HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1595 395 I ' d~ and year la8t atore.aid. .' ( rded thll the {It+ ~e 26th ~y ot Karoh. A.D. 1925, at 2. P ~ )( fb "\' ' s il~ Helen P. Rowe NOTARY PUBLIO. state at Large ~ My ~ommi89ion e~ires 2/11/29. " P. C, Aldred. _" Cle~k ot theClroult fI /'/ /.l.~./ _.. / J By 0</ SZ', ;_ '?J.: j Court. D. O. -------111##1111/111-------- (,' '" ., Warrant)' Deed. Charles C. Braswell and 111 te To. Mar)' dOSS. ~ 'tHIS IIU>EBTURE. liede th1e 26th day of karoh. A.D. 1925. bep.en Charles C. .Braswell and dub)' Braswell. hie wife, of St. Muo1e. .ounty, .Florida, parties ot thefr,rt part. and MaJ")' .R08S ot Brown Count)', State of Wi.ooneiD. part)' ot the .eoond part. iIIT~SE'tH. 'that the said parties of the tirst part tor and in oonBideration of the SUI!l ot One Dollar and other yaluable consideration to them in band paid b)' the said part)' of the e800nd fO part. the reoeipt whereot i8 hereby aoltnowledged. bave granted. bargained, ,and 8 Old', tbe eud p~)' of the .eoond part. hie lJleire and as8igns tor ever . the following described lots. situated ~ in St. ~oie County, Florida. to-wit: Lot TwentY-8ix (26) ot .BloCk FiTe (5) of Tuoker Terraoe. being a ~ubdivision of the ~outh- east ~rter (Sit) ot the Southwest Quarter (swt) of Seo1oion aine (9) in TownShip Thirty-tive (35) South. Range Fort.1 (40) East. as ahollJl b)' Plat reoorded in Plat .Book 4. Page 54. St. :Luoio County. Florida, Reoords, FROVIDED. lIEVER'fHEUSS. These presents are ma.desubJeot to all of the tollowing expressed oonditions. restrlotioneand limitations, applying to the said propert)' and whioh are intended to be. and she.11 be aooepted as ooTeDants running with sald land, and whioh shall be binding alike i:Mt upon the heirs. repre8entatives and 88sign8 of the said party or perUes of the seoond l&rt and on the parties ot the first pert. who. by aooept.ance ot thie In8trument agree to abide by. pertorm and adhere to .aid oonditions. rest.,.idfDnS-' and limitations a8 one of the expressed oonditions ot these present.. but onl)' for the period endll~ January 1. 19Z6. 1. That no bu14ing ahall be ereoted on the said land except for private dwelling purposes. except usual and neoessary out-buildings, and that the said dwelling house exclusive of the out- buildings. shalloost not less than t3,OOO.OO. whioh price shall not inolude arohiteotural expen ses or fees, and ~l not inolude any other ola*.~ ot improv~ment8 save and except the aotual " 'r '-- material and oonstruotion oost of ths - said dwelling house. 2. Th8tnot more than one residence. *gether with usual and necesse.r.y out-buildlngs, shall be ereoted on eaoh ot said lots. a. 'that no ~ unlawt\1.1 t'r ..oral use shall be nade of the premise s hereb)' oonve)'ecl, nor shall :~~'"'~~e;~f ~;:;t/-th~t.';r'. ~ ":-~1Er';t~~-st therein b., sold. released or otherwise oonveyed to aD1' persons other \ban the Cau_oaelan Race;provlded tha\ nothing herein contained shall pre- .ant the keeping and aaintaining uaual and MoeUar1' .errants on the propert)' for reaeonable ta- 811)' use. This provision. however. .hall no\ cause torfeiture, unless the holder otthe tee 1. .hOWD to be at fault. ... 'rbatno building aball be oon.trlloted or efl6ted at a le88 4iatanoe than twenty feet trom the front lin. ot 8ald lot. or eUller of tbeD. 6. 'that it eald ~rty or parties of the 8eooo4 part. tbe heirs, representaUT88 or auigna or 8D7 holder ot the proper17 hereb)' 00Dve7ed b7 virtue ot any Judioial prooeedinas, shall tall to co.ply 1t1 th any ot thIS above and. f0l"8g01D<< l'9!1triCJt1oD8. oon4it.1oD8 or l1.llUat1on8 wi thin dxt)' dq-. after W1"1tHn notioe b1 11&11 to-the ~~~art)' or parties of the seoond part. their , i j j I i I I , I I I ! ,. r !~ r f . ~~~i~:;i1~~~i~~~{f~;T~~IJ~l~~ l. .-6~,,:.? t ~-....,,~~'-.-~""" .~ w....:.JO O:4......."';;..'~~... ~W;:~~l~l:i7~F~~~~~(~~f .~tf~~ifi~\~~~