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Signed,Sealed and Dellyered in our Pre8enoe:
B. R. Utort.
lIarl"J J. Sch\.C.\tz, Jr.
state of l1orlda.
County ot St. Luoie.
I HEREBY CER~II'Y. 'fhat on til1a 23 d&7 ot Karoh, A.D. 192D. betore .. })er8ona117 appeU'l!d
J. I. Kelle.. and 01847. Kelle.8. rupeoUn1.7 I>r.e1clent and Seoretary ot lrie Land &; InY88t-
Ilent Co., a oorporation under tbe law. ot the State ot Fla. to .e known to be tbe peraons des.
crlbecl 1n and who exeouted tbs foregoing oODye7&J1oe to C. L Wagdnlmeoh\ u4 Wite and seYeral17
aoknowl.dged tbe exeout10n. thereot to be their :tree aot and deed &8 lI10h ottioers. tor tbe U8es
and purp08es therein _nUoned; and that tbe7 aUixed tilereto the oUiolal Ileal ot &laid oorp-
oration and the 8ai4 in.tN.ent 18 the aot and deed ot lIald oorJlOraUon.
slgDat\ll'e and otti01al .eal at Fort ~ieroe in the County ot St. ~o1e and State
7ear 1~4t atoresaid.
d th1s 24th 4a7 ot ~h,
Frank K. Stateon.........(Se'l)
Bota%)' &ubl1o tor the State ot Florida at Large.
K7 Comm1s8ion Bxpir88 Deoe.ber 22. .1926.
A.D. 1926 at 9.3D oSolook A. M.
P. C. Eldred,
Cler~ oZ th~veirou1t Court,
..fI II./' z:f /
By -7'<./ .:~--;.;'>" Deput7 Clerk.
J. W. Wi18cm. and Wit.
Warrant7 Deed.
W.E. Wood and wit..
'fHlS DEBD. Kade the 24th d&7 of Karoh. A.D. 1926 b7 J. W. ~11sGn an4 Della B. ~ilson, hi8
wite ot tbe Count7 ot st. Mloie IUlcl Sta\e ot i'lorlda hereinafter oalled. the grantors to W. K.
Wood and Bertha E. lVood his wife ot the COULt)' of ~t. Luole am State ot Florida hereinafter
oalled the grantee.
WI'fDSSE'fH. ~hat tbe 8ald grantors in o0D.81derat1on of 'fen Dollara ( .10.00) and \lther 'Ya1ue
able ocmaideraiilons the receipt whereot 18 hereb7 aoknowledg.d. do gl'Ye, grant, bargain, 8ell
alien, r_i88, release, ent.ott. oon'Yey and contlra unto the sald grantee. and their heIrs and
a881ge In tee st.ple. the land8 81tuate in St. LUole Coucty,.tate of Florlda. de80ribed a. fo11-
Lot8 Two (2) and Three (3) of C.C.Feigel's 'ir8t Additlon to the Clt7 ot Ft. .1eroe. Comprl-
sin8 the Borth D02 teet or the Eaet 218 teet or the .11ft of SEt ot Seotion Bae (9). Town8hip
'fhirt7-ti ft (36 ), .i$outh. Rang.. tort7 (40) last. an~ reoorded in Plat Book 'fhree (4S). Page Twen-
ty-flYe (26). nCn! HORfIR. 'fHl EAST TIrD'lY-J:IGB'f (28) teet ot Lot 'fwo (2),
Exoept as ror mortgage g1nn by J. W. "1180n and .ite Della B. Wilson to F.F. Biddle tor the
sum ot two thou8and dollars ('fnOO.OO) dat8<1 February 10th. 1926. and tiled for reoord FebruaZ')'
13th, 1926 aDl reoor4edin Mortgage Book 23 Page 33 St. Luole County. Floriia rooordl. Said
)(ortgage due and I>87able fhree (3) 7ean atter date With inhrest at 11 per oeut per aDDua.
payable seal-annul17J ( M.oo DoCRlaOlltar7 Stups oancelled)
TO IU.VK &liD 'f0 HOLD tbe RUle tOfIO\h.r with the hered1 tU8Dh a~ apP'lrtenanoos, unto the
sald pouts.s aDd their helra u4 p.881ane In t.. wi.ple.
D>> the 8&1t\ grantor. tor tbe_Bln. _d their _Irs aD4 lacal repre..Dtath.., OOTeDant.
with sa14 crute.s th.ir h81n, 18p.l. k'tlpneentaU'Y.s ant "8ips: 'fhat s~tor. hu_ ind.p__
:rea81b17 ..hed ot lIla1d lam 1n te. 81.)18; that .aiel craBtors h&YO full ..-c' and lawr.u X'lCht to
'JGIlY07 h1d lands in te. 81mpl., Q.8 ator.laid; that U sball ". lawt\U tor 8&1d crute.. their
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