HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1504 1304 , .. -- ,..-..-. ,---- ._----..,-.-, .~- C. O. BRASWELl AND WII'8. to PAUL m. SAUllDERS and wife. WA.'lRANTY DEED. i{i~: f'~ ., '.-. '.' ., . .) ~ 1~ ~ THIS INDBHTURB, Vade this 12th day of Uaroh. A.D. 1926, between O.C. Braewell and Ruby Braswell. hie wife. of St. Luoie County. Plorida. parties of thqtiret part. and Paul H. Saulldero and tutie Paxton Saunders. His \'tife. of St. Lucie County. Florida. partieD of the aeoond part. '.'lI'i'llF.SS~'rH. Thet the said perties of the first pert for and in consideration of the slim of One Dollar and other valuable consideration to them in l'.and. paid by the soid plJrties of the seoond part. the receipt whereof is hereby/acknowled~ad, have granted. barge mad and sold to the sald parties of the second part. their heirs and assigns foreyer. the following doscrib- ed la nd. to-wi t: Lot One (1) in Blook Fifty-two (52). Lot Ten (10) in 310ck (50). Lot Five (5). in Bleck Forty-eight (48). and tot Six (6) in ~look~ Twenty-nine (29) of Biltmore pa~. acc~rd- ing to .tlw ?lat of saf. d Biltmore .?ark of reoord in the office of the Clerk of' the Circuit COllrt of St. Luoie County. Florida. in Plat Book 4. page 62. the e8me 'eing 8 revision of a portion of the Horth"est part of Lawnwoo~ Addition to Fort Pieroe. Florida, md being looated in the Uorthwest portion of Section Sixteen (16). Township Thirty-five (35) South, Ranfe Forty (40) East. in St. Luoie County Florida. PROVIDED. l1EVRRTHELRSS. These presents are x:ade eul)ject to all of the followir.g expressed oondi tions. restriotions am limitations. applying to the sm d property and which are inten1ed to be. ani shall be accepted as covenants running with sold land. and which shall be binding alike upon the heirs represAntatives am assigns of the .said party or !>arti e8 of the seoond part am on the parties of the fl~t pert, who. by aoceptance of this Instrument apree to abide by. perform 0&111 adhere{to said conditions. restrictions and limitativns. as one of the express conditions of these presents. bpt only for the period ending January 1. 1935. 1. That no b':l1di ng 8mll be ereoted on the said land except for private dwel- .' i..l' ~ .~. . ling purposes. except ususl fmd neoessBry out-buildings am that the said dwelling house ex- clusive of the out-buildings. shall oost not less than ~2500.00, whioh price shall not include. architectural expenses or fees. and shall not include any other 018s8 of improvements save end except the aotual material and construction cost of the said dwelling house. 2. That not more than one residence. together with u&ual end necessary out-build- ings. shall be erected on each of said lots. 3. That no unlawful or immoral use sm 11 be oede of the premises hereby conveyed. - nor shall the 8a1T8 be used for any commeroial purpo8e; nor shall the S~JI:le or tiny part thereof. or any interest'therein be Bold, relea88d c>r otherwise conveyed to any person8 other than the Caucasian Race; provided that nothing contained herein shall prevent the keeping and maintaining usual and neoessary\~ervants on the propert, for reasonable family use. ~hiB provision. however. shall not cause forfeiture unless the holder of the fee is shown to be at fault. 4. That no bllJlding 8hall be construoted or ereoted at a less distance than twenty feet from the freDt line of sadd lot, 'or e1th'3r of them. 5. That if saId party or parties of tha seoond part, their heirs. representatives or 8ssigns. or auy holder of the 'Hoperty hereby oonveyed by virtue of suy judioial prooeedings, ~hell feil to comply with ~ny of the above and foregOing restriotions, oonditions or limitations within sixty days after written notioe by ~il to tr. said party or parties of the second part, th.ir heirs. personal ~epresentative8 or 8s8ign8, or any of them. at the last known address, by the 8aid parties of the first part. their euoceosore. ~orson81 representatives or assigns. or \ 6ither of them. then the said above deloribed and conveyed property shall immediately revert to the 881d'partios o~ the first pert. their suooessors or assigns. who shall be entitled t~ im- . I ~~~~i~f~: .... ..'::~~::r;\~~i~~ki '.. ... F --.........'lIf".t. ,..--'-,,_1: ~'T..:__.. \," "1~~ ." .... ,~...' ._ ;_ }*....;.,._..~._.::1::;.....~..""'.~.)..,.~..-~~_..