HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1578 I~ ~"~ ..."'----.--. .---..-.-- ---- ----- --__.~____ ---. ___._. __._. -_.._ '-~"_'.'__' __" ....___-...___. ',,__.___. ~__.i____._. __.___ ____ __ _.4_ ___ _._ .__ _._. __.,,___ ._. _____ __..... _ ..~ _ __.__.. -'-......._.._-':--~.~~.--_..-.-..~.......--_.. .-<-r--_.-...--_....~..T~..._.'.,_.-..~_._.'-,.....,,~ ...~'-- .-.....-" ,..-............ ~.. ,-'-"---" -."-'-'-~.""_-'_ .,..... w"" ~,-.-.-_.. .~---_....t'- -,W .... 1II\'IfUSJ:'fH, 'fha, \he .aid partie. ot ,he tlnt par', tor IUld in oona1dera\1on ot 'he .. ot 'on dc,llar. aM. oth.r yamabl. oOlle1deraUone ~ th.. in haD4 paid b7 ,he part7 ot the ..oond par'. tho reoo~pt whereot ill h.reb7 aolmowlodged. ha'f' granted, bargained and sold to ~o said PUV ot ,be Moond xart, hio heirs, and aselgns. toreyor. tho tollowing dnoriold land, altuate. 17iJlB and belDa in 'ho CO\lnt7 ot St. luoi. and State ot Florida, \o-w1\: 'fhe unclhlded ono halt in'eres' in Lot. OIle (1) and fwo (8) ot Blook Senlr (f), ot iho u....or. Map ot "- "orih pat't ot 1'01"\ .1'ioroe, Florida, .aid Block SOTen (.,) being original Dlook -B- ot B4carto~ Plat now inoorporatcd 1D ,be ~lt7 ot 'ort xi.roe. 'lorlda. 'fh~. deed is gl'fen subJeot to a .orts~e now existi~ on the propertT whioh aorts&go the grantee ABree. to .8auae halt ( 11.00 Dooumen\JAZ7 stupe oanoolll~ ~ the eaid partie. ot the tirst part do herebT tull,y W&naD' ,be UU. to ald lad. and w111 detund the 88M aga1Dst the lawt'ul 01&1_ of all per.onll whca.oever. IB WIJlTKSS 1IlIlB.K0J', the aid partie8 ot tbe tirst part ha'fe h.reunto set ~e1r hand. ed 8Ual. tbe da)' aM 78&r abon written. Su.kL Sip.d. 81' 1.Id. and deli 'ferod In poe.e.e ot u.: .John B. lIu8h08. HarI7 t. Il'W1lloo.. ..(Seal) E. C .Hughes . Kary .J. Il'Wlll 00.... (Seal) , STATE OJ' FLORIDA . ) I COUll'fY OJ' DADK ) ;] I HEREBY CERTIFY That on thill dlQ" personally appeared betore _. ~ ottioer duIT au tho- ... ri zed to adJD1nister oathe and take aolmo.ledgr~nts. Har17 if. Irwin and KarT J. Irwin, hill w1te '0 _ ..11 mown to be the person. desorlbod in and who exeouted the toregoing deed, and aoknow- le~ged betore .e that 1iheT exeouted iho aame treely and 'foluntarlly tor the purpo.... therein expre8sed. ,UD I I'URTHB:Il CER'fUT. That the 8a14 KarT .J. Irwin known \0 IIl8 to be tho wite of the said IlarI7 T. Irwin on I:. .eparate and prlnh exaainaUon taken aDd _040 bT and be'ore 11.8, aeparate17 aDd aliart tro. her said hU8band, did aolmowlodged that .he made huedt a party to sald deed tor the purpose or renounoiD8. rollnqui8hlJlB and OOn'f8Tlag all her right, title and interest, whe\h- er ot dower. hoaeatead or or separate propert,)', atatutorT or equitable. in and to the landa Sa.:. ( . deaoribecl therein. and that ahe exeouhd the ...rri deed froelT aDd ooluntarll,y aDd wUhout any oompulaion, oonatrain, a)prehenaion or tear of or fro. her aaid hu8band. WI'fJlESS ray hand and ottioial .eat at Lemon C1\T , Count,)' ot Dade and State ot Florida, ] thie rob. A.D. 1926. 'iled ) '0' V .... 'i::j <<1 thi. thl 24th d~ot Maroh. 'E! 8 ~ A. E. Haeger. Botar7 subl1o.Stato ot nonda at Large. K7 oomm18sion expires-------------------- Botar,y ublio lor the State ot Florida at Large. ., Gommi88ion ~xpire8 001;. 6, 1928. A.D. 1925, at ,,~ p. C. Eldred, Clem ot the C1..rouU Court. d4 L/'/ / B7~''.:::d:::'./!/4~L Deputy Clerk. . l~- / / I / ~ -------#1111#11#1"###------- 1l0RTGAGK SECURITIKS COKP AllY. a oorp. 'f0 .Jaaell O. WatBoD I War1'8.llt7 Deed. !HIS IBDU'lURS, Made thie 9th da,y ot Maroh. A.D. 1920. be~"'1l Jl)Jl'lOAGE SECUllI'tUS COKP.\IT. " . oorporaUon ex1eUnc under tbe 1&-.. ot the S\a\o o~ 61ori4a, ha'fimg 1ta pr1Doipal plate ot walDe" in the Ooun17 ot Pala Beaoh and State ot n.rlda, part7 of \he tint >>ar', and .J... . . . O."'80D ot th. Oount)" ot Pabl Beaob, and Slate ot 610;\d& partT ot thlt lIooond part. WI'KU~K!BI 'fhat thlt .aid panT ot ,he tin' pan. tor &Dll in oo>>.Uer&\ion ot tl:d .WI ;;~t~~{~~iMH:~Bf~1~z~~~ .,,..\-~~1-\.::~:I ~ <t.1......~f'_-~.,.l,.. "-~~I-'~.....~ ~..'-...r~ ..;-...'~ ."'".-' .......;t:,.- '~.<#-.....,...~t5.!i:~.~~~ t~~~;;1f;~i.7::~~s.~~:: ~~.~::~~=_~~~I;;:~~~~;:f---~ ~~i~ J ~il;:;(