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'lfll!:SSKfH, ~ha~ the eaid :parUes of tbe tirst part, fer am 1n oonl1dera\1on of the IU.
of 'len Dollar" and other yaluablt o0D81leraUon ~o tholl ill ham paid. tbe r.oe!p~ whereot 18
henb7 aOlmowledged, has gn.n\ed, barBaioed, 801d aUenld, rea1aed, relea8ed. OOnye7ed and oon-
f~~d. and b~ the8e preeent8 doth grant. barBain, sell, alien, ramiee. release. oonveyand oon-
tON unto the laid partin of \he 8eoon4 part aDd ~he!r heir, and aas18M to reve r , all that
oertain paroel of land 17ing and bei118 in the CauntT of St. .Luoie and State or Florida. more
partioular17 de8ori~8d a8 tollow.:
Lot Four(") ot Bloo!: One (1) ot ROlal Park aooordlD8 to plat reoorded on Page 66 of Plat
Book 4 in the office of the Clerk ot the Clroui t Court of St. J.u01e COllnt7, Florida.
TOGETHER wi~h all the ~tenement8. heredl~ament8 and appurtenanoes With every prlvileBe.
r18ht. tItle, in~ere8t and e.tate. reversion, remainder and ea8ement thereto belo118ill8 or in
anywise appertaining: TO JU.VK All) 'f0 HOLD tbe 8ame in tee simple for~ner. subJect, howner. to
the tOllOw1~ re8triot~on8, oondit10ns and limitations:
It i. IIlU.tuall7 agreed that the8e presenta are _de albJeot to the following expres8 oon-
dition8, re8trlo~ion8 and lia1~a~10n8 and whioh are intended to be and shall be acce)ted a8 00-
nnanh running tith ~he land, and whioh ehall be binding alike upon ~be heirs, legal repre8en-
tatin8 and a88ign8 ot the partie8 of the seoond par~. who by their aoceptanoe of thi8 ine\ru-
Mnt &tl'e'e to abide b7 am portora 8ald restriotiona. limitations and conditions as one of the
oxp:i.'ess oonsiderations of the8e pre8ents. to-Wi~:
1. 10 unlawful or irlmoral U8e Shall be made of the :premises hereb7 &Breed to be 00nye7ed.
nor shall th~ 8amJnor any part thereof, nor anI' interest \herein be 801d, leased or otherwise
I s~...\l
oODyeyed to an.Jper80n other than of the Caucasian raoe, nor -*l lIaid pl"8mises, or any part
thereof, by oooupied b7 and person other than ot the Cauoasian raoe. proyided that nothinB heze-
in oontained shall prevent the lceep1J1g tlM maintaining or eerve.nt!J on the said p~.perty for
rea80nable use of the oooupant.
2. 10 bulldiD8 shall be oonstruoted or ereoted on 8aid property until af'ter the plans
speoifications and location of the same shall have been approyed In writing by the ROYAL PARK
COMPANY. its suooessors, legal repre8entatives or aS8igns,
3. 10 buil~ing. inoluding perohes or proJeotions of any kind 8hall bs erected at a less
distanoe than three teet froa the side line of 8aid property, nr at a le8s distanoe than flve
(5) fee' from the rear line of 8aid propert7, step8 to porohe8 may extend over the building
The exterior oonstruction of all bul1dlng in ROYAL PARK shall be of stone. briok.
.tUGOO or conorete. but not oonorete blooks unless same is surfaoed with 8tuoOO. an1 all build-
ings shall be of Spani8h. Moorish, Italian, Floridian or st.ilar t1Pe8 of architeoture.
6. Fenoes in front of the building lines ahall be oraamental and not exoeed thirty inoh-
es in htight. ,enceSin th~ rear, or baok ot the buildiD8 line. of all 10t8. shall be
Jlo lIigna or billboards ot
orDalle~ ~
any tlD4 or oharaohr ohall bo OXlbU04. 41.p~o4. oon.\~
and not more than flye feet hiBh.
oted or a;aintained on 8ald subdivision Without the written 00ll8e.t ot the ROYAL PARK COKPAJIY
its successor8, legal representatives or as8igns.
.,. 'be above desoribed preJU8.. shall a~ the o:pUon of the ROYAL PARK COllPAlIY be 8ubJeot
to ae8es8ment b7 the ROYAL PARK COJUilJ.IfY for an lU!lOlmt not to exoeed jlO .00 pol" 7ear for a
period ot tlve years beg'nniDg at the date of thi8 oon~raot. payable in .eml-annual In8tallments
of t6.00 each on April 1 au4 Ootobel" 1 ot eaoh 78al" atter date ot thh contraot. whioh .one7s
shall be u.ed ot the aaiuteAan08 am up-keep ot eaid IUbdhision, suoh as the oluriD8 ot 10\8.
oare of tnell, and sh1"\lbber7 and Y108S t1ll1"80n (wben DeBleoted). 80 far as the ..ount 0011eot.4
Will JehU, aDd whioh tho said partie. ot the s..oond. part, their be11"l1 and ...ips 8<<l"ee \0
. ,
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