HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1556 356- . . ----" ..-_._..'-~------ .---.--'-. ---- -~--- ---.-----.---'----.-- -.-----------.----------'-.. .----- ----- -----_......---_...-~--..-- -- "'0:0-' ~...' .....,.. -~--.~ --.. ._....... '.,' "-:":""'.- ". __'''.'''''f".__'''-'.~_ ,:-"",-,.-"-:-~-,;"",,,,,_-,,,-.,~,,,,.,,,,,,-,,..,.:. ,,;,.__..,- - -~T;"" ,_- _. '".__,-,-''l. .,~ _-,-..~_..", -"-,. !"-' ...--,.'........ ~-~"-1- ..~..."....-;';"'..._........ ._." ~~.-"_ _,,'~_ .'JID tho 9(:1.:1 c:..~,ntol.s rOl' La~eelv;Js 0.1)1 theil' hetrs :~nd le~r;l l"Opl'o9ontntives, oovemJfl .L"<3ltsIbl~.. seized of s::,ld l!md. in f'ole dimple; t.hat said eruntOl'd h,&.ve f'nll powor 11m lnwi'ul rIght 1;0 oonvu:' sdd Im.ds in fo\.:. si: ~,le, (15 afOl'u~aid; 4;hll.t it shL:.ll 00 lawful fOl' s..ld t;r"utee hi:, 11 .../ith :3aid. ';:l':.n~ee. his heL's, ::'oC;:il l'eprosentntives e.r.d tl3sigm~: That g:li1 grantors are inde- ~h)irs, lei;:.l repl'esentutIv6S Elm (t3siesn, 8. t all times lleaoaabl~: (tIll 'luietl:: to enter upon. :1011, oooupy ..lnll Wl.'O;, s~id. :~d.; that snid l~ll.d is feee from 8.11 inotall\)~'~:no;;s; the. r; SHill. i::l":;.n- to~'s t,-.air :lairs ::.rn let;<.:.J. l"dpresenLtives. ....1:.1 ;.u.;.;,e suoh f\l..:the~' 1lSS",u'6.1,OeS 1;0 lJa~'f\lot the fee simpla titld to suid :b.m.. ir, d:,itl bL'<=.l,teo: !lis ~leirs It)~l.11 Npl'ds<'lntuvies u'.t~ . 33i,:n3, :':'3 ::.;;.;:' l'o<..s0,.uoli UU .l'd1\l.ir\:hl; a.nd. t:....t said. ,:;r"n1;0:'3 :10 ~N.::.'.;;b~: 1\1..i. ? lIi~r_'alit tha title ,.0 sdd. ..:.n:1.. .u:.d ~';ill uefend t:,e sa~:le a.:sil.st the :"'tiwful claL,g Cfa.11;1;JtL'SO,.S ";:lC~.:3oever. ;fIT!::':.:);;> t~:; :i.e.r.d" [..\";5. scr..ls of B:-:.i0.. i.:::,'unto.::.'s tho da:: ur.d. ::0:.:" fi rat t:.DO';-.} ':.:;.'1 t ter.. ,,10,0;1., jeale.: a1'.(l D;';'i'ldrei ill the l:rese::ce of: 1:<::::.110 ::. .J::.ob ~obe~t D. Cart~r..........(~e~l) '=" T .a.4. ~. iT;:-od. I.il_l!:.2i. il. ~e.l.te:...... ...(~aul) J?:..~:: C'F F~O~ID..... ) . CO-,__l:TY :: F S:'. Il:CIE. ) I ~::cgy C:::"T~IF'{, ':':,:i:t on t::is d:...:: pe rsono.ll~' ap ,e:.r!}d beforo r:;e. cr, ofi"i.c~ r ;.i.~.~:: !L.l t:l0l'- ized to administer 0;..;;h3 ur.d ta~:e tic.:no\Yleit;:;;ents. :{ob,::rt D. C~l"te::.' al:i ':'il.iaT1 D. G~,l"ti31', his ..;ire to !:Ie well kr:.(t'NJl and ~:nown to :a to oe tI:e i1,divi:1u~~ls d9scrio\Ji i1i. un.! 'li!D eX';~'J.ted the :o,,'e;o11'6 tie9a., U;.'::l t:he~. a<':r~c,wle':Ge:: oefc~':..l ::1e thr.:.t t:1e~: e:--6cllted tha s~e froul~' ~:::. vol'.:r.t~- 1'i ly fer the <Ju:.-.;.ose s t:-.e reil, exp~ sse 1. ,>...;:) I :r".1:::Ei1 G~~TIIT: That the said :Lillian 1). Gurter ;:r:O.'ffi to r.:e tc :Ie t1-,e '111:'e cf t1:e \] 3,:id ~OO(;:::t D. Cal"1;~;;.' en a se'parato and frivf;.'Ce exwnir.aticr. t,--;Cen ar.d r;,ad...: by ~:.nd. befere ::-.e, se;.a::,"att;l:" ar.&l a.9a~"t frc;:n :1.el" said ~:'"...ls~ar..d, did aC.::ic\vleJ.~~.~ that S1:..3 '.~L..de :-:.~r3alf <.: [U"t:: tc sui-':" ~",ei fo..... t,1a llUl' !iose or ;.'enoWlcir.g, re 1inlU ishing f.r.i co l.V ..::: i.l'G ",.i.l he r r1&h t. t i t.:.e ~u:d. ir. tel'oJS t, w:'.e the r of 10'ile~'. hor:9s;;eal or of 8e 'p[;.rli te }rOfl6::"';~', .3ta ';;'J. '.;0 17 or equ: tuole J i1: and. to :h'} l.r,r.:is d.o3cribed !;:l~l'\Ji:i. a;.u t:--.-<.....t she exec;'lte~ the said. deed. freel:i ar.d .....ohmtarll:... . flEd 'o'Iithoc:.t ar~: oo!:.;r.:.lsioE, cor.st::::..ini;, a:??l'e:J.~::sion o~ fear of or from her sa.id. :luso"ni. 2=~.i [,:,n5. offlci<:tl se[.:,: a"'; .l~ro, :CU.~lt:... e:f ..j~. __\:..cis, 0..r.tl ..jtti;e o:f ?lo::.."i1!!,t::'':'3 l:;25. Filed the 2:5rd. day of ",i. ~ I ::e111e 3.:.iJb. :'~ot:..r:; .~:uDllc, 3tu:.e cf ;"":"orida at .i-fL."c;e. 1.:Y corr.,ission e pires ::a:, 9, E.~8. . " , (:,r-I:;. r...J. .....,Gv, at? o'cloc~-~, i.. ,. ,.. r. c. ~ldre1t C Ie].'" of mo ~ .:/ By ~/J $--/:;_b ~r /j Ci l"c-...i t Court. De~'Ut:: Clerk. --------r~~~~:~rf~r~rr~~rrr--------- .iarranty Deed. :A5'l 11'Z,.-J C01.~sJrY TO Zll1::.,j!' ::. .;:-fI~~n~3. THIS H\D3N'l.'lJrc::, ~de this lSth d:.y of ~roh, J..D. b~5. by ti1e Z.w':l: VIE~'i C\Y:c.J::Y, a oorjiOrat1oT. orgai&lze.i anll existing '.lr.\i{lr the la.ws of the .jta.t'3 of' .llorida. .h..rt:,.' vf theri~st r&_.t. to Zrnoat l>.. iihitoor.:.o. of the town of Nn.i}erst. ~O~u,t~i ~p9~~lre, .>tate af :.:a.ssaohu.setta, {J P~rty of the ~eoond ~e.rt. ~ in TIlZ;.j;jET H: , That the 8l:;.id. i-nrt~l ::,r the .&'h's'" l'nrt, for and in oonsl1cl.'uti;-.n cf tho SlJ;> c1" '.:'crr D(,llars ('silO.aO ), lavli"u.l none;r of the United. states of nmBl:icu, nr.d other vnlD.ablu oOl:sidel'uticns. to I; it in huz:c. paid by the said i'arty of the ;;ieoonl r:'~'t, nt oroe:foro t:.o or.9oc..L:g ::.noi dol:vorl \. \ . -":~'.:'<:,:'2f]MllKI