BVI63S Series BVI635 Non -Impact Single Inswing Door w/F xed.Lite Insert and Outswing Storni Door Limits of Use certifiedtlon Agency Certificate• Approved for use in'HVHZ: No F 99 _B� CAC EXR` BVI63S E330 o1ds5,p_& Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality, -Assurance Contract Expiration Date_ 'Impact Resistant: No 12/17/2021 Design' Pressure: +65/-65 Installation, Instructions Other: FL37996 RIA ELIX0061,BVI635'RevA ss:Odf, Verified' By7 Robert.]:'Arnoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752• Created by Independent Third Party: Yes . . Evaluation Reports. FL1799fi get P€g_2244 ev2_415-o705 EW IF:. Created by IndePendent`Third Party: Yes ' Go to Page Page Contact lls ;: 2601 Blab Stone Road: Tallahassee iL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Floilda.ls an AAJEEO employer. CooVtteht 2007-2013 Stbte dr"Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Acces"siblllty Statement Refund Statement . .. Under-Fl6rlda Iawi, emalf addresses are publle records, I(yau do.not Want your a=mall address released In,res onse to'a public -records request, do not send eledronle . . mall tdthls entity. Instead,'eontact the offIce by phone or by traditional mall. If you have anyquesUons, please conact850.487.1395.'Pumu'ant to section ' 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1; 2012,dicensees licensed under Chapter 4S5, F.S. must provide the Department with' an emall address If they have one..rhe emalis provided may be used far of clal communicatlon with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wlsh.to supply a personal 'address, please provide the Department with an email addressiwhlch can be made available to the public. 76 determine If you are a Ilcedsee.under Chapter 455, F,S., please dick hest• RR M . .. product Approval Accepts: . . hitps:liwww floridabuilding.org/prior app dfi.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquTluhTgK2%2bd3R%2b%o2bN"%2f8fjOsgRCI6MU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXIW%3d%3d 5/6 ELIXIR DOOR &- METAL. -CO. OUTSWING in i 4 :MODEL 40TWON-IMPACT . VINYL LAMINATED STEEL: DOOR: e . INSTAL' LATION' ANCHORAGE DRAWING;= . .;GENERAL NOTESo INSTALLATION NOTES:- '1: THE PRODUCT ANDHORAGE SHOWN HEREIN'IS DESIGNED S:IN AREAS INHERE WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION. 1. ONE(1)INSTALLA710N/WCHORISREDUIREDALEACH. - S. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGEOISTANCE EXCLUDE�� To COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE 'REQUIREMENTS EXIST, USE OF IMPACT PROTECTOE . ANCHORLOCATION, .. " 'WALL FINISHES; INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO' FLORIDA BUILDING'CODE (FOC) EXCLUDING HIGH 'SYSTEM COMPLYING WITH THE FBC REQUIREM� � ENTS FOR, STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER AN0:91DIN05' - °a 'p, .N ' VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE AND THE DESIGN. WINDSORNE DEBRIS REGIONS, IS MANDATORY FOR THE: 2. THE INSTALLATION ANCHORS AT THE SPACINGS SHOWN"- P.R00007 HEREW.�. 'ARETHE MINIMUM NUMBER OF:ANCHORS AND MAXIMUM' 6, INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL: BE INSTALLED IN. - O . PRESSURE(S)STATED HEREIN. q SPACINGS TO BEUEO SFOR PRODUCT)NSTALAATION..' ACCORDANCE.WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S � 'cn 'COz" �10. THE PRODUCTOETAILSCONTNNED HEREIN ARE BASEQ..6. FRAME MATERIAL' ALUMINUM. ALLOY 6063TO _ - 'INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND'ANCHORS SHALL WITH STRENGTHS LESS UPON SIGNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT DALLAS DOOR PANEL MATERIAL•.09 MIL VINYL LAMINATED-. I: SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR; CORE WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM(S).'MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE;, NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED THE' LABORATORIES; INC.#44278 AND ASSOCIATED - LABORATORY STAMPED DRAWINGS. GALVANIZED STEELOIS. SKIN W/ URETHANE FOAM S IMS 4 SHIM _ P - H SIZE OF 1/ INCH. HMWHERES SPACE 1/fB INCH .IN.If ANCHOR SCHEDULE• THS'SHEET• 1 - F N ct.+` i ." ." _" 7.DESIGNATIONS'r STAND FOR THE FOLLOWING: OR GREATER OCCURS; SHIM(S) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED - - A V, (; 2. ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL2XFRAMNG X:OPERABLEPANEL OFHIGH DENSITY PLASTIC ORBETTER. :?.INSTALLATION ANCHORS AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE 0_ " OR STEEL FRAMING ASAMAIN WIND FORCE - O: FIXED PANEL - : : 4.. ANCHORS FOR INSTALLATION INTO WOOD FRAMING OR, ' MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANTMATERIAL OR NAYS A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING, O qq -.l a S.'.: f- z SYSTEM CAPABLE OF. WITHSTANOING'AND. - TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS.TO THE " 8.HARDWARE.' 14GAMINIMUIJSTEELFRAIANGSHALLSEAS SHOWN IN W y Z —' • ., " FOUNDATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER. —OR- ARCHITECT OF RECORD..- -- 'A..'HALF HINGES:(4) 6063TSEXTRUDEDALUMINUM 7ANCHORSCHEOULE' THIS SHEET. B-LATCH LOCK: KEYED - o—l0 0I — 4 - C. DEAD BOLT. SINGLE CYLINDER` 0 �t3.iiAN02% SUCKS(WHFA USED) SHALL BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY...TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO THE 0. SEE SHEETI FOR DESIGN PRESSURE CHART: Q q C STRUCTURE. SUCK DESIGN AND INSTALLATION IS THE OR ARCHITECTOF _ - ' a' SSS Lq M ' RESPONSIBILITY OF. THE ENGINEER _ . - - I 'RECORD:... - 4:THE'INSTALIATION DETAILS DESCRIBEDHEREINAREL ,GENERIC AND MAY NOT.REFLECTACTUAL CONDITIONS FORASPECIFIC SITE.'IF.SITE CONDITIONS CAUSE INSTALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM THE REQUIREMENTSDETAILED HEREIN; A LICENSED ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT - SHALL PREPARE SITE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE 'WITH THIS DOCUMENT.. ANCHORSCHIDULE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING(PSF) IMPACTRATING, .WHERE WATER INFILTRATION REQUIREMENT IS NEECEO -WHERE WATER INFILTRATION' I REQUIREMENT IS NOT NEEDED NONE' "dNIT IAUST BE INE TALLEO BENEATH AN APPROVED OVERHANG' TABLE, OF ' CONTENT 'SHEET _ :DESCRIPTION. I ' GENERAL AND INSTALLATION NOTES Z ELEVATION; ANCHORING LAYOUTS 3 VERTICAL CROSS: SECTION '4 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS ' : SUB p00RFRMIE TYPE 'SIZE, ''MANUFACTURER ANCVOR 't� EMBEDMENT - EDGE'. DISTANCE - ANCHOR CAPACITIES STRATE TYPE SPE•CIRCATION ((M cu (BR O11A EUiSEDONi - SHEET' - - - __MN:3. METALsTEEC TUBING 14 GA FIN 2 BAR) PAN HEAD. - N0, 8 A$NF 878.8.4 (TAPPWGSCREWj THREADS PAST INSIDE 'SURFACEOF 3l8"' I N7N.93 KSI YIELD STRNEGTH MN.: THICKNESS . SUBSTRATE' (V oO SCRFVV) 4VCODIMTH AMNIMUM', 2XWCOD 'PAN HEAD;, NO.8 CR_ 1" 12' SPECIFICGRAVITYOF FRAMING•RN(Z•BAR); ASNE B18.13At . '0.42. (TAPPW G SCREW) NOTES:,: - 1)'f-0R WOOD ORTAFANG SCREWSIFSH.ITTPIOIS'A CONCERN, ORLL'O.OB2' PVLOT HOLE(DIiILL;SRE45), . ' 2)mGg=TANCEMSISUREDFROGISTHMSCEOF.ANCHORTOEOGEOFSUBSTRATE - - Robed J. FLPE 9. N a m, - FRAME,WIDTH', v 34 3/4' MAX. ----POOR E c. PANEL. WIDTH 10°.MAX.: O.C. B ^. (TYP.) . 3' MAX..(1YP•).� I �3' MAX: (fYPJ � . -)-- - - .. 4. 1 7 N C 4 A' MAX."(T-yp..) '1 _ 04 N F fF 4 4 NppW G X G ." LOCK ASSEMBLY,(REGULARORIVE-IN) - - O,C..(TYP.); LOCATED ABOVE: c W �. or -_ . 78 314' 4:' 4" IS APPROX 38 . .79 3/4' :MAX,E • .O BOTTOM OF DOOR LEAF AND THE DEAD O _ BOLTASSEMBLYAPPROX 42 ABOVE, X' '� p25 -� c~i�o FRAME DOOR' 4 4 BOTTOM OE DOOR LEAF. SEE'STRIKE 0`, q a. _ z PANELc;dHEIGHT HEIGHT. DETAIL-STHIS SHEET a . 6 -92'. A. -p.�.Z� .:34'MAX..—�` 1 4'MAX (1YP•)i c7 oz aP Gi J� HALF HINGES W1, ,. #8X314'SCREWS SILL'ANCHORSPACING `'G" %(TYP_): iSAMEASHEAO.SPACING'Y' A ,3. 3. _ ANCHOR LAYOUT :. � Exrr•JZlaa,vlEw i ELEVATION .EXTERIOR VIEW - .. . - ANCHORING NOTES • Robert J: Amoruso, P.E. FL P.E: No.49752 MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS IN JAMBS 1913. 1 I SPACING VARIES, BUT NOT -TO EXCEED N8 TAPPING SCREW. ANCHOR PA I I I SCREW MUST BE OF 1b' MAXIMUM O.C.. g8x2112`WOOD- .I. _ I l _'SUFFICIENT.LENGTHTO SCREW 2 MI�IMUHINUMBEROFANCHORS'INHEAOANDSILL I :'PENETRATE Dfgitallyslgned bvHobertl 08x112' I VAR UT O IS ANCHOR SPACING IES, 8 NOT T „w1) ww oluso. SCREWS, I I MINIMUM BEYOND STEEL \ TUBE: EXCEED 10'.MAXIMUM O.C! ae a ON:rn=RobcrtJ. I u Amofus0, o, ou=P,TCProduct ._ a cor JC DeslgnGroup;. ENTRY DOOR ENTRY DOOR �`�µoa °.+ ` emallgrobertGp STRIKE DETAIL S•I•RIKE DETAIL C;Corp.com, ceu ., neoosanaresuosrw�re .srMs:LTamruauasrwn: " . - - - -- - Date:2015.08.05 09:SGA6c04'00'- yy :y m0 m Z� C� X i. CZ� "o,0 < O 3 10 3 N� z� zx a .Z' TIM _z oa Fn - a. >r�r c� m G7 to m: Iz , a o � IA Zn m °u° m� ao m0 Z �o. Z 50 50 ... .A. 50 ,O+ zp a :�:, 00. . ZDD A. m� Z 09 3 N .Oa 03 2 � . n .N 2'. . . 2 .N .Z .NZ O A i - 6m O m . y en O v M. Zm p> •m m m OZ .T1 off. ZID .. vm zi" AM ='0' � m z'm m.m za 10. m A Z7C Tn m O.m � zA - zo to a ' W. -1-i: on A _ CCnde IA ' m ON mrn m m mSV L)m CZ -A.' � XD CO. _ Oyu. Zn �G) o3 zm innz ID. OD .. Z o 'OC m �N. D,A. :n,o. O m . . .. m n - _ - IR & .METAL. CO'. nnacrnauanca a;s-o705 - Rt p :DOOR 12,j5 DOUGL�S: •POPE DRIVE ' GEORGIA 315M. _ bE a?€ MODEL 407j NOId-l1APACT 01JISYlINGzVINYL fn` LA►11NATED STEEL.DOOR R 5 ON F co�off->oYag 9 :02 29.12O is'g'TJH y o a e .�. rmu '0 m - � L_ N.T S. Ow,aeoUPDA7iTO- EUXOO52 •; zou Fsc -A I v�r '3. OF 4 ci�`s+xN 'wee. a Ln; 1%4' MAXSHIM V4' MAXSHIM _ a, s m . , 12 MIN. EDGE OISR. 12' MIN: EDGE DIST.. . - _ ' 2X WOOD.FRAME 2X WOOD FRAME (BY.OTHERS):. E.g t(BY.OTHERS). . ' -p8' WOOO SCREW WOOD SCREW IN$TALLATIONANCHOR. INTERIOR . INTERIOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR: < - #8 X 314' SMS , rC� �../ .- N N ' 1' MIN: 4 i \\' \ EMBEOME_NT: \\ z N y$ W v 1 MIN. \ .EMBEDMENT G� 10 g, . 0,. a W r SEALANT TAPE TO BACK EXTERIOR. EXTERIOR '. SEALANTTAPE70BACK: SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN, v • x SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN S sn r — -- F 'HORIZO T L—SECTIU O "' -cm z g 11 _� E HORIZONTAL SECTION w00o FRAME SUBSTR,rrE ' WOODFRAMESU85TRAIE: p ,A -•O j _ _ _ - :Q ,� us _ 'SQUARE 14 Gk,MIN.'SQUARE. g 14 GA: MIN TUBING '• w o STEELTUBING.(BY STEEL (BY 318" MIN. EDGE DIST. OTHERS)'318 I DIST. OTHERS)—"{ ' M N EDGE - INTERIOR, INTERIOR. - I ' N8 TAPPING SCREW N'TAPPING SCREW i i18 X 314 SMS . • •.INSTALLATION ANCHOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR ;• ��� 1 I i MI REPE (3) THREAD THREE(3)THREAD.... - .. _.----_...._. N. ENETRATI ON RobeN'J. Amoroso, P.E: MIN. PENETRATION - - SEALANT TAPE SO BACK, EXTERIOR EXTERIOR - _ SEALANT TAPE TO BACK. FL P.E.No.497S2 "KPr+i y SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN` SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN „ ,,,,, *�• HORIZONTAL'SECTI011) HORIZONTAL SECTION H STEECTUBINGSUBS7RATE Dlgitallytlgoedyyeopert): Amoroso _ STEEI.TUBINGSU85TIL1TE' . 'DNc cn•RoberU�Amoruso, o, - ou=P.TC Product Design Group; - email-iobertGptc-corp.com;zw - Date: 2015.0&05 0950:29-04- 1/1a/2018 Florida Bulfding Coda:Online I V" Ow" .. .. aeis Homo I log rn I Us¢ xeglswu0n, HatTeplts; Su mltgurchaLge Sfats&Fads„ Pubi[eiH. ` F9csta*. _SC6 Sife Map, Unks Search dbFlodda o USER: Public User' FiRd"d Androvai dlonu >'FMductorAmtt.Vg%i Search'>'Auoilai Wfi Uet> ApplleaUOp Dauli ' SOY FL Jt F1.8888-I15 .Appi_Icatio(Type• Afflrnlatloi ;Code Version Application Status' Approved .'Comments' ...Archived; Product Manufactuier 'ABTA DOOR CORPORATION - Address/Phone%Email: 42SS. MCEVER INDUSTRIAL DRIVE NW. ACWORTH, GA 30101 (770). 974=2600. Ut 208 ]FRENCH3@ASTADOOR:COM 'Authorized Signatyre ]AMES;FRENCN ]FRENCH3@ASTAD OOR.COM' Techglcai Representative' ]ames'French Address(PhonejEmail" po box 420 acviortti,, GA 301b1; Jfren61h3 @astidoor cpm, Aualfty Assurance Representative Mike Alvls Address%Phane/Email P:Oc 136x420' *worth, GA-30101 '(770)`974=2600 Ext 248' r*4l@astadoorcdrh Category Exterlor Doors Subcategoryp Roil -Up Exterlor Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation, Report from a Florida Reglstered"Arthitect or.a Licensed Aprlda Professlonal Engineer valuationrt - Report Hardcopy Received - Florida Engineer or Architect Name Who developed Elie ;Joseph H: Dixon; Jr' Evaluation Report; Florida' License PE-7768 quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality:Assurance Contract Explratlon Date 12131/20Is ' Validated. By Gordon Thomas, P.E. Validation Checklist - Harcicopy Received .Certificate of Independence I ;F e888 Rs COT Financial Index 102704.odf Referenced Standard and, Year (of,Standard) .Standard. Year ASTM E330 2062 DASMA'108 2002 Egulvalence; of'Product Standards Certifled By :. h,Hpsa/www.ftoridatiuliding.orglpHpr_app_dtl,aspx7param=wGEVXQty(DgtY.tsw8jR88rAiPac%2fuY-V8P6VVRl°/o2tflF%2fCo%3d; . 1/5 1/10/2018 Florida Buildi0g Coda Onifrie: Sections'from the Code I affirm that there are no changes In the nevi Florida Building ;Code which affect my product(s). and my product(s) are In. compii5dce witfi the.new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or, Validation Entity yes No N/A FLOWS RS COC.Affirm for F8C-6(1j.:2017 Pl8888 MIS.s.adf Product Approval Method Method, l Option 0 Date: Submitted. 40/06/2017 Date Valldated, 10/06/1017 Date Pending FBC ApprovaF -.Date-Approved . LO/07/2017 Summa .of Products FL #' 'Mpdel, Number or Name Description. . BBBea 203 INfndlock Commerda_I, Sheet Maximum design pressure far 0' wlde by 21' high do`0r., lower Door 'design pressures calculated for ip to 20' wide by 21' high door. Uri its of Use; , 3nstai[ation instructions Approved , for, use In HVHZ:'No F1.80138 - RS II 27013:- 200 Series install sealed.vil Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 1203:adF ,7. Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon RE: FL• No: 7768. Design, Pressure: +113.1Max/-113aMax .. Created by Independent Third Party: No Other: Design pressure at test door width of l6 _ +/-3S:0 ,Evaluation Reports' P F18886 RS, AE- ER-07-0005-R3 02221Z 0011:o f Created by Independent Third Partyr.Yes httpsahvww.floridabuilding,org/pripr app_dU.aspx7paraniwGEVXQwIDgtYt w8JP6BrAIPac%o2fu`lV8PcWZl%o2fl1F%2iCc%3d(• 215': 1/10/2018 Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use- Installation Instructions Approved for, use in'HVHZ: No FL8888' RS 11 77013 = 300.Series install sealed.od6 Approved for. use outside H_V_NZ: Yes_, `FL8888 R5 ii- :29031 300 SerlesodF YmpacE ResisfanN No, VOW By: Ioseph'H Dixon RE R-No.,7768" Design;Pressure: +118,1Max/-ill.l, Created by Independent Third Party. No Other: Design pressure -at .WA door width of 16'f = +40 0./' Evaluation Reports -37 0 psf FL8888' R5 AE ER-07 6005-6022212'-- 0011,ndE Created by Independent Thlyd Party: Yes 888.8.6_ 418C Rolling Steel Ser:i_ice Door (1W Maxlmum'design pressure for; 8'.wlde by 21' highAoor Lower. Gauge - Curved_ Slat) design pressures calculated for up to 24' wide by 2P high. door. limits of use IrrsfallationYnstrucHogs Approved.for, use in HVHZ: No, FCeeeB RS ti 27013 = 400:600 Series rnstall sealed.odf' Fr88881 R5 it 27013 400C sedes.sealed.odf' ApPrdved for use outside HVHZ: Yes; Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon RE FUNo. 7768 DesignPressure:t132.2/-132.2 Created by. IndependentThird Party: No - Other: Design pressure at test door width, of 16 - +TI_%r 32 9 Evaluation'Reports Of.R 8888' RS AE ER-07 000S=R3 022212' 0011.odf Created byindependentThird ":.Yes 8688.7 41OF Rolling Sheet Seivlce Door (18 Maxin-um design pressure for B' wide dy 21' high door LoWbt Gauge,_ Flat Slat) design pressures calculated for up to 24' Wide by 21 high door. ' Limits of:Us®,' - Installation instnicttons• - Approved for use fir HVHM No `A 9888• RS iI 27013-'400.600 Series fiitall sealed.od- :FL8888 'R5 IL77013 40OF seriessealed.od Appfoved•for.use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Verifled By: Joseph' H. Dixon P.E. FL.No. 7768 Design Pressure: +127.6Mair/-127.6Max Created by IndependentThlyd Party: No Other: Design pressure it door width, 16' =.'+/-4g.3 EvaluaHon.Reparts psf F888B R5_AE"ER-07-0005-111022212 001todf 68888, 1420C Rolling Steel Service Gauge - Curved.Siat) Door (20, Maximum design pressure for 8 wlde by, 2V high door. Lower design pressures calculabed for up,to 24' wide by 21' high door. Limits of use Appiovedfor use in HVHZ: No Approved.for use outside HVHZ: Yes impact Resistant: No Design rgmtura: +124.5Max/-124.5Max Installation Iostructions Fr 80 6 R5 rr 27013-460:600'Series Install sealed.odF- ELB880 R5 II 27013 400C series sealed.odF Verifled By, Joseph H. Dixon P.E. FL.No. 7768 Created:by Independent Third Party: No' Other: Design pressure at test do _r wldth of 16' = f_/-32.2 _. _Evaluation Reports psf F18888 RS AE Ertl-6005.113 022212 0011.odf Created by.IndependentThird Party: Yes 8888.9 420FRo111ng Steel Sery de`Door'(20 Maxlmurfi de-sign'pressure for 8' wide by 21' high door. Lower Gauge - Flat Slat) .. design pressures calculabed for up to 24' wide by 71' high door. Limits'of Use, Installation Instructions, ' Approved'for use in HVHZ: No F1.8888 R5 11 27013 - 400.600 Series install sealed.odf FL 8888 R5 II 27013 40OF series sealed:odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +119.31wlax/-119.3Max Verified By: Joseph H. Dixon P.E. FL.No. 7768. . Created by, Independent Third Party: No Other: Design pressure at test'door width. of 16: psf ' _ +t-871 Evaluation Reports F18886 RS' AE ER_07'=0005-R3 072212 0011,ndf Created by Independent Third Party: yes. .8888.10 422C Railing Steel Service Gauge - Curved Slat)' Door (22 I{ Mazlinum design pressure for 8' wide by 2V high door. Lower design pressures.calculated for up to 24' wlde by 2V high door. . Limits of Use JI installation Instructions. Approved for use in HVHZ- No FL8888 R5 II' 27013 - 400.606 Series Install sealed nd r FLOWS R5 ti 27013 400Cserles'seaied.odf ou Approved for use tside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressureq+118.2Max/,-118.2Mak . Verified By: Joseph H'. Dixon P.E. FL.No.:776B Created by Ind`ependentThlyd.Party: No Other: Design pressure at test door width oF'16',= +17 31.6, Evaluation'Reports psf FLUBS R5 AE ER=07-000 _R3 022212 0011:odf Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes 68.88.1i 422F Rolling Steel.SeMce door (22 Maxlnium'deslgn pressure'for 8'"wide by 21' hlgh door. Lower . Gauge = Flat Slat) design pressures calculated. for up to 24' wide by 21' high door.,. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FI8888 'RS ii 77013 - 400.600 Series Install sealed. —I ' Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Fl�888 RS Ir 27013 40OF series sealed.odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By Joseph H. Dixon P E FL,No. 7768 Design Pressure: +.112 5Max/-112.5Max Created by Independent Third Party:, No, Evaluatlori Reports: , https9/www.floddabuildlrig:arg/pFtpr,app_dtl.aspx7param-wGEVXQwto4tYiswejP6BrAIPac%2fiiYV8PcWLl%2fliF%o2fCc°A3d *5 i i 1M02018 Florida Building Code Online Other• Design pressure at test door width -of 161_;= +/-46 4 F18888' R5. AE R- 222 07-0005-R3 022 psf I ;Created by. Independent•Third Party: Yes.: 868642 424C Rolgng it e1 Se k Door (24 n Maximum desigpressure for S' wide by 2V high door. Lower Gauge -,Curved Slat); design pressures calculated for up 1pdZ4' wide by 21' high door. Lfinrts'of Use' Installation Instructions - Approved.for, us® In HVHZd No. FL8888 RS Jr27013 = 400:606 5eries'Install sealed.odF' ApproveId for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL8688RS ii'27013 400C series sealed.odf,' Ifnpaet Resistant: Na . Verified B - Imph H.:Dlxon .FL:No: 7768 _ Deslgid Pressure: +110.8Max/-110 (JMax Zedated by Independent_Third Party: No 'Other: ,Design pressure at test door tniidt_h;of 16. _:,+/-31,0 Evaluation Reports, psi Fl A888 :R5- AE ER 07-0005-13 62; 212 .0611.ni7R Created by Independent Third .'Party:. Yes 8888 13 424F Rolling Steel Service. Door (24 Maximum -design. pressure for 8' wide by. 21' high door., Lower Gauge = FlatSlat) deslgn;pressures calculated for up to 24' wide by 21' high .. ... ...door' . . Limns oEUse Installation instructions, ApproGea,forifseWHVHZ:No E9886 RS tI-27013'=400.600SeriesInstallsealed.odf FLSUS6 R5 It 27013 40OF series sealeclaW, Approved for use outside.HVHZ ,Yes' Impact Resistants No Verlfled By: 3oseph H Dixon P.E FL No. 7768 Design Pressure: +165. Max/-105.3Max 'Created by IndependentThird Party No, Other - Design pressure at door width of 161-. +/-45 0 Evaluation Reports• psi EIR888 RS AE ER-07-0005-R3 022112 601i:ndf Created. by Independent Third Party:'Yes 8888 14. , . 618Insulated Rolling $eel Door, (18 Gauge); . Service, Maximum: design pressure fore' wide by 24 high door Lowee, design pressures calculated For up to 24 wide by 24' high ' door. . Limits.of Use Enstallattan Instructioris'- Approyed,for use in Mika No F 9888 R5, H 270131- 400.600 Series install sea_led.odF Approved for use; outside_ HVHZ Yes. R_g888 RS-,H 27013 600 series'sealed.odf ImpacE Resistant; No, Verified By:Joseph H. Dixon P.E., FL.No, 7768- Design`Pressure: +198.BMax/-198:BMax, Created by Independent Third Party: No, Other.Design pressure attest door width of 16. _ +/-51 8 Evaluation Reports! - psi• ,FL6886 RS 'AE ER-07-0005-R3 02222Z 0011.ndf, Created by In dependentThlyd Party: Yes 8888AS 620 Insulated Ralling Steel Service. ' Maximunt.design pressure for 8' wide by 201gh door. Lowel Door (ZO Gauge) deslgn'pressures calculated for up to 24'• wide by 24' high hoar. Approve Use Installation Instructions pproved'for use'in HVHZ: No.. Fl R888 R5 II' 27013-"400:600 Series Install sealed:odf Impact i R for use c utside.HVHZe Yes .... Fl 8888 RS II' 27013 600 series sealed.odF A esistabte No - Verified By: 3oseph H. Dixon P.E. FL.No. 77. 68 Design Pressure: +187.7Ma1y-187.7Max Created by Independent Third Party: No Other:,Deslgn pressure at te-stdoor width of I.6 +/;50.8• . Edaluation'Reports psf' ... Fl 888& PRn AE ER-07-0605-R3 W2- 212 0011,01" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' •' 8B88A6 ' 622-Insulated Rolling Steel Service, Maximum design pressure for 8' wlde.by24' high door Lower , Door (22 Gauge), design pressures calculated For up to 24' wlde by 24' high. door.' Limits elf Use Installation Instructlons Approved fat use in HVHZ: No FL8888 R5 II'27013 - 400:600"Series Install seaied.odF Approved for use -outside HVHZi Yes "FL8888, 'RS dl '27013 600 series sealed.odf Impa-ct ReMstarit5 No Verified By: 3oseph H. Dixon P.E. FL. pesign;Presstrres.+178.9Max/-178.9Max, ' Created byIndePendentThird ParLy:;No' . . Other: Deslgn pressure attest door width of.15' _ +/-50.0 . ' Evaluation Reports psf. FL8888 AS AE ER-07-0005-R3-A22212 0011:odf { Created by Independent Third. Party: Yes Contact us:: 2601 Blair Stone Pnad. -allahassee a 32399 Phone: BSO.4117487d Thu stato of Flodda1s.in AA/E ,-omployer. Coirvrlafit 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Prhracv Statement : Accesslblllty Statement:: Refund statement Under Florida law, emailoddresses are ppbiic records. if you; do�not want your e•mall address released In'respense to a publlc-records request, do not send electronic mall to thls entlty'. Instead, contact the office by phone or.t y tradltlonal mall. if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.139S: -Pursuant to Section ' •'455.275(1), Ftodda Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed underChapter,45; F.S. must provide the Department with an small address If they have ohs. The omalIs provided may be used far aMcial communicationwiththe licensee. However email addresses am public record. If you do not wish to supply a parsonal .. less ,p p , try P ;y' _ please dldi hem p y apter 455, F.S:, ... add tOsa. mvlde ope aitment Ith,an email address.' hlch con ba made avallable to the- ublic. To determine if au are a licensee underCh, Product AppwvaPAccipti :' .. psJ/uvvvw.fioridabultding,orgfpr/pr_app dtLaspx7param=wGEVXQwIDgtYtsw8jP,69rAlPac%2fuYVBPcWZIWMFa%2fCea/o3d. 415 . USE 3'B`18X 1.1//•HEX WAD,am-7-8; USE 17X2.1N'.HFX NUiSLEEVEANCIgNS; FORSTEELJAMB.USE.IAXI•SETF-DRILLINS FORCDNCAEIEJAME USEiIl'X2.1/i - - 18•'•D• •s .�.` �.• ®:i' sCRLWS_ANDFAbTENED°•FROMRDORAHD EXPANSION SOITB WITHIttr VIM12UM L sJ �4V SPACED ATVON CENTERTHEREAFTER. EMBEDNEMANDFASMEOWPAM .-. +•---•.— --"� �,"--- FIDOR AND SPACED AT2a• ON. -- - ---'I �. - -- _ l �•..• O , - ^CEMEA TNEAEARE0.• I ,. _ \ ..�... •. 11 GAUGE VINIMUY j �LL�.. �THICXNEss. ..n . �( 112' MEAD STOP e2 .. . CURTAIN 1fA --_ 28EIAUGEGALVANIZED STEEL. GAWANIZEDACCORDINOTO. \1. STEEL JAMS! CONCRETEJAMB A,S.T. AGM-060 AND FINISHED WITH BAKED EPDXY 2M MAX.X. PRIMER AND BAKEO POLYESTEATOP COALISEE NOTE 1.j;-1.311 ' " 'Tne•xI 7/e - zr•7V.v . . - 2sle - _ j GUIDE INSERTTOGOLE LOCK s*nu . X 2.1 lflANGLE l -DETAIL, - - (SEE,NDTE2.) _d, .. HEAIINDUTY6UIDEC41�,'. . .023 it 1NTERIOFI ELEVAT31ION 2 n 51DE ELEVATION1.2so soP• _ SUDE BOLT COOK BOTTOM BAR ar J"v se—CI250 I:e°er'� .. '� R CUURTANb• _ AL:EiiNATE�—.— TO - I • F� I;mi•� - -- --- 5 . _ . ... BOTTOM BAR - ScGM' -. 2"x2 Yana• •. '.-,ATTAOHMEW -. EMS, .' _. ±_� . . DETAIL ..,bEI µCIA% 1/i SDY 1.1/A• mussH-EAD syl� D.IE/,1Ye%GlotlW... WINDLOOKCLIP' GUIDEINSEiRT (SEE NOTE4.) ' (SEENLam01R•�t \smnseHE7fNU7 - �•' IHUMin10.. EX1nuSgN- 6/B' HEM "alb IIADAIS T/PtCAL EM UUP ITAUSal HEAD I GYenlbe.+..wlbU 1e11a11tle.r- _ Ai53 M°E 3OIOl DlHe - 1 SCREW r. r. Dnr C--p G.N`—bVGNk16Oen -_ Ae+wM,CI(aG101 A . ,2b' ��—i-1 XE .. • ELIDE BmUCTV7UL b r.10 i. m"LT a241 P�n1u► AM D.w.raf..dm PAvro: D7v1071.2600/F1u: R70J 9T41155 _-,/1�'LOCX\HEn .LCI= .AtptE � i Vk657(e +tiwaStodovccm 1. '- CORRUGATEDSH .- - -- Model, 203�Windalock . ' I-21'-' f121 ,t D f1.1 01A 01.1 01.4 263 267 OD17 DDt2 Commercial SheeL`Door ^bNI LOCK LOCATEDAT FJCN ENDOF ..BOT70MASiRAISAI: - - - 10.2I' ,10. .7ED. TEA' -26T O.CI7 �GeiT TEST 6ttE OESION PRF861RIE, TEST'RFDSURE . -. -P/NAARI'Of 11.21 it .,IMe e4A zm �16'. VACIEXE'MIGH #SZ.S . ^ 4TOiAINTONttl TaiAETuxiTly$60011f 12.SP. I2• SSe sse 2b.7 OD17 - ,t3S.Q ' - - pD1oAAtviry Comm TESTING IAMORCORp A[rDllTlp DTU� 02fED aRLq 13.21 N 'As9 AID 2m 'ODIr MAXIMUM R>Z ZD'WIOEY27'..iDGH- I STEEL FOR CORRUGATED SHEETASTM;Ada WITH AMINIMUM YIEW STRENOTHOF80NEII' wOT Om TnTODDRtrnwtir '1i.2T .- a,2 uJ DDI7 _SeALE°vAAIEs .7EbTlorugH - .. . AND TENSILE STRENGTH OFUKSLIORADEEq - - _ Hill, Ki °Nv�min2oN.2.TtfSr., SDIIIOA27PAESSURETPSTTANDLCMNFCCOROENC(NITNASTIAUIOO! ,IPO. •'TOLEMNCED - CFAMED iFSID/(i UBOMTCRIFS 2•GUIDESAOLL'FORE(ED(12) dAUGE[110•-120•IMLVANIZEO STEEL - - ;'t3.71 '16 '7E.P abe'. PVO:'. ODIT 'NNOTION. AIr2 MS2NA9COCSEEROAD 3; OUDE INSERT FORMED(12) GAUOE AWANMEO STEEL DESXINIWID Fp110E31itrjilpieiEDTD I'MOIICeCATFNUHfORCE3 Ai le:.ii• iB iio aaG, 2m'. .tlDll x..A'J2- 1.(10) GAUGE 6ALVAMZm STEELWINOLOCIC CUP PASiENEO - - T7F MACES EdILLTOtYt LESS iHO171IOSE TJLLGMTEDFDRT/ET[S7DOOR, ;Ir.2i- •s.D2 c,'xis - . WRFITWOD/18•X.IbO-POP,RR/ETS ON FOUR.CORRUGATK)NS -PER SIDEOF EACH SHEET. - %TMATT�T'��CIC•,t7NOLDTx17D1OlECI1DNi- n.tl n Iti 2u ]I.D' 2m' DD17' .xYX _ REI IENCE • CTLTESTREPORT . . - 01AOCAW44ANDAWAMMOCRlOte YALALL erslnESlED ro: AWRDtl11WElT TNESWSA37HOSE N THE TFSTOOOA. PPC%1OEOTIMT 11121,4 t! 2f.1 tB,l' ts.1' 2Q1 i07 '2m Diil 1WA11NM A:I .. .' t35UES.ISal;' E4ALWTYXt REPORT IERA7.00CS' . 'TE°OM6COeK1iOJOtEO""ItTORALLOPID"WmnG .. , DD17 24e,- ,,213 lm. DDI7IIOlIOTGOIIE fx,A14Yq :DMNTIO Ito/•1•m1 Permit # 1804-0571 Tony Doran Response Comments Survey correct, homeowner revised order to 3436 Invoice, application, and engineering Zng flectingthe change The building 24x36, with 6 inch over Carports Anywhere is pulling the concrete permit. Engineering reflecting the detail 1 sheet 3 the minimum edged distance from the slab edge to expansion anchors. 4I./M I ST. Lucie County, Permitting ��irfiir �oti Planriing.B Deyelopment.Services Building & Code Regulation Division, 2300, Virginia Avenue; Fort Pierce, FL 3498 Phdhe:(772)46272172 •Fax:j772)462.6443 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 5401 Old Dixie Hwy City / State / Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34946 Parcel #: 1408-701-0033-000/7 Zoning: RS-4 APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1804-0571 Permit Type: METAL BUILDING (1 STORY ONLY) REVIEW COMMENTS 1 Owner(s): Charlotte A Doran / Tony E Doran Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Lot#: 27 Block:. Stories:, Automatic Sprinkler System? No CONTRACTOR INFORMATION" Contractor Name: Jame's J Player t `aU:,',I�county C�iE®Fax Number: `229-248-4002 Business Name: Carports Anywhere Inc 6 NagBusiness Addr: Po Box 776 Email: Permitting City / State / Zip: Starke, FI 32091', REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Tvae Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released (Givens DOCUMENTS MISSING PENDING Deanna 4/19/2018 4/19/2018 ' Comment: VEG PERMIT SENT TO ERD ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PENDING Comment: FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Deanna Givens 4/19/2018 4/19/2018 4/19/2018 Comment: PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW INCOMPLETE Jpi, Inc 617/2018 5/7/2018 Comment: 1) PLEASE SHOW ON SURVEY,�THE SIZE OF THE SLAB FOR THE METAL BUILDING AND THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. 5/7/2018 Comment:' 2) PLEASE SHOW ON PLANS, DETAIL 1, SHEET 3, THE MINIMUM EDGED DISTANCE FROM THE SLAB EDGE TO EXPANSION ANCHORS. ZONING REVIEW INCOMPLETE Lydia Gai braith 4127120,18 Comment: P� IT APPLICATION AND PLANS HAVE CONFLICTING INFORMATION. �KtATION INDICATES A 24!X30' METAL BUILDING VYE SURVEY INDICATE A 24'X35' METAL BUILDING WITH 24'X20' CONCRETE APRON 4/27/2018 HE PURCHASE STATEMENT INDICATES A 24'X31' BUILDING WITH OVERHANG. NO INDICATIONS HOW U CH OVERHANG. .AL PAPERWORK WILL NEED TO MATCH. WHAT IS THE CORRECT SIZE OF THIS BUILDING? IF SURVEY ` H THE WRONG SIZE CORRECTIONS WILL BE REQUIRED. 4/27/2018 Comment: VARE YOU DOING THE CONCRETE AS WELL OR WILL THIS BE A SEPARATE PERMIT? 4/27/2018 Comment: PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ABOVE COMMENTS ONLY REFLECTS THE ZONING REVIEW. THE PLANS EXAMINER MIGHT HAVE ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. �;0A�s 6r1 ee�ch e�lc� sys��- cerrechQ �6-q J"Uelr"oll aAll c REVISEOORDER""` ""CarportsAnywhere Is Pulling Building Permit For Customer (Building &Slab Only). As Built Stamped (Permit) Drawings Are Required""" wve,mcarponsa nywhere.com 10858 SE County Rd 221 Starke, Florida 32091 Phone:3S2.468.1116 Far. 352468.1113 Dealer Eversafe Buildings Dealer Phone No. 1-800-374-7106 Date 1/5/2018 Customer Name Tony Doran Coonry st.lucie Tax %(Where Installed) Main/BIIIIngAddress 703.RamieCt Gty Port SaintLucle State FL ZIP 34952 Building Site Address S401Old DixieHWY City Fort Pierce State FL ZIP 134946 Phone, Work (772) 370.6868 Home Other UNITSIZE W. 24 L 36 Ht, 14 Ga: 14 An Orders t.o.o. COLOR TOP Galvalume SIDES Lightstone/ TRIMllvaltime Price $11,990.00 Base Price 24e x 361 x 141 (14Ga) with Overhang $3,890.00 Cenified - - - - - - ISO Inph Roof Style Vertical $700.00 End' Full End Horizontal $1S3S.00 End Full End Horizontal $1,535.00 —j Side Full Sides Horizontal $600.00 . Tax 7791.29 Side Full Sides Horizontal 5600.00 I I 1 Subtotal Window Side Frame Quantity. 15%Down Payment 0efore $1,747.10 Roll up Doors (Front Endwall) Quantity., 2. Size: 10' x 13e Certified $2,500.00 .. .. .. - , Tax 10 Side Door Header Quantity: Total. DoorHeader5eal Quantity. 2 Sizes: 10e $80.00 Entry Doors Quantity. 1 Size: 1 36" 9 80" Certified $200.00 .' As Built Stamped $300.00 Anchors - - - Type. Concrete (Permit) Drawln Panel Cut Fee ,! Quantity:. Size: Roof Balance Due at Installation . ' " 'r3 '=Q 1 Zoo . Installation Yell Delivery Sheeting 26 n e I 1 i 1 Color Match Fasteners Ye$ n/e Insulation. Main Building: 2/4" Roof Only Lean To: None $910.00 Foam Enclosures . Ridge 8, Eaves lose $70.00 Roof Pitch 3/12 n/c I Drawings As Built Stamped (Permit) Drawings I 5%Discount - Ya -$630.00 [ Total:1 $11,990.00 NOTE: FRAME IS 1 FT. SHORTER THAN ROOF LENGTH Buildin T e/Use Roof3tvle Regular InstaOatienType--.---•- �^ Paver liable, A 1� IG. - Boxed Eave X Ground Uncertified Vertical Asphalt Certiried X Other Garage/Workshop, ProZoned: X Residential OIIYUIIYI] r'Urte.l'INJC e,V1Y 1 rtNV 1 (� f, fa 0 n1g This rchase agreement (the "Agreement") is made by and.between.Carportsanysvhere of North Florida and Tony Doran (the "Buyer"") el�Ta eesTher being fuDj educatedobotet Czrpod erywher—dous products including the fourteen 114) Bauge.hvehv(121 gauge, and cMtg unRed,tobuy,andCeeportwnyrhereagreestosleI4pursuanttotheterm Ustedinthis Agreement.thehemdesmDedabove. Buyerhat read and understands the terms of this Agreement, fndudmgthe terms and conditions contained on the reverse side of this document chtenmtareeaprrssryincor aac�ed herds by reference. as vier, as any and all relevant wm arranty lnfom+adcn, and agrees to be bound bysae. Customer. 7tay •_�' /f°' �,&at, Nandmwsc , rmait tonvedoran@aol.com ey Marc Bronstein (I) c DocuSi n Envelope ID: B9C46417-B18F-469A-8C79-55C5402789DB Gustomer: l ony Doran. Date 8/31/2018 ADDENDUM Confirmation of building specifications and other information ,/N& Buildinj Design S ecifications E V E RSAF EI Door and Window Locations Roof Type 10' x 10' x 13' FRONT R Note: Walk door and window locations are approximate and may change field: If a.walk door'or window does not fall between two legs, a $75'hee •,$50 fee for windows will be charged. BACK 3' 31' LEFT 1' 1 SIDE htlywhen installed in the fee for walk doors and a REGULAR OOXED SAVE VERTICAL' Side and End Sheeting Type 10 I Building Color Selections: Factory/Contractor: Carports Anywhere Walls Lightstone FL Licl nce #: CBC1251995 Roof Galvalume Trim Galvalume Note: Obtaining a drainage plan, site survey, site development plan, floor plan and -termite treatment are Buyer's responsibility. I *Note: Any revisions made to the building after one week of the.date on. this document that impacts the dravrings may result In an additional charge for new plans. 5;; lgned by: Signed �OVa�n, Date 8/31/2018 4:'27:19 PM PDT Tony Do C2CCSE4F998A488... I Eirersaf® Buildings 4651 Woodstock Rd. Suitt 2013 Roswoll, GA 30075 s I (REVISED) Doran, Tony PO (Eversafe Buildings) Valerie Bermudez <vberM-U- dez@eversafebu.ildings.co.rrl> Wed 9/5/2018 12!49-PM. To-.weloveourdealers 2 attachments (273 KB) Door & Window Layout' (Doran, Tony) R.PDF; Doran, Tony PO (Eversafe Buildings) R.PDF; Please find attached a revised order for Tony The customer has made the foIlowing- changes: Inc,.,reasedsbi.dgssizeitog3 i If there are. any questions about the order please cal us at.1-800-374-7106. Sincerely, Valerie Bermudez EVE RSA- FF Eversafe Buildings A Longlife Steel Buildings company Phone 1-800-374-7106.Ext 33.3 Fax 17800-374-4694 vbermudez@eversafebuildings.com www.eversafebuildings.coin l ' Tony Doran A Confirmation of building s pnjf EV E MAF E Door and Window Locatic Building Color Selections: Walls TBD Roof TBD Trim TBD I i Date 1/17/2018 i�ENDUM clflcations and other information Design Specifications J M2LTff e Side and End Sheeting Tvpe 0 U 0 0 �1 awmc Factory/Contractor: Carports Anywhere FL Licence #: CBC1251995 II I Note: obtaining a drainage plan, site survey, site development plan, floor plan and termite treatment are Buyer's responsibility. �I 'Note.. Any revisions made to the building after one week of the date on this Signed that impacts the drawings may result In an additional charge for new plans. Date Tony Doran Eversafe Buildings 4651 Rd. Suite 208 Roswell, GA 30075 - P JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK O HE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LU 1 COUNTY FILE # 4426026 OR BOOK PAGE 1136, Recorded 04/1•.;,-'1018 12:39:43 PM RECEIVED I I Permit No. State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that in Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following Legal Description of property and address if available L w 90b),e lakld P t- 6 h General description of improvementsyarage owner/lessee Tony 8, Charlotte Doran Address 5401 N Old Dixie Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Interest in property. Owner Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) APR 19 2018 Lucie County, Permitting Property Tax ID No. 1408-701-0033-000-7 will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with I is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1 N Old Dixie Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34946 5- 2 T + 28 tOF- W &S Address n Contractor James Player d fILl C�WWGyA Q It L Phone # 352-468-1116 . Address PO BOX 776 Starke, FL 32091 �T Fax # Surety Phone # I }- Address Fax # Amount of Bond Q Lender ,_— _ _ Phone # - Ex 9 Address Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name Address In addition to himself, owner designates # Fax # whom notices or other documents may be su m = Uj Phone # .¢- r n: u Fax # Fax # to receive a cop y of the Lieaor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) {b}, Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement Is one year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.13, F.S., AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAI iNG TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN,;FINANCRdG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE, COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT. I ()wner/CesA, oifoVnfr's or Lessee's Authorized OtRcerlDirector/PartnerlManagerl Signature Signatory's Tide/Office i ate of Florida, County of owledged before m his , day of 20 a , by o is personally known me or who has produced ;, � _ as identification. AAAAAA, Signature ofNotafy/ Type bdPrint Name of Notary jSejIL, Title: Notary Public Limission Number "° "hy� ANNEMARIE SINGER Notary Public - Stata ol.florida t' • = commission +� GG 065884 .,"'soc,.drA: My Comm. Expires Mu22, 2021PF I V •'•CUP°+tsAnW+heteis Pullin gBuilding Perm(tFarCustcmer(BuBdina&Sia6'OnIyl.AsBuilt Stamped(Pe It vtngfgraRequlred••• !ENGINEERING PLANS PAID IN FULL �j1 G fOeSOSf Cui 1dLi } Stat4 Flodda 37➢9] Oedet c1pnRys,��g \. 'Muu35Y46L1116 Nc35tIfF1113 QlumnetName fUv7g0 Butld4ltt 1�063747tp5. ._per—_— i! Nd0IN8nf�dAress _ TOnYDOran '703 Raml0 LY .. ... nN Milode _ TnfilWtm•Ns4led� i e„w4ysee,wd,en �f�OI; .sOhl ObA xwv CtY DOItSuat lauh ----�-- sme H a. 3tlSt rAanewai _ RL2 - lid Mr wRPiao, sw n aG aa966._ urnrszm o, Otl r Stta�s.00 STtss9 sn.�sa+e SLes?.t9 $10"Wo $Moo 9 uxwo Te This Durth•xepeement (du'Apc•meM'11s made by and between tblporteMMme of North FWds end Tlpny Doran Bhe•eq e-)� " V1r•Pa.InnbY'{(�/cbmMIDOV16�ptmhryl�rrhmP�odnuheuW d•lamm1111fulr�aa:nd mtlM�°�I'uhul:eN�rplv�+OeaiIbtl.Pmmlotlrh�m14tr1 htlibMMmrt.ba/rvWllb�n, kilMltrtilW W �•Anb•IltblriralNY�m�,blydyculreu W niii�ynaiWrlocMrnrnttl111tAb0omi•ip mmla.egimy. cp�MYiMn m�rwfucvW if rekwnw CV"h iOa WW=Ubbmbymw �Ca.. I wyYoe. .>� Marc Bronstein RECEIVED� APR 19 2018 Si. Lucie County, Per( 1W[1p