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oontraoted to be 80ld. lea8ed or mortgaged by 8aid 'frustee, and 1n no oa8e .hall an1 party deal-
1ng With~Truetee 1n relat10n to said prem1..s. be obliged to see to the app11oat10n ot any p.ro.
haee monel, rent or money borrowed or ad~anoed on sa1d premile.. or be obliged to see that the
hrms ot this truet han been oo.pUed wUh. or be obUged to inquire into the neoes8ity or
expedienoy ot anl aot ot .a1d !ruet.., or be pr1~ileged or obliged to inquire 1n~0 anl ot the
terma ot 8a14 truet agreement.
'fhe intereet ot eaoh and eyery benefioiary hereunder and ot all per80na olaiming under
them, 1s hereby deolared to be personal property and to bo in the o~rn1ng8. a~ai18 and prooeod8
arising trom the. di8p08ition ot the premi8es; lb. intention hereot.be1ng to ~est in the 8aid
n. PUROX BAlfK AID lftlJS'1' COlLPBY, the enUn. 188&1 and .quitabl. title in tee. in and to allot
tbe premis.s above deeoribe4 \
As to \he premi8ee abo~e deeor1bed in eeot1oD8 one (1) and \.0 (2). thie oonveyanoe 18 made
subJeot to a mortgage dated J8DlJ,ary 1. 1925. in thlt IilUIll of One hundred :t1 fty thOU8and dollar8.
(.ltm.OOO.OO), p~able two )'8srll atter date, with interest at eight per oent (8") per BnnUJll.
As to t1& t part ot the property above de80ribed in 8eoUons elenn (11). twelve (12). thir-
teen (13) and fourteen (1.), thi8 oan~eyanoe i8 made subJeot to a mortgage dated Deoember 31,
1920 :ror .500.000.00. payable Deoember 31. 1927 with interest at t1sht per oent 18~) per 8DJlWll.
I. Wl'fllKSS WHEREOF 'fhe IUS! COAST DXULOPlIEti'r COKPdY has oaused these preaente to be
t8 President and attested by i t8 Seoretarl. 8Dl Ue cOl"JOrate eeal to be attixe4 here-
Its Boar4 ot Direotors, this 17~ day ot Karoh. A.D. 1925.
!I--John I. Beue
Riohard KoCulloGh
! SS
I. 0ha8. O. Reynolds. a Botar,y &ubllo in and for lIa14 "ounty and. State a1'ore8aid do hereb7
oeruty that John I.Begge, Preeident ot the EAS'f COAST DEVKLOPIIKIT COllPAlIY. per80nally known to
me to be the 88J1l8 person whoee name is subsoribed to tbe toregoing instrument as suoh Pre81dent.
appeared before me thi8 4a7 in per80n and acknowledged ~hat h. .igned ana. delivered the 8aid
in8trument as hi8 own tree and voluntary aot and B8 and tor the tree and ~oluntary aot ot 8aid
Company, tor the use8 and purpo8es therein 88t tortll.
Given under ~ hand and DOtarial 8eal thie 17th dq ot ,."bruar,y. A.D. 1926.
Cha8. O. Re~01d8.
1I0tar,y ru 10.
Commis8ion expire8 Karoh 1927.
I, E. J. Plowden. a Bota17 .t'ub~~O in and tor said County and. state atoretai4, do hereby
oertity thd ..RICHARD KC~..l'~~eor.ta17 ot EAS! COAST DXVliLOPKElf'f COKPAIY. personally known
to .. to be the saa. 'penon .....e n.aae 18 rr>1bsor1be4 to the toregoiag 1Jl.t:ruMnt asauoh
Seoretal7, appeare.1 betore .e th18 4&7 in persoD and acP_ld8I..~,;'" that he 8ipe4 &D1 deliver-
ed tbe 88id 1natruMnt as hie on tree and yoi.unta17 aotand a. the tree and ~oluntary aot ot
eaid OOIll)aD.1, tor the uses e.Jd. pJ.rpOM s there1Jl I18t torth, an4 aleo th.n and tbere aoknowl.t..ged
that he .. oUltodian of the oorpo:rate Hal ot 8a14 COJllplUl7 did atfix .ald oorporate seal of tbe
Co.-p8D7 to the 8aid iJUltl'UMDt ... hi. own tree an4 Y01uatU7, &ot. and u the tree and volunU.17
7, tor the ua.. and pll'poe.. there 1n .et torth.
aDd notarial leal thi. 26th dq ot Februa17, A.D. 1926.
Ie. J. Plowclen
.0\&1"1 .ruO.ll'3, Jq \;0..11I'10n AAl'l~.' JiAron lU\n,l'il~t1.p