HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1481 ~~l " " ;... B. F. HOLDElf AND L. CHRISTEN~EN I I I: " TO APPIDA VIT WR0:f IT ConcRtUlS. " .[ STATE Oll' nORJDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY. Before the undere1sned oamt this d~ B. P. Holden, ani L. Christensen, who being first duly seorn says tha~hey are ftoq~ln~.d and familiar with the property and looation of same, whioh i8 desoribed 88 foll~8t Lots 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 196. 197. 198. 199. 200, 201. ~ of 202, 203, 204. 205. 206, 20'1, 208, 209, 209t. 215. 2lG. 21.'1 aooording to Sheen's Hap of White 01t,., in Seo., 9. Townohip 36 South, Range 40 East. Affiants fl~ther state, that B8id property is wild, uncultivated and not in the actual possession of any person, and has not boen in the aotual p08~esslon of anJ person for thB past twenty years. Sworn to end s11bsoribed betor me thl. ~. F. t!olden 1;. Christenoen '1th day of l!aroh, 1925. T :- "' Large:g .... '&: :::.,(1) " .~ ~8 ~ ,." BY 1cU-/i ~{/ P. C. B1dred(Clerk of Circuit Court} --, 0~ ~-f/1A ~ _ D.. for the State of Plorid~ at oX9ire8 July 26, 1928, this Her. 17, ,1925. . ----------------------------------------..---------------------------------------------- ELlffll THm~S, TO H. A. CRQCY-EM. ". " . _.MASTER' S DE3D " .... THIS nmZUTlI:!E, llade the~2nd dal of Harch, 1~25, between Elwyn ThOMS, as ~pecial If!lster ., in Chancery, of the first perl, aM H, A. Crockett of ,~t. Luoie Oounty, !"lorida, party of thl second part: I. WHEREAS, the Cirouit dourt of the_Flfteenth~udioial Cirouit of the State of ?lorida, in .. ,....., and fO;:r the Count:;" of St. Lu?i~ in ClJ8~\.b~~, on"the fifth day.b-1ebruaTY..A. 1). 1925. among ... ~ - . t : other things ordered" 8djud~ed aIJl'~elJeed, in e oertain cause then pending in'.the said C~urt, ; ..... ". "'. \.. . . , between the Town of pell~m're.! ~~\p"'18~~,t. and ~.ohn Hamilton, defendant, that the prer:Jis....8S oov~red by lien mentlqnel'1b's8~ 'deoree, and he~einafter particularly desoribed, be sola by said Uater, 8~ pub!io auotion, the said lleter first Fiving four weeks notice of the time and'- - -- - ~ publi.hed at !ort Ple~08 :;in the 8sid !itote. to-wi t. the ?""ort ,", -f-: -- \' -' "'1:- ~ . 4. I'Ll' . ~ place of sale, In.8 newspaper : :a...., f ; Pierce JleW8-Tr:lbd.n~, .....~, ! A1lD'.'lH8REA~, the oald Speoia1 Master, -- ,; l;~ ..:1 _.~ '.- Elwyn Thom~, . a nllarty of tlt~ ~~rst ~rt to t~8 4....._ ; presents, in pursuanoe of the said order snd . decree of the eB~l>court in C"h&nce#; dl<<\ on the . ~ '" --,... '?~ ----. .... : second day of"'\!arcll, 1925. sell at pub110 auotion the. said p~~ises ..c,over!-,~bY-~, hereinafter '.. . - ~ ~pertioulsrly desoribed, hsv1~ first given previous notioe of thl time and place with a descrip- : tion of the said premises, agreeable to the order aforesaid at Whi9#: s81,9- the Baid premises. . . ' < r . -1 .l , 1 covered by lien, her.iD8~ter p8TtiouJarly desoribed, were Bold to tbt said par~ .pf tbl second ; part for the StUB of Four Rwndr~d and NO/1OO ($400.00) Dollars. t~~t being the highest Bum I , bidden for the S8CI~. ! NOW, THEREPOHE. THIS IllDEll'rUR3 nT:fES~ETIJ: That the said SpeOial l!aster, in order to corry ! into effect the said s8le 80 _de 8S aforesaid, in pursuanoe or the said decree of the s8id -' ; Courl of Chanoery, in oonsideration of the premises, 801 of the said SWl of. Your Hundred ad .no/ 1100 ($400.00) Dollars, paid at the tJ.me o~ the exeoution hereof. by the said party of tm eeoond I I !part to the said Speoia11lester, th. reoeipt whereof, he does hereby 80knowledge, bas granted, ' i jbor8Qined on4 eold.'aliened, r.1oased. oonveytd and oonflrmed, and by these presents dOts grant. ;Jif.I1~~~~f~:~il~~ -, ;...~\,;(.&~kl~~fJ{t