HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1523 a~ts _. - - ......0.-...-..--.--........---. .____, . ..___. ___ ~_"';...._.._'-,_." .-'_____._-____.__._..___. _..__ _.._________._~.. ____._......__ _.._.._..-......_____.... ._'_. _._ __' _~___ ..._. _, _ _........._. ._ '_' _ __ _ _...._ ... __ ~.____ '-" ,: ....;- . -,...-. ,- -: '.'- '. .-,. . . ~ .--.. ". -..,. - -' .;" -- [ All the north ninetuen and thlrty-hur~~dths (19.~1 aOl~S of ~ot Three (3) in Seotion Twonty- tour (24) of' Township T:\irty -saYan (~-S7) oi' H::"l1e;e Forty (40) l~.lng ot.st of the sO..ltherly oonti- n'J.ation- ot the eust Una of ...ot One (1) in said ;;ieotion Twent~-four (24). 'rho Ol'antor hel'Jin retaining fo~ hiuself all th~t p:rticn of the no~th nineteen and thlrtY-h~ndredths (19.30) aores aforetld lying south 01' :Lots One (1) alld 1:wo (2) and west of a svuthe::.'ly contin~tc.tion f of the east line of Lot One (1) in 3ection Twenty-Po\~ ([{) of Tovmsh.? ~h~y-seven (37) cf ~ ' I R~mge ~'orth hO). ~.50 Cents DOC';.lOel1t:~:Y.st!l.:JllS c:nce:'le:.,.) tOgut!\Ol' nitl 0.::".1. ~.n;1 s i~ular, t~le i~:pl'ovo::l~n";s. tenorr:cn";s. he::"di tenants, and n?_,~1.tcr1~o:}s thel'c....mto bo loneil: IS or in o.n~'wise t\Pllel'ta. minf'; and. the l'(L.vers ion and. luverslcl....s. ~',mii!:d.o:.' er.d ~'or.':c.h....d.n's. rents. issues; r..n1 ?:,'~fi ts tl:er:::cf', end. ulso ell the est~ to, right. ti tl'3, inte::.ast dO\-;Cl' .:.ni ~gl1t of' dower. se?u:'ate '3stuttl, )l'o.:;el't~: possessi:n, olair:! nrll d;"':!:lund whotsoevcr.. ns well in lnw us in el~i ty, of the s.:.1d Pnl..ty O~. the ~irst ~:..t of, 1r. r~c, to the s~.o, ~_nd evaI".j part ~~~ pel'Jel thereof. with the appurtenanoes: a TC' n.h'-.r::: ..:;.!} TO ;WLD, The naevo (;ran ted. ool'gained e.ncl d-;3SCl'l1J~1 i.>re:::ises, with t:le appur- teUPJ\CdS, unto the sE,id pprty 01' the seoonc. yffi't h:.s heirs Lr:l assigr:s. to theh' c,wn ;;:-ro:,er use, be~efit and oehoo1'. 1'or~vcr, And the said part~ of the firs~ part for hi~ self ~n1 for his heirB exe<ru.tors ar.:l ad!llin1.str~tors, do covenrl:t, promise eY.d aCl'ee to end I';ith the sa i1 pnrt:: 01' the, seoond part, his heirs and a3siens. that the said parties l'1' tha first _:1lrt at th~ ti'1e of the ensealing ~nd d~liverJ cf these Fresents. is lawfully seize_ in fee siuple of u 500d absol~te. and indefeasible estote of inherltar.c~ cf and in all and sin~~lar the above ~rrrnte~, ber5uined. and .i~scri oed pre:::ises. ....1 th the ap1'urtenunc~s, and had good right. f'c;.11 J:o.;/el.' anQ lawf'..;.:' <~u.- r thOl'it:, to €l'<:.nt, ou.l.'gain, sell end conva:, the SUL-e in ['lc.nne:' end. fOl'r:l o.folusaid. ':.11d that the L said part:, of the sooo:-.d ~~rt his heirs, and assigns, sh:111 e.Dd tm~- a~ allti:::es hereaftel' 110ace abl:r and q~iotl:' have. hold. l:se, occuPY. possess. 2....":d er.jc:; the aoov;J f;:":_~~ed. }ire::1.ises, cnd ovc~~ part ani ?~'cel t~er~o1'. with the ap~urtenunces, ~ithout ru:y l~t, s~it. trouble, nolesta- tien, cvi~tion. or disturonnce of the s:.il :p::.::t:r of the first ;c.rt h:3 heirs, QJ [:.;:;S1::::3, 0::: o.f ~;(." ot1:er pe~.scn 0:" Ilerso'!1S la'7f'..l:.~:.~ clai::iing J or to cl:'J.i~ tl1e s::r~:e. .lilld that 'tr..e s~e 2.~"e now fr~e. cle:,r, discharged, ~d. 1ininc~"::loered of u:d from '.1.11 forraer r,~it other 61.'lll1 ts. ti;;les c.:1al'ges, estates, judgments. taxes, assessr::ents. ani incu.:nb:;"<l::ces of what r.ature and. kir:d 500'10:::. ~ the said ~rty of the first part, for ~i~self and his heirs, the acove ~escrtoed v.nd he~-eby gra.l1ted t'.l:i !'ele<;:sed pre~lllses, <..111 every ,art ar~d parcel th.er.eof', with the up~~rten&nces u.nto the s~ld ~)arty of the aecoLd part his heirs, ani asslngs, aeainst t~e s~ld ?ar~y of the first PQ't. ahi his heirs, a::.d aga~nst all and eve~:,. person ~r pe:.:so::s whoresoever laVlf'.lll~! clai:!:~ng, or to clair:; the s~.m~. shall c.na. ,,,ill warrE-nt. and b~.- these pl'dser.ts forever defel:1. 11: dITl:::'::):j ,.2:?.::CF, The s:..11 ~H'.J:t:r of the first ?urt :las her..:.....nto set his ham am seal the d~: ~nd Ydar firs~ aoove written. Signed. SOl:.:ed. and ~aliverei i::. the presence 01' :a.F. :;Qrd;l1. ,lilli:J,r.1 J,ona:;"'!. (1,.3. ) C.1J.Dyoe STl.TE OF FlODIDi., Co:.:nty of T/ol~sia. r I , I I ' ! I l I' , I, 011 this dc.:! perS011u.ll:.." aplle:':"l-e: bef'ol~e ~c ,-;i::iu::: .\.ol~c.l{l, 9i~;.lc ~o ;-:e '",:011 ~~~-........:~ s t?1c po::."son desc::.'ibod in o.r.d -:Iil(. executed the fOl'OGoil1C D(;~d of COI.veyallce, c.ne. o.c::c.owlod:;ed t:1;_t he exeou tad the s po :fo:.' the 1>'1:o.')OSO the 1'0.: in expressed; ,-/;ler:;;uilon it is p::.'<;.:red. the:t the 30.::1'3 mAy be l.'eoo~ded. In .ii tness ~i~~r affixei ,,':; :::-nd. ~Hl se('.l. t:lis sixteenth ,iny of' ....n::..oh io..D. ~92ti. B. 1:'. ~o,~~. .ublio for the ~tnte . .~ ..<:~.;?g~f~!t~~i