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A third into~eat in s~ld aBreo~nt for deed having been heroto~ore assigned to Leon il. Hall
by said Ii.J .Br...en by assiE;nmen t dated the 20th day of September. iHD. 1984. and raoord.etl in
Deed .3ook f>7. at page 227, of the i'ublio Heool'lls 0 f .:it. Luoie County. lo'lorida.
An~ fill undivide~ one-third interest having been heretofore assigned by d.J.3r~en to L.E.Fitzgerald
by assignment dated the 20th day of September 1924. and reoordei in Deed Bock 57. at page 231
of the publio Reoords of St. Lucie County. Florida. whioh one-third interc~t in s~iJ contract
30 assigned to <JHid L.Z.~'1tzgarG.ld has been re-ass1~ned to Leon .1. Hall and illll1r..r1 J. Bl'oen by
aS3igne:nent exeouted by the said L.3.1!'itzgerald on the 26th d::..y of l;ovember. A.D. 1924. and
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, -::t~_~;~.~.,....,~r:.~ __....- :0::,......._ ~~~... ,~-.~,: >:y-:",r.. -..... .--~.~! '...r_..-~.~~ ~_~.~ r-F""-~:""'~"" -.....'""~-. :"_-._..,..-- "'"- -"'" ,....- -- --.~. ---. ... ___-. ~__.__.....-:........- __- .- -'.""7"--"--'_. . ....__ ,," _ ... .... .' .__ .
reool~ed in Dead 30ck 57. at page 555. of the Publio 1eoords of st. Lucie, Co~4ty, Florida.
,t..nd Also the follo'lUng desorioed land situate in st. i.uoie Co\mty. Florida.
All of Lots One (1). ~wo (2) and Three (3). (less the aes~ 30 no~os of Lot 3). in ~~cticn
3; also. nIl of Lot gne (1) in :iccticn 4; also Lot Ono .(1) in Section 10; nll ill '10\'mship 31
,jOlt th. ~~tnCe 39 E3.st. st. Luci 0 CO\lnt~/. ~'lo::.'idn. together ';1 i th all su.bmerg;:d. l:mds e.r.:l riperi rn
r'Jld 11 t torul r1g,~ts c,1>p......rtenc.n t t::c::.'oto.
P~rc. II ..!
GovCrll:Je:lt Lots ~"'O~tl", ?ive [:.111 Six (~'~I Cl11d 6) or Section ~i6hte-.}n (:8), ~ow::s:~ip 32
50u t,1. or ~al.~o 4Q Zast ('r::.'uct 1).
iaroel 2.
Lot one (I) of ~ecticr; ~i?,hteen (18) in Towr.shi? 32 3o~th of aunge 40 :~st of the ~u11ahass-
~~o.""';;Ci-!'1V\ to'",;,...,...",l-..:.
-------~ --~----,
ccnte.ining 16 .92 acr~s. !::.clcording t.o t:1e official pla':; of the
s~~'t/e~J' c f
seld 1~~ re~~'ned to the Gener~1 ~nd v~fice by the ~~rveJor-Gene~1l( Tr~ct3),
or l1...."{:Z:' ;3 .
Fl'::..ctional ..o::.'';;hoast 'l'.!.a::..'ter 01' "crt:teast ,;:~arte::.' (~::.: of :~~.) lying Z-.1st of Indie.n River
of Section 1hirteen (luJ Townshir ~2 South, R~nee ~9 3&st. ( Tract 4).
~. ~CZL 4
:3ou.t!'-. five und one hulf (5~.) ac::.-es 0:1;' ..ot T .rde (;j) .>ectior. T\':elv~ (12), 7oi'ms:1ip ~2 :>ou.,th
3:1.i.9 T~irt::-~".'/o (32) South. :t[~n.'::c ::'ort~r (40)
T:' i: . ~:':)_ _ ';~:. ~... ; e _
... .S'I J ~u'''''''.i.C...; .... x'4...r~
.'o1."th :five
(5 j ohui1:s and -
'~:"'~Ge 39 3:iSt. (T::..'act 'I).
P"~~C3L 5. .
':.:"30 the ~::.st. nract of lL~d. beginr,ing at the ";outl::..w!.}s~ corner of ~ection Jev;;1\ {7} .fo,"n:-
':::irty-sey,m (37} 11n~~s. thence :::ast to tho ':.t1~tic vce~n en fi li::e :gal'alle1 Wit:1 t:le 3cction
lir.e t thcncc~ 50uth along said uce~r~ to t!:e ~ec:; io:n line beir~;; opposite tho :poi~t cf be;-in::.ir:ej
t:....m:ce .'lest :llonB said. section 1i:;0 to t::e :point of cO::J:lencec:.er.t; ,L 1d icni baL1g the JOU.t:l ono-
h~l:f of too Jo~th part -of lots 5-and. 6. Section Sever. 7), '';:o\lil:ship Th:.rt:i-tTlo (32} So:._~h.~'l::ge
Fort:.' (40) :'~st. conve:rc1 tc George t;. Chester by !kn k.10che and "ife by deed the 16th d.<..y of
<>.)ri1. 1891. and convej'ed. by GoorCe Z.:;hester to 'l'horne.s L. l.ee by deei~ d:o:t,~l ;)t}csai:ler 7. 189..,
and ?ebruru'y 24. ~89S. and contuiniig T~entJ-five \25; acres core or less. ( Tract 6).
.i? A..~C2r. 6.
Co~~~enci~b at the ~orth~est corner of Lot Three (~) Seotion ~iehteen (l&) To~n3hlp Thirty-
Two (~2j South. aange ~ortJ (40) ~~st. ~~n :::~3t along the ~orth line ot Lots Two ~1 ~hree (2
Dr.i ~) same sec~icn. townshi~ard ranee eight hurrlred ~nd e1ehty (880) yards. oore or less. to
the llortheast oorner of lot Two (2); thence South along t~e Zast b~~darJ line of s~id Lot Tvo
(~j to the Southeast corner of said loti thence ilest along, the d014th boundal"J line of Lots Two
ani Three (2 and 3) to the ;lOU thwest oorner 0 f_ se.id l.oOt Three \;5) . and oppos ita the point or-
OJginr.lngi . thenoe .\orth along the ';lest 30t:ndll.:'7 of sai1 "'ot fm'ae Hi) to the point of bogi~nL.lg.
s~id land being Lots Two and Threo (2 'and 3) of ~ection ~ightoan (~8) Townshi) ~hirty ~V~ (~~)
~o~th Ranee Fcrty (40) E~st. and contuining ~iGh~y (SO) aC~6S ~Ol~ or le~s. (TrQct 9)