HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1553 , unoJ ~_. __A _______________._______________ - ..__________________~___._...______...____._ .___.._....._.______________~.. ,.... ...:'l:'Y-..~-.:...l---. "... ,", .... ,'~,...-'t.'.-.. U".- .S~-_........-:.:..._ --~......._t-....U,....~-_--.: ~:_'C~ '.4''' "'-'.',.1".-:0" .' - -.-..-::! ...- '''''-. '~"';-''''''~.- ..."..... tlC-!.... 'r.-~,~" "'::~,!-_.~'t::-'.. ," ....-... f. -..T': -.-~ .. r'"~''''- .'_", -.. - ~- ..~. .......# . ~ ';;' -I:'" -,-,~. '... r.... :".. -',' ~ . .,.- .... ',.-. ..7'........... .',,! [, '. . .' . : ,.,ho e~:eouted tho fore60ins IH'UVe~'(lnoe to Cha:!.'1es R. Taylol' and. they soverally c.o~;noVllo:l6ed thQ oxoo'.ltil'-8 thero:f to be their fNa not and. deed for the u.se~ mid l1u.rposos therein n~ntit'ne1: . AnD tho s~id R\:..by 3ruslloll. ','life of t~lv said Chm~les C.:h'aswal1, Oil ti. separate nnd lll'ivute ...,xeminnti on tu"on ",.nd !;\udo 1.1:: unl ilofore ::'0, and 30pura te).:l um ap~rt fl.'om hl)r said. hu.sbul~d. did uokn..'l\f1 alGa tho. t s:l.o nude hel'self 0. ;>nl't:: to the ~w1d Deed of Convoyance, ,f'Ol' the ~~~1":90 sa of l:onou.n81u&. rol1n~~i3hing <1..'1(1 co:~veyin{:: cll hor riGht. titlo' :~r;d irlte~"l)9t;, whethel' 0:: dowel' -A..,. of se;>urnte In'o:~ l';;y, st:-~t-",to:.'~' Cl' oqu.i tl1.bla, in m~d to the lends thol'Jlr. dOSCl'i oed, :!n1 ~ :IITl:'''':;;S ~.;.: signc.~;J.re ~nd official 6<:h1 e.t Fort xier~o, in t~ ~our.ty of " ... ~ ~. ':"~l.O i <} t:.!:::. ':>t~.~e r ; ~ , i: . , . i \ ~ 1 ~ J , that sho u:.Q\lUte1 the suid Deod. frodly ar.d volu.nturil~; ani '::ithou.t cryoonstruint, f':H-.l', t;:.ijrell. ensiOll or oo;np'..;.lsiOt; o.f or fl'o:'~ he~" said ;'l\:"Sb~-:l~d.. of a~d :,PDHl' l::i.st ahove viri tt~n. iblen l' .nowe, . . . ~\otur~' r-,l.b~l~. ::.;t~ td ut . lv.~'~e. l.~4.~'J :..t":_1.;d C~l:Je.Le.::;'j ~~~. Co;;~:r.iSSlClll e)-i'll'a:. Fe"). L., ~ t'lis t:-~ 21 st dfV' of' ..-<:..r~. ...D. 1::25 et 4 1 · cleo,.;. , l' .::. ~ r1J~ ~ ~ .q ~,(, ?C ..L., ~'" . t.. ., r. C. ~ Id re:l t Cler~ ~~ Gi~~~:t ~o~r~t A 17 /'oc.-/ 3....:;;;:LL // (//.q., D. C . . '._, ..... 1--- --------~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~:r~~rr--------- l.o;.:.ist} (.~2..1o~.;' 1:ell, -TO- .,j~:.-..;.:: J2.I:e 3::.:0 t:-"~l-2'tOl;.. I I ,. . '. ~GNMlWl -., C-v--. ,~\ A 1 '1 ..... ,"',: ~...l:l._.."l _..I _ ______ [ :...o~ .l"::D I:: Ct'l~SID::::~...'::,",~. L~~ th~ S-,':1 cf' 01~t:: ~cl':ar (~l.J~ ~ ~:.n!l Ot::c~. 7c_lu.~..).. Gor.sileruti- I I '1 I ! ons) I) t:1C ~l:ie;.-s:!..;"nei ~~;li3e Cl'lol;. l:e~l ( i.:r..:-.~.nr:"it:i). he:."':)b:l' St.}11) conve~.~) s.;t cv.~r ::....t1i ~l3Si{J: unto ~:__::~h J:"':.nc 31"ot11~rston 211 ,:.::r right) title) intt:,:,'~.;..st end. E:q::~t=: in t::nd to ~: ~e1:t~ir. t.'-Gl:-e~- mer"t fol.' deed' ente:::ecl into or.:. the 2nd d.a~! of ~'eb:..~~,=-., .".D. };"25 , b:: <:.l~~ ;)et':dt:...J' .-.Jlf.le ;~. IOst. as G'.l:J.l'di?r: 01' t:-:.e =3tate of' ls~,ac aur~t P09li, Dr. insr.r..e ;el'sc)l;, ,~3 .l:u:..'t:; cf th~ First .rart. arA.....L.ouisC: Orlou. ;:~;ll cS L-~~"'ty of t::~ .Jecc::d. rti~t) w:lic!l agreemer.t -Nt:.S r~ooried ~"ebl~;"".lr:; 27th.. 192t(, in Dee,i Boc~ 59) at .ri;..se 55~) of .:)::.il~ ......_..ci~ Co .rlt:.r ",tecor:ls; E.~d all r:;.:l rit;:'1t, title, int,H'est end e 1'.lit;: in an~ to the lania set out , y , tl...."4 descri:"di in ;.3[;. i~ L.eree~Ih;nt. st.id lards l~.,rir~: c-~~ oeir.g in .:i~int .u...;..cic Gour~t::) .......lori.i:.) a~.1 d.(;scrl~~i L3 foll.Ows: .Je :;"in E. t the .jo1.~theast oorn~r of t.:e "'ort:l. '::sl.f 01' "'0,-" thw~st 'lu.artc:r of .).;ctior. Zl, in ~. ~owr.shilJ ~4 ':>0 "t.:, of::an~e 4':; :::f.lsti tl,::r.cC 1';':.1: ..e3t alor.g ~ho S0l:.~:: ~ir.e cf :;he st:id. ..Cl"t:l. heIf of ..;CT_~th\-iest 'l.....&l.ter 4V ch",ins. more or ~es3. to the: - :;ectior. l';.e/ t:ler,ce :;Ol..tn. ::lIon€:; :he Sectien lin11CJ ohair.s; the:~oe :::_st ra::.-ullel to sec:L-,n line 40 _c'.1,;ins: ;,;01"0 c:: less, to I-:di;::n :1iver; t::.anat}' netlllCter t~e :liver 3::cr~ aO'..ltllal"l:; until opposi te the' poir...t ot oef:ir.r:~~_c; t~enC9 ifest to the ;.,oint er beginning; boir.g f~ll or the 3-L- or t:'le l:'~- of' the .>;i~" <.:r.d t:l0 ::or:;h ;~r:~.t of lot ~ of s~id 3~o. ~l, 1. ~4 5., ?. 40 Z. 11i -,.n T~::::~ 'J ...:tE~~o~"' I hUle hereunto set .....r ...~..~ hand W".u sec.1 cr. this the 16th dny of -n:.::ooh., A.D. 1';:'25. Lo',lise 01''1 '. i=:::.ll, (SZal} " Signed, ;)enled. tll:d D<:livered : in l'..'asence Of: Ct... r:. t Jessie ::, kell. J, P. ,iest. 5tc.t~ of Illinois, ) - . County oflatrion ) I hertlby certtfy that en this day })6l'1!O:lldly l1ppea:red before ;;le Iio~ise Or10u i:eE, an unmarrle:l v.\)can. ;;::.0 personally aCknowled.,;e,t Defore ;00 th&t she exeouteJ. the 1'oregoh.g inatmr::- ; ant for the y"-.lrposes ...rA ~8es t:lerain 8>.pnssecl. ~~~iE~iili~i~11 -~ -.. . ~