HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL CERTIFICATION/10(_ 65-� FiNAi 1-oastal construction control Line Division of Water Resource Mana�, Florida Department of Environmer Mail to: Protection 2600 Blair Stone Road Mail Station 3566 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 E-Mail to: CCCL@dep.state.fi.us This is to certify that the work under the pern construction control line pursuant to Section 16 1.1 found to be acceptable and satisfactory in accord all conditions of the permit All permitted const construction or activities have occurred. Location been verified and found to be correct, and topogi required by the permit. CE ICATION Permit Number SL-338 Venetian Administration, LLC Permiftee Name: I for construction or other activities 1, Florida Statutes, was inspected by -e with the approved plans and proj tion or activities have been comple d elevations specified by the permit hy and vegetation have been either tward of the coastal undersigned and was description and with and no unpermittcd approved plans have 3erved or restored as FOR WORK INCLUDING: CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY. RESIDENCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH EAPPROVED PLANS. LANDSCAPING IN ACCQRD.ANCE WITH PERMIT. REQUIREMENTS. SITE WORK (DRIVEWAY HARDSCAPE, ZT.9 __ . .. I -2)-.LN.-ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS -RESULTANT FROM _7ELD CONDITIONS. LIGHTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROJED PLANS. NOTE: Any deviations from the permit and an portions of the permitted work not actually performed shall be noted and described in detail ' an exception to this certification. or Architect David S. Knight, P.E. 0111111 1 . Typed or Printed Name ofEngineer or Architect N 8�1%0 41060 State of Florida Registration Number X -T f OF 0, DEP Form 73-115B (Updated 12/13) Date