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:t;~rl'Y E. ~l'andt (;nd Zr:1.m3. '/. .Jl'and.t to li:>3 r~r.own to be tho pel'aC'bSdasoribeJ. in bnd who Qxocu.ted.
t:1') fOl'O.boil~G oonvenanoo to--- and. Sovol.'c.l1:r ncknowlerl o~od. th~ exeoution thel'oof to be theil'
fl'Ile not at,d deed for the u.ses Glld pUl'poses thc::oin r..entionolti' w:cl the sui.l :~r.~.,n (,J:;;::..nd.t tho
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Co'_nty of ,"ushll.gton )
I m~:u\JY C3RTU'Y, 'rhut Ol, t!119 1.;, dr.y of ::c.l:"oh, A,D. 1~25 oef01'0 W) ila1'sonally aPil6ureil
'::ife of the s~ld. ~~:.ll'.:::'~. ;l'un1t, on u sa:pul'uto and 1>ri'lC,t~ t;::a:.linutlon tc.;Con and mudil by End
.j~ :'Ol'\l :-.:e, m:1i S:,j.fjUl.'ut;",l~1 f:.llQ upa:;:t i'l'Om her so.id hu.3b&n:i. did o.c~.nowledGe that 3:1Q r.:.:.;.cl.) ,.,n'self
-;. ?al't~,to the 3uid D~,)d of :;01W'Jyo.nc;; for the i:>;'~l'iJOSO of .l'enounoi;:.g. ::eiln::.u.ishil'-C; ~.nd cOI;vey-
l~lD all hal' ri6ht.. title und. -interest. whether of (\0\'10,' or of sepal.'ate pl'opal't:', stut11tory 0:::
0'ldtt..olc. in and to the land.s the:'sin doscj.'i'ootl, and. tru1t she exeootel st:.l1 deQ. f'.!:de~' o.nd
volu.nturil~..., and wi tho., t Ul>.,? constrcint, fe~:', appl'dhensiC'l~ or compulsion of' or from. he l' said.
:IIT~:3J;j r:lY signatt;.?d Dnd Ofl'ilJlnl saul at ~~!:.g~:;..'st;OWI:, il. ;l',e ~Oi.l.Lt~: of :lushL.gtorl ar.d.
the day and ye~r last nforesaid.
Ch~5. ~.Nolf, --------(~eal)
!;otal"l "'ublic.
1/"';'.r c o:l'"~~11351 ~ 1~ expIre s ~:a.y jat.19 27.
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'."~:iIl;G!O!; CC'1..'-:::'Y, 'rO-.nT:
I. "::1Ward. Oswald. Cl,n'JC of \;h~ ~lrc1.:.it ;;ot;.rt for .Iushingtoli ';o~nt::, do hereoy c:::rtif~'
c: -.2." C:'!.as. :i, :i~:! :;5~t;.i:-e. o<:1'ore whom t~e above lUlU C:.Dz:exe_ ac::a,owledE;e:;:ent ....C1<; mf>.ie, aL1 ':::.0
t~9~v~0 subsal'ib~l his r.a~s,
D. t the ti::); of" 90 do iI:.;, U ::0 tary .L 'J.J 11 C 01'
.;.,t'"-tc of
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fm' ./ashington Ct\n t::. d::l:: a~ )o:.r.~el. .o~:nl ssio::ed 8:d S-"/Ol'1:, m:d.
l~asidin~c; :n
acqun.inte:l ~.iit!1 -t1:3 , hw::l-.,-;r1 ~i:--e
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~L.:'d. oounty, and authol'izc:l b:r la\"/ to take oaths ur.,::. ac:mcwlede:::ents. I 'f':l'ther cel'tif:: t;'!.f;.~ I
~o is his genuine siCl1f.o.tul.'o.
In Testit1on~.- .,1:e:'''uof, I :1e:;"i:;U~:to si~o3crioe m:." :na1::e unl a~1'"i): the ;.leal. of t:1.e Gil"C~;"it
~c..rt for .i,,-s;..inc;ton Gaunt:: cf'oresaid. at ;:;.,go:.'sto.,m, t~i.is 14 da:i of ::;).:"0:1, ...D. 1-}25.
an Co
recorda..;. tJi!s
~~io'/;.rd 08w",l'1, CIe rk.
t1j,e 21st d.u.~," of ._urch. n.. D. lSt~;), at 3.15 1.K.
i~. .;. "';~dra.l,
~ler~ oh~he ~cait
3~,;:;!Jd--lfaA4 ___
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Cour \i.
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v. U'. i!~~"der.l 6.Il:l wi. fa
;1. lr. Je::.:.ttie.
T;:rI..i I:iDZ:i'f~.t':':, cad.3 this G5th duy of Fe~~'U.ar:/, ..--..D.L25. Bet.'leen
C. G. ~a~den und
"'-0891e ~. duyden, his ...life. of the ~o<;.:.;t;r oOf -/olus1a and .;tate of lo'lorida. pe.:.'ties 01: t.'lC first
?~Q't. ~
Ii. W, -3e&.ttio, of Chagrin ~ulls, stf.o.ti.: of Ohio. party uf the SCC'1nc.. ;:5.1't,
.-1I71{ESS:':T;i; 'lhl.o.t the s2.1d pm'ties of the firs~ .vart, for and in con.sU'.:ration of t!'v.: s-....::1
of Ten Dollurs (~lO.OO) am other valuable cor~'Jl1eratlons t: tilem in hand ;a,1j 0:: the s':i.id ljUl'ty
to the saId p::c't:.. of the aeooni ?art. hi:; ;lc.1irs and assigns fo;.oever. the followine l.ot, piece
of t~.e seoord part, tile receipt whereof is hereby ao2ill()\11e.!.~e-;. m.'/o gl'E:.nted,ourgaineG. llllU 8014
or paroel of land lyir~ ~nd being in the Coanty of ~t. ~oie and ~tatc of ~lOl~du. end desol'ibe~
:,8 follows. to-Yilt;,
3eginning at a point in the Sou.thwest oorner of ~t :;0. 5 of Low's 5ubdivision of Lot 1io.
~, ~eotion ~5 and Lot Ho. ~ of ~eotion ~6. Township 31 ~outh Rbr~e ~j ~a3t aurveyed by ~lffier aObb,
Civil Engineer. ~~y. 1911. as 8ho~n and de8ignate~ on a plan or Low's ~uodlvision &8 aforesaid.
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