HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E.; SMITH, C�Lt tK OF THE ,CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4429054 OR BOOK 425 PAGE 1064, Recorded 04�27�,2018 10:0.8:30.AM STATE•t)F FLORIDA ������� ST. LUCIE COUNTY . I THI$ I$ TO CERTIFY THAT THISiISA 0� 111, AND CORRECT COPY OF ?PIE r_ AID r:IN hV �� 9 ) I�1� Pr�Qt ' • PERMrI'NUMBER• • •r The undersigned hereby given notice that it Florida statutes the following information is 1. DESCRIMOTq OF PROPERly (f ega SUSDIyIS orO t" rwr� .�t3Lt�t M-SLO 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WRt D 3.OWNER INFORMATION: •=• a. Na I*Al" 8000 S - US-1 f S, / j ttt d. Name And address of fee simple titlehol 4. CONTRA.0 rOR'S NAME, ADDRESS i 8000 S'_ US1, Suite 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRPM AND PE 6-LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND Pf 7. Persons within the State of Florida desiga�i Seuioa i13.13 (])(a) 7., Florida Srattites: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUhb5ER; 8. In addition to himself or herself, -Owner des 713.13 (1)(bj; Florida Statutes: 'NAM. ADDRESS AND PHONE NtlMSER: / 9, Expiration date ofnotice of commencement specified) Signature of Owner or Owner's Authorized.Ofticer/Direem, State of k°lorida County of 4 _ T.rr C 1 e The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beft By. Matthew Lyl•e. Wynne (Name of person) t=orWynne Suil.dinq Corpora (Name of'party on behalf of whom instrument (ranted Name,ofNotaryPublic)' Under penalties of perjury, `I declare that I belief (section 92.525, FloridwStatutes). Signature�s) of O+wner(s)Ar I rr By: _ Rev. : p9JJ&=7jR=rd'ne) -P, yr t.V1VdlylriNurairg-41 . - nun--&•7. Zulu nt will be rnad"e to certain -real property,; and in accordance with Chapter 713, in the Notice of commencement. on artd.street address) TAX FOLIO NCJMBERr.13 0 CZ 11.1— 0 E10`1 00 0 /,[) TRACT LOT BLDG - UNrr 6/7 34 39 a13 that part lying northeast of 95 r'r. Sinale family res'idAnr_a mac. interest in property, ,:other than ownc). PHONEN MBER., Wynne Develoolnent Corporation VE HUNfi4ER ANDBOND AMOUNT:. NE'NUMBER by Owner upon whorttaotiees or other docurnents may be served as proyided'by ti gC'�s` ` Spanish Lakes Blvd. Ft. Piercer FL. 201- the fGllowing'to received copy of the.Ucnor's.Notice-as'provided'in Secoon 0590 . date is 1 yek hom the date -of recording unless a different date is Matthew, ;Lyle Wyn-ne,, ent Print Name and Provide Signatoryts TitldOffice �3 �� me this day of P,e� , 20. as t_J­jccSjbewl- ,fTypai of authority ... e:g; Owner; offloer,'trustee. attorney in fact) L,on s.executed) Personally Known✓✓± or produced the following type' of1D: OOROTKYA14N5ASK�rr MYEt)hrtstSSl0N#90030145 Pub]ic)' �chzy�`c EXFIP.ES:Oclobet2;2020 .r�{;, dcnCeC.ThruNo:aryPublicunCendUers and that the'facts in i aze true.W the best of iny.knowledgc and Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: