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thh the 24th dq
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ot 'ii.vohU~.D. 1926 &1; 9
o'olook A. M'
P. C. &1dred.
cle~ ~~th~~~roul t Court.
D7.::X..i.b~i..,;.. Deputy cu.
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Kollle R. Trimmer & hulband
C04.ioo. Ino.
'tHIS IBDElI'tURE. Kade thia 10th da, ot Karoh. A.D. 1926, BE'tWEEB lltlUe R. Trimmer and .A.
..'trimmer. her bu.lband.) ot tbe Count, C?t Saint Luoie and State ot Florida partiel ot the tirlt
part, and Coci1oo. .Lno. a oorporation e:dlUng under tbe law8 ot the State ot Florida. haYiUC
it. prinoipal plaoe ot bu.1ne88 in the Count1 ot PalB BeaCh &b4 State ot Florida partr ot
the aeoond part. Wl'tIBSSI!H. that tho la1d partie8 ot the tir.t part, tor and in oon81deration
ot tbe 8Um ot 'ten Dollarl and other yaluable con8iderat10ns to them in hLnd paid. the reoeipt
whereot 1. herebr aolmowledged. haye granted, bargained, 80ld, aliened, remised. released.
enteotted, oonyered and oontirmed and br theee pre8entB do grant. bargain. sell. allen, remile.
release, enteott. oonyer and oontirm unto the laid partr ot the .eoond part and its sucoessors
and aBsigns tore,'er. all that oertain paroel ot land 171ng and being in the Countr ot Saint
lA101e and State of Florid.a more partioular17 deso,lbod as tollows:
Lot . 1n the plat or subd1Y1eion ot tbe Sift ot t.he S1Ft Seotion 27 and tbe Weet part ot
Lot 2 Seotion ~, 'town8hip a7 South of Range n Baat ot Tallah&88ee Keridian. eubdhided b7
R. B. Burohfield. CountT ~\U'Yeror, :rebruarT. U. 189a, aald Pla\being reoorded in the otfioe ot
the Clerk ot tbe Cirouit Court ot Brevard Count7. Florida, under date ot Ju11 1.. 1893, Lot .
oontain8 1.-24/100 aores more or leB8. Together with all riparian rights inoident or pertaining
to said land.
(.10.00 Documentarr Stamp. canoelled)
'fOGftHKR with all the tenements, hereditaments IaDd appurtenanoes. wi th ever'l prhllege, -.i
right. titl.. interest and e8tate, dower and right or dower, reyeraion, re..imer and easement
thereto beloqlng or in llDJWiee appertaining: 'to B.A.VK DD 'to HOLD. the .ame in tee simple to,"-
yer. J.nd the .aid parUes ot the tint part do ooyenant with the .aid partr ot the seoond part
that they are lawtu.llT seized ot the said preml8ee; that ther are tree ot all iaeumbranoes. and
that they han good r1ght aDd law:tul authorti, to eell the .ame; and that 8aid partie. ot the
fir.t part doth here~y tul17 warrant the title to 8aid land, and will detend the 8ame against
the lawtul olaims ot all perlon8 whomaoeve~.
II WI'tBESS WHEREOr, the said parties of the til'st part have hereunto set their hp.nde and
8eals tbe d&J and Tear ~bove written.
S~nod, .ealed and deliy.red in our presenoe:
R088 Kllen Roebuok.
R. R. Roebuok.
.A.. W. !r1mmer....
Kollie R. Tr~r
ST~'fB o. l'lwaIti. )
cou.fY or SAIl'! LUeu )
I HX!lEBY CERTIFr, 'that Oil ~hlD 10\11 da, ot Maroh .A..D. 1925 betore _ perlonal11 appeared
110111. R. Trialller and her bu:,lband A.W.frt.ler. to 11II mown to be tbe p:tr.on. de.01bed 1n and
who e:eouted the toregoing oonn7¬ to C04100. Ino. and ..nrl\1l7 aomowledged the execution
thereot to b. their tree aot and de.d tor tbe u.eD an4 purpo... there1n .nUoned. and tibe
aaid Kollie K. 'trimaer \he wite ot tbe ea1d A. W. Tr1.lDmer on a leparate and prhate ex..ina\1on
taken aDl aa4e b7 anA betore me. and leparatei)' and apart troll her s&14 hluband, 41d aolmowle-
dge tbat .he 1184e hereelt a part7 to tbe aai4 Deed ot Conl'qanoe tor \be pu'poae of renounoing,