HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1566 I ;1 (i u S.__ of norida ) & Count1 of St. Luoie ) I URl.BY CERTIJ'Y. that on thle 2lat cllL7 of JanuU'J' .l.D. 1926, betore ale per8onallJ' appearecl A.W. Young and John LlR01 Hutohllon r8apeoUn1.7 Pnll1clent and 5eore*&17 ot Yero Hi8hlUlc1 Park COalp~ a oorporation undor the la". ot the Stat. ot Florida to .. known to be the per80ne cle soribed in and who exwouted the toregoing oonvellWol to C. H. Colt and E. R. SMad and neyerall)' aoknowledged the exeout1on thereof to be their ~ree aot and deed a8 lIl.1oh offioere. tOl' the u..e and purp0088 therein IIl8ntioned; aDd tbat tho7 affixed lIher,to the offioial eeal of 8aid o01">>or- ration. and the 8aid inetru.aent i8 the aot and deed or- .a1d ootyorat1on. offio1al eeal at Yoro in the ~ount1 of st. Luoie and state ot "- 'jl -~ ---____ ._.___._ __ __;,.. ___ __n_ ___ ____,-__.._._.___ __"_______.___.___._...__ _.._._.___....._...,. .____, _ __ _._____..__~ .... _____ __..-__. . ___ u_...., __.__________. .n.,"._,.~....~.,_...._._._..,. _..~ _......_...._.....___...._.....~...._......~...___.._.~__ _.~._....,.__.._..___._....... ~_.., .." ......... '.._. __, ...:. _ .'_"".___.. _'_" Florid Jear la8t &toresaid. Jellie K. Babb........(Seal} Xotar7 Publio, State of Florida at Larg6. JJr IQ' oommieeion axplree K.e.y 9. 1928. thle 21810 da7 of Maroh. Af!. 192b, at 3.~ p~. )(. ....fJ ,- P. C. Eldred. b cle1. k /~~~h~C1rOUi t Court. ~ ./'" I B1:~' V:;:'1! /t~f' Deput7 Clerk. /Ji ------#1#1###.########1##------- WARRABTY DEED Erie Land & InY88tment Co. to W&1 ter ell Sib71 Cha8e. tHIS IlIDD'tURE. llade thie 21st d8l' of ~ob. A.D. 1925 .ETIDB Erie LeDd &: . InY8etment 00. a oorporation existing under the laws of the state of Florida haYing itl prinoiP'\ plaoe of bus1neS8 'in the Count7 of st. Luoie and State of i'lorida pU~ of the first part. and Walter and Sib71 Chase ot the 'ount7 of st. Luoi8 an,tate of Florida partiee of the leoond part 1fIDBSS. that the eaid. Part7 of the flret part, for and in ooneideration of the 8UII of Ten Do11- ara aD4 other "alua".A oClD8Ueration Dollars. to it in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof 18 here- b)' aoknowledged, baa gr&n\ed. bar<<a1ned. 801cl, aliened. r_leed. released. OOn.,eled aDd oonfi1"lll- ed.. and bl these present. 40th gram, bargaln. .ell. alien real.e. release oon",. and oonflra unto ~he .aid parti.s of the .doOM part. aea their hein and a881gns foreur, all that oerta1.Jl pareel of ~ l.7illg and be1ng- in tbe ~oun\7 of st. Luoie and State ot norida 110ft part1oular17 desoribed a. follow.: Lots tw.nt,nlne (2St) &114. 'fhirt7 (30) Blook 'fen (10) Regina Palu Sub- , . Re/J'1'l~ 41 .,i.ion in S.Ot101l Thr.. (3) 'folJD.h1p !hirt7,*lx (3f.) 1laDa. (40) Xut St Luoie Count7 1\1. Jila I f.60 C.nt. Doouaentary Staap. omeened J toGEtHER WItH all the tem..nt8. hered1t..ente and >>ppurtenmoee. _Uh en17 priyllego, right, t1 Ue t intere.t and eatate. re.,.reion. remaind.r and e......nt thereto beloi<<ina or in anyw1.e appertaining: 'to IUR A.JID 'f0 HOLD the 8811. in fee simple torenr. ADd the .aid. part)' of -~e tiret part 40th ooyenant 111 th the aa1lt -park-- of the Ileoond part that it 1e la1'1ful17 ..1ud of the aaid p~1Ha; that tM7 are. tree ot all. inauabranoee. and. that l' hu gooc1 ript ecl lawtul &uthori\)' to .ell the lGae, and tha .a14 partl ot the tiret .)" pari 40... hereb)' fUlq warrant tbe une to 8ald land. an4 w11t'.t~ the .ue esa1ne' the la_- tiU 01&1_ ot all pereone whO_Geyer. IK 1fI!DSS 1HIU0J't the wd parfi7 of t!ll t1nt pari hu oauee4 the.. presents to be .t.p.d. _d ita oorporate .~al to bo artUri, atte.toa b7 ita 9001'8t&17 '1 -:Z> I I I I; I It i J the ari. LaD4 & Iny..t..At Co, A~tea': 11.... . :;;~I to<<duI .....J dJ.:r..uA....- ~ r~~ .J+ ft. a.~--: n04m:...-(7r..,).~ 87 J. I. ~'l~HI lSre .D'.