HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1571 371. [ and to U.e land8 thel'OlD desoribed. and th~t she exeou.ted laid deed treely aDd yoluntaril7 del without any oonltraint. tsar, apprehension or Go.pulsion ot or trom her laid hu.band. . I~nature and ottloial ..a\ at Milwaukee. ln the County ot M11waukee and state ot dOT and year la8t afore8aid. March'. 1928. John Oaryey, -----------(Seal) Botar,r ~ublio, Wis. State ot Wiloonlln Coun~ of Milwaukee ! S-s . ) I. an oft1oer au thor1zed '0 take acknowledgments of deeds. HlREBY CER'rIFY. that Alvbert I. Reed and Mary W. Reed. h1s wire personally known to me to be the indiY1duals desoribed in and who executed the toregoiDg lnstrument. and that said indiYidual8 thi8 day aoknowledged betore me that they exeouted sald 1nstrument. seal, this 28th day ot Kay A.D. 192'. at Milwaukee in lald ( t6.00 Rn. stamps.) b , It' on eXpires Karoh '. 1928. f:::' ~: 8 the Uth day of Mar~. A.D. 1925. at 9 A.M. ~ 8 ~J - John Garvey. Jiota17 .k'ubl1o. tSeal) ------####1####11/#1111##------ P. C. Aldred, .-... Clarx. o.'~. J the.C. ~:toul 10 Court. /. (J. / /,- By o//J/....//J1I....... Deputy Clerk. /1 " I 1/ ( )(aster's Deed. John ~alker Liddon al 5peoial Kaster. Herman J. Zeuoh. YH15 IlIDUTURE, Il&de tbil 2Uh dQ of Karoh, 1925, betwen John Mb\Jccr Liddon as Special )(aster. in Chanoery! !l&ny o't the tl"~ l'~~. and He~an J. Zeuoh of St. Luoie Ccunty, !'~orlda. !'. party of the .eoond part. Wherea.. the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth .1u1101al Circuit ot Florida, in and tor St. J.u.ole County in Chanoery. on the 8th d~ ot January, 1925, among other things orderedl adJudged and deoreed in a certain oause t~.cm pending in sald Court by the lndian dinr Company, a corpora- tion, Complainant and "obo Walenbohak, Detendant. that the premise8 hereinafter mentioned. be 80ld by the party ot the firat part at publio outory, the said Master did on the 2nd day ot Maroh, 1925, after flrst giYiDB 28 daY8 notloe of the t1me an! plaoo of suCh 8alo in a news- paper publilhed in St. ~ole Cou.nty. Florlda, oftter and sell the 8ald pro18 rty ~o the })arty of the 8eoond })art and wboreaa the notioe of 8uoh sale was giY6D 88 8tated abo~8. with a deR~ipt10n ,. of the property IIIOnUoned 1n sald deoree, and whereas the 8&id property Bold to tho party ot tho 8eoond part tor a oona1deraUon of 11800.00 oash. that be1.i1g the highe8t 8U.m bid tor 8amo, and. whereas the party of the fir8t part has reporhd his aotion to the aboTO styled Court, and the said Court haYing oCDfiraed laid sale alll authoriaed thE< party of' the first part to malte aDd execute a warr&ll&.J deed to the part;r or tbe Beoond part. IOW.YBRBI\:>U. 'lHIS I1l&l1'lURS WI~SKYBI Yhat the Baid Sieoal )faster 1n ordor to oar1'7 Into efteot the ..ld 1.10 BO .840 a8 aforelaid, ln oonsideration of ~he premhes and tho lUll of 11800.00. the reoeipt wbereof 18 Iwre'by aoknOlrledied, has &ranted, 'bargained and sold, oonny- -~ ed and confirmed ~ tbe }lflrt7 of the leoond part, h1B he1r8 and aeeigns foreTOr the following property to-w11 1- 'fhe W..t 'len (tA)aorea of traob an. (1) 8D4 .ight (8) 171q .orth of right of wq or Main C8D&l, SeoUoD Sena C 7) YOWJ:l.hi}) 'lhlrl;r-three (31) SO\1 th Ruge thirty-nino (39) k8t, aooorcl1Dc tD tho General .Plat of the India Rlyer J'a~ OOIl})IUQF. OD file in the oftloe of the Clerk of U.o 01rou.1 t oou~. , i I'r I I ' I ' I,