HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1583 O~t) [ into etteot the la1d lal. 10 made a. &toresaid. in purluanoe ot the laid deoree ot the laid Court of Chanoel'7, in oCllldderat1on ot th. pNah... and ot tbe la1d sua ot "iye hundret flit1 (1660.00 )--dol181'8, paid at ill. U_ ot the exeoution hereot. b7 the .aid party ot the seoond part to the said Speblal Maater. the reoeipt w~Areof he doe. hereb7 aoknowledge. h&R granted, bargaintd and lold. allened. released, oon..,ed and oontlraed, and b7 tbeae preaente doe. grant. bargain. and .ell, alien. releas.. oODTey and oonfirt unto tho .aid partl of the 8eoond part, ~o hie heirs and a'~ignl forever. the oeriain paroll of land in the Count7 of St. Luoie State of ~lorida, de80ribed a8 'tollow,: Lote numbered !h1rieen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen &16) and Slzteen (16) of Blook numbered One Hundred and Bineteen (119) of 0 theA01lD of Fellsmere aooording to the ~la t of said 'town filed in th~ offioe of the Clerk ot the Cirouit Oourt in and for said Cou.nty, on the alst d~ of July. A.D. 1911. am reoo1'ded aaoJng the publ10 reoords of said 80\QJt7 in Plat Book 2, o~ Pages 3 and 4 together Wi th all and 8inglllar the righ t8. mellber, pri vilegee. hereditaments and appurtenanoes to the same belonging or in a~8e appertaining. TO HAVE AXD TO HOLD all and 8ing;11ar the eaid prellises. above aent10ned and de.orib.d. and r I l , hereb7 granted and oonyel'ed, or intAnded 80 to be, wi th the appurtenanoee, unto the laid party otfhe 8800nd par~. his heirs and ...1pe, to the only pl'O~r use, benefit and behoof of the 8aid part7 of the leoom part. his heirs and ass1ps forever. I. WI'tBSS WHKllEOF. tbe 8a14 Speo1"1 )(aster in Chanoe17, a8 atoresaid. has hereunto 8et hi. . band and Beal. tbe dq and 1'tar first aboye written. S;;,soed. lealed and naU'1ered 1n the rresenoe of: )(athilde WiCht.m~l. H.T. Gregor7. J. Walker Liddon.........(Seal) Spooial Master in Chanoery, as atoresaid. state ot Flor1da a'.l.~o1. County. - I. an off1oer duly authorized to take aokmwledgmentB, hereb}' oerUf7 that J. Walker Liddon i8 well known \0 me, aDl kmwn to lie to be the indh1dual deyoribed in.aIld who executed the forego1ng deed of OOnye7anOe, and that he aoknowledged before lie that he executed the foregoing 1.,>( TC in . deed. as Spe01a1 Kaster in Chancer7, atoro..1d. for the ~rpo8e8 ,-- ~... expressed. " and ott1oial .eal, the ~rd dq of January, A.D. 1925. in the Sta1B and ~ 24th da7 of Ji~ A.D. 1925 at 9.15 A. )(. ""4 "'0 . u \. -------###lllltl####---~~-~- Edith Jaokson. 'IOl1U'7 .ub~io Sta h of l"lor1da. 117 Commission expires Aug. 18, 1928. Flle J..r. P. C. J!;16red. Clerk lJirell1 t ~t. B76~Zi1!i:~< pu Y er y J. WALDR LIDDO. llAS'.rms DEED. TO J. I!. SUTHlRL.Um. [ ~HlS I~'ftiD, Kade "be 23rd 4&.1 of Jan\Uu'7 1925, between J. WAI.XER LIDDOJI as SPECUL JUSTER 111 CIUlICERY, ot the first part, and J. B. St71'HDUlm of the seoond part: 'IHE~I:Ag, 'the Cirouit Court of tbe 15th Judioial Clrou.U of the State of Florida, in and for the COUDt1/ot St. ~oie ~D ~hanOe17 ,Oil the 24th da7 of Ootober, 1924, UODg other thiD&8 ordered adJudged 8Dd deoreed, 1n a ~ertain O&u.. then peDll1ng 1n the .aid Court, bet.ean O. 11. Sta1"h, ae Reoeher of tbe state Bault of FelbMre ocaplalnant, and Charles H. ~ltfard and Halen Loul.. ~lffard and Harold S.~roWD defendants, tbat the mortgaged prea18G8 mentioned in .ald deore. aa4 . hereinafter part1oularl,y d.soribed. be 801d b7 sa14 Kaster, at l'ubl1o auotion, the .a1cf>>a.ter v I' I it~~I~~r~il --~- --..- --'