HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1522 1:322 ---'--"'---,,- --. ,_....---_....----;_.._-----~-_._-- ..-----.....--- ._~...-_._--_.__.- ---..-..--......-...-.--...--..-.-.-.--...... .---..- .....-..-....-.-.--.--- --- ",~.~". --""3: ,""- --.;'''1.' r. ."'.",-.- -.-,; .._.~.,. -_'~'''<_-.-.'..'''::'-.''.",1.....r ." .-".... '. ... ;: ...-,-.,;:......'~.... -.,..~~~-.....__ ol-'.','-"_'''''.''''''''.' l".'" ..__.... -..,",- ,- '0 ,.~.,. '''', ...~. ,....or....- .....,. .~ .......... .__......, ".0'-' ~: .'?.._-..""'..... ".... .... __" ._. ~"""- ;0' . _ ..._..._... r. I ,,",-'in the said parties of the first p8.t't do oovenant with tho said. party of the seoond. 11l.1't that they are lawfully seized of ~le said premis~; that they are free ~t nIl inoumbranoe; and that the=: have good. riGht tmd Inw1\l.l au.tho1'lty to sell the sume; and. thtl.t said pro'ti'ls ~ the first ~al't do heroby ~~lly narrunt~ the title to snid land, and vdll dafend the S~lO uguinst tho It'.wful ol~i::cs of all persons \.,homsoovQ r. ~ III ;':r:L~3;) i':l~:COF. the said rio'l'ti es 01' tho fil'st :?u~'t havo hereunto sot thai l' hc..nds and se~ls the ~ay alU your first above written. Signed. sealed end daliverell in 0\11' presenoe: C. Ii. !!iehie ~. BraS\"/9l1 Ruby 3rt..swell (SEAL) (S~AL) l~. G. Uc!~urlan. .jT.r..':.: OF FLO:UD...-.. ) . C\..'.~l\TY OF -S-r. L"!.}CI~. ) , . I I ~aS3Y C:';J.J:'D"Y. '1'hat on this 7th d'~~p of L3.rch, no.D. 1925, before n:e perscl:a.lly appe:::l.'e.i. ';.C..3rE!swell an:! J.uby 3rus'llell, his wir'a. to :::3 .\I'.O"lm to be the peraons descl'ioed ir. and. who exec:.:tei thd fore;:."olr.g oor.veyt:.no~ to ;.:l;.~'~' .JoWtln an,;' th~ sevdl'!llly ac.mowlelge.i. t h<.: eyec'J.- ! tion ther3of' to be their fre.J aot (ill:! deal: for the uses em pmposes thel'.;in r.'lenticl:d.; .~d the s:..id ;t,~by lh'~swell. wife of the said C.C. 3ras\"/e:il, 01, a lJepal'a.te and priv.lte 0_- ~.:n:nll tier. b;lke E ani r-.adc by und. befo:::; :::9, nr.d s.,;l1o.::'-<:. tel:" end. n::>~rt f~'o::l :le r s<iid hilS oan1; di~ :.lC~=:c~"/1eibe that s::c :'lud..: hc!.'sel~ a pa.::'t:r to the seid Dee:1. of COl:vc::~ce, f'o::' the ;'ur.:..'ose of :..e::<r_:nci~g, ::..'Olinql.l.ishins ~mi co:~....c::;lnG ~ll ;:er 1'1.:;ht, ti:;le ur.d ihte::..'cst. \'/h'Jt::cr c~ 110.161' c:r 0:: se!la:.at~ p~oI>e~..t:.rJ 3tntr..to~":! O~. e;l.Ui~~Dle, in ::.nd to t:"!,o l~nds th.er~i~:. d.{:sc~iocdJ ::..nd. t?l!;.t sian 0::' com~,ulsion of or from :101" saitl husbend. 11 .- 8::0 oxec"..:. ted t~lC !wid Deed freel:: n:d "lol\mtaril:r and "..li tho~;.t. un:_' CCLstr :..;:t, fe:::r, a.P?::"'~:"led- cfficial seal a.t z.~o:...t 1: ie:-ce t in tl~e C:~;l:nt:... of St. uJ.cie c;n~ 3.t~1:e of d;;:.- ~nd :lea2." last l:l.oove \';ri t ten. this the 19th da,y ~ .tZ1 i!:J ...... of "~Gl.'Ch, 'e o CJ ~ ro.e len F. Rowe. :H/i~":-lY j:""_..dl.IG. .jT.~~~3 r...:.r L...qG~. !.~. \;cm:das ien <D';ir.;s 2/11/29. ....D. 1925 at 2. o'clock O. P. ~. P. c. "::ldred, Clel'~ C i l'~Ui:et Co:....rt, ,\ 1 /" .....,.L/./ It .::t u D . C . .3y ;' Pt P) 4>} pi~ PI PlPt Pif.ll t>f~~ ~~i> .illlifim rlonald To G. Thr;;:l:-\:eld. ./al"'rcr. ty Deed. T;r!S n;n::r!T"';~c, ::udo the tifth du.y of ::a.::'ch .:.n the ;rear 01' Our l.o:l.'d, Or.e Tho\;'s~cJ1'd .. One . E\:.ndred and twont:,'-fi va bet\7oen ~Hla:::.n .{onuld, single of: the Co-.;.:tt:r of "fol'.tsb. 2nd .:itute of V- F1o::,i.a of the fi1.'~t IJ:?.2't. and M.G.~hrclkeld of the Co.~r.ty of ;;;arlf1'uncisc.J r>.ud ;.>te;a of Cali- fornia of the sec:'1i.d part: "lIl'liEj~E:'}!: That the 3u1d party of the fil'st :f;art ::"01.' !nd i1'. consider- :::.t~on of the ~m of ?OL Dollars. lawfUl money of the vLite1 St~tes of A~erica. to him in hend )aid bJ the said party of' the socond part, at 01' befol"e the ensefJ.l1ng and di;l1very ot tihese pr- esents, the reQeipt.whereof is here~ acknowledged. has granted, bargained, sold, ~linej, re:~- ised, released, oonveyed hnd ~onfirmed, and by theae presents does grant. bargain, sell, alien remise, releuse. oonvey, ana (lo:,fim unto ths suid party ot the seooDi pa-rt:.. and his heirs &Jld assigns I forever; all that lot, pieoe 01' parcel of land lY1l1g ::nd being in the 60unty of ;it. - \ tuoie, and State of Florida, desoribed as follows: ~ ,J g~i~~ltl*ili . :., '--/ - -~.\ ;:::'~~Z~~~Jl!ll~7!ffl{;'~- ~ ... -.,..., ~ It ~...~~~s;;:.!U'$. '.:,.~'!... "'" ~...~ : _ . .'. .: - . . - ,.. :.~ - ;{~~.: :~.~i:i7c'~~:ii;;1 -. . -~ jo./;..,~...v. ,,"-'t.--. -'-'"Po, ,~ .: . .~'..:' ......y~~-~..~!.. ::.~. "~~..:"~::,;~'?~~-.t:.:c....~~')