HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL PANEL WALLSFlorida Building Code Online 2/16/18, 8:51 AM Floijda i 'I" i Lu :7"' P *'"'"_r f' .�y^+•f`fi as( 3"i s+' A� .3 ' y'$�'.'ti, E x . i��'>,rn.w.r .•.. :�. ,..�a.4.tie.�/, .,.•ov, z�%i«'a-�� 3� s+.��Y����lrW;rh.%'"�,+��� �f as3.teiiw4 BCIS Home Log In User Registration • Hot Topics Submit Surcharge i Stats & Facts Publications ' FBC Staff BCIS Site Map ! Links Search Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or AUDUga ion Search > Apnlication List > Application Detail -.. y "r FL # Application Type PP YP F1-13192-115 Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived brtJ1�N�.:aaanH yp.terurZy w`n ^t��Reb Product Manufacturer James Hardie Building Products, Inc Email Address Phone / / 26300"L'a Alameda�'"`�' Ste. 250 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (909) 349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Authorized Signature Pingsheng Zhu pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Technical Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana, CA 92337 (909)349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Quality Assurance Representative Pingsheng Zhu Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana, CA 92337 (909) 349-2927 pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Category d Subcategory Panel Walls Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Ronald I. Ogawa the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-24121 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By John Southard, P.E. = Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL13192_R5,_-COI RIO - Certificate of Independence.pdf .File Copy https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQw IDgtsk%2bGnUu47ogxmaHRnHIlDSL7Rnc9nl4NP2iZim2vOrA%3d%3d Page 1 of 3 2/16/18, 8:51 AM Florida Building Cgde Online ti Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) s i Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Prndurta Standard Year ASTM C1186 2007 ASTM E330 2002 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL1319Z_R5 Etc uiv_RIO-2692B-17 ASTM C1186 equivalencv_pdf Method 1 Option D 08/09/2017 08/25/2017 08/28/2017 10/10/2017 — FL # Model, Number or Name-- Description 13192.1 Cempla Ik Lap Siding fiber -cement lap siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions — Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL13192_R5_II_CemPlank-Installation.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL13192 R5_II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.pdf FL13192_R5 RER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A FL13192 R5 II_ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Steathin _pdf Other: For use in HVHZ install inLcordance with NOA 17- FL13192_RS_II_NOA 17-0406.06.pdf 0406.06 Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 I Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5_ 1FE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal I Frame.pdf i FL13192_R5_AE ER RI0=2687-17 Plank Sbiogle to CMU.pdf FL131 2_R5_AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing_pdf FL13192_R5EE-NOA 17-0406.06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes „.msawr•,a, 13192.2 HardiePlank Lap Siding - fiber -cement lap siding - — - Limits of Use — - Installation Instructions - Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL13192__R5_.II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL13192_R5 II_ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.pdf FL13192_R511ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing_pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A FL13192_R5 II_Hard iePlank-Installation.pdf Other: For use in HVHZ install in 040 accordance with NOA 17- rpr+wxx nmaYua^ FL13192 RS_II NOA 17-0406.06.�dr' Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports j FL1319 _R5_L_ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Ij Frame.pdf FL13192_R5L1E_ER RIO-2687-17 Pla!ik Shingle to CMU.Rdf FL13192_95,_8E-ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathina.pdf FL13192 U__.RE._NOA 17-0406.06.pdf I! -- --- -Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - -_--J - 13192.3 HardieShingle Individual Shingles fiber -cement individual cladding shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL13192,_R5...-II.,...ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Approved for use outside HVHZ. Yes Frame.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL13192_R5_I1_HardieShingle-Installation.pdf Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr-app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtsk%2bGnUu47ogxmaHRnHIIDSL7Rnc9n14NP2iZim2vOrA%3d%3d Page 2 of 3 Flashing behind butt joints provides an e; entry of water at the joint. James Hardie that overlaps the course below by 1 in. 11 require different size flashing. Joint -flash! waterproof materials that do not react wit of suitable material include finished coil sF resistive barriers. Other products may al; a level of protection against the commends 6-in. wide flashing me local building codes may I material must be durable, cement products. Examples ;k and code compliant water - be suitable. . r E e- Flashing behind to add an additional layer of protection from water infiltration Vin. onto the course below a d 3� rrc1e,�n„# L"� � F;6 � #f►�'^'� *°*A��..n'�. 's"'?S'.+enP`.q'�?YxSa '2 u�z'�£-'ws"' �.3f/',t�Y r'" %�'N a' 7 ��, 7 4y..� r 'K 7 m Pneumatic Hailers and cordless Hailers can Ibe used to attach James Hardie products to wood, steel, or masonry '• 006 substrates. Pneumatic tools require the use of an air compressor with a hose. Finish nailers should be used for HardieTrim° boards only. Additionally, directto-steel tools such as those made by ET&F are designed specifically for i fastening to steel framing. Refer to the prodct-specific installation instructions in each section for fastener choices: as Power nailers recommended for attaching James Hardie products are siding nailers, roofing nailers and finish m nailers. Below is a chart showing the appropriate nailer for each of the James Hardie siding and trim products. Be sure �a that the nailer chosen fires the fastener reco mended for each product for the specific installment situation. x d a PNEUMATIC NAILER USAGE WITH JAMES HARDIi® PRODUCTS i Siding Guns Roofing Guns Finish Guns I ma F a-m c cn j a 5 til 47 HardiePlank®Lap Siding HardlePlanl Lap Siding HardieTrim® 5/4, 4/4 Boards ' 4 �d HardiePanel®Vertical Siding HardiePanel® Vertical Siding HardieTrim®Batten Boards 5to HardieShingle®Panels HardieShingle®Panels HardieSoffit® Panels a N ni N � d p, Q' att� n! t io used tnstali J, Ha`rdfe N e fitted tvrfif a flush mount �m I � .� of ita�(seatrng de th � �, C u :«. e Il In I I C E - o ' •c i For small penetrations such as wires, and pipes less than 1-'/2 in. diameter o no blocking is necessary. The circum wire should be sealed with a barrier fc d a r _ c c E PR v� m� C C 4 l% Wall mounted devices and air conditio Before installing a unit, please consult i= m necessary. The device should be instc should extend out 4 in. from the wall, m N N QI N C x � trical conduit, ;luding hose bibs) ice of pipe or and/or caulked. represent large penetrations into the building envelope and structure. architect or structural engineer to determine if additional bracing is per manufacture's instructions and flashed properly. Any condensate drains angle down. Y ° James Hardie® siding and trim products should not be butted directly against mortar or masonry, incl ding stone, brick, or _-' concrete block. In these situations, a flashing should be install to isolate the trim or siding from the mortar or masonry. a� a� m x� 0 barrier Trim gap. I PROJECT RIO-2577-15 ENGINEERING EVALUATION. REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAME8 HARDIE(a BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS COVER. PAGE EVALOATI-ON-SUBJLC EVALUA-t'I,0N'9G(0-E-' tv'LuATIO�P' U--R- P"O": REFER FERE .. NCE1 - kEPO'RT TEST RE$QLT-$, TAIOLE 1, R"ES-131-T. bf TABLE 2A THROUG. I AbLt IALLVYVAULt. b i'Ktb TABLE 6, AL I'3:LE,'-'STA99 TABLE 7, A.LL6.VVAW,WjNu LIMITATIONS OF U.S0: AS PRODUCT -1EVALVATORt, CO . M . PUANCE WITH THE'k.8 00 1 HAROJE,801-DING PRODUCTS, INC. .10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA,.CA 92337 TABLE- OF CONTENTS TESTING E DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 811,6RC&C-PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 01(.MPH)FQRHARD.IEPILANKS.,IDINQ PAGE 1 .2 2 2 2 3 3 6 6 7-12 12 DER.SIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN TS QF'THE ASCE 7 - 10. THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE., AND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, PREPARED -BY: 4ALD 1. OGAVVA & AS8OCIATE8, INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET #448 HUNTINGTON BEACH,. CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-181.5- FAX I HUNTING-1 ON BEACH, CA 92641.3 7 ,14-292-2602 714=909-1815 FAX RPOJECT. RIO-2577-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS.- INC. 1-888-542-7343 infaq 11amestiardie.Corn EVALUATION SUBJECT HardlePlan.kt Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covered In this evaluation: Haoleplaae Lap Siding, CemPlankZ 8-ding, Prwinfi— Lap S41hl; EVALUATION SCOPE.: ASCE7-W 2014 Florida 8VAing Co3 a 2012 Inten.latkWial Bra .iivj rode' EVALUATION PURPOSE: dowmine ttv-, qusI.vijrd or Ncreyis, REFERENCE REPORTS- i. trladex k 3148104W"02. TrailrV.arge load lestirq on.Hal 2. infmk 1W7170440CWW, Ttarswrse load to 4ting an 1 I s0 to be rav!ged by ;In ag"Ontx)r of Hafdiri Plarilk. ((;emPIo0, evaill Lap fastened tuv000-j �( -netzil I.raf. ling Mh na•js panoft' 2 I JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC info@jamtMardia,corn TEST RESULTS: Table i. Results of Tnnsvome Load TOMIng VUUQO -L�U.�WQM Ol MCC- —1 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 92649 714-292-2502 7114.908-1815 FAX PROJGCT-, RIC-2677-15 Report Narntier 31481WOO-W2 jll4C00-002. 1607-.MW6�1-003 I 90D77700004-,403 Testa;_ , latertsK 0116dak Intw1ek, I inlertex Thickness (in.) P;_31 l5,, 0.3125 liVidth jln�) 515 .7 r 815 I Wood ,27)(4! SFP Oss stt6At" Wadd-27.x 4' SPF OSe.ifi"NN Wood, 2`xAl ... . wl 7116' DSK' Wood )c 4- SPF w! 7110' [Frame soaclrv� (in.) 12. A .6. 1 t Fastmet-Type 08 4d' : Nil v�M- 518 - "!iq", I. HO jWSOng Ad' - . I . O'Dim ShAw 0.21� T. 4d ring innk iidiN I x 0,21 T I's, )( * IF, -UM., LNlh-4100..� 0.62.5 ['1,1025 1,5. V.s i Brow rai" lid 0.68 ilhod"Willetto Oss Wild imued OMB Blindrtiiilad to 038 Ufiima,0toad psij 310.4, 162 198 .Ms�ignLoad' p�6' -­ �103.5 5017 66.0 S. ftd fvi+Trl* 'Arita` t i339 0.667' 03813 01192 i;- 19 19.7 35.6 S&G No Fds!t�at Penetration 0,437 0,437 01,70 Na$h,*wWPL'lM*�,(K 0.090 ac vuttie 2012, _Sj-t339 llbn"" luad is vcmpwetl wah trut kit r . 690.11'An-. -.Ie -M-(e tw 5 er'., btvb t r. e 1,24, 1 -b 0 LhStd �ol ended by-APArru3qc. 4. 4�46401[tj f ith Hit, tolleWL AM jiff M A #Wk fj V �fjajj tj , . fira�vatdesig'nv- Owl cikCuiatew w Ca w, h4UAe leas �F 1,6 - 12 forWridle an W - Mhdr awiil . dasign MUO', c*m0laled r NDS-2012* ESR L - I 4y Michever applicabfu p lastemaf embOi - 'n e* v t *d'.e A 1p, i r,,. !D Wiwi, 1,3:3A i l - raft shar* "meter.,. In. wheii daft shank, Ut it 14ts-Wri3O,099 lrc or in the case of riiigshankinails,. ft vadrawal design values viefe oblainw from ICC-ES UM1 530 T ablo. 2, TA .0. tct ORI 3 I 00,53F OiL"UNQUIP1 0 1 Mrr-1 M44� HUNT'INGTON BEACH. CA 921549 71 8 15 PAX PROJECT, Hardieftnk.wldth 145.25 11-7:; 6, ,215 01,%'' M42 -19A 7 .6 011,IN- r 17.4 A -3,; 10. :0.281 M.6 7-1943 3.1-25 .;196 0:292 1-88,0 .'t9.3 915 0 11233 t-157c9 . -19.3 9.5 6' 0,3" I-Wl -18.3 L 12 a 5-441 77:13 —1 . 19.3 Fa" felowit"OVIdth lfimneo) l!;.4 4, It 4t 525 It 01222. -011T 4l),7 7.5- .8.25 A 6z a. m4mo I. ' A91. 9.25 F444. 0%7 9:6. 143,0 AM 12, El 0M7. -33,0-1 r18;7 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC, W6@jarnaghardliexom Fuf Table 2A to 2C ma deiigns lloads YAI be cakuhl4d.b load iarvancmj,$ stud spaung %W1 Table ZA, Allowable Design Loads Sq".d on Constant FA9 For 6.25 Vvnh wlda-Hardieplaiik: MsPg loa d -'oil nWe-i E (I I ecWe.trwMY fWa.per-bail = design For 0,25 inch vh" Hzf4jl0pi3nlc trie "ibWaly area to epo las*emdr. triveby dusilin We! to earl, f3s(4wir V.0 h-a kv1"i vcm-;-za. 'a By flnmg So. me allmable, design 44. wafer Ivead straw x 0.37 . a" H0, fasianum camealed (blind rcrow) M 12" OX. to Wsp Gh"athing, only v -310.4 Wi 3m--1103.5 psf 414 (j5.26-1.261 X 12)1`1144 = 0.313 'A.n, area = '103.s X 0,333 = >34,5poupds DOg EfftidiveIftiutary' =((i5lahk W* exposed In laafller x fastener sp ({ X 14j!144 = Q 6C, di5sigWW'd U 12, r" 06.ums pastanel legit irtijjRlat#dftoth thetWa, jests basedun pip0vidth Calm ltlled afwoble enerld`a:d last. Wni" �j�jcad by ar ea irbitiq far Ihi3 calidlion to be :-21tuLlIed ri = .26 J1 OA A03.5 44,5 6.25 12 4311i117, =33,15 1:25 12 , O;500 '432;7 7,5 12 ..0,421. ;OZS --31,4, ,J �aZQ � 13&111 IZ .007- -46i3 -30.8 9.5 12 4W. - -4�3. W—a 12 -1p MOW. v-3 im)5 Table 2a; Allowable NsIda Loads Based an canitm w) siding For 8.25 inch wide, Hardept Eifea"V SY 144 0.389 rq.11. exposed .9)/144, risief�4i,:66 �.*Agj,lbaa eki, , 1bW io,* 4 ., to .7 x 6, . 38 t c .1 9 11 * bs on the sa . 6,1 9 eperioad The: (qvir-ner i� W nl'btli;si' '4­ 1 a Y�Yqft If. based teo a' od.1610 trlition*,dad try amavii-wiaryfor the conctilionlobaramiatea to VVSp ZbOAthifid OffiV TWe, X, Alldwabla Dosifirt L0zdi,8.,p-4W.. 1pri.Com6nit Fasten IrLoad 4&rlp g:zhunk stding nail 11.5"-x0.09*x0;2.1&mtijC j, lastenu.concualabfind iiall) at 6" O., to WSPN uatning only Far, &.Zgtrt,b loidIFOA.. -'1S6 RSV3- -50;7 psi faslunerspaCirig J;144) 6)1144 0,292sq.ft, Fastener load ilestgn7oa %-1 1 iib6r, . .... . 2-- a -a.i6a = -86 0.29 19:3 IbS me tastenar.nads for a ostler plank uldtn were caici iriteii 4wszct on t te.salile fastenlerioad C6"WW We load =,fw4,enkrkmd Mmod condition divid6a by zreaAiib-AarY;0Y 014 concim.on to t-V calrulated OGAW4 J., 09 310NA- iricau."y"Umulum 01 MCC 1 M 4z HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-42S2-2602 714-00& 18 15 FAX PROJECT,`RIO-;25717-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC, 1-848-5 42-7343 infogjameshatclie.com DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES. d9j.a.;om p 7 iiqg Id tr e: ii o tew mmmm lmd nittioniji.iPsi stand-Irds . Va the fransvelse!"%di-esting &-I .4w, th.e..ullimle test load, -P the i1krwable de��h load it Dared On r rJor :61 safely of -;0&wa6m&sjDn l6adion ft4r-cem'eni siding torrelMfe &m*-10 mluit Od deelp prelsores for Aildy*L" sir-;z Desig S; n. and tncTilora 311ould 64 0e4 "i, cbm­ 0-notion fohong eq"Imns fcm . r b* i by us trtJ IfIr, oiW coMt10nWftj; i�LW`bqls for AlloWahle stress Desig IASD), the esled agowable &sign loads for fiber-�=Mwil : ASCE 7;10 . Piqurd 28.5-Im-I`19U re16.5-1B and Fhj4m26.s-1G. For this analysis, tocalculatethg primWresInTatiles; 4.'s -md0-.,;. tha wid c6ftlhwiohwA Iwmaccoidanm vAh ASCE 7�10 SeVion 2.4 co?�,bft)mg.norpnal rdO - 16, f � - I. , * , . -.. I - deS,W, trail 7.- Load combination-7 user, a load lovOof 0.. ' ed p(assu- la the vAnd ve Equation 1, (ree, ASCE 7-110 olquaVon 30.3- qr., vi:IV pm -WIM 43t he9j, Z K, velocili pre"Urp 0"Um.covOlpi m pvaWW:d at height z Kw4W bire6-1.1ty facJdr bas�a V`V;4 fret, 2012MC & 2010:61C SeCtior, 1602-1 defg, S) vo jan);3m + tr�ajTj %6nd Ousi MPH) dMtrnlned frona J?OUISCI 2014 1`1303 MgUTOS I SWA, 0. or r;;; ASC F- 7- 10 Figimas M. 5-1 A. 8, or 0 3. ,roll AS 7-10 oo4abon 70. C- 1) produe aryi 'efflhfOb OaZ4-1 PAOSS�VC 500Ufe t;j,!P(G EqUOtiOn Aiiowdwe qlre4t DewWr;. ASCH ?-103ediibn 24, 1; load G?I?dn 7 equation 5. ub 4 b, 0 dew rood, 71" To dtuemrn1afhvA0opmhje.Sh5sbbs PmUom apo 00 food 6 Pd �quavon 7 m 1r34 to po&ao ratite 4 S a.rld d. To dekwrzoa the aftwable miftate bask:wir.!d s Equation ii, ratite, 7, appty i`D mh4416t4 Ofs Table 1, Coefficlonto AM Coniitonps;us#d to Detofmining.V. at factbt [I t& siding) Tabl&7.'salve Equation. 7 fiv V, .mjiw t#v (Vasd) f9t:Hvfdi& Sidinn ih *Owld goat mph). (rot.. 2022 IBC 2014 F P. . Vvxq zaw 5 Kp GGi Gc; 1 0,18. _ 20 0,9 1106 1 0.86 -A.14 t.4 018 25 10:7 .&94 IA2 1 .0195, -1:4 C-le- so tlX. 0,96: 1A6 I 77W -114 Clio -35 0.73 1s01 1.14- 1' 0.05 -1-4 0:118 40 9,76: 1,04 4.22 0;86 .-1,4 Q;I 8 45 0*,785. 1.0% `1.246 1 0.89 4.4 CAS. 50 0,81 1.09 1: 1 0.85 -1.4 018 55 0.83 1.11 1;29 1. 0.86 4.4 0; IS 60. 0,04 1.43 1i31 1 0,85 -4A CAS. 100 0.9 1.26 1.43, ih 1 .0,85 -1.8 0AS 1. A JAMES HARDIE 8VILVING PROOUGT,< I-886-542-7343 . Table A, Allowable ShvsS DrWgp . Dimponent and UNTINGTON SEACH, CA 92649 714-90-1815 FAX PROJECT: RI tpllfl ijoh4AOWedat Vairl.rjus Wind Speeds (wind Exposure Cah?dory BD Wod Sp"d j3- m;-mq'!s0 tic 118, ilia ma, l4n 150 160 1110 1310 190 200. 710 He till a B a 8 'a, 8 B. - a . a B s a . 9. ;1519 -173, 09, L -24,4,, '48.3 -32,5 -46.8 -52.1 1-57.8. ,63 - ;. PO$ 7 46.8 -52.I X71 8 -617 26 -14, 15,9 17.6, 19'1 24;4,- 428-3. -32;5 .41.7 -48:8 :-52A- .8 -62.7 30 -14.4 A &9:: 20A' 44X. -25,3. -32.5 -37.0 -41,7 -46.8 - 'S 2,. -57:8 -633; 7 25.4 1, 429. 33-9 .35,6 -4345 -48,8 -54.4 -W.2 ;N.4 16.7 4 7-.3 .,:407. , 5.3 -40.1 &3 50 8 66 ­56.6 •62.7 -60,1 47V 49.6 -sZt.+ 41.5 -48:6, -52.5 .98 -58,5, -84.8. M.2 77327 77 -42c8: -48.3 -54A ­60.3 -6.6.8 -73,7 55 207 '226 �44;17 7728,97 -331; .:62;s 68.5.77j,55 ,IT;5 �j .20.0 7TV i 110, 1� �_­A "-U.2 ;36;9, 1 43.3, 50.2 -57:6, -66,s 44,0 -979 -974 IOZAI 412,9 Table 5, Allowable SIMS* t14nd-cladO)p rnoereb tpSFt fabid. tit Various 1AJindAp'i4x - Wrz ind 3tv*s,.*rO' Category C, ..*. Ri�tWtq Wind Speed (3- s;;CCC4 gust). 100. 101 1t0 1i16 420, 130 140'. 150 Am 170 loo 1 190 2m 2110 L25.2 -29A -44:9 -50,7 -M,,S -633 -MI .77;3 20 2 7W-77 .12'415. 7, -::297 -31A T3165,4 �1,8 47.5 -53;7 ;W2 -67.0. 25 �,-20.4.� 77.�_24.,57 77 _'. 7, _Z 7 -0- -,,3-7- 2,8 38A -.3 -7M75- -762-9 7_01_� 7MT -�S& :30 77:WT7 - ZOT 7 -34--2 7 .1; - : -45.6 w5l,fl - ZU.4 _75�7 5 -77.10 -80.9 .5 .09.2 N5 -Its_ 4W �35-2. 40-8: -.319, Z3� 3 woawz 2 '$3.31 �q!:g I 23 ' 7, �-26ff t2i c60. 7 4 85.6, 45. q M44f - ek2a:g 1 .-71,2 .=T .,79:3 .67.9 .96 q .50 =22.15,v 74-2 -.7_27Z 7. '412 7, 441 ;50,6 -65,0 :w72.9 61,2 -88.9 �7f&2- .55 'aO I -A " _V_afi 927 -.0,A• -To -,I Op. M7 rum -70 _8 7 7 =3 _�'�4 -117,6 143.6 �;*d gust) too.-. iga, 440. im 216 -D, D D 0 0 '0 i234 77 17 414 47;8 K4, 1 -A 2 4' 17 _4941," -67,0 64.4: -72.2 1 -BQA� 1 -9112 7T;�-: , -.30, �.A,4 -.33 O.iD. �457, :,40- 1 -Z4J): -P,3,4� -92�4 -4011:9. t. :20 .2 -_ - :44�5�� :4 UA Ad'o ..453�8 -,a ... 1.4 -31 449.5 -776 -WA i997, -106,5 3y", "�,Z44, ;Q 1:�, 7; mtflh ai,%ZA -408.3 40 -7 ! l A -00.9 _1001 11 tQ 45 777W� 43A50 'mS78: 45-7' �74;2 --A '.'83.2 921. -e ',3' -58 ­753 -84 7-726 -8 417%4 7 44,5� -W.,Z -194,0. --to U 96 71=1=.4 -1 7. 9 MTO TWOS 4. 6. and 6 afo ftfm.ed on ASCE. 7- 1 O.and IM,2012 IRC.and the 2014 NOIda WWinq C6dp- a 5 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92849 71:4-292.2602 714-906-IW6 FAX Pl1OJECT: R10.2577.16 JMA3 S HARDIE 8U1lDING PRODUCTS, INC.. I-B88-542-7 143 inloQameshardse.CDm Table 7. Allowable Wend Speed (mpll) For HardlePlank lap itOnaalydcal MOM d In A5CE 7-10 Chapter 30 CSC Part 1 and Par! 31 20127t3C,=2014 FBC 20121$C,.2014 F8C � tCc V �✓ rr�>riJl/J C0e11klanWuaed`in Tibia C ailculdHom tot V, Alt&w Ja, Ultimate Design Wed, Spead (3-&UCi?tFt'gticl:rlPO} Allowable, rtamwa! Des4gr Wed, Speed. r3-9eWndgullrrt0t;, Apptrahla t0 invltrds s 20U..FEC) s c 12b1LnC, a09 1;1:I, as de19'irtimd by 12012thy.m14FKJ Fig,X1413t f� a. Ct C. fAtr,ca;sa to �+etilaes spa;iFyr .r, EYcePBens i 1 :-rx.gh 3 et tR it.' lam. �0;.+, a:AG1$m-^.an 1f0�,1; Wrlld'expUat re rategM Wu1d oitoostoo caleqory Stung I K. PraiieiG Product ihichitapss 1itiGlias). 1rJxit11 lir.Wtes) i:as161tiN Type Ffl31er1er Spect0d FYr#nte S atyng I Fastener Type P... # IGhas) BtaShcr¢ Het h21` S tte8h t3 1G D $ C D fviC+'ii6`8 Des�11 rani (R5Fj Ev El Exit C tip 0 � . a °`sc%' Gc�, >i:trrt;•af.•tahk 5118 r:2S' Na 8'r,'1- 0 3TS . NO abbed' W31eY178£fd, sixav s? BUN rc+avled #ti W, P- 2X9,tiVgotl t;r 20 ga; sieat I tramwg,• i2 tl*6 ,Qk WSP � 0-15 ' 21i8' : 243: 221 207 1r•,e , .7t 109'S 0.1 t1fi5 1 C3 tis80 ! `0:85 1 i 0 !6 20, 268 ' 238 218 207 183 I82 -103.5. U1 OI 1.02 ', 0,85 h U.18 25:: 268 •231 -212 297 17q 164 td'. :3,7 0.S4 1.12 .1 0,85 •-i;i 0,10 30 289 228 , 208 :207 175 181 -103.5 1 0 7 D 38 . 1 IA 1 0:85 13 0:18 35 262. 223' 20') 303 173 159 103.3. .071 1 U 1. 1,1!3 1 D.85 -1,4 0.18 251:. 220 20AI .151?� '170' t57 .:-t01'8 a:76. .:tk '.'..22 i .P85 .l -a:te 45, :253 217 201 - IN 168 -155 •t03.5 10,113.5 . 1-035 ...9d5 S 0:85 1 4. 0,18 54 ;<. 249 . ,21:5 1:r9... I '168 15Y io1.5 0:81 . ?:nB +.^7 i"0:85 t o 0:18, :-M" 246':" 213 197 190 165' 153 103 S b4i 1.11 129 i 0;85 t 4 `0:18 2i1 196 M. i831 152 - 01B' o'er 1 13 1.31. 1 a.851 1,4 O.lg 1 Do: 201 . 178 167 156. 138 130 .. • .03.5 ' 0 99 T 28 1,43 : 0t4O 1 U51 Al a 0,18, 7' nk 5rt5 f It 4.25 Na 8x1- O Sy „ hbbe0, a ferhitaitl BUMG1C8Iii saawer3 1pIMP - 1� 2X4 wood g 3� framing, WI flak- 5#1etl! ung !...:.. 12 ..._ . 0.16 2:M . 214 "t$5 1113 `168 151 " -80 $ O T O 65 " t tO3 hs,60 0 S 1 4 o.18 20} 230 208 190 183, 16114T 4 0 6 0 7 O S 1.040 1 .85 14 0.!8 25; 230 204 1E7 18. 168 145 +"A E A 7 a s4 1 3: • Gas t a 0: ir3 30.'- 238 ,.. 200:-' .184 ;183: i55 142... - tflei 137 0.9S` 1„ t3 1 0.85 14 �0,16 33 31 107 101 179 t82 140 MA, 0,73 1.0 i,1t3 045 i •t O. a 40 '. 227'; 194 1`79' 1713 ' 1S0 139 60a: D,78 1..04: 122 ! 0.85 14 0:#a 45 2: 192 1.71 . 173 143 137 -M,6 VaS 7DO- 1245 0,86 IA C.1t€ 50 220 . IN 175 ire i 147 136 im a 0.81 r ? , t t v I. 0.i s AA 13.ta M. 217. 11 ! 74 -IN 14,ai. 135 -60 0' . 0.&3 1,4 i • 1,20 ass 7 4 o 18 60 . •214. 1B6 .1.73. ' 166 144 134 -aMa ' 0,65 .1,1y t:31. 1 0:66 t a ti,1D 130 177 157 ' 14a : '13'' 122_,. 11 80 s arg I.� +.•+l' h W 1 0<55 .'=1:8. 0,18 FkmdeP?ank j she 7.25 Na 8x1- 5rta"ItYlgii 0375'1 t7 ebbed v•aterltaiad screws, ' 9tihd swromd t6.:tN5p 2X4VXuod ar20ga, slttel fYamlay 7,18 fii3ck' . V/SP 0ARO 9 I.,. 12 015 213 . ;. 193 175 161 160 M . -0} 97 0.86: b--60 1 + 045 1a 9,18 20: , 213 188 111 165 145 133 -85,3 0 7 0.9 108 1 COS t 4 0.1e 25 213 184 1S8 IN 142 130. -658 07 1'L9a 1.12 1 01% 14 0.16 30. 213. 180'- :165 1t35 'Y39 128 b53; 07 008 t.18 t MI 1a 0,f8 35 203.' ' 177 ' 163 161 137 . 120. 463 . 0.73 t;0t. A-19 t 0:85 14 0,18 40' 204 ' . 175 181 158. 136 125 85:3 -FT =54 t:22 1 ats =1.4 U,iB ' .85'.:. ' 201 172 . -159: 15t3' 134 124 -85.3 0:785 . I'M j 1.245 t 0.85. ' A C-18 50 19(3. : 1T0 158 153 132 122 a3 . ttt31 1:.09 3.@T t 0:85' .-IA 0.18 55 .105 160 . 15 151 131 121 -53 0;83 1.11: i 29' t '0.85 IA 0.98 180-': 193 187: `.755 150' ..1W 120 s33' .: Ok5 1>3- 131 t' 016 14 018 100 UD:: 142� 133,. 124 110 `1D3 -05.3. am 31 1-a3, n>6I1, 1 .0:95, 1,8 0.14 alardwRaak 5116 7:5 No Bx1• s9 lolgtl 0375•{i#5 tibbCtl �telhetui8G6w8t flCi1u( svey%*d. t0 WSP V4wopl1 rx2tiga.; s(eol' lram#np';. 7118.1dtick W5P i2 SAS'. 208 188. 177 161. 140' 133 ..:. 823 0 7 01S. 1.03 M8i` 1 0;88 t 4 ,418 2D ' 20a 163 18T 161. 142 130 82:3. 07 0. a 1:00 i 0,$` t 4 .0.18 125 206.," 179 164 161 139' 127 623 07 0.94 1.1: -2:86 14 013 30 30a 1718 101, 1b.1 138 : 125' w23 0:7 0.98 . 1.;Q' 1. 0.55 -1.4 O,ta -35' 203: 173 1%, 158 134 123 623 D: 3 !tal I. to 1 '0;85 .ia 0,18 40:- 199'" ..y70. 157 154 132 : .12'l 52,3' 0.76 a:04 t Oa5 •f:4' d1.18 45 196-'. 188 lv6 152 130 121 33.3 D'SS 1.055 1 0.85 -t:A 'a.1a 50 103 168" 954 150 129 119. t2.3 b.81 lack.085 ItI.145. -1:d 0.78 55. ' 191 165. . 153. 148' - "i28 119 ' . -an D.zn 1,1t. 0as .-1;4 0.18 60 1138: 163 152 148. 127 118 -62.3 OAS 1. 3� i 0.85 -tA 0.18 1% 156' 138 130.. 121 107 101:' 12.3 0,99 1:8 1.43 hb- O I 1 I O.M. '0.6 0m, HardeP''mnk E _ V16 3 3;8"1Ottgx_ t)375'i t) tibbo.d vral."ad i `" ..tlGitd scre vud SD WsP 2X4�WCtiO or 20 eteE1 Garlihig, 7118' tnfzk V+S? sitd#iliig 12 D-15 198: ISO -1 164 154 139 127 589 0.7 085 03 hs.W t 0.65 14; 2:t8 20.. 190 175 160 A514. 136 124. % 9 0.7 0.9 1 08 1 0 b3 AA 018 "25 598 171.. 157 1541 133 122 -*u8'0 0.7 D94 112 t p:e5 ta' 318 30 198 IN . 154 154 130 119 ' •SO.B 0.7 0.98 1.116 t 'n85 -lA 5776 35., 194: 165 162 1.51 12a. 118 S> 5 0'r 10t 113 1 ti.BS •1.4 U.iA 2tl 100 163 150 148: 126 116 156:9 .0.75 ( 1 CA 1 22 1 C fi5 :f• 4 0.18 45 187 161 . 149 145 125 115 •SOS T t 5 i m ; �245 i 0.95 1 s C.1"0 50 184 150 14i 1?1 129 Ild i1.9 0.81 100 ti.2"" t 0.85 .1d. 0.t8 m- 182 . :l58 148 141 122 1:13 1 !'I 1,20 i 0'es •: A 0.18 60 160 1M 145' no 121 112 s4V<s O.Si .113 131 1 00$ -141'O.ty ""100 li9 132' 124 115' 102 .'98., .... W9 0.99 177E 1 1a3 h>BfS. 't 1,C65 -1:8 0 ie• 7 HUNTINGTON 8FACH, CA Cf28A9 714-29,2-2602 714-9 ' 06-18,15 FAX PR6JECT: R10.25777-15 JAWES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. info@Jarnesh a rdie. Wo OGA� ST)kTE-Of Al ORO.;., ON'A L. CoeffIcivits U&*d in T.Wla 6 caltulaboat W V_ 21712 laci 2014 FBC 2012-18C. 2074 FEC MtMiaWe, Ultimate 13010 Wnd, V. 1341ond gust Mph) AftwabW Nomirpal DerAgn V4'md, Speed. VH. (3-second gust Mph) .201.4.Fkl gec6n' woo, " 1. 46 dew�klad r;y , Jim isc: 20 jw 4 M] F*T" l§, or 0 ;yap t melm �w, t4e,u ods 6 spedftd �n vvnup� aflnu 014 FS .. C' wto L su a cat rC np K, prodw, Product Ttkltne'.� kinctws') Width. inc"s) Fastener TypeTyp, Fast6nor Frame Fastener- Boa sdb*g ke I L ru n Lead (PO Fxp E3 Erp C Expo tk., Gc.!CC 508 815 No, 6.x 1- , S! 0 17grll l 4.1 bw I sctfrysd, to w8p 2X4,W-Ad. -cc kattlmg, 12 0-15 194 176 160 !W 136 124 .SA,A 0.7- 0;35_ 1.09 1-4W 1 0 Be -1,4 ve :20 . 194 171. '158 - .150 133 12', ..5A,4 0,7 0.0 ,U -L 1 0,85 . AA P�.13 25 194 168 163 150 130 1 19 .5-1-4- 0: CA-- lu 1 :0,85 -14 f'.18 30 494. 1 164.7 .151,' 1 12' , 111 -544 Q-3 0.96 I 35 190' .162 149� W 125 115 � 54.A 0:71 i'm -LIL 114" . 1 6.85 t 0"![i .40 186-_ -159. 144 123 114 -54,4 0.5 i c4 22 7 46 757 TS1 ff -S-A '41165 7M, 12-4 5 1 O-S' -1.4 �0.10 50"_Iso.�. 1!% 77140 121 112 -S4.-' 0.41 , 1,06 f 2. 0 A. 0.161 55._ V: 17 154�: 143' 138. 1 119 Ill -54,4 M 1.11 .1.214 1 0.851-14 c-, -.3 W- AM:. In 14 2zA M "B via, aA 0.65 1. o 1 t I Awl=1 r 0.18 100 ^146'. .12a -121 143 100 94 5a,a 9rW I'IL26 I 'A-3 hh-60M `wj.s. 0,18 5ila 9_25 -SIB, HD ribbe<l Bw sdewed to 0"Sp rpm, wSp"50. OA 70:.;1 - 62 148 139 128 114 465 07 . . 00� 03 .0,85 1 OAS AA 0 10 20 ... 77179 159 - 144.. 139: 122 111 -46,3 '07 IVI.- !,ca 0,18 26 - 1S4 142 1. 139: .120 110 -463 43, 0.94 112, 0.85 1A 1A OAS 301 1 139 117. Ina 463 0*1 uve .1,�16 0,15. '35' 175 149': .1.37: 115. 106 -443.1 - 0173. 4 33.1. 7 75 1 -us -a. - . 13 Ll- 0' - 40 77_2 :147 133 114 _jQ5 �46.3. 74 1,01 1,22 3, 0. 1.A- - CA;3 10-1 45: :169 145, 1 -134;' 131, 112 445 01,35 i.06, 1 2145 1 O;SS �IA OA ;_85 433�.:j :129 '111 1113 46.3, OS 1 -1. CA 1.27 .0.35 I"t (J.1s 4". In` fn -127 110 1 O:t. _qE_ 1,11 1:29. 0,85 t.A ox,) GO 141 Mi AW log 101 46:s 0.86 . I.-Il I &AS,AA tvttl -75­5 7I34-. lift'' 112 ...404 95 -87 -0111 Wsi1 I-Z If*.-45c .*, il,kls -;1.0 05T 'p, 9.5 .51V ipbg x 0375 HD HOW . WqwW 24*00, l2 stein: ic V61iII04" -1 I _5 'TR -159 145.. . 136- '23 .112 .44.5 0,7- '0,851 IM h:ZD 1 0.95: .1,4 0.151 20. 176 .155- 14f: 136 120 1(* .44s rj:I: .0,g -T t.00 . I . ss: .11A� '25: -152 129:.: ., 130. .1171 Ice -44-5. 6.7- _004;_ t fF GAS :1 4 .0118r 30- M 146 A136 IN 44.5'01 MSS 116 V C;SS AA aii 35 172 146' iu8 IM. !iX 104 -;u-S 0.73, I'di, I v1s. 1 0,85 44 .0.18 .40 :469 4:� T33,w, - 13f 1' VIZ .103 44.5 0,75 1,04 112. 0!0 - 4A 0.18 4-6 70-67- 141, 713F T 726. '110 102 -44.�6 01746 11065 1,745 0.05 50.": . 163. 141 130 128. 10tt :.".5 .8 1 1 0,45 'a.4 JA IS 100; 44,5, (1,03 1.11 qr 1 0,85 �,Iw 0118 .123i, 107 -W: 4A,5: 0.9.1 1:13 1 0�65 4A 0,13 100 1 M 117 illa;.. :102 91 .85 om 1.26 f..43 rvw 1; 0,95 Iz ola Hart gPsar.+i 5"i3 0 .1 375" HD . jf,� �sctevved tii WSP .2X4 V06d. vie'thlok WSp. NIS' :AAS,. 1 122. 115. 1A494 1" �3t-fl '13.7 0.85. 0-95 !-1.4. 0.18 .149 131* '119 115 101 92'. 31A 07 0,9 1.08 1 0186 411 .0.18 25 146: 128 115: 90, 91 aj.ii a.?. O.V4 1,12 Oles 1 a.. 0.18 W I'M. . 1.24 115". 115 97 . SO 41.6 0.7 O'Da IAS a8s mto -25.: 445 1-123. 113-- 1.12 95 89: _31110 0 n, ".01 1:19 1 0.85 . it -A. -.0.18 40 142 121 112: Ila 04. 47 _3i:5 576 I.W7 -E i aes _I�A tl�.fa 45­ 140 120*. 03 86 -31,16 01-185 i,056 1,24 1 0,25 Mis 50 .136 4W 107 92 S5 =31,6 �� .1,27 ISS -1.4 1 0zle 15* '139, 418 109 M 91 $A- -3 A _.2±L .0.83 4 tt 1;19 04$ 1.4 0.4's 60 .134'116 108 104. go 84 .3i:G D.86 ,13731 s l B5 A OAS 76 72., 0, aS ar 0".41 HardiW*x ,16 52S U.09T sh-k . X 2gISsh' a14lD lon k n4ll4dto. VPp7 2.X4 i� of 20ga, t� t4watIng a '248! . 174 -Ba" '1 0�7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0,85 0.16 225 19+ i9q.. 192+ 197 160 of� 155 I G-2 <N7 O:N. i'OS 1,12 i 0.85 .1A 0.19 :25 :.248 :2w 11)6. ass -1,4, vs* 30 T .248- '2091 192 192 102 149 _NT 01 0.98. Ila I. 085 -1.4 0,18 .35 243 106 190• 188 160 147 -88.7 0.73 'IA05' 1,.13 i OAS 11A -a 40 M _V3 M: 184- 151 145 �067 0-76 1,CW 1,21' 7 0185 7.4. 45 2�.Ir '20,186 181. 156 144 -887 D.7lS j.5 1245 ass -14 atevin '199. 784_ 178. - 4.r 0:01 1.09 12T 65 228 197 103 to162 141 a 83R a 651t-14 o'sa 60 225 195 161 174 _15 15) 141 085 1.13 '1.31 1 100 '155 t44 128 ' 12D wft' O.V -1 _ ! 1-43