HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1594 16}J4 . J . , .' ' -----~.,---.-- --.-...- ------ .', - -.-.------...-- ~-_._-- -- ""----.,---...------------. ---....----.--- .------- ---.-..- ------.-... _. _""'___ _..___"_..__.._ ___. _. 0" _. _ _ _ _. . -,,_-.--. .,_...._...__ _.__ "0. ..... ,.'_ ...,.. _'_."'..___.___..~,..-~.......--._._.. _-""_'_"__"__0...__' _._ _._._-:-....._.,.._._~__,._.. _', __~._..__.._.....,...... ___" .__ .. . 'thi8 proY1all)ll. howe'Y.r. shall no~ oaUlle tort..i ~ure. unl"S8 the holdor ot the tee 18 8hown to be a~ tault. ,. fha~ no building 8hall be oonatruo~ed .or ereo~ed at a le88 distanoe than t.ent7 teet rro. the tront line ot .aid lot. or e1~blr ot thell. 6. 'that it 8ald part1 or partie' of the 8.00nd part. their he~r.. re>>~'8en~ati'Yel or aeligD8, or ~ holder 'ot tbe proper'7 hereby oonY.y.d b7 ....\\1. of 8D7 JuUOia'l prooooding8. .hall tail to 00llp17 With aDT ot the aboye and to.going reetriotlon8. oon41tionl or 1~itation8 .i~hln "lut7 dQ78 after .ritten notioe b7 mail to the eaid part7 or partie8 ot the .eeond part. their hei1'8. perlonal,' repre.entatiye. or aaliaDa, or &D7 ot thea. at the last known add1..88. b7 the 8aid partie. of the tiret part. their auooe880r8. personal repre8entatiYel or aS8igna, or eIther ot the.. then the 8ald abo.. d.l.ribed and oon'Ye7od proper\;y lhall Il11Jl1odiately reyert to tho laid parties ot the tlr8t part. their 8uooesuors or assigns, who shall be entitled to immediately enter upon 8ald property without notioe. and take p08se81ion of tho 88JDe with full tiUe in toe 8imple. togothor with all illproyements therean, am no "alYer of aD7 ot these conditions. lillitation8 or restriotlona. expressed or illplied, or failure for any length ot tlme to enforoe '---. the same shall oonutitute a bar to such L.enforcement at any time. It lu further un4er8t..-Ood and agreed that partie8 ot the tiret part will not make any deed to aDy lot in Tuoker Terraoe prlor to .Ianuary 1. 1936. .ithout afore8aid pro'Y1eion and restri- otlons. . ; :I ,. ", ,i. . . I' 'tOGETHER wit.. all the tenelD8nt8. hereditament8 and ",.uhnanG08. with ever7 prlYllege, . ri gb t, t1 tl e, interelt and . stah. do.er and r1gh t of dower, royer8ion, remainder and oa.elll8nt thoreto bOloDB1ng ot in &.J11W1so apportainiDB: -w0 HAVE .lJiD TO HOLD tbei; 8a_ In fee simple toroyor; &BD the said partie 8 ot the first part do oovenant with the sald part7 or parUe. ot the 8000nd part that tbeT are la.full7 aeIsed ot the aaid pr_18.8; that the7 are troe ot all 111l0uabraJlOe; and that tbeT haye good right and la.- ful author! t7 to ..il. the .ame; and that tho laid parties ot the tir8t part do hereby full7 .arrant title to said land, and .111 d,tend the laM against tho l_tul olai.. ot all per80na \ 1 -- wholllsGeyer. IB 1Il'l'.lXSS WHEREOF. tho said parties ot the tir8t part han hereunto 8et theIr hand8 and 8e&18 tho day ~d year tirst e.bon .rItten. ::iigned. Seal.d and DellYered. in our presanoe: Helen P. do.e. .I. E. Leinen. \ 12.00 Doo. stampslll'I.J Charle8 C. Braswell (SEAL) Rub7 Brae.ell...... (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA ) . CO'_1r'tY OF Sf. !DClE.. ) I' HEREBY CUTIIY. 'I'ha t on thi8 26th day ot Karoh. A.D. 192&. before _.'por80na1l7 appeared Charles C. Bra..ell and Rub)" dras.ell. h18 Wife, to ID8 known to be the ptrsonll desoribed in and who ex. outed tho torogolng COnye7anOe to H. J. Platten and they aenral17 aokDo.ledB the exoOQ.- \ion thereot to be their tno aot aDd boa. tor the u..s and pu.rpoles th.rein .,nUoned; B]) the .ald Rub7 Braewell. wite ot tbe said Charle. O. Brae.ell, on a riioparato and prl yale tie exaalnaUon taken and _de bT and betore _. and Mparatel1' and apart troa her said huaband. did aokno.ledge that _ho aa4e horllelt a partT to tho 8ald Deed ot Conve)'uoe. for tM purpo.. ot renounolDB. relin.U8hlng and OOnTe7ing all her right, U Ue and. intei...st. .h.\he1- ot do.er or ot .eparate property. 8tatutO't1 or oquitable. 1n and to the land, theroin desoribed. and tbat aho exeouted the ..14 >>Oed treely an4 yoluntUllT and without &D,y oonatra1nt, :fear. appro- he"lon or ooapulaion ot or tro. her said buaban4. IfIflII$S ., aignature aDl ott10ial seal at J'ort Pi.roe. 1n \h. Coun'J ot st. ~o1e aD4 . I