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'r ojcct.; No Drawfn b ahaill not bt somissl . written d1mions on h 1il ho rn. Temporary sanitary facility *hall be maintained an site during oonstruotloh, Contractor oholl review drawings sid on site conditions prier to permltt£i and start of oonstruotfon. Addltiasrailjm, don tVe ( t i n r tractor sba r lacat an of a estr o tole ho a wale gas & sanitary sewer sarvfcs prior to start of earl ruc�fa�, R the comtrootor bollovas he has dlocovor el errors sndlor aenmfsoloevs In the Cohstruotfan Documents, he shaft notify the Architect In writing for clorfftastton before procseding with any work, if the contractor -fails to eve such notice & obtain written clarification, he ohol€ be rasponalbts for such amtsslon(s) and for the coot of reo- tifytng samo, Contractor oholl furnish or provide aqulpment, operations, latter & motarialo, necessary to perform end complete ^Cho F"ra loot, Work oholl Ira Bono in *orordanaa with applicable local, stAts & federal bwdidfng and saft4y case Aid with msnufsoturer`s published Instructions. WAtltANTEI Contractor shall provide ownar with a full year warnantos on the entirety of the completed Improvaraonto netw£thotanding warrantees Issued upon individual campanants by manufactQr- are or subcontractors. TMs 1 year period boglno art date of acovptancs by JurloActlon, $OIL Ctssr the building seas of treat, roatt oeeanto$ and other dofotortoue materfato. - 5ackfif£ with selected granutsr rnotsrdati In i5" ?nsximurre n o is to a mint nest of S3 % A T lifts e d amps t ream de y per AOTM D-17. Area* that are ra ax#avntod assr foundation inotsluatlon shall bs test" and aaVisfy a min. % Modfffod Proctor density. Altowoblo trots raft pressure for 1 aundat farz doofan to 11500 pof and shelf be vertftsd by an thdopondsnt teirwho labratory. t 'M 't NAT "fie !$OIL *M5T L151M A" Isi,10" De BUSI.A N& T 1N 1 MVeLOPMEW CONCItm Concrete shaft devatop a minimum ozrongth of 00 pet at 26 fey*, Canoeist# shalt be ready mixed per ASTM C-24. ItsiNaOXCINCe Fointorotng *teat *hail be deformed, now billet steel In a000rdanaa wl ASTM A-SiS, C3rado W snd detaltod par Act Z115. Splices shoot W #nett be to s rrd+c»ceW Chapter 7 of ACI-3W wl a mac(, spice of"bar 4witiotsrt, CONGIkETE MASONRY Concrete block uncle shall conform w/ AM C-80. Placement of units shah be straight level And plumb .and truss so a tolorohcs of U8" to 101, � u ux III > * U 9 T. LLICIE C0tjNTY FIRED STRICT a 11 s FIRE 1v1AttSHALS OFFIC > REVIEWED AND AP'PRO D REVIEWED BY: u Ql i DATE: / a >a k 4 zs. 41 # -a a s. 'it 5U114 ine -for 6 �o� IX Uri] *,).0 tt. 14 L L M; A+vNKs u+eLEs st+owtNG U u v u r x ,Mqy so 111 rravfdo OUK—O-WALL standee woigfre aft es vanlecol #9 o "ladder" roirtforoing at each second course of Masonry Lay serves" Macke in running bond wl swooselvo course$ lapped vt2 of unit. V"ost Masonry Rolnforosmov i Fill calls whore showh an Drowligs wl #5 vert and #5 dowel to footing for exterior wells. WOOD Wood used in the Project oholl be straight and true to a tolarancoe 1/160 par fact of run, $2 anal better, hand ae€ad movies blocking and doodwood so rsqulrod for Code compifasnoe, fire blookfes or wall hunt equipment ROOF 5HEAtHINC 5h$athfmvg within 4' of firswolls shall bs 5W Fire rated CDX plywood malted per Schedule an Drowletes. Remedies hoarthim shall be 5/8°' Cox plywood & nallad per SchadLld an Drerwineo. Horixantol Lap 51ding & $tding Trim .lame* Hardie 01/2 x 5/161 Nardielanit pro -primed fiber- colmant lap ofdtne w/ maximum 8 V4" exposure, thotall per F5C 2017 $action 1405,16, PRE-ENC£NEEKED W090 TRUSSES fro engtnearad wood trusses shark be dasignod and oort€flad by a Florida ilc{onsad structural engineer per W 2017 requfron Itte for 160 mph Exposure "'S" wind -sans, Inatollavon shalt bs per Manufacturer's ra4 ra newts And off -nod and Improssl stated wood truss shop drawfnes. Ufting p4oamont, temporary and final bracing snd internal connections shall per shop drawfhgo. Wood In direct gontot with concretes shall be CCA pressure r r n # r c.f. , t acted. etehtac of ,40 MISC. METALS Ouppty miscellaneous metals so r,"Wrod to oomptots otruoturo and other #ompena its MiSC, METALS supplymtoositanaous nnet*lo as rootufred to compete struoturs end other oonpon ricc Flathfr,e a 0.032" white painted a€umninum shoat. formal a* ro'nutrod & par potafts an $Moat K- METAL $TUGS Unless othorwfoo noted on More, watt studs shalt be 25 gassy and larger aluminized steel otud and €rook system. MISC, HARDWARE Exterior wood trfm 'shall ed secured w1 Type 316 stslnlatt steal mile. All connectors, ratio, baits, *crew#. washers shalt be a -SO hot dip gstymnized HORIZONTAL LAr SIDING .lames Hardie HorAirlonk 5i161,x 51/2" top sidles mor- ufaotured par ASTM C 11". Typo A, Crado 11 shalt be Installed over 30* roofing felt water resistant barrtor wl *6, Type VIS stafn(ess stoat rine-shank motto per FOC Santana 1401,10 & 1405.16.:2, X00FINdi - Finish rooftne *hail be cortalht"ol p1borelss shingles wJ ppbuug 000 mode veil & rlelo t es, mh - n ur" wndzons a cpAnc, ttstoll aver ooftnefelt, CAULKING Extorlar osolant-Stkacflsrt to ono part polyurethane FLUID APrLiEDWtNDOW & DOOR FLASHING rolywa€l "Slug Sarrlor Liquid 111sehing2100" *ha€t be appiiaes per the „fSluo 5orrior Ap (li;*Von Guide to east window & door bucks :lead elmol€ extend a m nfrnu#m of 8" boyond aponfngs an oxterlor farce of C$ masonry wall rolywolt "Slw o Sorrier Jgfnt Pilfer 2200"opal€ be used to fill Verde, seams and piping around rCpsnoGrelfdon of the mosoiry walls, DOORS & WINDOWS Storm e0rass (entry) Door* - Hallow Metal - �60 0a1v. atest 18 rInsulated door & 12`r food oto el framo. Schloss "Steelcrsft L.-18" Fsiaoer 5.2 -90 mfnuttffrs rated wl affixed loireL In rioi- Doors - Solid Caere Masonito 0 psnat dcore prahung In wood frarmas w/ Colonial paint gradd trim, All swfngfm doors shall hove AAA compliant "laver handle" look or pos*sge oats, Ail bffold doors *hall have doors shall news ADA oomptfant "pull Handles added at outefde leaf. WINDOWS Oparatthe windows shall be non-fmparct resistant singis hung Poi' 4100 Sortoo for masonry tnotallotloh, Class shall be grey tint as shown on Drawings. All fasteners #hail be stainless steal, spacing as req'd for 160 mph wind zone holed' above. Install wltbin. fastener spodlne & per Details an those Drawings. 5XTF91OX TEXTUREP STUCCO per FMC 2512.14 ASTM C-020 5tu000 an CDs $hail dentist of $ oosto, Cost* 1 & 2 shalt be i part Portland Comont to 21f2 parts clean white sand. The car - tractor shot( keep the stucco mots€ 2 days foliowfne sppiicatton, Not last then 2 drays after the first scat Is applied the finish cost of simliar aomont shall Its wlth light Irene tenures finish coot, Minimum thickness 3/4". Stucco Acoosscarfas n,,Yliryl Industries FVC corhsr, oral+. ,iofht*,'J moldings' oto. so showh on drowings. PAiNITINC SCHEDULE Pssrst ahrsit ba ffrat grads prad�rt* ai" 5emzjsman Moore Psfert Co. . Extorter CBS & Stuoco Prtmor / lrondoaat At sit poured oornsroto Imams, column* & *I111*a (2) 2 full oast* latex, masonry paint. garble End Plywood Shaarthtng 'rho bottom 8" of gsbta and shostwro end pane( *0000 within p,," of roof below or drip wigs shaft be coated with two NI coact of KILZ oil bass orttorfor primmer Fli to Inotaltavtton, Extorter StArs & Trim - Primer - KILZ oil -brio exterior seedy meld-rosfwtatat - Prime at( and & Itnoal outs of Jarnos Horde products. - Completly prime the first two couross of HiiirdloMank stdi to 9c� ALL *idea prior to I"Ot llsttaabove n) aboroof & the bottom sill ends of corner boards. Pinion coats - After ati srdtng & trim is Metalled, € rovido two Putt oasts of awt�r ooleated *reins &trim Doter uslwg frtt sweatily $en}aman Moore, Sherwin Williams or Plarfda Paints exterior pets€, aee$noll thoan, Interior Drywall ri lmor (1) coat Interior grade tart'"(drywalt Primer (2) two full posts matte lstox Interior wooed trim do door* (1 semi»gloss latex prim#r full casts 00$0 alkyoiiltotoix ( f"LUMP+INO NOTES e HVAC NM$ i Soo Roots MEr 1 & 2 i ELECTRICAL NOTES - TERMITE TREATMENT REQUIRED CONCEALED FASTININI OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONIIIIIJTP Of THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD NMI P1ANI An Au. PRopiom w±1i K A. f It IliJiIIWT TO ANY COPROCiIONC �IiDil/plllU GIMTINT coiltpLY'VIgTW ACA Alwucsirtt com, C-1 Cover Sheet, Notes & Itielex A-5 Door ,Wfmiow ► Fair i� ar ,✓ ! : Fouridetom* a oFrArmfngFlmhe w r , ftllafrlo Sectlom MF:r-2 MEf"Notes s *A ul Welch, [tic A-4 Wall r ♦ others Johm M.f ': o wro th EciltionFlorida e. w AX000ftil •Exposure Melreos 3135-3145 Illusion Circle Building 23 St. Lucie County, Florida Occupancy s Apartments, Type . (f r. ,; i er • w...r (per r.5C 2,017 section Maximum s s Y,o Wind s, jdust) .. mph Exibiboure "a" FOC f. 6044 f l.. of Stories 4ovsOraele 3 ry AllowaWe # ofstorlos a.Factor For FDC Table #' w project «{ Components Area of Live «: i 'b NA'fi^ sr 4.044 AresiYstorage$ friterfair floor live lead 40 ref pof • paf 40M ..: 1 SF t21 Oil p v/12 : Y f qI ht x #'� E„ ilr 1l! it i 'L A„ I.. i► i .. fit ,� �` 1' 1 gI► ie � 1 1 � '. ill l � i„ !1i \ N.. A " i � ,1v # 1. \ ilia taw 1 "� � . , Y per "FIrd a f r. r . AM }" oypow f W 5ystotns HS-n= Yin 1, 1,10 FL 4092.1 No tr4„ x 41/^�" Agars Asa �r yeas rsstsr�ars ar a�" ihlaralie HisrdeelAilk FL134.92.2 N/A SA 86 rlrro-ofisnknails06"a!a AMrs-f 04I, 300 55 WA 17.1 27A9 N/A Mtn. 2" embed fry erautad call rerf'C 164 FL 4611.1 Yap iO4` x 4 1!2u Tapeott fwstamsrs at 8°, a Cols We, MMI 200 0"s gala; Fir 2506LI N/A it em eatw. rtnewshank ttarls a w, c/o ALL. 44 AND ACZt$5OKZ,,% 5HALi. syo 0 o A aeon ru sea par on £itorm�sns ssI epown Metal Sup*. Cam" at sttioa at " 0.0. KAlSWA6TU?-ED TN NOKTt f ~14A AND M Akft Of` Duct Construction" of the rtortda Wfol€rig Code, Edition 6 (2017), Comm Roofing CarC�nt d Landmark Arch{taotural FL 3 .1 NrA �> to Facile Warta ar *Msn sa 51 J Oft IUM 60N" rAt� 1114ATI ON. arolal Energy Efflofency volume. ( * rr sa For W 2017 "Enorgy Caioarv*tfan" CE-40ZZ tndspettelont tasting of dwdting (snit per ASTM E779air iosko note eMing,040cfml5Fof umit surface "I have reviewed the above components & cladding & have approved their use in this oro*atapressure of0.3inches w.g. structure. These products provide adequate resistance tp wind loads & forces specified VorFfo>srdonofcompiiontowlASTM E-775*hsiibeoffectA&cortifiadprior by current Code provisions." to ieguanoo of a Cariiffooio of Ooow�asioy Bonn M. Poster - Architect - Florida i ta$nso #$514 ........ �......................... 44 C-) 47.E (-) 7 40 (-) 03+(-)70 �,rp,•.. - •F• .-.yjO ASP ' 9... R r ro $e 0 is IL Q Q N r Free t • are 'I w w !� r ♦asr s�aAwtt « a� ry 3135-3145 Illusion Circle Building 23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW DATE:"1 PLUMB: DATE: i MECH: I DATE: 0 P IVE OCT 2 4 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL a r - .:-LAND USE: - ZONING: f RM : - PUD - _..z ND USE: -COM LAND USE: COM - •. ONING: CG ZONING! 'CG EXISTING USE: VACANT - EXISTING USE: VACANT EXISTING USE: COMMERCIAL ._:__..._. . ...... .......... ___. �-__.___....:_...__..-....__._:.._....___ ... _.L.�._._._�--._._.._.:.N08711.RICdl7JEJR61LL9ff.FIIwABOS.ROM :.. _..._. __:_..._..._. - ,._ r _. HAIST ARN r LINE •.,.s ._= -__ 7-_- i5 SEC7O Of .. ,: s _D lu. � NORTH LINE OF SEC. 29 1WP 35S RANGE- - secnory 2s -::. :.: PROPoSW 7RAN9T = ' ) la COUN1ysROAp 611)"arcer-cr war'vAe,Es _ N 4oE ": „:�t EDWARI S.. ROAD , l t �. _ 1 „ , .:` .. ....:: . .... . �..- sus sraP x+rx ... . , ' > ccrvcPETE wmlaH 20 21' wEAlxplsxEL1ER ..,.., ,. b,,.:., J` __ --, \ • - 'n - - -- - -- 29 28 coAaREM 9MW AgPHA!T PANNG III CONCRETE ,. « .. ,�.•... _ __ __- RU HEADWALL-- ::. CN Cox - ' = _ -. VACANT COM. w" .;.-. .. ,.-,-.m- ,5-,.r. ". gr M u.... , , -.. :. . , ,.,._ FIBER N895907E.:�:,"...769.74,::. - N895907E--c- ...w,. ...,,: : 769.74. ..,,. ta,a xas _ fGESi TRIAN ceaL RCP .. ..,. "' _i :• -` ;' ,. ', �/' : sount RIGHT OF war LINE_ WwAaos Roao,r,� - arm•: aaeahm• :: ' - � :- Mnsi`a .\•.... _ ,.,.fY;.� _ PROP09W i -�-...----- - _ + : PRa�asm __ --_--- -' -=--- --- -- - i AREA SUBJECT _PROPOSED-.--...LANDSCAPE,_-BERM - �s,C TO ,..,-.•� ....... ' ' R-'�";;++.uoNIn2ENr ___---- - 1a _ .. • .-.:.< E +...:9aT -. -' ----- `' qdP-.:..,- .;-- ++"+CAPE 6........-. 1 ---r----------- " - - ---- -- - ------ ERaPOgE'a 1 •'iM �. .•• ,.. �' NDS ...•••+ 'Ja00' JROo' Jaffa' Jana' ,Taco °-___y «-.. w..-•r-•°- MM MENT --1� of - - _ MINOR ADJUSTEMEIT 1 -, ' ,, ,.. , .' . .- ROPOSED+-• . H uP.f1. . ..�. •� .+.••+-"�y�.,•..p' +r.r+r�+rr' -'• .Stabihera°o' Jaod I -41•1 42': r a ' r 8 `:• _. y` \ \'a'��\ ,.-: al'� 9 EBldg. 1 264' Bldg. 2 28.0' Bldg. 3aweY e39 40 b' .. - ,...-_1 ._ r I' CNOENAOwAu � r/,• " + '1r 2arfF ,I F Dir FT�120B) rr. s.1za7 ...': :Fh125o' -:_•.: it -oar 120.00' _ 5 IT SIDEWALK IDE WN- X Jam, 'N3 JamJanaoo' jam,Ja-"I (TYPICAL)I r- Fdz _ ii g i $T: LUCIEE COUNTY PRO)EC'T' NO (Qi'igJr SITE PLAN APPROVAL - "ORGAPVDATET : 10/17 2006 ORIGINIALSLC:RES.NO:! R06-295 MAJORADJUSTMENTS Dater :' a 94 Description) Order No.: 12/06/16 SPMJ820165055 _ General Amendments tofinaa R16-218 development order - text only MINOXADJUSTMENTS:. - Datee.. �' mi 1>e�crigti.on - Qrde .Na.i 01/02/18 SPMN 1220 095 Redesignate Bldg 21 to be Recreation PD518-001 Bldg and add two (2) dumpster locations: n ` I 29 i i 31 ti - L '•34 i .( ' ';. J iJ 1 n�"�+ 7C' , :. _( ._ i _�, ., �. 1 ,1(+ 'to fF I 45.3'- 1420'I "' 12 , , - __..- ..1 : a. L. 1 lx., f 1 1 FF.1xiS rr-t2es' R 1zs5 Ir- 1 .,_..: ry1I jII p v 1 1xls; R-72eo+ r ! , r e' v41 M• xv wrl W xtl @• xu - p fl0 ns E I III .I ir+� A. _ .�- Weax9 o7t MORNINGDEN a2s. r rc LANE 1$ wBaSBOTE-A( ,iiz as -WW J1zo7• _..._ ,_.... T Bldg. ;4 1 ..'. m LAND USE-- Ru. :' prov ...._e4.e ii7$&tl%�fI LANE .,..> - •- IF-ilho' I{I i.-,I h ZONING: CN. _ - ..-�,-�---_,..... • PROPOSW PROPOSED :a_ 3 .) f .. it •I I ! :. W Iz t` r i.. 1 - - { rd `'A' 13' ..,. :.•.,.-:,.-.., _ -�..:. `tiv. _ a rn EXI571NC USE. COMMERCIAL 7 . ri' � r .L .7s. , . --_--• ,r•' s ,Pf'vEsmaw RECREA710N AREA - , _ ' s Fr SIDEWALK ` %rE��� ✓'•' .,.,. i 1a UE !.-v!�ca:• :: '0. ` .,•' t r I 1 1tl E ', rr�1,�p� PLAZA (TYPICAL) , U NuMb r e•41 I ! i' ! ! :. ' Aal1E@Ii$ J i I � - w : w __ _ ...._. K I,IL1mlA0e �e r'--._ r r � rl :�._...�. .ni _.:_ _,_...._ __ �.Yk.__.. ' _.�P(OV811 pOC• I _ d : > it I � 58932Y9'E-2O'-r20.00' JQ.fa' ' • .+:" , 1 „y'__; L I r r'-' � yy xv "--"e w '� e'T-im1 e°. w e•' w. :. _ 1 _ ..�,:'..,.,:. ':.,,,:.. 1 , , l 1 . - - .-...._ MORNINGDEW LANB „ 75 ! 74 1 73 Q 1 I i I I I f�4. I. - 2 I , r• r r- t r" -14ar Lar' 12ar iFF1 'k. :L I I,-,1 -� fr. L_..' .` I_ I'I- F II' .iP39 I # I FFiza zar fr-Izar u� 4. ( 79 tK, a z mP) III * fi n Ixts L W T` :: ,c "Se"�• �,.. �.�.M1.i+ ..t x. �k• i:': ,ti x. .,*•. -.. _ 1 , 1 : r r -: Q. ,. ,.. ,. '. .. �a+W» A�•..5.. �.i. Y�4 ., ,. .- a ..: - I I Ja rro L_ .a. $n,�,•X. ,t .,3 ..._... ... , ,FF1z1s 1 r Jaao Jaoo 3aoo J1.Jo � i >r .N,,:zr. -• .:..: M .�.. �t1 emYTTv e.,xx ,srX x.::a..., :-_-e_,. .0 )., Gazebo 9 Q - 8 , rF-Iz4a. i" : ,rr-tzer ,fF�2 ,R.Izr[ 1 `. � C: _...._ • ' re2.w• „ (Tm.) Bldg: 29 1 Bldg. 28 Bldg. '27 : ... j i ... Frt2Ev i BLOW I -I 1, ff l2ar FF-ILar i65 ,__._ � ,' I o , I � I �- SITE DATA TABLE F 11$ r ,.A_ : : «.._.._.; -r cazabe m.- vi f I 1 2.0' s-12ar o (iwneC/Apt)htant: 3• OwnersReor" a ? �. ,. t. .,.:;:,<�•, esentatives Enemeer/Sutuevor: z 3 b I _ .,.:... n o F Landscape Architect: omw 0 ,.r !. .. ,. ,. .r .3- .°';. ,..,': �-. r i .I pI. k :! , ' �v4o-4 E. ;•--mmr <••-r-.. ,,,.-�= ,. � Ilz, w I ti : Edwards Landing LLC - g Culpepper&Terenm,lnc. Culpepper ._..._., , _._, ,�r_.._>�... :. o P g PPP er emn Inc: will _ wa g! .,25 ,..__,: p2�_ .. .. �__....r,..„:r.,�, ,. r _.: p B, William 4, - 5 10 EMERGENCY <:'^. - _ 2. FF-Ixar - i ......9o.•M4 is accEss .. ...... -::. - . .. , . , .. "<:\-c.. 2324 z 11 R! [So.CongtessAve. Ste 2980 h South 25th. Street 29805outh 25th. Street o y I ` ,•, • ,� -.�'�, ... .... ...,....... ....•..zo.G •....... ,•.,..., . ° _ - •. " .. - LandscapeArch! tect " x I I,r -_._.. _; �n l aaoo ... _ _ WestP2lmBeach,Flonda 33406 6i 'n0. II g' 24'.. 1 - -, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Fort Pierce, FL 34981 1960 sw Palm ct Rd. Ste 5- 2 • ,n � __ !8 r:+. •:. 1 :�__' _ _., 44 ,$ .;.•, , .:. :. ___ -_ ' _ � E to N d9 w o rl2ar tc-Ixar , o �. a tr-Izov } „ rr.,zm Phone: 561 xxx-xxx w I s l - s4 .. , „- g' 8 PROPOSW l o ;l i LAND usE: ( ) x Phone. (/72) 4643537 Phone. 772'4643537 aemrolP. Dram.. - 1s__ ! 4i J:... RU ( ) Stuart Florida 34994 Gatrd�. s rr SIDEWALK... _ ".s r U I ZONING. COFax: : twlaa> - 1 , . !n o x 561 xxX-xxxx rn I 85 n L iaa (TYPICAL) - g 1 0 ( ) Fax: (772) 464 9497 Fax: 772 464-9497 zF. „1 '� I I $ 1 , 23 : 1$ ... $ , 45 1$ ... , (m ) 1, .. ._ _. ,: A f I _ rt - I EXISTING USE. COMMERCIAL ( ) - Phoney (772) 220-0424 Ct_ 2 n I : -.i •a _...._._. r .. ..,i :., g, pit f._.. _. .._:. F-7240' i 1.•.'. : ,_._-. U' b C 'n ..._ WW'W.XXXXXXXXXXX - Ln I I FFf2ar R zar ! �..,: ar _ XX IIOm. 3� o I 81. !.. _aR .....a _ •T L..__-_ _. __-, _ ` > .•� ;} j I o 1 1 M H I . www.Ct-ene,com www_ct-eng:com a.WAFIint3CPBmai.l-.tom 71.1� N i I -. .. .. -,•, '. I. •.y: - ) � '• -: - II =:.` _ Bldg. 2 :.___ :r' 14 I '.i y rq,o.l. _ >s ' ^ II es i,s d, $ I. 7G i 4e .: 4 1F1xar �I1 I t : ; : N I Architect_ .. \ ..[` Frtzar l $ .. , LAKE ' n tzar :I_ , $ - .... LAKE )Environmental: - FF1zar. 1 addition _ago) -t`.: 1 II 8 Dwt-a.a NI �I L ______( _ __ - - _� L ,., R 8 ; ' F� ! � III 1 I m x ».....-,.v°•, .. I A f .47i{{ e - z w. z. I X. `� , 87 a$ 1 '•$1 59 1 4ixar $-, X II mlzar 1 rF.1zar a R 1 r-1200' ?) ✓_ 8 : ... - g -- , q - - - # �.9 2 M x x \ 6t roaao t I . _ 11 0 •:rOJ ]0 ,�. 1 .`! Sma lent 1 x;. I 420' i O = X ___.,___ (� E I r 21 8 _ _ D U I$ I _ .I a. zar l `` R! EF-tsar EF zar. Aaa-90 a W I X - O iI 1 >$ I R-iiar _, -- . _...... ..___., >� ,'.•1 r :__..(zo•BD T . I• � l., .. I 1 I .-.._.-.r...r�...___..... X Stabllxed R- 2BV 1 Fh120B _ ff- 200 Its Fmergen-Y 'a LAND USE: RU 7 Access 1 . _ - 'f , I11 - X 'A Y.' .I1' ZONING: C - : - , ':•_ -. ^.,- ' . <: - ......... , 11 _ _ :. :.; :,•, (zaeorly.) .'�: $ I �; � I,, •....,,,,...�y._._...--__.: ..:.•.-.•. +.. . _ -- --' ,.j.•P �i _ ! ° �$ 79 t- � : ��.. .°.'.i ;.. ,.. 8 - B `, Z °.•:.•.... - _. „�..`....• .l'•.• � I I , I EXISTING USE: COMMERCIAL -, II I R 1 ' rr-Azar • f $, .. - �r�i r. j� _ I I 1 � Y L) Pr ect Name: I:.••.- iii I, l: i d.j' '. .: � � (t TEMPORARY , :. � 13 1' m _ -__, __. .__., LAKE .. I foaoo , 50 r LAKE ...: --.-._ __ II ( ( -18 / _ �: . (,,I g ss {...- --- rr-2ao ,' ldg_ _ pRrEnN its o llsfl9 Sedona -Planned Uriit:DeveiOpment(PUD -Ma orAd'ustment91 c , g ..._ ._ .A Fr Izar> ,+ - TRACT 9 tr-nar l__ -, .. l : r.. - - . TRACT: I. - I. N I I ) 1 1 15,) ,_ifs 4' Il ' 8-) FF-ixar - _:... - �. r f. •. L - ___;.,_ ,.,•, v, �--'-'-li',^iv I - e. B7 i8 {• L--}` i 65 5f ...: .�'. �.�` ._ _ - 1 s to^ I LAND USE: RU acreage et fst f / 8: ZONING: R - 2t)'. Location* 11 is __._.. _...._.i 17 R-12W' .._-.....� ... I'.'✓ : (_._ '- _. - i .... ,.«... _ 1 I S 4 - o Fr-f2ou n R L_ FT I?9s187YB ______ .._-_.. KE _'_ g 2, ezlsnxO TRaNST BUIlding5 (all types) 8:OD0 348,480 23% .. .. _ LA . , .. �: 7. ; - l l eus STOP WITN EXISTING USE, RESIDENTIAL _ )_ s2 roz.o0 . _ _ ,, ° : I ( PROPOSED WEATHER SW corner of intersection of Edwards Road &South 25tfi Street oad a ' 2 ( t : u 6.12ar ;$ : I-.:e. 84 'I ! 52. ,.i8 (Initial area). ;:• r... - -' }-4- "{, i l• 1 sNEUER W Ys/Parking 6:500 283.140 18%. I�a, y q $' a FFxas: 1R ...� i ) 8/dg. Q ,11 ` -_ __. 3 { ° i sl t.!rdi0 Other o -93 s Fr-tssa 2.130 91i912 6/0l e3 r ..: , �, - ,. ..:..1 . •#..1: fi,. II 1 ( i i 3.), Protect Description: Il I i 1F-fzar $ G}, I ss y y I i I+ Open Space 15;189 Q $ s3 as' v .,, I 661,633 43 6 1j 1' D -L --- -- I f .. 1 FF1zaE I $ .::/ 1 I I 1 318unit residential commune 8 m 8 .::, R L n Tzar foa'oo' l 1... P . tV (mix o#SF Units and TownhollTe Units} Lakes: i 1 : N I I 1 3;600 156.816 IO% S(L_-a>nxav :. ,. _ .94 i .• ;,,1. LAKE • L°.'.: 1 FF12ar $ 54 ,$ i :i ' o a l b 1 I i I I totals' ` 1' r DWL_S.o N.ANA 8: : 82 I 20.0 D ¢� 35.399 1,541,980 i00% ' : ,- _. -_ --...SR .1 .._,_` ar-lzar i8 - .-r .. . -'.. k ... ,. I: �.. 4: Se Town/Ranee: ' '0 1, .___._.1 , taw Mamt. , , .. 0� `' iR'� ) -s/ (all are a ':ro T5 .. Fr -tear______, I `. - e t .. _. a ; .. .,_.__ . - .., .,. _I. B I ( pp ximate and are sub ect to cha.n a as a '.,¢ � � ,. FF. �_�.._•i .. � � ,•.. :'. .'_ •.°,` .: � , . , Ee .man . 1.: � e2Ncx . �., ' 4^w+,. ��::. _:: `'. „-1 .'G;._,.. t.. , �. ; I _ 1 g. p ttof final con5tru (fish d,esigns.) N II $1: --tzar _--_, oa 96 mmm csr A w , •. , "' a ±'a` '`' j xx(TTM' r ! LAND USE: RU Section 40E. -' . 4M1N ,:t ..a - 1 r `:,.. fP-t2oV i$•:.'-stawlna ... r s. ,._; 55'. slawized .�.•, ... '/�)' n ( ti `.` -P - . Note:ar Roadwa and: z II ...,{II\ Fmergwlar. ,{I'.,, 8, 1 ,..."._.__-.; rF.1zar. •• -" r �.w ,<,, - m:: ZONING: RS-a - - ways parkl.ngfnctudesall-areas designated:'forsaiduses. Refertoflnal .,M __� .:'.\ Axsaa /•". ' FF12a6' ..>.: Q L__- �1 Emr9eneY s"... I f - 14 - R --- ;. ( ( construction n- _ " ++ . . o < L------.-! - Aeeasa I '• '-."y i• 1 I m EJGSTING usE: RESIDENTIAL , - - - Plans for spe Glflc Information related to permeable N I m G .1r1'9gd 1 FF12ar "-_.....:' I b , . cx:ab - (2M80 TYPJ „ , EO - (20•00 Ty 1'. 7 - .l _ `' ,�... I .li r i ... p bee surface .uses%types: o. leas w 11 - - t i L, .. ;. •e.,, al z coMMuwtt ,.. a +I I I I '5.): Tax bft 6.) .Parcel ID NumtTers: On - •. �.:.. .- o, GREEN � "('a- ,E�. Bldg. 9 .1 I I I F-Cb)/)E': ,• 1 LAKE mmary arreaog 59f2flt %efsite > I I _13 ,.:.. iA!=.., .,..._ - .. 'e, T yT r` ;o !, I 24/29N oo � 8 8 1 - - , .... , ... . , 1 . , .TRACT .. - 90 _ en Snare. Su , ;_.,r _ i .. .: 8 ;t--- m a .> :: fF 1zar ...�.__.._,..-_ : / 2429-111-0001`000-1; .Recreation Tract s - - _ 3 I I Bi:. _Fi tzar ), so` Jado' 3a0a' Saar Jaw' 21 Moo, 5400, jam, Jaws' J0.0a' 4LJ0' , j 56' ;$ , .. :� : •{ ray% 1 I I 1 :: \ ( ) 5.52., '24D,451 : 15% ---� , ...--' ----� ----' { _ ! .._.. rF .. LAKE .,... - m ,...I III 2429-111-0003-D005and, Common Lan'- v I I r 't,, v tlscapeArea9:65. 420354 2796 �. . 1 (Initial area). r `:f:. . - III 24 9 - Ic ti s II fg; z S n+r 8 i 8 FF-1xar I 1` 8 - -'. ) 2 111 D002 D00 8, 35i17 660 805 �..o' ..' a RL '-+- ._ ( A l ( ,. ;' � f 57 ;` .: -[.. I I _ saReARAevs. _ Sub -Totals 43% '.. c5 z. -11 'I _..__...__.. _. _ g - , i. , 1 , 1. : 1 : : -"'-"I 1Fi2ar. ; .. 'n ! ,.�" is ,:�< �.: i - 1 %. Gross Site Area: 'ozl - laaoa aZ 8.. I 1 1 $ L_ R .8, .. . - z5 - a2.o' i ) .-. 96 97 ! 99 W -100 1m 1 102 1R7 :. . 104 , 105 : -.IaB i I - --""'.--'` .. f @ �, r _ ,.f 1 - © ..---._� .. lRkeS 3;60 f I FF-IFF-12ar' R-12ar1 12ar1 m' ^. ,.• I 1 t•; ' / w` `:. .: b . s i. ._ 35.399- acres a 6 :156.816 3D'fk MnIFF.12ar' n-1x99' atami iFro;. _) _ F � (II above MHW 1,541,980 s feet I. I I �• I , � 5e 1° :.- I : Drainage r{.` ..1. �6Q• - ') to � ._....d'� `-> i i i } q _ � Totals 18:7:7 817621 lH. .>?..:..z, a«ala.(C`�I y �1 ato' r , __.: !_. Iaa1 ttlN,f.. I q / B.} In - 59 . ,.$ ,': 1 •_.a---:-,.. ` y 4`T n. I ! h Resitlential unit mix �_ - Fr-I20B, r .n , . , ,`I I _ ,i ::. N i - - t S} �.1AE „� . ,, � c,, I . 8/d , 1 PUD Planned Unit Devel° me c _ r _ - L_ _ _,._;_!:_� , .. . ... . ` m 9 ,1 I I - ro p ht-Sedona 3_.399 ac - o I I• r , -w.1 >-.-se' .,..._._-L.-r-se-w. .. :.°,,•:.... R-1 ,e _ ,. single family :134 units (3/4bedrooms:). '.. i .. ........ LAND USE. RU - .-..-£ -'-(--J[BAGSURIV6-ao.-sus-- eo... ......•:..• ,: mom... rT _ {approved10/17/06-res0.6?295 R 1zar. 8 - m, 7. - I I. ZONING: RS-4 } townliome '' 184 UDl,ts -(2/9 bedrooms.). . r EXISTING USE: RESIDENTIAL $ .. '. ,.... h--. :.w' - : sR•w'--.�,., :. :--••x,,.a ___ } Land Lisa: ..L.. 9 ..-..._. -T. _... ,-_-... L..-,... 1 ttl UE`..`r--'-(-�- is" II 8 r m LIE' 1 �w Y I I I III I� RM Residential Medium 35.399 ac i6. < I R ( Fr- xoti } Pe[kIOE� ri;... r.L.__ r!. �1_ .,.•.r' " 1 t. - __. O 142 t ;. 'Dense. .DU AC: 9 - r I. \ a � b' 1 w tY / required parkin 2 s aces Unit e a II 8 i s _ I PROPo n m s 1 1 a n B P / (per approvd PUD) parking s rr SD Auc ': Bldg. 22 0 E 1 .: ," _ '6 . - 30.) Site Density. II I • : FF 12ar : I. 1 ,.. 1 1 " (TYPICAL) FFI2ar ( ii I 420 : bl I spaces/Unit llnit6 1 , r 1 1 1 = req'parking provided . , 8 i I(5 I 714 , 113 ; 112 ; Ill , "CID -) log 1 f08 ; f07 _ _ 9 crt•F Ii M a o FLU Maximum: 319 du/ac Proposed: 318 du/ac _2 318 636 63.6 _o II is _ 1- �' 8 i'F-12ar IFF-t20 :F lir-I ;FF 'FF- '!F-2 '6-lzoo 'rh1 COMMUNITY 1 6'ic, .�. n. .. "I • 1.. : l 1. I GREEN �� 'TOT :g1d9 I t air9zo 3z3 �.t ;•- I m `i a Density/Akre: 9 du/ae Pr° osed: 9 II l PINCH " P dti/ec hand itappedparking requlred (town homeunits Ohl y) W I (1YP) �} I I► o w� ____.----- _, 4rso' , Jam, ,:..:• Jaw' 'tt -.. -IF. 1 :. w I_, rrizar I I I I z r - If units regparking HCpkgreq'd. HC pkg provided 7 .: I ... oa' 3d3o• Jaoo` .""' =00, -Roo' .-•' 1 � T.;�I ;. ` I' ::.• � !I 1 ! a "' LAND USE: RU 11.) DeVelooment Schedul , o R A I '.III - FF-t2ao' ___:. .._:.,,, _ _-__: ____� _ ._., -___., ___� f er , r «._. s` P o ,,p - -368 overall umber 184 t],...,r,,.l::..nnnc . i 1 -.. m s l ZONING: RS-4 .... 8 15 II I -cort�unify h^'F .r -_.: NIGHTFALLR �sW $.-,j III Start. =_Win .. OS:7 1. 1 . , 1 .'<°--^- ..0 -.., - r _ I ( ,EXISTING USE: RESIDENTIAL �St11'2 o _ is z. l _-.._ w n5 m 1 ns ne 1 c8nfar k.. p I I nttlal rst.arca4 1f:fl I F IH$ 8 ! r r 1 120 121 , 122., 173 , 124'' B -i' s\,.._a ,"..... --... '':3!X' s I .c...:.,... °inii '. q om� t .. 8 t31 Iw Com lets .1 -1 ' 1 1 O - COMMUMtt - _ -. P '�Rr^'6'i'�++' _t II 181. Fr -Tzar_.., 1... R� FT-1xar, zar,. .tzar, rr-12on,. FF12ariFF.1zar, FF.Izar, ma2BB'1 l afion t RACK , * %',. 4za 1 Summer 017(Phas infrastructure - In Reultu G ' a _(the mibai area Gt' Onstrncilon is - part -of th of r II number of units) ac 1 I. �. 1. i i I i ! i : ^'a. • "� y3 r is eI1RDING- 4 - E i 1 8:. , i MONUMENT Y� .' COMMUNIT' N . II-� 4 ! . n �, ..----......_.. _._..__._� _� 12. Flood Zone. - a' -Tzar. .. mP); -i � � i !i _, i. r � Bldgi 18- -. ., GREEN ;{_ `,�:!: i ,..,.: .,. --^- .� ) µ... � .:: ,.'.' ,--`-' ., -,-, --r. , , (rrv.) 1EMPORARr �; ,,:.:.. ! .,1 i ) ;_ .17.) L_ilitv__tvloe:'' -TI1RN AREA FF-1z - coMM N f 1 x ;: Bldg 21 - 1- dd s -- I � The project ` .;__-__ I 8, r p i located in Other Flood Area m n r I I 4 T vF-12ov az g r,z o l /,02%flood chance}: Water Service (Utility) fPUk: Elec4ricService : FPO i �.. U' QOi % _ 11 gi __..... ' _. : iW -_., , , : 1 1tl UE ! ,cnr .,.+: �. :F,q rOn c5 z o i I rr i2ar .. h _ .. A - : DuxEe Accordin to the F - In'a xas h ederal Emergency Ma a ,. F lu w � . I 8:. -• �-.Y.... *'--_,r _-„ ,... .. -..tea,.._: , _=z.r,,, z _, , : I zt B B Y n ement Agency FEMA flood 1 :.. B %{B Y( ) nsurance Sewage (lJt1,1.i FPUA:. �99®pn,yj, CY) Telcomservice (backbone" ATT z I ] �J ;, w: , s ,., �.., , ,; , . _.._ .._ _ � _ � Rate Ma Number 12111 l _ _ - -_ s . , _ I r -_ P C01861 Feb 16 2012.Re-Use, 3 �+- Ne9s2 rnw 27 x r -.. +.. r r .. . - g ,.____ : ,.:.,. -�- MORNINGDh9P LANE -aa 3e1.3 .. �:,_:.•-.'' � ,. -:-: 7 � . i -- ' , ...: .. : ,.; _ / ..» water (Utility) a I I i-.,..., ,mot.,.: ,.. { �.. , °':'" I,. _.-.3._-•,,, ;_ r>.(_ y) t)La Ca.ble5ervlcetlmar 'tomcasf q! ., v r ..>.. 1 I ,! ! .. , _ r %: �.�y� I. , _ _ ., ,+� I _:. .., .;: ' .-- .., I (primary) _.. Mi - FF12ar ', ,� ,. .. e"^iAl'-rSe'r---'-'-�a° MM-r_e:_,..r_.r.. p,:, " 3>� .:� � f ':,. � ,' .. I I :. _'`..>, \ I :, .. _....,-_• I( y_. 5 1 o ... N. d,._ -.. -:-,. r _..:1. ,�+-.,- ns[wv1��.x.,.. +_,.. .,. 1..,,._ I m . _,.� �-.:-:' „x' .. ,, x :,A;,, , � .,, _. _,_ ft, _ �, N_. �-�R„ , - ;: f o L( / .... - 10 t 1 l r 1 1a LIE r _ c r3xtn. NasaTzs'w tee 7 ,a o' 1- ` ;- � - 13. Building Hilt- MA-- I c ! : 1, , •`, , ,::!`t, . , - �. MORIVLNGDEW ZAND ---- w ) 18 1 - - I,: .,.::. .) 5 IaDrainage re8m'inatyL 'c !S Llrri '. ., i ''i : ! i : r ! : ! i � f„.,_ '' �_ - _._.�, .::. MONUMENT "LI! -IQ ..-s 1 I 1.' '65 B HM„ B' !CIA---_-- _ B' MI " rl 8 !'A'. e' HN- : IN I _ • ... , :. r. SIGN TYP. ZBldg., , - .. . ,._. 11 a _:. t ) L.... _ Maximum H r r ,35 feet E .. :. r r r ,. J,.... ,..,, ., i I . ..,. ..-. ::. y<, -: Ill � BL ..., .. Th , ^r - , I - I , , .. ,� _. ,. a stormwater mans , 1 1 , .,. , ..3 {�,., ". .... F:... rrients: Its f 1 I r 1 9 ,,; , .r Is ; I ? 1s ;;, , ,,, + ; <,(, He V swa es and surface detention/retention �,: . , !. r ! i a. =?ri I i '-f I I I .f::�I' ,.... > :. -,. , ,i. ,:_. i 1118 0 f 4 t : wI _.a- , . _ 5 .�. areas. Fi :. 2 _ LJ.{ ': _ pa[ stormwater designs will be provided with cohstrucflon tan. FFE s shown on .. a,.11 g., .. .XI, o'i. 1 : _, ..a P n • I R•I2ar , 135 i 134 132 1 r. , : ; .. I I IIt + �. z LAND USE: RU S 14.) Jrefuse. 1 r _..'r. Y. this tan are approximate II R' E: 0 131 , 130 129 128 127 I.125 : 125 N p and Subject to final permitting determinations: ,-.. ZONING: RS-4 `. a :.b is ! _,__-__°t jFF-120D' IFF-1 IFFI2ar:FF.t2ar:FF12ar !FF611W itI IFFi2ar 4F-12ar IF-1 _ 1 i I I!M r a. II _. __ = EXISTING USE RESDENTAL Trash and :'} II $; t- , =) - I- l ` I I i i ) ,. Bldg-ar7 Bldg. Bldg. 15 B/dg. ]4 T? z5.o' Bldg. 13 s ltl w - .. .. 1 FT-72 iF-0zar ff-12ar- R.12ar '� R-tzar t I-' 1 i r , 1 M I i FF-12ar - LL_-__ L____ 25.0' 25.d B 0' JXOa J0.0d Ja00' 3a0i7 Jaw, 30.ao'. JaOO' JaOD' J0.00' J0.00' .N - o, R - ��•- :.--n- ------. 3:-.PROPOSE. -PROPOSED LANDSCAPE— BERM BERM' r S89'1920"W ` . 1221:26' - SWITFI-LINE OF, THE NORTFgAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHfiAST 1/4 SECTION 2B EMS11NG IS cNAR7 uNK FENCE. S89'79 20'W 1221.26'. SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST �0' .....: .....-,..._. ....... ..... .... c.. ....... - .. Stob!Itaid.......... ... .:. .... .... .. .. ...... ETi1511NG 8' CHAIk•LINK FENCE.' •. ., e'r 5 S N 5' CHAIN LINK FENCE _ EmaNeneY PARCEL I.D. - Acceee - nil mr D USE RU LAND USE:.' INST (FTP 2429-141-0001-000-4 (20.90 TV.) ' ' PARCEL'Lp. I � • - ' .LAND USE: INST (FTP) 2429-141-0001:-000-4 J J .. ) - ZONING: OS-t (FTP) (SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL..) LI N I.. I - .LAND USE: RU _ - a LNG: RS-3 - ZONING: -- � OS-1 (FTP) (SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL - - - oTING USE. RESIDENTIAL - EXISTING USE: - SCHOOL - (OCCUPIED) "EXISTING USE: SCHOOL < n ZONING: RF - ii (OCCUPIED) EXISTING USE VACANT °Ay 8 COMPUTER FIELD BK /P M1 SEDONA' - PUD': 0 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 1 +- >' g " DECEMBER 2016 ( ) - N FILE REF.. CULPEPPER & TERPENING INC r CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 2980 SOUTH 25.th.STREET e FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 151 SW FLAGLER AVENUE • STUART, FLORIDA 34994 - - -PHONE7STATE-3537•FA]€R11FICTIONNew4var.ce_�groam STA78OFFLO1t10ACF.RTIFICAIIONNo.L8a286 - R E V I S 1 0 N S = BY DATE BY DATE SEDONA - PUD DESIGNED - - - - CALLS. - - - .. - DRAWN - - OVERALL PROJECT-: SITE PLAN DETAILED - - - � CHECKED _ _ APPROVED - - DATE: it/ 09/ 16 HORIZ. SCALE 1"=80' VERT. SCALE: N/A JOB No. 15-057 SHEET 3a' of 7 Dri 9 shall net be sealed - written allmensforis shoill 0evern. Temporary sanitary facility spoil be maintained on site durtns conotruotlom, Contractor ohati review drawinss line on sits conAw"s prior to pormuln� and start of Conotf iGtlom. Additloholty, Can - tractor h r l i n i h water, s ati vo coat o of electric, tole on . P s, gss & sanitary aswer service prior to *tart of ooneruetion, If the contractor Micros he has discovered errors and/or ornmi6olcho in the Construction Dooumerrts, he shall ratify the AtimItoat In wrttins for clarification before proosadins with sh rwork, If the Contractor folio to give such ratios & obtain written ttarlflostlom he shalt be rosponsible for ouch omisslon(s) and for the cost of roo- tifying omens. Contractor shall furnish or provide stlydpmont, operotioMt, labor & materials, necessary to pot -form m+d complete Prejeat. Work thatl bo daft in ocoordanao with appitoable local, state lt federal building and saftey codes and with manufaoturerao publfohed instructions. WAit Contractor shalt prov€ds owner with a full year warrarrtoo an ,the antlelty of the Completed improvements tw[ otAmdlh s warrantode lsSued upon €hdtaddl,ol aomponevts by manaAFaoGur ors or suboontractors. The 1 ysor period basins at dsto of accoptanoo by Jurtodtaticn, SOIL - Clear the lowldira Area of truss, rooto orasom[oo and other daleooriouo motorist*, - 0ackfili with aolootad ersnular material tr iS" maximum lifts and Compass to a mimmum density of 06% pot, .ASTM P-1 + '7, Areas that are ro-oxeovstott for foundattom a""IAtton shot[ be tooted AMA exttafy A min• t t. Mo4wool rrostar Asnafty. ^iIoW ltte,ar000 ai prs#*uraforloonswakrn deatgn IS IWO Per and she!! too verified by An indapordsmt t«sotarS laebratory. NM VAT' Tl ISOIL T '$T L10leD AWVe 15R� De R J1f 6"T11t1J6T i7IN T AfX f`W_W CQNcitm Conorate ana€i develop a minimum strength of 3000 pod At 20 days, Concrete *hail be ready mixed per ASTM C•24, 9SINPOP-ONO 2aimforotns steel *halt be deformed, mow billet *toot In .w000rdonve wI A8T'M A-SilS Orodo W a" datallad For Art€ 315, 5PItcoo shalt be she€t OF in aeoarAones wt Chapter 7 of ACI-i", wl a mow, *pilot of .4$ bar dismotors. CONCKM MASONKY Compete black units *hall conform wl AVrM C-90. 1 4Aosmant of aA, tU shall be ottel-ht hive! arid Alumb and trtazto a tal*rano* of 119" to 10A, rrovlAo 01,10t-O-WALL stani welsht oil issivai #9 "taddor" relrrforotme at each second course of rr000mry Loy concrete blocks In runnlns board wt successive wallas tapped tl2 of a unit. VsrGlool Masonry Kolnforcemont i Fill whore n Cellea e shown an Drawings wl #5 Vert and #5 lows! to foarihe for exterior walla. gop ad Lis" in the project shall be strafeht and true -to a totorsnasof 1116 per foot of run, #2 and batter, hand s6teCi rrowd a blocking and Aesdwood of requlreA for Cods compllohco, fi Mackimg or wall hung agWpmonl; ROOF SHErATHlN 3hoathlns within 41 of flrowallo shall be O/W' Fire rated CDX plywood nailed per Schedule on Prowings. KamoNmill heathins shalt be 516" CDX plyw*cd & naliad per SohoAute an Drawings. Horizontal Lop Siding & 9idins Trim .lames HarAls 91i2" x 5116" HsrAlMalik pre -primed fiber - cement tap oldimg wf maximum & il4" expoeurs. lhstall ppe�krT�FSC 2017�p�Sn�ootyion 1$'06.10, I E-ENOtNECKED WOOD I KUCSf�$ Pre-ants€rasped wood trusses ohsii be Assisnad and certified by a Merida ilctratsd structurat anginoor per MC 201 requtromemts for i6o mph iMxpasure "W wind-zono. lnatailo van $halt be per Manufacturer's roquirsmor and a! nod and Impression saal� wacdtrue* shop a rowings, Lifting, piocamemt, temporary and final bracing and internal connections ohaRl per shop drowinso, Wood in direct oantot with concrete shall be CCA pressure trai retention of 0,.4t>## per CA . MISC. METALS Supply miscellaneous metals so rdt;lWred to complete etructaare and other Componemts. MISC. METALS Supply mtscsilxanomw rnstots As requtrod'to comp€eta structuro and other componamts, Flashing � 0.032" white painted alum€mum !sheet, formed as roatufrad & per (>$tell# on $hi f�-3 METAL 9TllDS umloso otherwise motoe on Memo, wait studs shelf be 25 gags stud larear aluminized steel sty and track system, MISG« HAWWARE Extorlor wood trim *hall be occurod wi Type O atalniaa* steal Mali*. All conm*ctors, nails, Botts, screws, washers shot[ be 0-00 hat Alp ga€vonlztd HOKIZONTAL LAr 6101NO James Hardie H*rdirtank 911 N 91l2" tap sidlne t? om- ufaoturad per ASTM C 1106. Typo A. Credo 11 shall Ito IneUllod over 30ab roaflne felt water resistant barrier wi *0, Type NO AGalMleaa wtoet fine -shank" hallo per F Section* 1401,10 & 1405.16.Z V 1 /1 U I'i ra w CAULKINO extorter sealant -silk0lox AA she, port polyurothi FLUIPArl"LlEOWNPOWN. DOM c: sw i OOKS; & WINPOWS e3torm!teraso (2mtry) moors Hollow Metal - gale, oteal 10 caggee tnsulatsd door & 16 gags stool frame 3tSonless " oolc raft LAW FalCom 5Z -80 m€nuto fire rated w/ offixad lobe!. liturfor Doora - ftlW Cara Masonite a pare[ doer* prohung In wood frames* w/ Colonial paint grade °Grim. All owinging doors shall have ADA compliant "taver handio" look or possase sobs, All blfoSd Aoors *hall have dears shall Move ADA compilont "pull handles added at oa WOO leAf. WiNPOWS Operatihs windows shot[ be nori-Impairt resistant smote lions ?OT 4100 Series for masonry lit" ;stion. 01"s shall be grsy tint as shown or Drawings, All fsotemors Shalt be stolmlesS steal, sp*oing so rsq'd for leo mph wind zaht listed above. Install wilmin, fastener *poo[ne & For petatlo on these Drawings, 2X1715XIO2 TEXTUREV STUCCO per FSC 2S12,1 & ASTM C-020 StuoCa on CISS shod consist of 3 costa, Cost* i & 2 shalt by i art rorttsnd Cement to 2 il2 parts clean white nand. The ocm- trotter mall keep the stuoco moist 2 days following application. Not loss than 2 days after the first coat to applfod the finish coot of similar cement shall be with tight hand textured finish coat, Minlrrtcimthicket*$$ 3w sscoriss torn AaveC vinyl Industries PVC corner, exp, jolittody moldin01' etM. as shown on drawfnes. per FDC 2 i8 gA l QYPSUM bird maw 1mis And gsssaorloo Shoji conform to ASTM C-13%, lroAl Glom par A i'M C-W ugin6 #6 x 1112' drywaileore wo, 6pot shall be T olc for oolll4s & 12 ole for wallboard, PAiMNO SCHEVUL2 1001" chatl be f€rat grade products of Tien jamem Moore Palmt Co. . ri 2xta or CSS & t5t+,lose Primer l bondooat at all o r r m & sills ry*{ py g��p p caand«�a�)o crot�r baa a,: avttdmna (2) 2 ! W[ caato latex Masi Y#tl x tsabte End Ptvwcod Sir" ins* The bottom 6" of gablo end ohoethimo and pans[ edges wtthtfl 00, of roof below or drip 04P shall be oostod with two full costa of KILZ oil base extorter primer MtOlt to instattstiom x"Hor slit € & Trim Prlmor - l( o€l-bsaao exterior grade a4aat�#-rsststamt Prima all ontl & ltmeal Cuts of JAM" Hardlo produoto. Complotty prime the first two oouroos of HordlafMank eldinp (ALL *idea prior to inotAllatlon) above roof & the bottom Pi & and* of corner boards. Ftmloh ocats -- Aft" All ofoll e & trim is installed, provide two full Coate of owner sstooted olding &trim color using first quality 'Otenjomam Moore, Sherwin Wiilioms or Florida ratnte omdrior paint, 0000hotl shook. hitorfcr Drywall Primer (i) Croat Interior latss Arywolt primer (2) two full coats matte latex interior wood trim & doors �t semi»gloss latex primer full Costa glass et"CY41tatex rLUMSIN0 NOTES,- l a HVAC NO t Efi i See 9hooto MEr i & Z , ELECTIUCALNOTES :a. - * . . , ie.HVAC oyvtomo Shall be coristruotaill & Settled per CC w Of-K r r « w ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG: DATE: ELEAV6_,1VV DA7 PLUMB: DATE: MECH: DATE: Artlet's Sato .. Not to Scale Maw FH-1 Fair aCloset e w% A J a AR F : iPlam r: Dultolftig Sectloh MEIP-2 MlFr Notesi Schadules, SectionsA-4 Wall 9 ¥ others fosterJohn M, Ftorlola Dultolfrio Coals 2017,* f .Alt0004$511 ,ws mph - Exposure5s,. �urst 3109-3095 Illusion Circle Building 23 St. Lucie County, .a i m l . ¥ r d ♦. a ,.J yr r g^ evlc Load .r *. {{ .art (per F5C 2017sooVom.na.. Maxitum n holaht « �, .` «. open •- « :. , rar FISC r►a: s.f,, Components 4A CiAdldfrle "Ot SpOcIfli On CerOr Shoot 04sJOW Area ofStructure Live Loods per ToWe 1607,.1 y a pof "` 1;` !ilk l► s . 4 . ° s: ,. ; ° 4: „. .. IM � ,. ,. ,. �. I Harz Sidiwindow Custom! W $ystoms H 9-92t?0, b tnyE« Irr FL 4092.1 Nit i'1� � � tl�" A ra•c9attar fast snore at i2^mac. a a (-g 47.E � �_� liP9«i5 Lop WIM0 1JAMOS H*rdto H rdlerlArik Fl.13192.2 N/A Sd SS ring -shank motto 0 Vote rim (-)42 StaPnl'aae pea norg too A ro-Oatar WO56 NOA17-#227,i9 WA Mdm. 2" ambsd trite Srcukmd cd[ Fury icon &fralr* 9teet r*rft 16G lQGidv.•+° Crd t 0 FL 4613«1 Ye* 1/4" x -+ 1f21B Topoon fastonera At W *.a. 07 (") 07 + (-) 07... (gifyfPtldspL YCpttt bylt!lenlilirrl�pH�1}etelo Mire, $�rry1mly26 se€gGggally. 1..1 11 *A gaaiv. r1me-ok owk netts A•" era «44 (-> A47.0 75 C-� dlYVrlii d' aSIWe' 4 !I N'ISMQS p 1y .M✓4.'1f R[ ke µl±r rth�d; �+Fl. ¢50 FL 11a:dY 6,1. gNiA / Yes 1/41' Mi`a4.tta or ot-?A" aft 01 o.c,. 40 0 P ling C�rt intend I i.bltAmorkArchltecteiral FL 5444.1 nano, (0) ooty r ar *himoto 27 (-) ids M...0 h6g*"AN11 John M Foster - Arch€teot ^ fl orida L toeraoo #0011 ..0 m�• ARnnn�.... �, d �k it tz t v '14 L.0 r 0 4 44f '.�C v,? iS ' > Is +1 u 0- w : 0 ; IL *400 0 `x up 0. 0 r 16 o .> a. X 0 4141, -)<: 41 s� IL ca ter.( I napt /,F,aa6'e tt a sstrM 1 € I WMw x 'jam I e ribs. i aMM1h spot ` 3109-3095 i I Illuslan Circle LBUildl; 23 1 • ,, - 'j, a ✓ 01 ......... 4514 " rT IxG Ha, raft blocking `D l ffbcr lass tub & H Tapoonned to Cca watt, 3-place ffberelose 4 overlay D wt 3/41, COX wall overlay # plywood double 20 e ned 15W X 3 5/V alutr ImiZ04 metal etudes ale o/c c� P'T 2x6 hen. irall btaoking within stud wall, overlay #. D1W W13/4 COX plywood lto (typ, each M of tub) 11' 1 vaantsy 0a#aritar & 11101t " suppart W/ knee Clearance 467 1 p gyp} af♦q AN fixed � s ` Lin i;- Q I pull ! MC Outlet 00b.Hall a 42" Oleo, AFF phl. { 46 _ YoK 2 "TV NC)at �4 t Ar ♦Q W0 rl Cifit 14 R , fixed I putt % 1 fixed p t1 d----- 1 .---- ----------- # i jjf�j(j f { * T i t dryer s ttPDX ' washer # i { i box R A ' AF 1313 I n T''stat clear floor 1 space 4.r AHU over 1, w,heater " 30, 8112" to centerllne of 3" FYC 0 tollet l 0 3ot t1------------ 16inli .. clear: Floor space i f r , Fief, - clear floor space0 500 i mange 1 = Range — C clear Picar space 8.._ ` IV 3 tt DGdroorn 2 t, 1010 " O Flury L1v(tie 1 ADD/At~ 6 t A 117. 1 threshold i I r- H u o k i A c tA fi I y 6( 07 r /z#a 1l 0#t automatic closer, max 7. 5*w opening Force ¢" GIG" GF YJ ro f 112"drop � ,� / to slab 1 � t i Covered Entry 46 t t ` rntry door clearance --t r F e '♦ t\ `# E � t f yr, ✓ � ,•, ayy .:, . � �+r�Ji�'�i .�.rd✓+c%�'awe%+7y�+l�r+�:1,�"`.li�J�,i��.1�f1.%� s r r i t 4 �, �- ♦y( yy�y�y�p �f y� yy �/�y {,�/ ... ,:..� yyyyy�(.y�. yy�1�y /� yy�yYy�yyy�yv�y�yry� �s u .� #ice i r � , ,.. ✓ . r ✓ • . ✓ � ✓ � � ✓ ✓ � S.»y...„.„.„„» t # � m.�.,.,,.._,,,., r o r a • .+ yu to ✓ � c w * ° ✓� y.. *; , r, .. xrM MI. i cx «:. s. .. «+ M '✓d .vim ' �, ✓ ✓ ✓ I a 4 �.:. r � LL rdrTH R. WON r a NOTS. Future (hotailglom of OP0 bars om party <g> WAO W/ #10 x 11/4" pan-hmW ecrows thru studs llnoians, . .. M lrrteoloo see Site Access analysis k7y •..111.. a x> aw Plywood 0 d ✓ $ ✓ . hat r e dIsmomer per Accessory ranufsoUror's Solid COX boollme ovor P/W to fill void see Site Access Analysis 1py Culpepper -Terpemlmg, Inc. ost*loo,o G .. . . M,pi , f e �w All 1A ,M ,. & 170th doors l 9y ASrMIMIrmurm clearo M e � ♦ ,M Opemlmg / isleestHan✓ f Door zWtr' C c [ C Mark 51 a Tlllckmess Door at`l. Frotme Remarks 30 13/4R ins HM HM Sec Note l below 8085L 31/2`t whftevinyl whttevfnyl umpao4 lhoulaW. hon-lmpxt graytlnt$[me$ 210 1 3/6" Masonfts HC woad raised panel pre -hung wfprfvacy lack"* 2666 51 13/84 Mmsonite, HC D/W rained panel 066 13/Vt Masonits HC W0041 raised met pre -lurk, no Inurfor trbn 21066 15W Masonite 5+C wood #itolor piAl handle di prtvaay lock" 5008 51" 11/4" Masorltte HC D/W ralood panel - no trim DIW opening 1666 1 W&I Ma*onite HC wood rafsod penal pre -hung, no fnserfor trim «• 3M6 1 3/8" Mascnfte HC wood rolscd panel prehun wl pr(vaoy look " 5068 5Yr 13/6" Mosorrite HC waled ralssd panel - no trtrn, P1W apentng All lookoet*, privacy & sw(nelns oloset door* shelf have "lover handle" trim, Broth silo*. Noto 1 r moor #1 to lies SO mbiwto fires rat*d w/ Porrnaanant too (nd(oarttno f(ro rov(me, Irr#paet raMtool. raar*od Panel. in*ulwtod Door #1 thro*hot d *halt be r tv!KO #a 00 rK-A m(it ffmfoh aaluminum w/ teamkorromo air & water *seal. ANSI A117.1 oornp(taint. UL 1C C ffrer retool, Door e'& wrndaw Note*. 1. Wfmolowe shall bs 1'OT €nsu lAteel vinyl, 1 ? mph - 5 oesoond burst roan-frmpoot #HOC rarteid, 2. 51140ng aloors wilt its ISO mph - 3 ssoond burst rr0n-(rnpact p{3C rated, 3. FDC 160 mph - 3 »second burst 00de Compliant shutters shall be lnetallad as shown for aft w(holowo tee olfdinp doers, 4. Shtry door to hava Ohdoksot oornmaro€al grada lookaat & daadbolt. Door, frame & hardware shall be tsrtlflad to meet the requrranaants of impact rated p15C 160 mph 3»0000hd burst rep,. 5. Alt tookoeta shall have ADA compitant "lower hmndlo" aulto. mpar Cam ondot(blc3i4" in - Fully acceaafble route at acce0elblc unit entrance. e taah bleekrnQ X 3" " ' Minimum width of aoGceaibte routes throe h unit is 3 . p i5 l° Oi, 1' ,e 1# 7 !, deck screws l�tafl Ytdw raslolt CDx plywood core #\ � _ . R 2xa3 watt f#rCura each X 01 A i weckrng k - Must connect with clear floor spaces at ,all fixtures & appliance*, s � tit X-01 a Wall X-01 a f and X-0 a eorC � � Fetid �on� � 0 s ) L10ht awitchoo , electrical switches, thermostats. & other ( _ _«.m..s ------- \._ . Xfe id�83t�er ._.w__- Plan View srvironrnental controte in accessibta locations: ""5(rsn eZt a av "Zrnac" coated 410 eto(nfass stoat wt pfn- "Z ac" coated fn 5ath IL 2"X4"argyle pan he raalf 4lrnt(np smote connector - Electrical witclne cn�Ircnrr�cnt l corn rut - m xtrnu t i�7 above flnlah floor. •, , �•' � nomtnat 2X6 „ .W. c >; shower # R i 4 - Electrical outlets mtntrnum of Ira ,above finish floor. ad(vprrtr Li txJ 1 its metal �$ud� y l �r t G% r 2Xrowatt wall - 50 x 4a clear floor ore* perpindlcular to wall for a forward � p>17t 2s wall # mirror reach to controte 21t4 cleat w1(4j(ng _ btooking # rvabtepah saes #10aS"dock ` 4„ - Not cowered are circuit breaa�kers, appliance controls & outlets �.. sorowstoblookfno X-L-4 splash adcdicated for specific appl(ance:s. �t, �» ( "` ) Kelnforced walls for crab bare : �1 t«'t�r V�i I E 1/ 't # ,t ' a °� a = � To allow later (mot ttatfan of crab barro around tofiet. °tut*, shower � ti (gyp j{.�y� .¢ ,+� ...w.�» may,} VP t F t ti/ sw y..W»----kr�..»....� i t � \� 4♦'°" st ll L35 sh4.^9w�:r seat.. � ...f Wall mount laminate Coutiter &drop-tn lrlk '` � X Ct1 `, " # 7) U abie Kitchens & 15athroome - . " \.r r I drep n _ ,F' - Kitchens to be on ern ccesotbte route, �a 5tnk shall be f rl l"lea #P1'99 t vltreoua china 6 6h .�✓ - Mfmfmurm clear floor space At each fixture or appliance. tit Trim C lacier sly Mad el # 121U54CP �t k-0 X-01 ^ ft av tt M Wheelchair turnino spaces .arc not required. centeraet, ANSI A117.1 earn l{a�nt rernavahleto p rg - laar floor opaces may be obs�truc�teei bar LAunidry arcs door. Antf-aca�lld eHowcr va�lvc - Deltas #K14 a-LIN � � x �m'p�„d ;+ � � An accessfble route to & intothe b,athroorrl. r u h valve body do Model #T13H9 -20 tub w ?� la in covered I ' 516"cpx� ��� - Switches, outlets & cam -trots In accessible locations, showr rt _ i G1x plywood vanity plywood �� a _ C�,etelforced walla to allow future fnstailatlan b t of raaro of the e t m w/ cerarni valve !moor: ass in skirt analwldro pn V toflet & tub, Alternate lavltor - Amearlcan Start a�rd _ Maneuvertn space within the athroo+rm to allow entry, ctosin y - rernovabte *net KAV 'NNA semi-pedlatal efrik #0268,4.44 w1�-## a/c faucet haEe,s - direct ln�tall to a" p tttebase " & openfno ih door & exitfno the spaces. its _ Maeuverthe clear floor space to appro the flxturess. � " � *:lie nt o wall blocktne (elele wall blocking most re#t'd) -3 " clear openime Into the �astinroo(�t, �rP� � FF<o ca j� r A Emeoi View � 2 PVT vTK& Front View ,ca�N Fos ?.a TIE Ll Nil A11' ✓11 c 1/2" !ant when rrfounted pan, rain ",� ( i ii i z' t.� rr w! tap 2 � 1/ atbovc �lnleh floor C'� � u� �� i���i t �omle -1" �- 1` C7'° '. G{ q�p 8 �• 5 sue• 1 JUL 2 A 2016 See Detail E/A-4 for i 3verhang fire rating note white painted alum. drip & fascia 2x4 sub -fascia 3/4" €'VC "J-bead" along edge of cave 511 x 16" GAF/Master Flowl alum. screened vents at V 0" 0.0. v noaa cx jamv>, exterior sealant & foam backer rod S0 It Nat 11 h� Stucco Soffit - 3/8" galy. steel "HiRib" soffit lath shall be fastened to each truss tail w/ 11 gage x 1 1/2" (7/145" head) galy. rooffng nails i9D 4tlo1c along each truss tali & 2x blockfng ,stucco soffit iristallatfon perrBC 2Di7-ISectfon 2507.2 & A,sTM C•-f547, "Metal Lath", ASTM C-,s33',weT;J, ire Lath & ASTM C-C-91. "Masonry Cement" HAreilTrfm 0 bottom of gable eiding - 5/4" x 31/2" - prime & paint "HardieFtank" note on cover Sheet Falfit Color Notes stucco "s€ding" pattern, "below slit"`col(or 31 61i "sNP" color perimeter trim galy. off- stucco covcred hard ridge vent -foam faux vent - trim color door/shutter --�'---•--, ______---~-.��"��. color canter € 4 1 - 1 i 1 ----------------------------------- 12 aluminum faux shuttore F r v a ion'- 1/4":-- It I gable wo base fla Minimum of four colors of exterior pafmt shall be required s 1) l5ase color above window ofil trim line 2) Contraetfno color below window sill trfm !file 3) Accent color for rained band arouri windows & ail! trim time 4) 5hutter & entry door color Harditrim W cave - 5/4" x 51/2" fascia, 4/4" x 11/2" drfp __" HordiTrim 0 bottom of gable ofdfng - 5/4" x 31/2" - prime & paint "HardieNank" note on cover Sheet r------ ----- Ell l e 1 1 i 1 �ej r E f ev�ti o � Di 51 10, 151 2C7` 251 . C _1 typical raised stucco band to match front clevatfon window sfll trfm-out raised stucco overlay & column base Hardf-plank skiing over 30# felt & 5/6" CDX plywood sheathing r typical soffit trim -out ---------------. —160 mph Filberglas shingles preffnished alum drfp & fascia Q painted stucco soffft stucco on CBS ill non -impact rated N Low-e insulated = SH vinyl windows impact & 45 mfn.fire rated painted steel storm egress doors St3 raised stucco sill & band " around w(ndowe c6 extend raised band `to rear elevation raised stucco overlay, `column Capital & base Details added per request of 5LC lslai ing Department --------------- 160 mph Fiberolas shingles O prefintshed alum drip & fascia :t painted BCX plywood soffit stucco on CBS _ non -impact rated Lowe insulated HR vfnyt windows CS fauxffbergiass shutters ffi 0 rear windowe rafecd stucco band & window $Ii A/C compressors ,secured to com slabs St. Lucie COUfI c rr�{pev Dot ifnUei 'c County APPROVED Ar ral Review Dete_ litial .vrrr;OVED o S� i o ' _ u +tiNLs43 £L� S A 3 S 4: o 4- X Q y m�F oN u a >) 43 touoL43 43 acu0 OL$_ %��on lb U 4) ks- L 441 43 Q < 0 LLu N 0 X+ z L p s... IL a U O o S -Uin O A#! Q.� Q • s 1, JUL 24 Ki8 I 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 L!ls l'12 a _........................................................................................................................................... 151 0 it 61,11 151 0 It all 151011 n 1510 It ............. ........... ._............ ...,............ ................... ............. ....... U SA 4. 1510" n,t twit V ;U' U -C s 510" 410n 4,1O,t 510it 610" �r0" Elan *0n 41OI1 51®11 61On 6'OIt 510it 410n AlGile 510u �10is � V�i$0uar Y litizs't a� V 0 13 ss��E �d us A w 43In +�dV y'1 u 0 +nUl xN .._.._-._...-_.._.._______---.---___T_.._--___..___...___,._____..__.._.,+r_..-y__..-----.-_______________________,...__.._.°;___----_..__.._____.-..__..__---i..-------„„-_---__----__--_---------_-__---_,._____-__________-__-_-___-_----..__---_______-_........__--___..T__,-... _. __....__«-_.._____,... _�_....______-__.._________ --; lQ43 "�--� � �]IIII�I�N�I��L�i111U11111i1�� ,; • ` , �` 4 h , Bedroom 1 :.' Bcdroam 1 Bed room 1 `\ ,' Bedroom 1 ' = Bedroom 1 2211 x 30" insulated attic access (typicat) MIN— aap�.�.�w�ra•�11r+ra"w'11 �_�___ _wr�r� _ r�rrr.+.r„?r..:�� ( rr�aar ,�r...��rr-•,.wlri�re — J ,=! ,\! � � — ���„i � �� � � = � ��►'�-�,..il �, _ III: ✓-../ 4 1 ' t {`(p✓J I ee 11411 31 gyp, It I I 1 i o Llvtn9 Lfvfng _ -_ _ ________________________________________________ _.._-_________..-_,.____.. «..___.. �______________-___...,,._____,._______-_______-___________________ '___________-_________-__________________..__...._«.. ______________________..__..__«__«..«_______«_____ __________ ___ _____ ______ L-- -----; 151014 a Ir 151 0 PI -" S It � d- Uving Living 61 4 It n & 411 � ° Living Living 1 1 N N ' O i O O O O � � O fill Kitchen Kitchen "- Kitchen Kitchen -"" " 1 Kitchen Kft h\qe;n'-M I- 1t CliiilEillf®� ` } / Range " 1 -- ------ �� -i3 ----- O��� - -- --------- 4 --- " Ci Cl C1 ,CI Efittt yy Entry `:J Entry y Entr ` % 3 `-` 3 Entry Entry_ 5' 11/211 3' 1 I (block to stud} • o d es Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 a o Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 a] — El° rn -T a' 4 11 a " \ b V " 81 4 11 bit i 4'"' O Covered ; Covered ; `� Covered I Entry Entry Entry o � 1 { ET 10 Ell 1 -« Baelc Wind Load Factors Fire Protection 5 ' I ` ` �y �y {� % f J,� (per ASCE 7.10) Those K-2 Dwelling Units shalt be pro- u J [ cli ti a a ! J t 1 I CJGEI ie -1�4�f = 1f ��� wind Spa" (3 second gust) -160 mph tooted by an NPt"A 131Z firasprtnklcr 5ufidime Designed as - main structure-onolosod system per Section 903.3.1.2. Note I. t Se tI 903312 1 I Guar chccluic Mark Size Thickness Door Mat'[, Frame Xcniarke 3063 13/4't Inc, HM HM See Note 1 below ** 2 Not Used 3 21063 1 3/31` Masonite HC wood raised panel pre -hung w/privacy lock*" 4 2663 HC 13/3" Masonite HC D/W raised panel 2063 13/3" Masomite HC wood raised panel pro -hung, no interior trim 6 21063 13/3't Masomite 5C wood Interior pull handle & privacy lack"k 506a 151 1 1/4tt Masonite HC D/W raked panel - no trim, D!W opening Q> 1663 13/8" Masonite HC wood raised panel pre -hung, no interior trim ** 3065 1 3/3't Masomite HC wood raised panel prehume w/ privacy took ** {) 5065 BYf 1 3/8" Masomite HC wood raised panel - no trim, D!W op [mime " All loeksats, privacy & swinging closet doors shalt have "[aver handle" trim. both sides. Notes 1 : Door #1 to Iva 90 minute f f.a fro rtod w/ permanent tAo lnda loatimo fire rating, impact ratod> reisad penal, insulatod Door #1 threshold shall be IeEMKO #2009 r'K-A mill finish aluminum w/ i°emkorrene aitr & water coal. ANSI A117.1 compliant, UL 10C fire rated. Door & Window Notes: 1. Windows shall be rOT imsulatod vinyl, 160 mph - 3 second burst mom -impact FOC rated, 2. F5C 160 mph - 3 second burst code compttent shutters shall be installed as shown for all wtndows. 4. Entry door to have Quickest commercial grade lockset & deadbolt. Door, frame & hardware shall be certified to meet the requirements of Impact rated F5C 1r00 mph 3-secomd burst root., 45 mlmuto fire rated w/ ADA automatic ctosor. 5, All loeksete shalt have ADA compliant never igamdtie" pulls, }-' r p� ft� entry cane !es • open a c on . .. . reel. rise, p p protoctton of omerlor rground For pSC Table 1604.5 project 6u(idtngs are "Category Il" - Housing floor pollen &entrances, s. 11til 11 4Fr'1"'� Exposure "15" -Risk Category 2 internal !treasure Coefficient = Components & Cladding not spec)fiaallyally on Cover Shoat below to be + or - 75 ps#. Finish Notes: AREA FLOOR BASE WALLS CEILING iZEMAIMS Enrty Cer. Tile Wood D/W D/W 1. D/W wall smooth finish. 2. D/W cellimes random spray applied "knockdown" texture, paint "ceiling white". 3. Bathroom ceramic isle floors to be Group 1 color 6'° x 6" self spacing, dyed grout. 4. Base the to be mom. 4" x �4" "bright glaze", dyed grout. 5, Ceramic, tale floats to bd Group 1 color 12" x 12" eaeflclent of friction > D.65, dyed rout. p g 6. Interior doors to be raised panel MaSonfte HC prchung w/ "Colomfal" profile trim, interior Vantiltatiom Per FBC 2017 Edition 6 Mechanical Volume - Table 403.3.1.1, the interior s aces are required ( ) p a to have at least 0.35 air changes per hour or 15 of per person, whichever is the larger. The Sedona units have an Interior volume of 5,786 cubic feet i60 minutes /hour * 0.3E = 33,6 of of continuous outside air. Per Table 403.3, air volumsmust also be calculated for 2 persome in the first bedroom, ! person in the second bedroom for a total of 45 of requfered, which governs. Bathroom vent fan shall be Panasonic "W hisperGreen Select rrV-0511VK51" bathroom vent fan 110 Of when the roam is occupied Set to supply 50 Of continuous, pl( ed motion sensor module Live Loads - Apartment interior floor live load = 40 psf Roof Ltvo Load rrWhImum = 30 psf Party Wall Ca l C u l atc6i Fi nc Rati f e - . -_ .... —..... -- -- --- -- -- � �er FBC 2017 Tablce 722,2.1.1, 722.2.1.4(1) & 722,2,1.4(2) s,.w..�.. e ®J� !'arty wall constructed from carbonate concrete masonry units (CMU) - nominal size 7 5/allx 7 5/3 x 15 5/3 equivalent thlokmess of 3.62 per tesime of standard 3 concrete block" by Maschneyer Concrete. per Table 722.2.1.4(1) gypsum wallboard applied to the mom -fire exposed side of carbonate CMU has a multiplier of 3.0. The specified 1/2" gypsum wallboard adds 1.5tt equivalent thickness (Sectlom 722.3.2.1) for a total of 5,12 , sufficient for a two n hour fire rating per Table 722.2.1. Additfomatly,per Table 722.2.1.4(2) the 1/2 gypsum drywall an this fire exposed stria adds 15minutes more for a tote( calculated Etta ratlmg of 2 hours, l5 minuses. This masonry wall is continuous from the floor slab to poured concrete rake beam. 1/2" gypsum drywall wall finish shall continue into attic & be sealed to roof mailer w/3M CP 25WB Plus fire barrfcr sealant Kitchen Cer. Tile Wood D/W D/W Livfng Aram Cer, Tile Wood P/W D/W Hall Gar. Tile Wood D/W Seth Cer. Tile Ccr Tile D/W D/W all watts & ale. shall be Gotd Band Type XP Bedrooms Car. Tile Wood P/W D/W CloscGlLli' Cer,Ttie Wood P/W DIW uma Floormrearn" Grade fi tonework eC1 of a(ent o Friction fool 0 6®oa.79g DCOF 12atfine = 0.42 - moots or exceeds ADA Ouldelfno , es skid resistant. class "A'° non-cornbustabte Bath Drywall _ i50ND Typo "Xr" eypeum dryad w% SporooArd'" motel/r"ftlelewlinhlWtor. 0 psirp Pr Waif Par ASTM E:-84,� pourn watt -board has a Flame Swroad t2etlme FSK < 15, 0 - Smoke DeveTopod = 0) = class "A", cempnwnGo wi r5C 2014 "Decorative Materials &Trfm" - 5eotfon 606,1 sxoeptlon - Curtmine, hametnge & other dacorativematerialss shalt not exceed 56%of wait area In dwolumg unite protected by an approved automatto ffro aprfmkler system. U 1 •.+,A s4 yNy ti 44 tt5 Z W i X_a 13 LL k m o U X11 X sk ® u p n a r i� i within fan enclosure). Optional FV-MSVK motion & FV-05VK1 candcnsation sensors shall be ��% • t�� .l t ! t !� installed. + v i 7 1 CI O W 5 C h Lei I" t.a l C 11C 160 mph - Exposure "8"- tnsulatod, non -Impact vinyl- TYMCA4 i.� (}� Mark Desig/size From Gwhe Shutter Remarks Floor 11 a 1 i Scale 1/4, =1' 0" �J' heft y FBC 2017- F,303.1- Exceptions - ... where artificial light Is provided .,,producing an average ` Illumination of 6footcamdles at 30" above the floor, /& *3W(64"XM whiteVfnyl SC=0.67 gray demountablegaly. 51Z Egress - masonry opening OF FL L1ntt Area �E ... • . The permanamtly installed lighting within the living area Is oapaHc of producing 18 foot e4 t x 50" White vimyt SC=o.67 gray dcmc�utrtabisgaly. 512 Egress masonry opening _ g�P�M' Fo Unit Area - 668 s.f. , Covered Entry 3 x 119 - 357 s.f. Dandles at 30 AFF. - o F A.___ /' ..._la._ A TP"6 .. C of 0 MEN1r'"*f i fYC ,!-bead - lsaas 3l@" spat far ar+ tk9n�-•�""`" H4Vdlplsmk atdine aver 30# roofine painted 1l2" SCX plywood felt & it2" COX plywood sheathine soffit • nail per 5hoathine fasten wf 0d rime -Shenk malts a schedule on Shoot V-2 4" ox. along edges and truss msmbero hard -coat foam column capital applied over filled CDs column 12' Q'° om SW Cox ywood smoothing mailed per " Sokedule on host ST-3 woad trusses as 2' Ct" eta X-2 a& truss as sit Tap of D-2 -, 3" gate, drip edge l M ix2 drip i 1x fascia 2x4 sub -fascia krruvO oFa"� C-1 Cw- t " beyemd " E A E t 1 E " Elevation Section + + r E 1t2" drop from i finish floor to 1/8" per foot sidawalk0door slope to walk E+ ----- W I 7 6 e s� x�� z x ' a a•' Insulation Wfala a each trues F1 r E " ME t I 1/2" DIW over K-4.1 FfFofl E radlent bsrrfer & fT 1x2 furring 0 1" 4" sic ; W 0 it ;...-�-6ntry beyond I i t i I i i C" t bclov IN X ..4 C-1F0/1z--V1%M Ctz^51N A — ` filled wl 30p00 pot cone. (1) #5 Vert. & #5 dowel to oatimo Wow Qa (2) 294• "rat runners" At 1t5 points wJ (2) I2u gaty. at each truss P ......... ....<,... ............... ._...............,..........„,,........,,....._...,.,...._.......__..............<..,.......... ,..i..... ., 30# roof the felt flashing 0 Hardlerlank Shall be fastened wl rrrd - u 4D Z %.. each vertical H'Pfank joint type 316 stainless steel rine-ShAnk v u lap over min. 9" over plank naffs S""C/O. ox g U below Starter strip - 0.312" x 11/4"' Strip m � nz 3/8"` CDX plywood Hsrdiel'lamk lap sldlne out from �3.312 ' 5.8" "Earartrue"` n a E 30# roof FYC trim '' sheathing ,, TKA-Mage aluminum/ Hardflalank neoprene "F' lex-plash �.; ldung 43 able -end true' ox c i 30•# rooffng felt wl built-up 2x4 30# ' ' framfng behlnd roofthe r _ ti y r s. 10 a .31.8 x 1114felt ° � � a starter st rl " " %Ct ' q *' .t?32', gage white pstntad � � � � � � Starter strip -0.312 x 11I� strip . F��,•� c,,: '_ aluminum cap flashing u u cut from 0.312 "x "5J.�" Tvari"rua" � *�w x " " X $_ X ,•L" � «. 5t4 x 3112 Hardlai'rim �- a yy�§. 7�p+yy//�,t �/yt[ y� }"YG trim beard, . > �x •> I/J p4Tf �i 1 Veda oVVxw deli lit r ,rid f t a� cap flashing all $torte 1/231 gap - do not dull: behfnd 5414x31/2" HardfeTrfm--- palnted, .032" alum drip -edge all along smooth Stucco over galy HlKlb steel lath FYC ji-bead along edge i C; i "I rE NTS Starter strip - 0.312" x 11d4" strip out from 0.312 "x 5,6" " SverTrue" FYC trim A-3 board, apply in 24" sections loavihe 112" dralnaage space batween each sootlom, Fasten 0 12" olc w! #6 55 rine-shank naluls 0 s" o!o Mtllanlum Metals Inc. - 26 gags pstntad gafv. off -ridge Vent min, * a, LF - fasten wl gaty, W r(me-shank n ail$ 0 4" oto & #12 gasksted "roof sarcxvs" 0 61 oia along lower edge �2 4 ,,- .004 eaeo white palmed basaffaEshtne contanuoue .050" x 4€' alum. ;, ,a w , ` - cleat strip w! #12 x 11f2 stainless pan -mead screws at rt" C.C. all &lame lie Em asphalt shingles NOM 30# roofing felt Stall cDX plywood � -' � undertaymant can - roof sheathing trootor to install Com- plete waterproof layer undczr sfellne & roofing Hardleirlm Small be installed wI Sd Type 316 stainless steel rime -shank malls 0 6" olc staggered pattern. HardleFlank lap sldlne fastened w/ 9d, type 316 stalnless steel rime - shank nails - face nail 0 S"otc. Metal plashing w 0.032" white painted aluminum sheet, formed as required FlexWe flashing ., TI A Snow & Sun 11" wide corruested aluminum/butyl self adhered flatehine - t o sun & Snow (ei77) 290-W69 m trasnowandsun.conl 1657South 590 Street, American Forks, Utah iW03 dtasrnal 2x4 braces7 1l3 petals of gable g 2 half -valley trusses typ�sH 3" whoa alum. drip edge 4 '"tic\ A\\_ wr t n s Fibargias old. ino �f _ px"2 (� preemgtnearad � ',� X 1 " wood trusses aaah x " at 2' 0" 0.0. and X 2x4 "rat -runs" wl { (2)12'ui to truss each X y y I ti: the ation " oetltng danslty 5l8" WIN baffols 0 6 I, i E , E I S each truss j L.� i v l' nl f� A r a p a l l c r o t � fi€lad S" course of "beam block' wl (1) #$ caart, & Freaast unto $so"Uhtal Soh" on sheet STA t" t 1tz, D,w on each side of 151W x 3S5/6" 25 #W afu nrlmixod stoat relocate z . " stud$ at V 4" ox. door t _»_ � t Cleo. pn°€, �� f + paint grads molded "Colomial" base x l i ' x .z •��� � �� x E 21'5°" 12'1011/160 l a --�-"'"N2 ,SK drtp X cr ri ra-ffntahad white alum fosola trim eq z -' -2x4 sub -fascia & save block painted Hardlaaaffit l ', painted HardiaFlank siding over Wit roofing ro " felt » install wd & stainless steel ring -shank malls per HVH2 reofutrarnents F$srgloss shingles over self? adhered undarlaymam IL � ' E ea. truss 1 11 plate ht. i Typical fascia $ imparts rated soffit 5tusco soffit at( around wl V x 1 " OAF(Masterplow alum, oereahM vent$ at 4' a" ox `2 hour fire rated save - Oyp. Aoslm. Rd #WF'4136 (2) toyers 151&'' FCDW aooh $ids of 2x4 wood studs ea Z 0" etc - seat all around to soffit, C55 wall & roof deck. octarid to sub-fssata (typleal Pooch poroh roof) rr � Atlotfc Y e t'"l V i l e I m C s'' l c l o, Fiic 2ol7 Sea Lfan ,2o3.2 M xception 1 BAsic Load Factors Attic Area (Unit Interfor & porch) = 741 e.f. Ventllatfon area req'd =1/300 (wl vapor retarder) - 2.47 s.f. or 356 sq. Inches. Off -rld e vent to be .50% or 177 s . Inches mill. 0 cl 6pcclfled off -ridge vent - MMI 4' = 99 sq. Inches open area, (2) req'd, per Apt. U tEOF - M . F Kdqufred Save vents also must =177 sq, Inches open area per Unft Co. Spsclfled vent is OAF "MosterFlow" 8" x 16'white alum. #EAC16x8W >° w each vent = 56 sq. Inches open area means rnln. (4) vents required per 10 wl •llnft. ..................................................................... tj,f1 36" 4H 20"OH > J \ J M O Nye !�� �' L 'Y �J \ .r'.• y! t AjP���ta � p 12it valance _ ,+ a�� ---------------- X$.a' G,w wv A..«---- w..,• b''..".:'i s yn illui7 y1 Q}� t1 V v n t Kange Hood 1/2" CPX cab° blockfmo �» �+surround 4)LI0__ __rrwYc._-..."__ required i 0 ID ==-»- »»»» O�, o u #3 U G At AA % S- t1 "1 ti} i l OH kG7 OH I fl.' 9 "S» 1, i E----_..__w_»__.»_^-ram' ' E YJ � � '�.t i R. L � i Y,J i i " i " ! n ! at � U EY ilL future t tS — fA 1 E E , 4 ,10 97 17 8ua�as-,..= " , 20 Mange r Y , lams, splash erab way o U a < , ----.____w- _www------------ '-___wwrww_- ww_w w� medicine # 9 i A P d �WwW--Wwwnw-� � ' �mm�mmm�mm����n 1�Yf rferY ' s ♦t (. A t P Y 4\ f a ^o y i t 5 4 •,vt 1 x' xd tt �� � 1 I i""� 3» Y vt v 1 1 i ! ''. i ��* i FYY t rr'` �,, '•.t ron'ovai7 e° .• ! Q P anal • t ' k f 4 I �``' 1 �{ ° A Yd d vvv �§ 4 k i vt i t �v x YJ ' open to w l C1 vi vt e !Y __-_wre-__ww-w.,wwa-- a ceramic fAA 'tile base 77=r-7 � ys It f'1 30° Da f° . � 4' Ink base l bee Ghee% PW-1 for +x cafe ?r16" V 0" 5cale 3Ia" =1' CAA`5cale 3f " = E" 0" fixture dimensions Fire retardant treated /Fr" ClA plywood sheathine within ; 4' 0" Of FACE of C55 Party Wall (For F5C 704,4.2♦2} � 4' C1 to edge of ofridge vent Architectural grade Fiberglas ! shfngles on 30# roofing felt & rT 2x6`s each aide of rake bm, hake beam -ruin 5/8" x 12" h 3000 sf cone, w/ 5/8" CDX plywood nailed per 3/16" x 41/4" TAFCON fasteners p 2` 4 " o.c, staggered attern p (4) #4 cont,, extend filled cells from walls below stucco on CDs wall Koof schedule Into rake beam w/ # "V of the top of each filled at ed f At ld �-" �� cell to rake beam pre-engfmcered wood trusses 0 2' olo diagonal 2x4 bracfne 01/3 points p t � a raised stucco p k column basc � a 2 hour re rat too v er ryp. Aoo'm. pile #WP4136 KT (2) layers 518" FCDW each side of 2x4 wood studs 0H:"``. , 1.}}p/w pp�•�•Ir�� Ira+IVVJi"J 41�' 2' 0" o/c - seal all around to, soffit, M wall & roof dock, :'''e extemd to sub -feeds 1 VC J-bead w/ i (typical IlMeach porch roof) exterior sealant l to stucco soffit E Y f q f t t K^30 bI own•fn �+�'h, a { fy} F ^,•ew �,Y ' i :RcallIme drywall & wood trusses 2 Wpre-emolmoorsol woo =— t �itop; of �esrrl as show" -, .. 62, k .. , density r Ilk AM i furrino y II 0 hmr,elcomt cam i .: Y AAA to column L I V I + �look wall provide Y: i r "Y i" %half F A Alitladder 0 each third course filled w/ 30p00 psi coric. column r t j2 hour fire rated C56 wall - corItimuous from lot floor slalr P 1/2It closed cell foam exp. ,joint max.1/2" drop from FFF'to cone. walk. 4" - 3000 F$ermesh reinforced cone, slab om ,006" Polyethylene vapor barrlortreaRtod, compacted dean sand fill N N PVC Weepy a r sr x•'x` r" x• x• Y` R` r t.... P'r♦ V' ecreed `R' k F P -0i' r P d 8 v F' a<' `F+` <* •r' N •il"• re t a d Y••d`. F• x` Y F. <~. •x``F w ehl� 2 bolo FFC •'Y `, ^`,• ♦H� aavVi r`. VP •, •R •,'P , d•••! Y x Yva 1 P d ,`Y J F Y FBI vY `, v1 `e vF', 4 S•"Y'II', •Y R F r , • �Ar Y r r R 4 Y ae { F P d A' R� P 1', i' P.{ F ,�', 1' F t 4 Y''e. of 1 ,tv d t d `FV 3 P'e• x� 1/2" closed call d ` „`r ,t•4 r f�. foam 6Xp. joint s «,/ t i«r a a , 4, s"�i #F AF. /!`e Y r F X', F F Y •x vD i� -Mrwnrr-wR-----MY' 7 Tto Vfi 4/Tt I 5cale 3l4" 10 011 ��IB A+... fiV4 TVz9iC I Ar4 J A � laarur Firto atM d l from FT tx4 fire - clack I k �- extend 1/2" /W into attic, seal to 2x nailer w/ 3M "CF-25W5 plus fire barrlor sealant i rt tap of lvoam "`w°" 1/2" ceding demefty p/W 1!2" P/W over PT Ix2 furring strips 2' 0" ox, each s #e of 0wall w/ rnylar covered "Fl-Foil" insulation 1/2" 01W each side of 15/6" x 3 5/5" - 25 gago aluminized steel studs at 2' 0` o.o, 130 niph Fiberglas shingles a i ✓ bfx• f I REiY. wiftr A -30 blown -in Fiberglas (me. rT 1x4 ffre^block - filled &t course of "bean block' , w/ (1) #5 cont. & Precast Lintel - see "Lintel sch" on 5hoet ST-1 vinyl frame, fmsulated sliding glace door 2 hour fire rated cave - ! Oyp, Assn File #WF4136 (2)layers 5/6" FC1V each U C, aid of e 2 x4 woo i studs s� 2' 0" o/c - seal all around to soffltY CPas wall & roof dock, 0 � Mend to suFi-fasols x. (typical 0 each porch roof) < i Ott IL plate, htA white painted alum, , E drip &fascia A oc stucco soffit all around w/ 8" x 16" OAF/MasterFlow « ' alum. screened vents at j4' ,1ti 4aG. ' C "J-bead" w/ caulkfng alone head Impact rated removable storm panels per F5C 160 mph wfndzona pressures shown on elevatlone typ'icai overhang precast " 3/16" x 21/4" i APrnm f �' co retc�Hii?risill It provide 1/ " cdx plywood fastener$ 0" °€ ,i ,; see shoot A-2 for F5C KathieH Wocklmofor - 2' o/c cabs & coi, A , k 3/4" marble window sill chamga sliding door E typical partition - to horn♦ rollime I 4" - 3000 Ffbermesh reinforced tf2" p/W each side 4tf _ 3000 Flbermeeh reinforced i 'I Como, slab on ,006 Polyethylene of 15/8" x 3 5/8" cone. slab on .006 Polyethylene .grace window E, vapor basrriertreatedY compacted ; 25 sec ateeE studs ""'" vapor barriertreatcel, compacted PVC weep C; clean sand fill I' at 1f4" oxc clean $and fill sob wood base cod ow FF5 ' 4 + ilt ,rA wood base a$e ya p3Sv• t fy`ytfirs . {'�{},. 3F+ tP< , t t vie £ ♦" i �: 3.Fe Fa dPFaf R . �d• v `" •4 I `Y Y `d dPvJ Y d d ^de4•3 `� "Pd •F •,P°•vX� `r4° e'e• ♦4 _eaatdR w"C'+Y°'k'+�"'^�T^e •" °1: "°$t , d• x�v o h Floor e,:. ,' w ° , • • , ♦ a3N•P ♦• ♦.s ,ta ww'MV M'I M.Y" wv -wwxwwXwwwwrw-nWwwunYs "el e"F° rnrrrn•uwer 8 II r4YA "�e. ♦ e eeM ♦Rde ''Y 'f1F F d'•se` ae•d *, Y t ,'F! r'.t ', '\ •� p `' , ♦ e e , • - . 'A�w , `" Y^4 elry tl*e£ 9"4 {� £ P d Y R r Y e e°e Re'a d R e d♦ ti a \ 1£d"♦'Y•"P`F•°3•"r•°♦i-°Pa"Ye•Y+'_P ��M ♦ i"f • • ��+ .", R `,i °• ,�' Y r R' 4.. �`. r`e , d 3 r','>',' • '"" ° • P`. . >'' R • r".'P slope grade away �'. i '. ' ' i I, � Y F" s ✓ r P r ,. � �� / i e f w ��P R II f, d d f<" F x•, from bulldimgs r, r F r x ♦ + \ L Y JrF X r Y,x a>eY t Fedrt Ir alvv II�ad°eP i �i P �'� a♦, d d Y P n P" V F� .r_ wvw •w wnw w,xwaw♦x•er• r Intenu r- r t✓ }! o JOI K C r W Z 1 wall can$tructicn has a minlMum one hour rating. 20 timed 'Muds At 2' C.C. Aw4 6cmic 3/4" --1` 0" 0 1 \y i iwAM Ma" r iU111YY y�l 1""•q No SIM jYA!r removable alum. $tor "A"from corners corrugated m panda °•�.,,, 5uq,lc head 1/4' x 41/2" TAPTON cone.. at 12" O.C. all around eocue opening Compliance - p5C 2017- 551 30,2 Minlrnurn 20" w x 24" h - 44" sill ht., 5,0 5F min. area grade floor Nominal 50" wide x 54" high Clear opening - 20. r88" w x 49.06" h = 7.05 5F Sill height - Wit - 501' 301E s`my[ z5L Floti--impacto M 191 reinforce CMU each -- slde of opening stucco I seslamt, taulking 5/4 trim 1/4" x 41/2" TAFC4N .0 - Y Como. $Crews a 10" 0/0 all around IX.'k�.x, ?i ._r.00rr "from corners 3/4" �-5 double Mylpr covered Ise foam board insulation 1/2" D/W on FT 1x2's 5ulle head at 1' 4" o.c. - furring rarrrovabte corrstad 1/4' x 41/2" shot thru Ins, to2to slur "Otorm panels , TAf it conc. Colonial trim art 1 " o,c< all around rT 2x edge blocking ,.......s, ., 6/4 door jamb #fescue opening Compliance - F5C 2017- 551030.2 let -In 1x2 stop, -- Mirilmum 20" w x 24" h - 44" sill ht., 5.c SF min. arcs grade floor door Norrilnal 50" wide x 54" high Clear opening 25<9a9" w x 49.06" h =9.77 5F Sill height - $CS" - 50" » 0" let-jn 1x2 stop 8/4 door jamb 1/2'< P/W Colonial trim rT ZX edge blocking 070 ° X, %.2 •S�`d , stucco drip $cereal 5/4 trim caulking 1/4" x 41/2" TAPCON cone. screws a 10" o/c all around trimyl 53L - Nom—im �G }�� el irl. 'ire Kate � i 1 iiMwL "from `. corner i� _ r i' from cornier 318'e x 41/ " TAFCCN conc. scrowe direct to 05 head/ slli/ `arnbe - for spacing sea;roduct Acceptance C155 wall ,orner beard whl�e / marble slll a[um, window 4 rain. #5 vert. In filled call each side of opening or As shown on plan out buck f rom rT /4 '• x ro decking, fasten w/ " (4) Hllti 3/8" x 41/2" it! - MILT] "QUIokbolts" each 'i#; Zside w/ 31/2" dmn ddmlmt stucco om C55 r hold stucco back 1/2" from alum, ' clean after stucco !n! installation !u! In[ kill !n. �g }y� TXEMCP "Memo" caulking C , vinyl frAmc, insulated elazime 1/4" gray glass wltransmittanoe B less than 44% ' 2"x Vx311 +" x3"(one 3/4" Marble i Type 316 35 angle w/ (2) ill 1X' x 3' "Tapoon" fasten -ors to fill & (2) #10 screws to window frame PT it i 3. £ • t S 1xat sitJ a�'(�a° r mom. V" x 9 1/2". daft e t d< r°tea a s t 4✓�£< a d° X, 1 coho. sillw/3/(4' cost S�. f X♦°• 1 3 Y! F P I f t° £ recess & (1) #)y�V'y'wt. d/w �' od �P- >x e d♦ X`x d< X S 6 I II S I se x`,e peaAJJJj,aaIIa. Exterior tuorao On C5 i f i Ww, "rhoemme,datilile foil faced foam board file, tape & omu(k 1/2" P/W on ta"Ciat2 furring at 11 4" 0,0, top aP opening Mt oven courslne PVC carnor-,,,✓ 4 "in L 0111G ) edalant uik, C R Y,p o ra,.er t a,x z &" x 16" nom. CDs hooder - w/(2)ar7 Fostonors per Fac 130 mph wdndzone acceptance stucoo drip sealant caulk 10FTbu kwt3116' x 4"'TAMOW foam ore At 12" ox. H Aw5 Ct55, virjyl frarr°c, irlrlulatcd elazirle Awe xtcriar car LA- ........................ ,...,,,.._.,,•...,..-...,.....,,,• , t°yc�`� am mv�i.yaC 0 1/ `! i /W Uu� C 0 metal studs in wall O > p t r r a� m+ < u 2x4 }docking * L s all around° 0 v paint grade rnoldecl a �, Colonial trim �, � m Shim r6-t � 43 5/4" door frame door frame w/ let -In atop doer m V door Exterior panel " ADA compllentAW alum, threshold new cone, "- "" interior sidewalk ;flnlsh floor <C , level , J, �r X P ra 3 N , i "'• � p � � � � � '• E f i t r y P C) o r r Z05 NT5 X S . •P = _ £ d 1 , F �• •£ \. A °u �1.. e � 1.1 if ,w.� > B� £ �, dam, d • t = _ "• 3 Y• �� �' a r e =�'. s�°, rx°• r' c x ey°..r � r� rEMKO #2001 . PK , clear anodized '"l e etc" ell i FEMKO 2 01_.# K Alternatc both are A A compliamt thr c holds er" mim all around Pt 1x buck - window to bo thru4matenod �Pa fJf r'lrf ri /�t'r�%� trrto filled brook a&I(s ` fjf / ........ �.............. {r,;,.4 J/ f fEaelting jambs �f "%E i'y�r t� Cl w �r7 Xl7,tf7If fX+f rJ7,tl�fp�.dmJ fJ/f'f" step fl��te°mf�(fr?j(�r a°,limy 9� 1, 6,r1X Pl1 � {♦l X�f+X Xti+� X"j�fp'l Ftl (:3 t pourod Typical Window Elevation oonc.404I ? (dcors similar) tri f olywall "slue Barrier Liquid Flashing 2100" shall be applied per the 'Vuc Sarrlor Application Guide" to seat window & door bucks and shall extend a minimum of Wpeyomel openings on exterior face of C55 masonry wal �'r . F u fA p-A IP-A I } F1C e co qP � A- , -5 rolywaill products available from Caasta�l h, K�H °� C5a, vinyl frame, ineulatcd glazing - , Cometruction rroducte - 5051 L. t5 Mccicod Koad, Orla melo, FL 32881 407) 849w1717 OCT 17 2va i At U to It L o Fa A.i A rt fl R t'-------------------- � E t r-------------------- --------^------- --- E o- io ox i E i i t r wood trusses 0 2` 0" otc . (2) 2x4 "rat runna wf (2)1" esty, at each truss 20 gage 15/6" x 3 5A aluminized steel track these return walls only shel€ bo 20 000$15/ " x 3 5W aluminized stoat studs a 8" r%c -------------------' 1 � Y 4+ �rA 6A � � i✓1 � ��i .��ar� 11S +td ,+'1ti ,.6•cmlc 11, 11 psk 5CC T"4iti E f17 �(rauntC condenetc & sux.�rsfn (itrics rip solid spacer await to codling Intarseotion 20 gage 1518" x 3 5I6" aluminized steel track ,seal ductwork to P/W colldna all around these return walls only ahalt be 20 gag$15/6" x 3 6W aluminized stoat studs a W olc W x 24" #.A grPtlo 0" x 1r K cvat$d duot- board supply plenum thru coding - goal all around minimum 4" clearance "all around AHU across panet pull-out 1" pleated filter /6" all sides primed CDX plywood shelf w! solid 2x4 blooking All around tee Chstud S screws 3l4" aux, cord, overflow to WH 314" relief tuba 36 gallon "low -boy" WH 3t4" ryc coed. time to exterior dry well 3f4" Mc WH pan drain caned bate Water Herter - 3a eallerl "tow -SOY" efffcfericy > C.97 v na 4 4$ Z. b A{SB C compressor v 4-t t > ex � v o r 0 4- L VO fa t s 0 typical of O v a 9L C concrete stab wl 010 wwm on corn- pacted clean sand X _ 0 Simpson 6trong-Tto "A24" gaty. angle connector wi - (1)114-' x 2" TArCON "M l5at" fastener tv concrete slab (1) 31r x 1" gaty, naachtne bolt & waeher thru A/C unit cabin$t F=-171MAT :D HIND LOAD - A 6E 7-10 - 175 MPH e'er FOCK M1307 A/C compressor shall bo fastened to a 4" cone, stab. A/C Unit estimated size = 4' 0" w x * 0" h 5xposod area =16 SF 'fatal Harz. Wind Lead 0 75 psf =1,200 # Each connector wind toad = 300# Each connector altowable load - shear =1,340 ## - uplift 1,370# Factor of Safety - 4.3 * limited by 1 o peon allowsble wt 11t2" embed AHU Comdcm6atcoverflow Water Gar/ X: /. 1 0 J. a; 5 unit availaile Markete s / Ft. Fierce (772) 465-4707 UV r/ • Cover d _ r / .. .. r R ♦ i%5crc6 90 dcorce " rr6hall %e h5talled around all # a, r tothe exterior, Fa6tcm 0 1 :w r# _ r. r Wa6her Outlet Drain lm6tall OATEY 5crje6 3a656 rccc66cd poly- 6tyremc outlet, topmount4/raoe valvc6, dual water hammerarrc6tom kcco6cd5teel ► li In6tall Model is i drycrrox f ! r e" Tcchmologic5#er 5ectiomof the 2,914- FL for propoecd tack wa6hcrldrycr. quallffc6r rcleamoutdryer w r♦ • •♦ IM %>/d f 1 / r ealv. metal wl Jthru rooftermimation w/a`ack- iraft damperPerIM affix lalct A iy A/C heat pumps ------w_--_----_ w-mr-ww---_------ ---_ -_- �- _wjr _ _- w�w_w_ w -r e f ..„...__.._w.,..,.....{__.,ww..wwww.,ww 71 r--_.._w-w.� F-1 E B 4,„ r VC A/C chaise E w/ m^x. (2) 45 degres bemdo E ' , i 3/$ fVC WH overflew line , i I ! E \ € 4f i k t "t typical A/C & E WH location ! i t , a € t ! B i t � i € ! I B 1 I t I a I I 4" 3000 pot cone. numb over 0.010 poly vapor barrier W1GGx1010 WWM on treated, coMpao ed Clean SMnd fill 4 4 € € i € € t i s I ! € I t t t ! I j i a ! a € a E a � E k t € t t E a E i t!2" drop to ; cxtasrior slab t � k ° -------------------- I € f ° 1/2" closed' cell F 1 foam exp, jt. _ t € + t t a - slope 11' �x� l ------------- Typical F'aumatfam Flab r rw «wrn «r .vgCT` r ti i } } f' t i V, « ,lfl •�t 1 } Z a / R w f , 1 ease x 72B` 11 1 1 off ridge Vent € f 245 al. im. 1 i 0 em Arai 1 (€ 1 1 } E } 1 } all 15, 0 ft a It V 2 hour fire rating Unit party watt to tap of half-vatt trusses - trues kfmo-post ww/ each of ckfoo top & bottom} - typical front & roar overlay trusses - UL 1>eslgn U-301 ww} / } l } 1} . rSC... w....ww....w,.w 1 ,'t f I I I_II-,.--.r Lw�-_--L - I - I cz If ------------ -- ... ... w... -w --- »p... r�_ «� -�w .a ..yea .. ur� -yr- y^. y�. rated 1y�r ypy i 11 r , '�"lf a (�B tlet� V�W"-i--r.w� t t ..''n } i C plywood } } } } } } e } }� } 1 0 fo required eN of party wall -, n, » .� n'. ".:: ..»- .wow w..l..x w.' t'�+. - ! pp 1 1 i r fBitI _ } r/�/' t `rK�`w St i,,.•. '. .. '.. ,f,�h+.w +nSww�, .} , }} '' ; f ram. t-I---II--IwwII-w heathimg within 41 of fir+ walls shall be /6" Fire, rated COX plywood nailed per Schedule on Drawtngs. kermalmillo heasthime shall be 16" CDX plywood nailed per 6chaclule on Drawimes. Wood in direct contact with comcrste shot[ be CCA pressure treated, retention of C ,40# per C.f. . Mr:-ENCaiNEEKED WOOD TKU5SE6 � f're-engineered wood trusses shall be doslemed and certlfied by at Florida licensed structural engineer per F5C 2017 requirements for 160 mph -second gust wimd-zone, i.isk Catagory 2 lnstallatlom shall be per Manufacturer's requirements and stgticd ,and trnpres#lon ofemled wools truss shop dratmes. Ltftlmg, placement, temporary and final bractmg ;and internal connections shall per shop drawlmos, Fnulidativn & Columm 5che: rule F-1 2' Q" w x ' 0" thick x L alarm this w/ 3) #5 care. 'eta x ' " x 1} " thick l #4-'q 6"etc, bath wa e, !batto F-2 7 -3 1' 0" x 1' 0" x L w/ (1) #5 cotit, x1 3000 psi grout filled m1mirlal S" x 8" columh block wJ 1) #5 vert. & 48 dla, 4owl to °t'g. a wd.... vt- /f! [ i t ,€*Vy.»........,....-..�,..�...-,.. ...<r,....„. ..«,... Lw1 -. {�.. ,{ {ft+'.}ri4�+.wi+N.N14pr t.w«—..—.—«.. ,_ ..._..=..wa. sw «, »......lww...a.. ,c .+...—a;n a ---------- GyBl �il t� �.... ,. ,,..»J«"..».»«. ,». �P " .«rw.. ---- 3 soffit - _ w- _ Unless otherwise noted, ba Vents 12' Xw4 all truss to wall connectors t ' e ° V" ^' l/+ y�p4w W18rh to shall be T e X-1 columm lyp�fcal Pouf FrYarru,ag columnyp cafe- 114" = V 0 _1 cf"r8 &'° x 1W, Vara o ` } # dirt oYa14a w148 diet. 00ir r bafra horixaarsed baba- 0 sit 1:" Wdiff . oua y t 6-2 pourod oono &° x 12" (r tn.} riae (2) #8,da w/ sensor tW of o pa ima tar basin r*ke baAm 0 trMaHor 4trawaataa & imble as dw*lta 0-0 1 #2 Fear Syr 2) U2 W off « N/A !"orr)h boom+ r - wop w1 W# foit & pafporbafow wlro loth L fY i'(r a!: l S c H e A u a e Ada Unt- tla ehW1 bo "CAot-Crate" - Para, tarofoo 00 raatrroraina Mark Dest nation Locartlom L H Added ltebar Utcd # Actual # KamarKa L-1 a p1511T rooasaed 40" .door X.0, 4' S" 1' 4" (1) #5 bat (1) #15 top* 1673 Seo r n 5.1 atdat thru hasfdars L-2 3F -1B/1T 4' al wihdawo +4'` V r W4 t) #3 bare 0) #3 top' 1663 wo L- 8t"12-1 /1T Sta&4 doors - R.O. _ 61 4" 6" v, 11 4J1 (1) #5 boa (1) #3 top* 1e63 SW NOTE. All conmootors are products of- 5lmpson ftrone-Tle Manufacturthe Co. C o m m ec i o r 6chcdule. DO NOT oaU33TlTUTE C+ONNECTOP, TYFE3 Ott. MANU `ACTUXE9 Index Allowabta Loads ActaaaI Losolo F`astoners l4emorks X-1 IMRTA10wrr5=1 150o+ 1 "5 1 fsaa 1 750 1250 1 115 1 oahrat 1mtto bawrrr I MM10dX11/2" V0ft*Q bats W*" Xf 2 EEC (double 655 a-ze (7} #9d ($) �X x 1112" F rtersa[ @a&ta brace f E-it? 1a310 11io tow 1200 3 f? 223 { j $a x 11t2° 8 Fad rf 1 UZ" on z H-10 a«sh oado of double l r to X-4 1 Krr4 1 5600120 0) 8/8" x to ,anchor bo1 116i Rod x 11/2 1200 EEO led l (7) led thru roof t "'-----.---------,-------- -t t ------------ w-------------- It � F Saar" l u w- �w t —10d ring -shank malls at V' o,c. in ficid, fit' o,c. 0 edges of plywood sheets -- 10d ring -shank nails A G" oxc in field, 4'" 0.0, a edges of plywoodsheets --10d ring -shank malts at'4€t 0.01 Porch Ceiling - 1i2" Mx fastened w/ stainless steel U ring-shombnaile 0 6" olc 2 frAmine Gable sheathlhg shall ba fastened w/Ead r[he-ohank malts, 4" etc stone all framing members & panet perimeter Koof Nallfmo Pat';te h NTS y to 40 L foz ez 45 3: InkII � a-i m �a >f S U t},a 41 0 z S. q U 4-1 aL a U— 6 "". IN it «f YtlYB,Ub 1lw � f t 'OCT 17 2011 � a ff +nr& ®dma m NA 4u.M Lr`Y ) Y$Y� Myj by Pa +Pwb+`m+e £M #f"'^a5e nm 4,w M;o'x+ex+w w'n:wtl,^^•a ...rirw*Mwre.m...+. rrw w a•^'*=+yr qx..®. w +� ., a.'.au. bn rxrAue..a a..s s. a'.xw.;xa«w.w 5,�¢mwt,wzwra>:w suw e....: l t 1�P vu.w A:wVmVf: mpr`4p,YrN6.Y,Wti. W,G.a S1:JYMYOri Ie N?:s tlr W+ . Arwffi.NXAN:aJN. NK'gb }'gam'.#ybrW ' q\j . jjy� ' • . �� ",8�yy ��,�p� :'� *r , ddtl5+4 NN#DMNW b. �s'AFb NeMYr MMMgdeiAAN b,:tl,�rpSWdNdA'nP".>ASt.Yffi✓mNrvP`kf�mmw mp4 A � ' 1 � y. C' 1RT t } "1� A,+ •+�^r e.K�.'^�•,,••..••.•.w•^,�•w,.ma�uo-.a�a.��o- ww.sa �ww.macgf w�maw.•a�.m m'«8wwa�o-wtr a. ati trmaartwn+�'a. rtrysE�4^strww�wda� >: f ,p P lb At (AG" v to Y'l lei Me +MAINS4 t 4rIMAtN > x a z « VOLTAGE It r „ I� Ys'' r.'n". Wa 5 Wit e �F It V 0-1 %N/ -rA p / �3/4 B•4i1:I6I° i PLUMBING NOTES; ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FRC-201 PLUMBING DWV PIPING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC - 4" BLDG DRAIN TO SERVICE POINT -SEE PLAN. WATER PIPING - BUILDING EXTERIOR - PVC $DR 26. - MINIMUM 2" MAIN FROM MAIN TO WATER METERS AND 1" MINIMUM TO EACH UNIT SERVICE POINT. METER EACH UNIT INDIVIDUALLY. WATER PIPING SHALL BE TYPE L CU OR CPVC FOR PIPING WiTHIN BUILDING. SLEEVE ALL CU PIPING IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR UNDERGROUND WITHIN BLDG. INSULATE ALL HOT WATER PIPING. COORDINATE UTILITIES WITH SITE CIVIL PLANS. HVAC SCHEDULES AND NOTES: ELECTRICAL NOTES: New HVAC Unit shall be Trane or equal split system DX Unit, ELECTRICAL LOAQ CALrc- 16.0 SEER min., with Heat Stri a5 indicated. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 202&NEC INFPA 70) AND THE ye (rj ;Z 47 p - SMOKE DETECTORS TO BE .t 10V W/ BATTERY BACK UP - ARC FA ULT CIttCT7i'P SMOKE DETECTORS TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF ALL PER NEC 220 BEDRIJOM INTERIOR ORS. Units shall be split system 1.5 tan units, Trane 4TTR6018J1 CU SMOKE DETECTORS TODBEINTERCONNECTED SOTHAT ONE SMOKE DETECTOR ACTIVATES with TEM4AO818S21++TDR COIL, with 3.4 KW Heat Strip, ALL SMORIt DETECTORS IN THE RESIDENCE with "EP" PROVIDE BRANCH CIRCUIT ARC -FAULT' PROTECTION FOR ALL CIRCUITS SERVING ROOMS PER FBC AND NEC REQUIRENTENTS 6685F @ 3.0 VA .............. «.............. 2004 VA CARBON, MENORIDE'DETECTORS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10' OF ALL BEDROOMS TWO ZOA APPLIANCE CHTS.............. 3WO Mount new Unit On Stand With pan Whit drain and float switch PROVIDE TAMPER RESISTANT RECPTICLESPER NEC REQUIREMENT•S LAUNDRY ......................................... 2500 - ELECTRICAL SERVICE SHALL BE 120l240Y/1160 DRYER..,...•...,.,,..... ELECT or unit shut down. Provide condensate drain run to sump at GROUND sYSTSBs I'ER NEC 250 ....... 5000 ....".......•.. .. buildingexterior or to landscape area with gooseneck, Provide RAN'E'•'••" ^•-•^ SD00 separation from water heater. WH... ^ .......................... ...... ..• 4500 WIRING METHODS: - REFRIG ...................................... . 1200 - MISC............................... ....... .....« 50� Install all units to be Completely accessible. ELECTRICAL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER - TYPE THHN OR TYPE THW FOR WIRING WITHIN BURRING; TYPE THWN - .. UNDERGROUND OR ON BLDG EXTERIOR. CONDUIT SHALL BE EMT WITHIN BUILDING; PVC UNDERGROUND; GRS TOTAL """"^...............................30204 VA Refer to Architectural Sections for ceiling height restrictions all OR SCH BO PVC FOR SERVICE ABOVE GROUND, MS CABLE MAY BE USED IF ALLOWED BE NEC & LOCAL CODES, - FiRST 10 KW @ 100 %................ 10000 VA equipment and materials shall fit in the space provided. Make ""' REMAINDER @ 40%.... ,.«................ 8081 VA modifications as required to accomplish same.'TOTAL .......... ............. ".«................ 18081 VA Registers/grids/Diffusers shall be Metalalre or equal unless AICHEAT@1009.......................... 5000yA otherwise scheduled - all aluminum construction unless Otherwise required to meet fire ratings. TOTAL ..^ ......................................... 23081 VA 13081 VA/ Z40V = 96 A SAR's (supply air registers) shall be metal air or equal. ELECT KEY: HOUSE PANEL SAD's (supply air diffusers) shall be of the sizes shown on the plans with OBD and directional louvers as required. SWITCH LEG BLDGLTG...... „ V SINGLE PoLE SWITCH 4W VA IRR PUMP..........• 2650 VA THREE WAYSW/TCH ��'•""'��""" RAG'S shall be type RH of the sizes shown on the pians with SITELTG.............. '� DUPLEX CONVIENCE OUTLET ......... ..............•..+....•• INQ A grilles on each side of wall opening. Provide 1" TjA filters at unit. DLJPLEXCONVIENCEOUTLET-1fSWITCHED TOTAL .............................. «....... 4650VA 0 240 VOLT RECEPTACLE 4= DISCONNECT SWITCH - NON FUSIBLE 4650 VA / 2400 V = 20 A Exhaust fans shot! be Greenheck or equal SP series with cfm indicated at 0.25 " SP. Run 6" diameter exhaust thru wall with WALL BRACKET LIGHTIN NIOTOROUTLETWITH DISC. U5E100q HOtlSEPANEt LIGHTING FIXTURE wp scupper or to soffit with screened grille or thru roof with GFI GROUND FAULT pROTECTlON gooseneck. Maintain SO' separation from any o/A intake. WP WFA'`HERPROOF TOTALS: EF EXHAUST FAN C CONDUIT TYPICAL UNITx 6 EACH < (6) x 23081= 238486 VA Dryer vent shall be 6"X 4" VTR with Gooseneck. 1B JUNC 7ON BOX (F= REINFORCED FOR FAN) HOUSE PANEL ......................:... O ^ CATV OUTLET (PRE ........ 4650 VA WIRE) - I" C TO SERVICE POINT TOTAL ..:....................."..".....,....... .. , = i43136 VR Paint all HVAC grilles/registers/diffusers white. TELEPHONE OUTLET (PREWIRE) � 1" C To SERVICE POINT -' DB DOOR BELL - WITH CHIME 1431361240 596 A » Provide outside make up air for each unit -- Set cfm at Manual HIHATLIGHTINGFjirruRE USE 600aMAIN SER VICE DX "3" .requirement. Maintain minimum 10' separation from exhaust openings. Run 6" diameter with volume dagnper to _ Soffit Or to roof with gooseneck - 45 cfm O/A required 4 (2 br = 3 persons x 15 cfm = 45 cfm O/A. Provide programmable thermostat for each unit - Honeywell, t..eCtl'`tCai .Devices . Trane or equal "on -Auto" fan and "Heat/Cool" settings.i Height above finish floor Ductwork shall have joints and seams sealed with approved tape applied with adhesive to make joints air tight. Ducts shall Wall Switches - 361 be reinforced foil faced 1-1/2" fiberglass insulation board (R-6 minimum). Flex duct shall be UL 181 Thermafiex or eq ' i with fell back insulation, Provide spin -in connection With iverter Eiectrical outlets _ 1 " r and volume damper for each flex take -off from the mall trunk (Unless Other 7 ductwork. wise, noted) i - ALL W/P. . The Contractor shall furnish a complete matched component iiitchen & Bath - 42" U_ v HVAC system in accordance with these drawings, local Codes, &047A., I1'(Z,t Win T'U0411 and the latest editions of NFPA 90A & 906, ANSi; 8 4.1%�i Thermostat - 4�MAW 1�N L Mechanical Refrigeration, SMACNA, ASHRAE, and Sta,:e of iooF Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction - 2A Q ( IALT� FlaCom-i hIC lot 0 DAiC �tYy The Contractor shaft obtain all required permits and inspections from governing agencies and furnish a written guarantee that all work shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship 1 % '� q 5, for a period of one year from the date of equipment start up 3*'9 #61^c sncRrOrrPrCaLriNITANnxssPYL •. and final acceptance. Manufacturer's instructions and " )VOTE' TYPICAL UN'"ND H.SE PNL-10,000AIL - - ti� guarantees shall be given to the owner. ^- #210 GRND To CWP, RL00STEEL - f2) -Z %" CON0UnS EACH WITH f3) - 350 MC]V THWN & ORIY_R_ NGRNp -.... _. .The contractor shall be responsible for balancing the fiVAC OCTOPOWRRco.xPMR. NOrR:PRovrDEExTRaroxovlr ' system to meet the criteria on the plans and shalt return ti the LFEEQVIREDHI'POWERCO. ELECTDI T site to re -balance the HVAC system after occupancy to s i:isfy NOTE. Aft COPPERWiRE specific individual requirements. -- - O . - - SHEET NUI40ER - P,�iCiL Yir,ELCi5lI1V MEP pr MECHANICAL E"I ZC7f2ICAL CtY/L ENC/IV>5ER/NG . 2 1984S.W. BlL71 OReST. SUITE'# 114 PORT Sr L U0X; FL 34984 PNOAW (7%z) , 9888 .r MA& PWELCh(INE� li OL. COJVI `JUL 2 5 2018 P.A'UL W5LL:h/, P:E FLU' R rr A(a..?9945: e - wing ��.-.. -. _. Livin _ ..... - �__�-_... .. .i'Ang _� ... " .Livin -.. _ lying �❑ ..... _. Livin 1104 _........_. - _. _ -- _...__ __.._J -_.-- ----__ ding .... 0-6 I Peak of vaulted cell y _ _ - - - - _. - - Pak oflva - - - -___ E".I aI O 6 g. -__-. Pit of_vaultc.d ce' - -- Peak of Vaulted cell 9 _._._.._ ....... _ _ P. alt of auked cling ulted ceiling ..._ _- - Pe k of vaulted coil _...._._. ____-- _ _____.._.._ •-._-- " - - T-13" i TA t._ - - TAB" - - T-6' 7 6 y_ T 6" - ---T fr" ..-- - — - - 0-6 7�_6"_ - 7.6 -7-6 7.6 =� y 7-6 � .( - I O • 1' • 11-4* • -4 •�L lil 1-4 1-4•..._ 1-4 I C LI za I I • Unit #3 Unit #4a1 z Unit #5 Unit #6 Kitchen-. _ .L Kitchen f ' ..-"...Kitchen -.. Unit #I Unit #2 ao o Kitchener o o o - w Kfchen_ QKitchen ❑f III IF❑ Ili - II E IPO II II I — I I I o r Closet _ _ 1„ Q Q i' '.I "� .LI 1, _... CIOset Closet .'' ...._ i , ,'i l,i - -- .Closet ? CipSet , l 0-6 'iI 6s f B si -, .:::..II 0-6 4 4 - H af. �'-":'6s:P:' ❑ 6 s.f, l F Q Closet ' -,AA I � _ �` L--- --_ - L �: L El I -- �` --.::._. o -- -_ _-_ -- - -1. - -- •:;:.�,._ � - •� -- J� • �� a II' III, ---'� L] - '.I - I,. I❑' is ^� Q • a • • •,I II o 21 6 `o 0 2-6 T N N 2 6 O t' _ 1;- w .. R I _ o o I 2� 6 ,- 01, N I^ 1 ---'- 'N 0 - 2-8 ..._... 6U - Ent iu iv Ent • - 1 • 51 tr: y v N ntry 5-2 • • P Eot N N Entry h_Z • t-• B 2 n 5-2 _.. X, - n f, `_ - --._..... _.,�. - -__ ,..... _..� �.. .:—,�—,. ;...1.... rf _� u]i _ - r �- _ T nl 1 I ❑ 4'_2 4,_2 —L 4-2 #---14'_2 4_2,;. y. - 4._2 _._ _ --LL7-_.. J T �� � • ,-_ � . � � '6 ,_-4.T._... y _'4�_2" ___-4'-2'I --X - _ 4'-2- ---`'i � ._1_- � --1:L7 _. ._ 4'-2"- r_....4'-2" I,r II fi 2I Bedroom#2zI Bedroo #2 ...2 fi *3-2 -- 'Bedroom#2 ... ' " "_..I m 2 3 -2 -3'- Bedroom Q - co 3 -2 Bedroom 2"---� - 3' 2" - -i K . 3 -2 3 C°] Bedroom#2 i 3 2 -- - y 3'-2' 3 #�_ � � Bedroom#2 � I Eli L] C El - n - ❑ 1 I Covered Entry Covered Entry Covered Entry C'J ! - 4. II��^yyyIJ1 / I J _ C, I, I 1 � L71 ❑ ---- II I — i_° 1 °I 1 _. — -- --- _. —I Ii\' i 3'I 121 SCHEDULE EXIST BRANCHLINE OR MAIN l 40ELL OR TEE (SIZE VARIES, SEE PLAN) f ARMOVER.* >- (SIZE VARIES. SEE PLAN). __ -�1 `, :. DROP (SIZE VARIES. SEE PLAN. 1 MAY FEED TEE SUPPLYING MORE THAN ONE SPRINKLER) NEW SEMI -RECESSED PENDENT FIRE SPRINKLER 8 1— CEILING. 1. i" x 0-4 NIPPLE )61 r3 REDUCING COUPLING 5,1 (SIZE VARIES, SEE PLAN) TYPICAL SPRINKLER DETAIL #1 * ARMOVERS GREATER THAN 24" IN LENGTH SHALL BE SLSOPPORTED BY A HANGER. GFVC DETAILS CURE TIMES WITH ONE STEP SOLVENT CEMENT 225 PSI MAX TEST PRESSURE TABLE 1 - MAX SUPPORT SPACE DISTANCE END LINE SPRINKLER DROP ELBOW PIPE SIZE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE DURING CURE PERIOD PIPE SIZE SYSTEM PRESSURE 60'F to 1 OFF 40-F to 59 F 07 to 397 < 100 PSI > 100 PSI I in. " 1 Hour 4 Hour 48 Hour V 9" In. 6" in. 1° 1� Hour 4 Hour 48 Hour 1" 12" in, 9" in. 1Ya° 3 Hour 32 Hour 10 Days 1/a" 16" in. 12" In. 111' 3 Hour 32 Hour 10 Days 1T-3" 24" in. 12" in. 2" 8 Hour 48 Hour See Note 1 TABLE 2 - MAX SUPPORT SPACE DISTANCE INLINE SPRINKLER DROP ELBOW 2'N" 24 Hour 96 Hour See Note 1 PIPE SIZE In. 76" 100 PSI 4' ft, SYSTEM PRESSURE 3" 24 Hour 96 Hour See Note 1 > 100 PSI 3' ft. NOTE 1: FOR THESE SIZES, THE SOLVENT CEMENT CAN BE APPLIED Al 1" 5' ft. 4' ft, TEMPERATURES BELOW SET OR ABOVE AND ALLOWED TO CURE PER THE ABOVE 5' ft. Ya 6' ft, RECOMMENDATIONS PRIOR TO PRESSURE TESTING M"-3" 7' ft. 7' ft, JRJJVEJ J R: P. BLA...AE'ER 2JOJ CPVC y^ fAppORi RJJ EJ J pL A.AATER M ASRIF442 CpV0 a �"I_ A HWEn,AETER P.No .11. ADAPTER • �RA E, =�pPa, �s1pooA. ALL BLAZEMASTER CPVC PIPE SHALL BE PROTECTED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER TRANSITION BETWEEN MATERIAL SUPPORT DIST4NC9 6PACING :,gy.roorccaavcros�- "rs. ugE.pt nr,s. Fire -LSprinkler Plan ALE . 1 �4„ = 1'-0" NFPA 13R (2013) 6.6.2: SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN BATHROOMS OF 55 SQ.FT. AND LESS. NFPA 13R (2013) 6.6.3: SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN CLOTHES CLOSETS, LINEN CLOSETS, AND PANTRIES THAT MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (1) THE AREA OF THE SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 24 SQ.FT. (2) THE LEAST DIMENSION DOES NOT EXCEED 3 FT. (3) THE WALLS AND CEILINGS ARE SURFACED WITH NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR LIMITED -COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS AS DEFINED IN NFPA 220, STANDARD ON TYPES OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. NFPA 13R (2013) 6.6.5: SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN ANY PORCHES, BALCONIES, CORRIDORS, CARPORTS, AND STAIRS THAT ARE OPEN AND ATTACHED. NFPA 13R (2013) 6.6.6: SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN ATTICS, PENTHOUSE EQUIPMENT ROOMS, ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOMS, CONCEALED SPACES DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO AND CONTAINING ONLY DWELLING UNIT VENTILATION EQUIPMENT, CRAWL SPACES, FLOOR/CEILING SPACES, NONCOMBUSTIBLE ELEVATOR SHAFTS WHERE THE ELEVATOR CARS COMPLY WITH ANSI A17.1, SAFETY FOR ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS, AND OTHER CONCEALED SPACES THAT ARE NOT USED OR INTENDED FOR LIVING PURPOSES OR STORAGE AND DO NOT CONTAIN FUEL -FIRED EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL NOTES ALL PIPING & FITTINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CPVC BLAZEMASTER (ASTM F 442) 2. ALLIED "XL" (ASTM A 135) (SIZES VIAND UP TO 3") 3. SCH.10 (ASTM A 135) (SIZES 4"AND UP TO 1211) 4. CAST IRON THREADED FITTINGS, CLASS 125 AND 250 (ASME B16.4) 5. MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS, CLASS 150 AND 300 STEEL (ASME B16.3) 6. ALL GROOVED COUPLINGS ARE TO BE RIGID WITH EXCEPTION OF THOSE LOCATIONS OUTLINED IN NFPA 13 (ED:2013) ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING & FITTINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PLASTIC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) C900-DR14 (SIZES 4" AND UP TO 1211) soft , 1-1/2" TO IST FLOOR WIRINS OF ALL ELECTRICAL BY OTHERS SUPERVISED FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED ^-_- ESCHEDULE 1-1/2" UNDERGROUND CPVC PIPE 1-1/2" SCHEDULE 40 PIPE '4T - 1-1/2.. CONTROL VALVE - 1-1/2" WATERFLOW SWITCH - 1" MAIN DRAIN/INSP. TEST —../3:1 e - ELECTRIC BELL '- 1-1/2" CHECK VALVE ... _..._("�\ :.-.. 1-1/2" FDC SNOUT- ( -PER NFPA 13R. 6.11.2) IT T RECOMMENDED THAT BLAZEMASTER PIPING BE RUN WITHIN A METAL OR CONCRETE CASING WHEN IT IS INSTALLED BENEATH SURFACES THAT ARE SUBJECT TO HEAVY WEIGHT OR CONSTANT TRAFFIC SUCH AS ROADWAYS AND RAILROAD TRACKS F SYSTEM RISER NTH SCOPE OF WORK THIS BUILDING IS A (6) UNIT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. SCOPE OF WORK IS TO INSTALL A NEW RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, CONSISTING OF (42) NEW FIRE SPRINKLERS. SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR: RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY: FIRE SPRINKLER SPACING 256 SQ.FT MAX (16 X 16 SPACING MAX) GENERAL NOTES 1. THE SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH NFPA 13R, (ED:2013) AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 2. ALL CONTROL VALVES, FLOW DEVICES & SWITCHES SHALL BE PROPERLY IDENTIFIED AND ELECTRONICALLY SUPERVISED PER NFPA 13-2.7.3. (SUPERVISION BY OTHERS) 3. ALL HANGER COMPONENTS AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13-SECTION 9.1, 4. WHERE ADDITION OR MODIFICATION IS MADE TO AN EXISTING SYSTEM AFFECTING MORE THAN 20 SPRINKLERS, THE NEW PORTION SHALL BE ISOLATED AND TESTED AT NOT LESS THAN 200 PSI (13.8 bar) FOR 2-HOURS PER NFPA13- 5. MODIFICATIONS THAT CANNOT BE ISOLATED, SUCH AS RELOCATED DROPS, SHALL NOT REQUIRE TESTING IN EXCESS OF SYSTEM WORKING PRESSURE. 6. ELECTRICAL WIRING FOR DEVICES AND ANY PAINTING OF THE PIPE THAT MAY BE REQUIRED SHALL, BE BY OWNER OR OTHERS. 7. THE EMERGENCY SPARE HEAD CABINET(s) TO BE INSTALLED, PROVIDE HEADS & WRENCHES AS REQUIRED PER NFPA 13-6.2.9. DESIGN CRITERIA SYSTEM NO 1-LIVING AREA L' HAZARD RESIDENTIAL v� SPACING MAX 256 sq.ft r. �• K FACTOR 4.9 INSIDE HOSE 0 gpm OUTSIDE HOSE 0 gpm RACK GPM A gpm '7 HYDRAULIC DESIGN SYSTEM NO, OF SPRINKLERS 2 DENSITY .05 DESIGN AREA 265 sq ft GPM DISCHARGE 26,317 gpm h`--' RESIDUAL PSI AT 23,482 psi / ,L` NY BASE OF RISER> XL"" '�' TYPE OF SPRINKLERS SYMBOLS OTY. SIZE TEMP SIN K FINISH ESC. 0 42 11/2" 1155' I V2732 I 4.9 WHITE S/R Jn LLI 42 L' ^ ,:. WATER FLOW DATA ADDRESS 1T ;T ". fi4yi J.X.. i'in DATE NFO BY ` r x> STATIC RESIDUAL FLOW 71 P-i a) RI t , CL ^\) V W C 0 J� U � c o LL N to CL M LL M Cl) Revisions: ISSUE FOR PERMIT - 1 2/1 1120' 77 1 UPDATE CODE EDITION - 04/11/2018 L'IREgRINKLLR SPRINKLERS ON JOB: 42 A.H.J.: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Design: A. GONZALEZ Sheet No: Review: B. POLHEMUS Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" ��— Date: 12-11-2017 OF 1