HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1537 uu" ...-.--... --~- ---~._.--- -- --.----- --__.....__.__'___._._...__~__..._.__~..~.._____._....._ ....__....___ _~._...._..o__._______.._.....___."__........._ .___ _ ___..' .-,-...,...-........ .~.~..._,.;.__._..-...-!:-..,'~.......-=--,.....-' .\..-_.~_.!,...'!' ... ~. -~ un un..llvideJ. cne-h~lf Lntel'eH in and to the l&nda s1tul.te in ;;t. L'"ole "ounty. ~tflte of Florida desGrioeQ as follows; 1..11 of-Govo>,'nment lots adVOl, and e1ght of seotion five {5) Tovmsh~p ;:'i/ ( SO'J.th of l'!mgtl 4C e<...st. oontaining Q8 aores. n;ore or less. o.nd also all of Government lots one undo two of seotion eight. in townshIp O;iii south rur,e:;o ~J elost, o"ntalnlng 62 ac~:es. ".01'0 or less. together wi th all accl'ations and ripar1e.n rights 0.1::1 water prIvn"c;es appertainII".,:; thel'eto ir. th3 und1videl one-hulf interest herein oonveyed. (~5u.OO Dco~~antury ~tw~ps o~ncollad, TO :'...A.'!Z, i,;:D 'ie> :iCL;> the Sur..e toc;ethor \'/ith the hel'o:lita:,16nts und ap~u.rtennnces, \.nto thu suld gl'llntoo und. his hJ1::.'s ~nd h901gns in fee si:'lp1e. i.!m tho suid L"l't~tO::"s fo::.' tl:o:.lselvca end. thei::.' heirs l:l:d. l'JE;Ul l'e:pros~ntuU ';-:;5, COil'.mtmt ... wit~ Shi1 61'I.mtee hi!] heirs, leg:...l ::"iJl>:::esents.ti'les u::d a.ssiL"llS: T::at S&Ll {;1'I.:.::t01'S l.:.~..e.. h.defeu- sibl~... seize'.! of s:.id l~d ~n foe S1:.11)le, that s:id. gre.r.'.;oDs ;nve fu.ll pO"o'l~r untl la....i"..;.>. ::,'ight to ~ cor.vo:, .quid If.".r:l.;; in foo sL:.iilo, ns afol'es'~id; thr.t it s~all be lawi'.~l. fOl: sh1d e1'~l:tec his heirs, legal rer>re~(}ntlltivt}a uni Lssigns. a1 all tim<3s peaoi):._bl~r uni qllietl:. to e::te:' \l;:>on, :101d. ooc;'t?y 6.11d e:,,joy said lund; t!H'.t suii lan:i is frea f:..-cm all inc'~ml}rm:ces; t~,!lt s<:i:1 granters their heirs end le€b.l l'epl'egent&tl'1es. \'11:.1 :na~:e s',lch further a.S3':.:.r_.l~ces to 1Je~..fe\}t tL:l f~e I' 5i:l,~le title to st.id lUL:l 1:: said. gr",nted his heirs, lef.'cl represer.t&tives m'.::' assigns, as :!I1i:-" i: ra:J.sonable De 1'1.::'1,_..11'0__; and thut suii o::.'ar.tors do hereb~' full~i war.:.:e.r.t the title tc. sf,1~ l..::d ancl will d.:fend. t::e s<..::.e 6.gair.~t t::e lhWf.....i clai~.:s of all :pe:::sor.s whc~.~soever. ;;I1~:-t:~j the 1:c..r,ds filld seuls {f sr;.i,~ grE.r,tors the da~: W1d yea.:.: f'irst a.oov<; written. :iignel. :>oale.i and :Jelivered. in the j:!'e~tmOe of: J. .? :j-:;';O!:rer D(;~ E. L~ook. John 1'. .:>s-wyer...........,.. (Seal) r I l r.1 i ce :"r.l:doll .>aw:re r. .:al".{ rl. ~[;.\Vyer..,.""..,.. (.5eal, ~tate of Oh1o ) . . Co~ty of ~~yahoga ) I HZ?..:::BY CZ-<TIl-'Y. That on this da;r i:erso~all:l apgeal'o:l bofor;.: ::e, an oft'icer ,~:.ll:.. au.tho- ri;:e::l to n.G.::i~i3ter oaths :il:d. t~e aC::l::'\-':'~ ~~~nts, J. ,ll . ~~.."::....er and. :-:al'~.." ,.3...i:).v::."er, his \-:ife t to r::e wall :~,OY.tl e.nd .,:::o;'m to L'l} tc be t:-.e )_ndi...id:.ials descrioel in ::.mi 11,10 e:>:eCL";oQ. t:le fo:::e- . 'I,', goi:.g deed, r.nd the:.. a:::;';:r.o'i/lelgc.:.. before :r:e t:u:..t tile:: ext3c'.~te.i ~;1f.} m::.e fl'eul:: 2.:ld vol'..ntarily for t:le :pur.?osc3 therein expressetl. i':::D I ?Jai'~ C:o;:tTllrY T:18t said ::al'Y J, Sawyer .;:'.orffi to me to be the wife of t!'o.e said , J. P. ~awyer on R se?arate and prlv~te eX8~inatiob tnkenard made by and cefore me, separately and apart from her suid husb~nd, did ao~,owlelge that she ffiUd~ her9~lf ~ party to sail deed for th~ purpose or renouncir~. rellnq~1shing-nr.d--co~v~ying all her right, title ar.d interes~. wh:lther of d07iel'. homestead or of separate ~ropertyxatutory or eq:.:.itaOle. in and to the lands descrio- . ~.- eJ. there in and. that she exec'-lte~ the s'-,,11 deed. fre~ 1:/ ...nd vol_mtsril::, H.d without an;: co:npulsi- on, OOI:9 tr&in t. appreher.s lor. or fear of or fro::! her saia. h:;,soc.r.d. .flT~,ES.;) my hand and official seal at Cleveland CO\A.nty of c.;oyahoga and state of Ohio, !, ;?et;~-~a~'~t ..h..li. 1925. The Str.te :,-qr.l~.' ~S:" ~ock, ~ !\O 1,,2.1"=' J. .~bl.io. ::y cOIX::iss1oL expires June 25. 1927. I I l i j l 1 l C':Jat.oga County } . ) 5'.$ I. G::;oaG;: ',IlJ,1h.CZ. Clerk of t.l}e CO\.:.l.'t cf "o::;;.;on l-lecs. a Gm;.rt of ,1acol'Q. of ~r.hoga CO-Jlty, ~..toresaid; Do her'.Jby Certify that De10 3.- :.:o0k before whom the anney-ed _ackl"Oi"/ledgr~ont , oath. affidavit, \'las ta:i<on, litiS at the dhte thereof a .;cr~,.RY iURLIG in unu for suid CO:-4l1ty, d;xly auth- orized by the laws of Ohio to take the sawe. also to tuke a~~now1e:~~ents. affidavits and proofe of deeds or conveynnoss for lund, ter.e:nenta or hlJ....editumeDts s it;u.... tad and lylr.g In s~,id state ~~~~,~J}~~!i~;ti1~~~ -~~!!:t~~:i'f ;-~?"~~/~~::.'~~.~~ ~ ~:~(~~ ;i/;:'~1~?1\~f 1'!.~;;:~:i~ j-.:~-!.,.~:\o~'::--~~. K:-.~~.cf ~:~ :J"'.~f';~~:J.~~_ . . '.'(:~::~::c~jilji~