HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1488 288 --- -----------...- ---.- ---'.......--.-- --. _._--~---------- ---_._._-~---_._._--_._._-~-'------_..-._....~~- --- ----- ....---." "-'--'- - -.- .. . "-"''''''~,-.....'~~.._."T'l...........,_........--. '_..._-':"..,..,.....,..-:___.~.....~,--~'l ~~--:..~:r:'"l"':~...._-":.<r' \.~,~.,....-..,_-~!'._.~_..~'-~..,.,.~ .~~...~...._..., ,"\._---~.. - ......;'"'._,"';",_. _11...."'~~......_..... _._-:..._~~_ "'..' Lote 13 to 23, inolusive, of Block 6, Single reeidttno. $2,600, or duplex flat or double house $ 6,000, o~ apartments $8,000. Lots 1 to 6 inolusive, and Lots 24 ani 26 ot ~look 6, ~1ngle residence only $3,600. All Lots in Blook 6. Single r~sidenoe $2,600; or duplex flat or double house $5,000, or apert- menu $8,000. Lots 1 to 17 iDcluRlve, of Blook 10. Single residenoe only $6,600. Lots 18 to 33, inolusive, of Blook 10, Single residenoe only $3.000. All Lots in Bloat 11. 8ingle residenoe only $2.600. All Lots in ~look 12, Single residenoe only $3,000. All ~ots in Blook l5,'Single.~esidenoe only $7,600. Provided, also, that Lots 2,3 ~d 4 may be J used for a swimming pool. Dwelling houBes,flats and apartr:i;nt houses shall be UBed for resldent1el purposes only. No more then one private g.rare for UBe of ocoupants shall be erected on any one -. : lot. , ./ "Hotel purposes" shall inolude gift shops, drug s~ore, barber aM beauty shops, and any business inoidentsl to well equipped hotels, 5. The exterior construotion of all buildin@8 in said Boyal Part shall be of stone, briok, stucco or conorete but not o~ oonorete blooks, unless S8rr'e is surfaced with stnc- co, and 811 buildi~s shall be of Spanish, lloorish, Italian, Floridian or similar type. of Architecture. 6. Penoes ilY'front o~ the building 11nes shall be ornaoental and not exceed thi r- V ty inckes in height. Feno' in the rear, or baok ot the building line o~ all lots, shall be o~- namental and not more than five feet high. All portions of lot~eferred to in these restrictions lying in front o~ tre buil- ding line as hereinbefore sot fort. sball be used only for ornamental purposes. 7. no si~s or billboards of any kind or oh~raoter shall be exhibited, displayed, V construoted or rnsintained 0 - said subdivision without the written consent of said Royal Park ~~.. ' . < -. Company, its successors or assigns. . 8. 2ach lot of the above desoribed premlse8 shall at the option of said Royal Park Company be subjeot to assessment by said Com~any for an amount not to exceed $10.00 ner year for the period beginning at the date o~ this deed and ending 3anuary I, 1960, payable in semi-annual installments of $5.00 eooh on April 1 and October 1 o~ each year sfter date of this deed, whioh moneys shall be ~sed for the maintenanoe and upkeep of Baid subdivision" such as the clearing of lots, care of treeo, shrubbery and Vines thereon (when negleoted), so faT as the amount oolleoted will permi\, end ~hioh the said vendee agrees to pay 88 one of the considera- tion. o~ these presents: the lien of suoh aosessments to be placed and collected in the 8a~ manner as is providad for liens for labor and materials rtnderlthe la.s of the State of Florida. 9. GarBees shall be ereoted subsequent to or 8imultaneously with the oonstruotion of the dwelling, unle.. permi.8ion to do otherwiee is first obtained in writing ~rom said Royal Park Comoany, Garages shall be construote4 of tbl same materiAl and o~ the sams arohiteotural design a8 the dwellings and emU not in any IIIJ event be U8sd to r rosidential pllrpoaes except for the housing of servants. 10. no spirtuou8 liquor eh811 b~ 801d or kept for 88le upon 8aid premiees. 11. lIothing in the.e restriotions shall be construed 80 8S to prevent the oon- struotion of sohools aul ohurohe. or 80 88 to prevent any p~810ian or dentist from practiCing his profession in .61 residenoe building, subject. however, to ell 'ther restrictions herein oontalnud pertaining to residenoe buildings. 12. Tht 8ald ROlal Park Ooapany, its suooe8S0ro ~r assigns, shall have the rl~ht. after January lat, 1933, to releas6 ... of til. .bove~, foregoing restriotions, oon- 'j ~li~~ilfI~~ .', , . .::. .,:~:J!~b~~j'l~~~