HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONM PAN 1-6 0F1,PA'-T'V' NT OFZ=A TGRY,,1Z RD AND C()Dlk. �STRATJO s top— t 2302 -v�iest afft T A-ane Hialeah, AH L 33010 ,$Copp'i-. This NCA is being issued under the I documentation submitted has been re used in Mam! bade County and Otht This 1,1oA shall not be valid after the (In Miami Dade County) and/or theJ'A Or material tested,for quality assuranc manufac-Lurer will incur the eXpense.,c Of such product or material within the determined by Ivi-jami-Dade County P of'the applicable building code. Thisproduct is approved -as described including the High Velocity Hurricane D1ZS(C-P--WPT10N-- En�-Izert Series 13 "ABE LING '.' Each unit shall bear a statement: IlMiami-Dade Countf Pro I' RwNm, TVAL Of this N10A shall be co thO a I ,PPlicable building Code neggpti ) T"'11AT111,,1,0fUsN0A,,vil1 materials, use , and/Or'manufacture of sales, adverds4lgor anypther purpos this NOA shall be cause for terminat: r I he N-A expiration date may be disPlayedin v in its entirety. " 'S"2'C!'1G-NT.* A copy of this e, sballbe available for - Inspection at This.NoA consists ofpages I tl1ro The, submitted documentation was NEU- U rr REVISION RESOT JRCES = R) q0UJNTY miamL �Ibrida,33175.a474 T(786),3j545§6 F(78161)13115-259�' �,D T11cable rules and regulations governing the,'p'se, Of COPStrudion Materials. The `��Wed and accepted by Wliami-Dade, County RER -�Piroduct areas where allowed by thek uthbrity Havin�lk Jurisdiction'' ContrOf Stftion to be Xpiratioll d t tated below. The Niram, ..'a e-s _Dade,County proijuct�C (In areasother than Miami Dade County) �ese Ontrol Section Purposes. Ifthis rvt th6;kight to have. this product Product or material -fails to such testing and the AHj may immediately Perfbrm in the '' -eOept d,manher . Or RER res vc 3 susPelld the riwisdiction. f6 Ike, modify,. or the oduct Control , S erves: the right, to rellll�e thi&acceptance, if it is use ection thatthis Product or material fails to . meet the r6quirements lerein, alid has been designed to comply with the Florida Buildingcode Zone ofthe Florida Building Code. Steel 12ranel (2" Clips and 611 Clil)s) m manent,label with the manufacturer's nameior logo, city, state and follow Ict ControlApproved", unless otherw Ina ise noted herein. sidered after a renewal application has '1Y affeeting the p I been fll6d 4nd there has 'beenn6 change elfOrnIaL ce Ofthis producf, cur after the expiration date or ifthere has b�en a revision or:chap ge in the e product or process. Misuse Of this NOA a� an endorsemen . t Of APY product, for shall automatically terminate this NOA. Fall'ure to com I -- - and.removal OfN7 OAL P y 5w, ahy s, tion of Preceded by the words Miami-DadeC'6urify- Florida, and fo Xe by the Ring literature. If any portion Of theNOA is displayed,,then ' 0, d it shallbe done -NOA shall be, provided to tile user by the ma�ufacturer or RES,distributors and job site at the request Ofthe Building official' by I-1amleY Pao , beco, P.E. NOA No. - 16�0920.24 Expiration Dat.., 11�Q3J App,,o", D, a%el 1/0,,/16 hge 1015 RoOFING Am - Cate �fr Dech Typ6- Map- Pressue TI PHADE N-A M_,TS O_V p- IRODUC7, 8 Panels(Non-Siluctural)- 1 1 imt-DS10 S Series 1300 Length- var. I' wj�oh Widl: I Ous Thickness 0.02, (24ga) Min- Yield Stitn : 57 ksi. 2"-Clip Length. Width: i Height: 1-9/ 6- Thickness o 020 6" Clip Length: 6. 9 0 Width: j Height: 1. 5,' Thielmess 0. 276 Trim Pieces Ungth. v es, Width:. �rar est Thithess 0- 27& MGrtOn International Morton International Arcft�tectural Testing'Inc. Architectural Testing Inc., Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC. Architectural Testing NIAWDAoEi N MD OR LA -BE LED B"-r APPLICANT: Test D TAS 125 Corrosio# reslstaOti galval unie, preformed, s44idin.gs'eam CoatedItTra-finished, metal panels. TAs 125 Ion Corros' re sst�rt,'gafvaiume,,PrefPrr4ed,, coated,,-PT!,--fin.ishecL'..qie'taI dlips for usle,,in Field or Permiter Ond Comer Area of -Roof. TAS 125 COrlosio' resistant, gal.N. o n alume, pref -rrjj,-,j coated, � —11 PTe-th"shedenIeW clIPs for use in Perm-iter hnd., Comer Axeas omoof. NIA on C" , res�istant, Nvalulne, preformed, coated, pre-ftisfied, Win kpleces.. AS-0286-91L Salt spray AS-028&9IT ASTM:0 11-7- F6b. 1986 Accelerated Weathering Feb. 1986. 01-32797,01 ASTId 0123 TAS 200 Nov, 1998 01-32-797.0,3 Nov.,1998, 0155-0615-05 TAS 125 Feb.2006 )22270.0,1-109-1-0 TAIS 1 2.,5 �Octob er. 2009 310A,11%.: 46.OP20.14: Appriwal -%tO-1103116 Tage 2 of s App-,"'Wrl D Am n-MLIS'g.- Oystem Deck Type: 'Deck -Desc�jptlo,,: i9lVe Range.. Upilft Deck Attach, Mew- : rjs de?123im en t.- k Mre r Sarriezl--Board, Vidleys.- PCs eta� 1a-4els and Ateesspries, -Series I New-com 211:12i" or see Table In accordat ring shank I Gvdnimum l4infMuln U S- ap and *�71'2,gaug an rows 1217 O.0 Any apj)rov� the assembl- Valley cons! and witil pn,� Install the installation EOnetrations, panels shall ,sPoilertip.( a ininimuin -Hoof Desig-q pressures 'Cup spiang ME, '00 Aff"IN g ' "W'p4&n MR '90 .. a Panel Panel 16" Wide 'C601119/:i2" or greater pL�Mood orwood eater Plank. b elow pe with I. aPp icable building code, but! ails spaced p O.c. In re'rooff 11 nQ case shall. it't61le8sthqn 9 8d �432") the aboveattachine, .119, w4cre the�decftis'les��.- an annular 32" tJjjCk de-1 'It Method must ad , on to W-Sting A " aYnlcnt shall bean - ttachrnent 6" -ASTM.D 276 -Type �ii - Ond-laps� -Under instailedw.1tij, a A) I vv� lAyment-Sha I be.fa 101MUM 4*1 i 'Mnular rillg-shank.na- Stened with C14TQ81011'resist the Beld of the roj 1 1. () Ps� sPacdd'6771 oic. antfik-caps, r, any I � . M all laps�and,�' appr6N,dd.0 6 'two staggered d fire baiTler ha-v n - eflAy "t lavj - a curfelit NIOA ing & QWrent pc� r this To ofing sYst NOA. Refer t* . toac em assembly as well as e� Irectory lisjing for See Limitation Alle'loo on fire barr-' ler within. on ,Ucti $11all be in Compliance With R L QOnngiApplication:' el*'!s cu"rent Published installation ingtru .�tandard RAS 1,33 -11bS 1300 panep and accessories 11structions arid details in ub] complittaLalieiaetibWith the CUP"entP ' i-shed ialley constrxtj Engglert's Ins n 041-lual. I On and other details shall:be Flashh cation Stan �aid 00' struct#d in cqmplial, , - h d.r RAS 133. _ce with instal led with. approved pan listed in Table A below, P�lreall,ealitPoselo'6'fatsdod'a,i efach.pan6l rib Side lap spaced )Slon resistant se P`3' astened'.W.jib of an in 'e'�'s Of suffichmt length 1 410 waf�r head ch- Use 2 screws for t1l to Penettate through the sheathing e 2" clip ah'd: ''Use"d sprews,gr 0., the 6:1 clip. sh'U be Mecll4nic8ltv seamed to a 9'60 d --------- 4 -9 - .7v - degree se,,u T------------ ?�RtSsuRp _S �1 06-75 �vs-f '71� ; vsf 920 .14 Date.- 11/021 -page 3 or 5, S-ImTi r"M LMJ�n ATJON�,, Fire -classificaflon is not part o ratings Ofthis product. T116 maNimum designed,p. tesa and comers).'NeitherTatiohal E Pressure zones (i�e. perimeters, I-)anOls may be rolls, formed in,( Roofing Xpplication stand . ard, All Panels shati be pernjan4ntl "Miamj-Dad6. County Product. below. All clips slIall be 13e .rm� 5- All products listed herein shall Rule 61 G20 of the r- lorida, Adr. 6. PaRels May bejobsite roll for1r, 9, g,�Ve I. DAD r: CO UZOV E �ekdl§ 1�1`11141 UMV �� 'or re&r to a current Approved R�clfil�g.M6torials�,,Diregtoryfor�fre,, I listed herein shall be applicable to alysis, nor extrapolation. shalt be . all roofpiiiiessure, zoz�es. Opt;� fieldo perimeters, Mended comers and comers). 'pennittpo -ioi enhanced-t �stening at enhanced riti Auolls 5119ths from eave to ridge, Maxi AS 133 Mum- lenAs Aall be as described in labeled with the manufactule).zs ,am e andlot loco arj&qie ontrol Approved" or with the Miami-Da4e -116110mrinccl., statement: ently labeledw-ith tile manufacturej-�s n Col duct Control se�l ass Pro Ogo, and/oj -model. ve-a. quality assurance audit in aclordance,With,,the F.Jori.daB ildi gC d d istrat dve Code. 11 0 ean with Machine model #06.10.03 from Englert"Aol Iformed Products Association. NOA. -No.: 16-0920 Date. I I Approval DqtejjjO,-/j6 -Page A of s .e- < 2" CLI-pM_j;�TA 144ND--PER—WtZTtR AND —L— Before NO" i DAMINAMNY � MADE Co- I&I L � GOT GPT.10K,� A, 1'� wk, �Cm; AT art Cp LIP iSDMEt Bostik -See ; �atng CL --]L 90 d-Ggrse Seam URMU 8 MR -PA r., - z OF THYS A (CE" p TANCE NOA 11/03a, Approval D- 11 tvi I _r, i-,i DEPA 7G ATORYAND, I*AkMAND-­_�.ADj CIDDE G-901 C.�mwms D-rive :Pawsip- : 6 PRRY, Ww'07454 Scop1g. This NOA �is being issued,under the z dot,unjentaii.104 submitted has been r�a,, usod�ijl AAigini Dade County and other 'This NOA shall not"be valid after�tjje Un Miami Dad"OuntY) and/or the Product or rnaterial t VzkstC4� for quality manner, the manulfac . turel* Ivill.inc., t ,suspend ae-Use!Of Such Product or mai if it * is determ . ined bY Miarhi'-D requirements . ade, c Ofthe applicable building This �produc - includi t *'3 approved as- describe, , . ng the,�Iigll V6106ity Hurricane.�� 'PT10N�' 'gI0I'SRSft4eIdG r4j SH-13 Sheet Each unit shall bear statement: '1,101ami.7Dade County �prod, R'0r'12W'A'—;IIf this NOA shall be c. in'the 4ppli Cable building code'negati�� T'ZRI�r'MA'T1C`N of this NOA will mapekials, use. _and/or manufacture of for sales, adVertising orany other purp ofthis'1`10A,Shall because f0r.terminal ADVE, _PTnm� - IMIN, T.- The. NoA nun e";P"�atlOn date.may be.displayed i . madi in its entirety. - ""Pl' CTUOIM' A, copy of this entire shall be available fo IT �,Mqpection,at the job T'his NIOA rene""S'N1C)A NO. 14-1,022.26 The submitted docunjeniation was *&Vipu,� , MMUMI Revis, ra-14. flmi�Tlbrida j3!75w24.74 (786x,i,l�-2s v'(,719,6)-3,11�� MICable rules and regulations 90Verhing the use of� wed'and accepted by Miami D constru - CtIOn Materials The where all, ade Count -Prodo6rc 'Y RER, oat"Ot Section to be olved by the AutholftY Having jud,sdictibn Tiration date stated below. The Miallli-Dade Cou* W (in areas other than Nfiami Dade Coullty),rds pfOd6Ct'Co,,trol section Prve the- � right to, hav this `ul�ahce Purposes. If 'this Pr6dtICt or material fails to Perform e e#PeDse of su& testing and the A X , Hj -may, ill tile accepted� ial-witIlintheiriurisdiction. _RER inimediately modify or IntY Product Control Sectior, , reserves the right to. I that this product 0 revoke this acceptaijce�. ode. - r Inaterial 'fails. to meet the hereill-, and has been designed to, cornply Aqth Qe Ofthe. Florida jBuildina t' thIP -'Florida 13uilding- Code; I Ccde� Roof beek Prote qflon and 'VerWhIeldO pqjQnt Manent label with'the manufacturers nanle or logo. Cit, Control Approved", unless othenjis�e noted I)erei'., ' s We -and follplvi4g, Jered after arenejya�l applicat 'On 112S been flle&and affectillg the Pekformance of ihere,has,.,been no cllallcre this product.� 4rafter the expira I tion� date or if 'here has been a- revision or change PrOd4el or process. jvjisL,�e Of'-Lhis NOA as ui in the s -shall- automatically term elidOrseWnt of -any product and removal OfNOA. � inatev'lisNOA. Failure- - l . - io,conl TY'Vith 417y section Preceded by the "ords Miarni-Dade County FloAda, and.fQllojved by the 'ing literature- 1f arW Portion Of the NOA is disMaYed . 416n it Sh - alT be, done: shall be Provided to the user, bV the mangfkcturer OrIts -at t exequest of the f3uilding OT h - Id,al. buters a-pd. � Consists of pacres I d1rongil by Alex Ti gera. wo-A 16-12 16 al 01 Avpko". Dat -2/07,122 Valliatei 02/624?17 e L Y Ap Roo 'Und 8cc),p2i:.. This ,Optance is for Vers,-_� h .f" "s�e with aPproveo PrePAred. Yelocity Hlinicaj... , 7,,_�,, IPRODU(cT, ,Gjqm Lk c a a t Ver-�aShield0p- gesistant.' ' ,Ire, 0 Roof Deck I rotec�ion 42" Jx Ve,�Saa-uew &DIOT, 72" & MIne-Resipt.Intg1j, Skeet - ;,6� x 166 Cono-,10, INC SUBMI TITIV D. PRI Constru, ,tion mate 4.,, Technologies S �J'14er',7riters Laboratories inc LTNSTALLA-711-ON: 1- VersaShielde Fire-Resist;apt Poo] installed in s.t.lict compliRn , ce wit I I 2. VersaShieldo Fire-ke��istant Roof installed �,ith a MilliMurn 4-inch 3- C.P.MPliance-with plori0a Bujidin I g tiOdedayrnent. 'AL Fire -Resistant IiP Sheet (a La,,OVof Dec][ protme"0a'. (a,ic-a "WrsaS R ersaShield So, �jeldp Qnderlayxnen Designed to cor 'c�p as§ernblle� 1O_'-""X as dqscrjbea,hjthis��N V') and pply, wi, 0 we'OfAc tappa. th the.Pipridii a,Buildfi�ag Code. �Oode, and the� H sons Test � product �0, rolls ASTM D 226 Descript, an NOn-Asphaltic ."berglas&ibased, Type 11 underl Pad/orl-Ire barrier. ayment ,.71 rolls UT-790 .7' rolls Non-AsplIaltic fiberglassm4based fire barrier. sliksheetand?or zews,16--en—vu _ier GAF-270�0'7_0,)' Test N2rAM -.-, O� �,748_'0%0 I AST-M--D -)2'6 —te, 1� L K- 0 63 -- 02� 0 1 ASTM D,22�,G: TAS' 100, IONK 11-9.90 LIL790 09127/01 RI,925,� UL-790 03 060QA37926 AST�v!;:D -99-15 051towl 1 OSCA49140 tJL790 0911-1110i 09/23/09 Pro�ecti(), Or VersaShield"A Solon, Fire )licable,BUilding Code -Re sistant S"P Sheet shall be Protection Or Versa'Shieldc S lap in a Shingle layer f,�shion. -Re'sistant, SI'A Sheet shall be 010 IV Fire 'Ic Protection shall -be meebanirally f�as,tell4d'withtporovedfaste4er6 in 15� 8.2,when Used hi'lieL, b, a code Prescribdd,A STM D'-'22q Type 11 MA 2te: 02/07122 Dhte-- ,PQ94'2 of 3 Limm-'Am., (DIN�S: Fire C18Psification is not part of ratings a tills Pro -duct ,acceptance, refer to a 2. Tjli8 6eceptance is "'HiPrOved Roof1h Ivi - 9 1 aterhil's Dire tory forf f0r'Prepared 11fing applications. ire applicable building code. hf"limuill deck, requireMents,s4all, be i 3- VersaShieldeFire-ResistqntR "I cOmpliance wjtj, clays ofapplicaijon, VersaSili I Deck Protect'" shall not be left,eXPosed as a teilipolary"roof f 4- VersaShield� F elc[P SOID T" Fire-Resistant,slip. S 01. longer th ire -Resistant Roc f Deck prote hpet shall not be left-lex an 30 col"Ponellt Used in, cti , I Pcised:0-the wea er. roof"ass "I and Versa8hieJdO S016,,,, Versashiel&' Fire-Rgdjsta ht Slip Sheat are a any, approved, Totectlon� W'No With Fire�-Resistant Roof Deck P 'es are approved un'�er roof covg i or VersaShieldO 80 Or V`eJ`sa§hIeId0'S0j.b,�t: . ring -\16t'ce of AccePlance listillg_ V, F"te-9691stgot Slip 18lieet ACceptoiic6. :if Firf3-R_OsistantSlipSh��tma may be us d F` Deek -p VersaShieldPi Fire- p be used as a. c ire r 'is not li e -'may be mad on or VersaShieldra S' ce of sted- a reques, SIstant Roof Deck Protecti OMPOTien't Pal-t'of'all assmibly in t . he, otecition Control Departill to the A uthority, Having _T 616Tq Pti fire�Resjs�t4nt Slip, Int for 4pprolal Provid urisdicti � Sheet products, Vvind uplift resista ed that aPPropda OnGAID)orth&IMi ' ' te docuin .1 anii�Da�de County Produc, 6' 'VersaShiel& Fir nce, an, 1. fire lesti6g- results entation is Prcivid�d e-Res to detail compadbillY istant Roof Deck prot-' Of tile asphaltic underlayment that _ctiOn and Versashie, specific - -6 'al4y b -' used as a fire Id' SCIO-r�4 Fire -Resistant Slip SIleet Aesis jr`oI assemblies usin, VemaShiel& barrier fol- prepared roof asse , q are a non- P mb ' ' tPilf'sli -SheeLreif�rtoacurre -Fire-Ressistant. lies- F6k fire Classification of nt APPrOved Rooj ROOF Deel<: Protection or Ver, �1_ A:" '01�--Jisted her I Ing Materials D .1 1 � 1. 1 saShielciP Sojc)-rm -ProdL din sball ha a'quallty assurance, lrectOI-Y for firexatin -pire- _gs of Rule 61 G�0`3 Of the Flori product. da Adnjiri I sTratiVe audit"n _acc�ordalace with the Florida 8-UildhI&I Code and. All Membranes or pacicapincr state of manu - _- shall bear t f�cturing,facjjiq�, y " 'mPlint or identifiable statement. , ellow line to identi . marIcing-of the ma IFACanii-Dade.C. fy the AS Tjvj Stabdar�' slidwn belovir. OuntY Product Control. Appro.,Ved,,or the W dftlt-glatic'n'lf""tl""""am6'0r loaO ci-LY'and ami-Dade Co Or IP90, andlh& following "'Q6wi-6i sea[ as APPlication for building TS: 1. -f 13 Pennit'shall be is Notice of Ace' cOr"Panied by Copies of the. f 2- Any other'doct eptPilce, . ollownn,. Iments required by B .1. installation 0 � is mat I erial. "ding, Official or APPliCable buildilgdode in Or ,der jd,properly L _VajaatL the a C-CE, ,21pira:tIon Appl-oval 0,2102h'7 pagq 3 4T3 NOTES: 1) THE VENT PIPE MUST BE,EXTENDED THRC 2) CUT THE PANEL TO'F(T THE PIPE P§0PEOi 3) TRIMTHE R060 JACK 80 THAT THE'PIPE PIPE. 4) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PANEL AN ROOPJACK, 5) ATTACH THE BASE OF -THE ROOF JACK TO XL�FASTENERS @ I- o.C. 6) APPLY SEk-ANT BETWEEN THE,PIPE AND INS�TALL ASTAINLESS STEEL CLAMPING RI ,RO6F JACK. STAINLESS STEEI 'HOSE CLAMP $CREWS SOLID DECK M0 SERIES PANEL ENGLERT INC. IGH THE FLAT OF THE PANEL. LL FIT SNUGLY AND'fNSTALL OVER THE THE BASE FASTENING RING OF THE HE PANEL USING 91/4-14X718,, STITCH IE TOP OF THE ROOFJACK. 3 SNUGLY AROUND THE TOP OF THE IENT PIPE SEALANT By EWLERT ROOF JACK (0tKtITE 'OR � . . EOUAQ SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICE 13Y ,ASTM'D226 So# :FE4T (V? ENGLE'RT), ENGURT HT UNDERLAYM'ENT PAGE,#�I� 1) THE VENT PIPE MUST BE EXTFMDEDTHROL 2) CUT THE, PANECT61FITTHE PIPF OROPER6 �3) TRIM THE ROOF JACKSO THAT THEPIPE Wl PIPE. 4) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PANEL AND ROOFJACK. 5) ATTACH THE -BASF OF THE ROOF JACK TO 7 XL FASTENERS- 't I- O.C. 6) APPLY SEALANT 13EIVIEE"N THE MPE AND TI -7) INSTALL A STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPING�RIN ROOFJACK STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMP SCREWS 0 1" O.C. SOLID DECK 2500 SERIES: PANEL THE FLAT OF THE PANEL. FIT SNUGLY AND INSTALL OVER THE BASE FASTENING RING OF THE - USING #1/4-14X7/8- STITCH THE ROOF JACK. AROUN[D-THETOPOF'THE VENT PIPE - SEAL -ANT BY EN6LERT ROOF JACK "-l-'—(DE"TE OR EQUAL) SEALANT BY ENdLERT ASTM M26 '30#1 FELT (BY ENGLERT) �NGLERT 1-tt LAYMENT IL UNDER' ENGLERr, INC. L .. S�UBJECIT TO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICE PAGE#21� TGFU-R,l 8970 - Roof Ing AM- —Roftom lEfkJGLr=fZJ" Iiije 1200 AMBOY AVE PER*1711, Alqtqoy� KJ 08861-192-0 USA 1 - 0eck'. C-15132 or Spaced sheathing _rncli Underia�ment,-. —.0ile layer,,Versi Ply Shel2iL- — One: layer Type, 30 W','� Panels-. — — Steel,. Series 20OV, or 1Series 2500", Illec 2. Detc-'*- C- I V,32,9r spaced sheathing Underlayment. — one or mare�pfi Pern'eets: — -Steel, zinc or copper "Series� 200()" or �S�ries 25 , 00", it ed! 3. Decil;: .7"cli Barrier Board: — 114 in. nlin. InSulation (Optional): — Fitierolas wombreiie'l— Any UL Classifiedmo Membranelystern Suitable for use vq Panels- — Steel, zinc ' ,'Serl6s Poo(),. or �'Sr Or copper,roor I _riLs'2500", rnecl 201.4-06-17 MLestfons? Patge I � of: I T(Sr-U.-?,:.i8970 Rpopeng, systelns GTiir=rz sysTE;qs Class f", Unlimi(ed Impact.' 4 Underlaymen"', mechanically fastened. it OF "V&SaShfeld", mechanically fastened. Panels, designated "Series J()001% ,Series 1100", "Serles fy fastened. 1101", "Series 130of�,,"Series 150011, Unlialitecf ZmPaCL- 4 "VersaShield Underlayment", mecildni011y fastened. g panefs,,designated 4Seri6s 20bo", "Sedes-1-ioo", ,serl 5 1101 Inicafly, raptened� '!Series,1360,- N Unfinlited Impact. 4 Psum DensDeck0a r1ith aft joints staggered a Snin uf`,Ci in. froin the plywoied joints. POM-socyanurate, Perfitiii drwcod fibei-, illy thickness. tied bitumen System. ' BUR: system or CpE, CSA, CSpE, E-p i any roof jnstil�tlon' DM, NBP, PIB,, PVC; TPO, or 7-RE � Panels, des4ighaited '?series FliC411Y fastened. 1000"' *'Series 1100", "Series 1101'*, 'Series t3oly',,,series 1500,,, Lerms; of Us 'rile appearance of a c @ 2017 UL LLC ompany's nam or product in this database does not it, itself ass manufactured onde'r UL's Follow -Up -' ure that products so Identified have been tinder K's Follow-up , ervirt-1. Only those Products -bearing the UI-Marksh6t]tld be-c6ilsidered to�be Service. A11vPys look for tile Mark an the product.' Ceritned,and Covered UL permits the reproduction Of' he material Contained in the Wine C'ULifiC21tiorl Directory subject Guide information, Asser�blies, Constructions, Designs, Syste ' to the following conditions: 1. Tile rns, and/or Certirtcations, (riles) inust be'Pirdisellidd lh,their�entirety and in a nonrmisleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (Or drawings). 2. �th� statefrlent"Repiijiitecjf�b ' - , Direc Or -rr , nission from UL" trust appear adjacent to th M"thiLk,oi0in t y with pL e Certifications COPYright notice in the 161fov-'rhig former: "(!�l 2017 UL LLC-- d extracted material. In addition, the rcOrinteed'mateh-al' must include a :Ilttp://databas.e..Ul.eonilegi-bili/X) V/template/LISEX-'F/IFRAME/showpaz,,,e:-.htnll?n�me=T... '10/5/2017 S WALL SYSTEM HEAMYALL F1 ASTM 02 EN13LEKI SOL;D ENOLERT'.HT UNDERLAYMENr . @404 &WGLERT, jp�C. IVYMP CAL FMA-MIAIALL 08TAUL tS .3011 F SERI-rs' i . Box P� 2ER PANEL Z CLOSURE POP RNET @ 24" O.C. 1 2 -Z CLOSURE CUT TO FIT BEr�,IEEN. PANEL. SET IN 2 CON7 BEADS OF 4) SSALMT,'AND CAULKED VERTICALLY AT SEAMS (SF-ALANT PROVIDED BY MLICRfi 8UBJE07-T ,0 0HAMGE�WjT8Qurtvo,7cE PA GE # SEALANT (PROVIDED I§y ENGLERTI '.COUNTER FtA�Mlp SIDEWALL PLASKNG eY ENaLE-RT. UOTES. FASTENtp 24' o.c. 1) AflFWaC-AWrrTApp TojNslDF-0FpAj4EEL G. 2) ATEACH SIDEWALL FLASHIM G BYINS-iALLING SERIES I zoo I�LD 8E,,qD 'AN D 04 -sQ PAN m-L POW PANEL, RASHING AND CAULK�vj,-H �SQUD DEt"K Q2'go4EmGLER-r, (Imc StleJECT TU CHANGE WTHOWWO 77OZ FAGE'4go NOT-ps: 11 BOX Emer ol 2) Flob OUT it ATrAdH TO AePLYsr;AL AROUND ph AITAcii'ma, WE --iPr--A-r 6) IFADOInow 12004 B'VGLERT, wl�. TO FITS: t;SEALAN 3)4'10.12 LlMs OF SERIES ROOF pANEL — POP RIVE T oNe \SIDE ONLY 9 24" D.C. (3) PER, PAi OFSZ"NTAND 3AMY,r=Aps Pop RIVEr ON RAMEL AST'm D226 30#, FELI- (13Y CNGIt!�T) R-1 HT UW0ERLAYj,,Cj4-f- S01M D�CJC sMecr r .z CLOSURE. 6UT TO r - VEEN . I ff BL7,,% - , PAME'LL SET fh- 2 COW. gEA'fjS SFAIA'W' AND-I.PA'ULKEIJ�111ER- - AT ' SFA MALLY � t'S. (SEALANT *RCkj0Eb �6� Eo��t) ' - . 1z' H'pAIDGZ CAP /,--Z MOSURt ?ZOO SERIES POOF PANa SOLID DECK -00 2904 gMata!�7 , fjVC. TYPICAL ENVEMRIAQ ri%ET -12XI" YIOC)O� ?EVVS 0 12- OX. ASTM D226 3off FELT (By EMGLERZ�) ENGLERT JqT UNDERLAYMENT to Ij INSTALL C�F-Arbt4TO�FA8014,WjTHglb;.12P 10-j,txj*' SOPEW. 1Z O�d, WOOD 2),IM3TALLbFdpi�EbGF BYSLIDING- opkm SCREWS CLEATa msTs�,Nr. 1111-10,014.To 12" O.C. O.C. TEL "60" OMTO SUBMA M71i '6R801, 1V Ewchpli,ow',e6oF 1*6 BEGIN -ANEL OOE09M OF FAMEL TO OMP EDGE LLAMM. CLEAT SUBJECT 1-0 CHANGS WITHOUrATOTiCE, A ERGLERT %,iT UMDERLAYME14t ASTt.4 j)226 30/1, FELT ENMIERT) @2004 --A(OLZR-r /IVC. TYPICALVALLEY-DETAIL � ; 0 --lvlivlMJ END OFFA R USUAL� CLENTANDAMCH "I--.RQoF PANEL 10— 1 2xj," 'PANPAI(Ei li�AQ FIELD�.CLq S PANEL VALLEY OFFSET CLEA7-rTi DECK —'Z CoNT. x autyL (SY ENGLERT) TO CHMfGS WZTH0UrjV07,CE:'- PAQt- #Js TOP CAP ON 2'x 2'TUBE SAFETY GLASS PANEL 1 1/2x 1 1 r 2 S QUARE (IYP.) ;Z;(�T SPACING TO TOP CAP 0 REJECT C DIA. SHERE 2',Z TUBE NOTE, NOTE: ALL FASTENERS FOR RAIL ATTACHMENTS ALL FASTENERS FOR RAIL ATTACHMENTS TO BE STAINLESS STEEL TO BE STAINLESS STEEL OB JALUMINUM BALCONY GUARD DETAIL 3/4" = T-0" 04 JALUMINUM GUARD DETAIL RAILING POST (REFER TO SHOP A, �DRAWINGS FOR SIZE & LOCATIONS) MIN POST EMBED _ MENT = 4' I- DIA, � DEIP HOLE MIN EDGE INTO CONCRETE FILL HOLE DISTANCE .1 EPDXY BONDINGIGROUITING ADHESIVE (SIKADUR 32 HI -MOD) �73 4 4 OYP.) 1 112' . 2' PICKET 1— PICKET TANDEM CAP NEWELPOST ,FLOOR:U5SES (2)1 N�. 6. l"GALV SCREWS @ 32'01C TO TOP RUNNER I No.6xl'C,6.LVSCREM w —PLATE '414" = 1' _�K. I HARDWOOD BALUSTERS SPACEDTOREJ T 4'DIAMETER SPHERE POST P .2,4 wl 1/4'x 7- CORROSION RESISTANT TAPCONS @ is- 01C D3 2L --3V.- METAL RUNNER TRACKS M 9�) TOP & BOT _,3PI, METAL STUD (25 ga) @ 15'01C NORMAL MATERIALS -01) ELEVATION (DFE) _rDESIGN F SEE PLANS FLOOD PROOF MATERIALS (CLASS 4 OR 5 PER FEMA TECHNICAL BULLETIN 02) THIS DESIGN ALLOWS THE METAL FRAMED WALL TO BREAKAWAY FROM THE PERMANENT TOP & GOT 2(4 RUNNERS WITHIN THE 10-20 PSF LOADINC RANGE WITHOUT WAIA TO THE ELEVATED PORTIC OF THE BUILDING OR SUPPORTING FOUNDATION 1 1/2" = 1.-0.. EAST COAST METAL STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF OVER TAMKO ASTM TYPE 2 309 FELT OVER GAF VERSASHIELD. TIN TAG FELT TO APA 4012D ISW EXPOSURE I PLYWOOD SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE - ON STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR ROOFTIE DOIANS TOFi�F ' A- MR 07 1 EXTERIOR RAILING ATTACHMENT NTS 03 WOOD BALCONY RAILING DETAIL 3/4" = T-o" U_ .4 GRASPABLE TOP RAIL PER RECOMMENDED WATERPROOFING BE PROW.E AT THE COLD JOINT B.EN N.F.PA 10 S-ZZ4.5 (C) 1311.5.6 THE DECK AND THE CMS TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION. RECOMMEND WATERPROOFING BE PROVIDED-l'BEYOND THE SUDING GLASS DOOR R HANDRAILS SHALL BE PROMDED S E E r H EETT A-8a2 F-O R PERIMETER SEALANT TOWARD THE INTERIOR; I'ON THE DECK OUT FROM THE ON AT LEAST I SIDE OF EACH STAIRS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR THE FULL TRUSS END DETAILS OUTAWAYFROM RETURN; Z' THE CMU; AND SIX TO EIGHT INCHES UP THE LENGTH OF THE FUGHT EXTERIOR FACE OF:rHE WALL HARDWOOD BALUSTERS —RECO DEE�"WESUILICONIE 9 PRIMER. IF REQUIRED CANT BEAD SPACED TO REJECT To B�M RID DE ST CCOAT�:C_ JUNCTION OF'THE_ CONCRETE-SUkB— r DIAMETER SPHERE AND THE EXTERIOR FACE CANT BEAD TO TIE INTO THE SLIDING GLASS DOOR PERIMETER SEALANT. I'BEYOND SLIDING GLASS DOOR N PERIM SEAL STU 11-CII %ONCRETE !OPOF.,B.EAM & IST FLOOR SLIDING.— ..OR E� Cr FRAME SILL RUN CANT BEAD M7EMBRANE WATERPROOTFING VULKEM TRAFFIC COATING TO BE USED ON BALCONY SURFACES RECESS -4.1 RECE WOOS STAIR DECORATIVE HARDWOOD SKIRTBOARD UPPER STAIR - RISE=7.09-. RUNall- LOWERSTAIR-RISE=S.SS`,RUN=11' HARDWOOD RISERS 8'xl&'B4OND BEAM­�� (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS) 06 WATERPROOFING @ BALCONY NTS 02 1 STAIR RAIL DETAIL 3/4" V-0" FLOORI G.. f-NON-SKID EPDXY BASED SETTING MATERIAL a GROUT OVER TRAFFIC COATING FILLED CELLS./ VERT. DOWELS — (NO PHOSPHATE BASED MORTAR) FOR FIRE RAX I ADIAC i __ 3V METAL RU NrR TRACKS (26 92) TOP A SOT (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR SIZES & LOCATIONS) K_SOT F TOP 0,7N . STENE. TO TO BE FAMM- COATING CEILING & FLOOR @ MAX 24- OIC .1 Sir BULLNOS /-TRAFFIC EMBED NAILS OR SELF TAPPING SHEET 314'RECESS— EDGE METAL SCREWS FOR METAL TO METAL L--3VMETALS DS MGEfLOSBYa (25 ga) a 24'01C 4 EV ES r _�,7 WATER DRIP GROOVE GYP BOARD.A SMOOTH STUCCO-j LEVEL4 FINISH OR FINISHED BALCONY 5/3' DUROCK @ WET AREAS �OTE: "—RATT INSULATION FOR WALLS P.T. 2%4 FRAMING AROUND BETWEEN CONDITIONED nd ALL SHOWER OPENINGS UNCONDITIONED SPACES, AT OPT * LOCATIONS FOR SOUND- GENERAL NOTE SPECIFICATIONS' SEE PLANS -ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE OCEAN MIX _ALL NAILS SHALL BE GALVANIZED -ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL 05 BALCONY EDGE DETAIL NTS 01 INTERIOR FRAME WALL (NON BEARING) 1 112-, = 1 --o-, DI I TYPICAL 2-STORY WALL SECTION C4 DN­ E V IS10"N' C-4 Q N NTE 0 W RIOR WALL & CEILING FINISH NOTES: =-TR R A 04 1. ALL NTER R WAI I A CEILING FINISHES TO C MPLY .1 FBC 2017 IV GRID' q R R-IMill FOR'FOAME Si READ & SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OR F= 2 L�' SPR . FLAME SPRIA INDEX NOT To EXCEED 200. .t '0 DEVELD 3. SMOKEor =VELO�, KE ED INDEXNOT TO EXCEED 4W. 15 I SUM NOTES, itAT. NTO COMPLYw/ FBC 2017 R302.10 FOR FLAME SPREAD & SMOKE k OT -�l DEVELOPED INDEX. 2. FLAME SPREAD INDEX NOT TO EXCEED 25. 3. SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX NOT TO EXCEED 4W. u EASTCOASTMETAL STA14DING SEAM METAL ROOF OVER TAMKO ASTM TYPE 2 309 FELT OVER GAF VERSASHIELD. TIN TAG FELT TO APA 4ar2O 19W EXPOSURE I PLYWOOD SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE - ON STRUCTURAL PLANS I FOR ROOF TIE DOWNS & @ -23'-Cr M. MIN R-20 Ir2 ffi. PER CUBIC FOOT SPRAY APPLE OPEN CELLED FOAM INSULATION THAT PASSES ACC 377 APPENDIX T WITHOUT A COATING SEE SHEET — FOR TRUSS END DETAILS 12 4112 G. ROOF iSTRUCTURAL RUSSES @ 24- OIC RATRUN RESTRAINTS (SEE PLANS) �g GYPSUM BOARD CLGAT`rACH D To BOT CHORD OF TRUSSES TOP FBrFE2NDaOOR 3�. \-P.T.lx3F]RESTOPCONT. \-MIN B`xS'BOND SEAM" (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS) 9'.IS'BON BEAM - _ TRUCTURALPLANS) (SEE S Ix4 CONT. _V GYPSUM TOPPING ON 31.'T&G PLYWOOD GLUED & SCREWED TO FLOOR TRUSSES. (PLACE PLYWOOD PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES) Eg;70FBEAM & IST FLOOR -21'DEEPPRE T TRU , .UGGES , ��N C�=R MIN R-20 Ir2 lb PER CUBIC FOOT SIP y App.. 8'xIG'BOND BEAM -- D �OAM INS ULAllOtLniW �ACC (SEE S TRUCTURALPLANS) 377 APPENDIX X MOUTAcoA GPES CC . P, v %7 GYPSUM BOARD CLG ATTACHED TO BOT CHORD OF TRUSSES OR METAL FRAMING 0 SOFFITS P.T. IX3 FIRESTOP CONT. -5W GYP BOARD OVER R4.1 FI-FOIL INSULAT10N Q I STAPLED TO P.T. 1,0 FURRING @ 24- OIC FILLED CELLS / VERT. DOWELS - (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR SIZES & LOCATIONS) '11E 31C RECESS- ---P.fl-4coNT MGEfLOSBYa V GRADEVARIES SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR 'LNG,.GgME BE�MS.w FOU .A ri I, GENERAL NOTE SPECIFICATIONS' -ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE OCEAN MIX ,ALL NAILS SHALL BE GALVANIZED -ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL 3/4" 1 --o" D2 I TYPICAL 3-STORY WALL SECTION MIN R-20 112 lb. PER CUBIC FOOT SPRAY APPLIED OPEN CELLED FOAM INSULATION THAT PASSES ACC 3T7 APPENDIX WWITHOUT A COATING �4112 12 EPRG. ROOF SSES @ 2,r OIC !UN RESTRAI S STRUCTURALPLANS) P.T.lx3F]RESTOPCO MIN lrxlr BOND BEAM (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS) Ix4 CONT. " V'GYPSUM TOPPING ON V T9G' PLYVMOD GLUED & SCREWED TO FLOOR TRU_ES. (PLACE PLYWOOD -PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES) �-1 DEEP PRE-ENG FLOOR TRUSSES @ 24- D`C MAX MIN 11-21 112 lb- PER C FO SP YAPi OPEN CE" ED WAM' __ ACCZI�APPENDIXWWTHOUT �-V GYPSUM BOARD CLG ATTACHED TO BOT CHORD OF TRUSSES OR METAL FRAMING 0 SOFFITS .3 FIRESTOPCONT-.-- JX4 CONT. VTGYPSUM TOPPING ON V T&G PLYWOOD GLUED & SCREWED To FLOOR TRUSSES. (PLACE PLYWOOD PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES) III -24DEEP PRE-ENG FLOOR TRUSSES @24'01C MAX 2" 1 TRI MIN R-_ CUBIC FOOT SP YAPPUFD �ES ACC7377 APPENDIX T WITHOUT A VFGYPSUM BOARD CLG ATTACHED TO BOT CHORD OF TRUSSES OR M M ETAL FRAMING @ SOFFITS P,T, 113 FIRESTOP CO.T. 5V GYP BOARD OVER R4.1 FWOIL INSULATION J STAPLED TO P.T. 1.2 FURRING G 24- OrC E_�P.T. 1.4 CONT. S SEE STRI V EE STRUCTURAL PLANS I-- FOR PILING. GRADE BEAMS, 0 1 FOUN12ATION DETAILS 3/4" = 1.-0.. - d rn Z 0 C/D :2 E p 4"1 > u 4,34 z 2. r Job N. 1 BD2f) I I