HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA 1-23-19Randall E. Stofft Architects, P.A NOA Approval for Acquavista L,t bv:" clatedha ILL MIAMIZE D"ARTMENT OF REGULATORY ECON BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATIO DIVIS] NOTICE OF ACCEPTAN, E M DAB Door Company, Inc 12195 NW 98(h Avenue HialtahGaidens, FL 33018 Rurrioarie, SCANNEG BY 1pip NFIR& KIC RESOURCES (RER) Mastor by DAE3 M4(#824 5(opSf -(o4ps-F Max size, 1b2,,"X j(01011 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION I i 805 SW -26 Stree4 Room 268 Miami, Florida 331,75-2474 T(786)315-259D F(786)315-2599 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued urilderthe applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been review d and accepted by "anii-Dade County RfiR-Product Control Section to be u isedn Miami Dade County and other arc s Whereallowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AH). This NCIA shall not be valid afterthe expi istion date stated below. The Maini-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ 6-26as other than hflami Dade County) reserve ft right to have thi's product or material tested for quality assurance purp es. 'If this - duct or material fails to perform in the accepted Manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense ofsuc.;!!ting iindptrhoe AHJ may immediately revoke, z odi 6 or suspend the use of such product or material,*ithin their jurisd c" tion. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Da& County Product Control I etion that this product or material faffs to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as d lbe, hhe i including the High Velocity Hu i e one. DESCRIPTION: Hurricane Master M Window Lite Option (DF +56.0, 44-0 APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing dated OV24/2000, with last revision I dat6 scaled by Javad Ahmad, P.E., bearing the Notice of Acceptance number and qpirati AUSSILE IMPACT RATING targe f IABELING: A -0 armanent label with the number, the positive and negative design t instruction drawing reference number, app statement reading'miami-Dade County Pi bottom angle, orinner surface of&paiiel. and'has been designed to comply with the Florida BiAlding Code, 24/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 161-211 Wide w/ 00-10, tji(jed "Sectional Garage Door", sheets I through Sof 5, 03/09/201.5, prepared by A]-Farooq Corporation, signed and a i' arm-Dado County Product Control renewal stamp with the a date by thdMiami-Dade County Product Control Section. Small Kissfle Impact Resistant ifiacturees name or logo, manufacturing.address, model re rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, installation number'(NOA), the applicable test standards, and the Control Approved' is to, be located on the door's side track, RENEWAL ofthis NOA shall be considered I fler a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affectiqg the performance of -this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after jthe expiiation date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, -use, and/or manufacture of the product Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any prbduc for917proeqn., - - 1; sales,.advertising or any other purposes shall autoihatically terminate This NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NbA shall be cause fortennination'and remo4,alofN0A. ADvERTInwNT.- The NoA number prec'ded by the words Afiami-Dade County, I Abrida, and followed by the expir4on date may be displayed in advertising literature. N ikny portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire I N0A shall 1: shall be available for insper tion at thejob site atihe , i This NOA renews NOA N 14-0914.05 and consi approval document mentioned above The submitted documentation was reviewed by Rp.CLjvc:b% 4:! c:ountY. provided to the user by the manuf4cturer or its distributors and qucst of the Building 0fricial. s of this page I and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as M. Utrera, P.E. NOA No. 15-0304.02 Expiration Date: February 22, 2020 Approval Date: April 21,2015 Page 1 DAB Door Company, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 00-18, titled'%ectional Garage Door", sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 08/24/2000, with last revision Idated 03/0 9/2015, sheets I through 5 of 5, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 09-0128.03 -*' 1. Test report of Twsile Test per ASTM E 8, Report No.. HETI 08-T.182, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testin& Inc., dated 12/2,3/2008, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. Submitted under NOA # 08-1106. 0511 2. Test reports on t) orm Static Air Pressure Test Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3),Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBQ TAS 203-94 4) Forc e,dl Entry Test per YBC 24113.11, TAS 1202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a DAB 824 24 GA Sectional Garage Door wit . h Fixed Windows, prepaitd by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc, Test Reports No. HETI-08-2149A/B, dated 06/27/2008, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. Submitted under-NOA # 00-1121. 01" 3. Test report of Uniform Static Air Pressure and Force Entry Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 on "Sectional Residential Garage Doors, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Report No. BET1 00-903., dated 08/11/1000, signed and sealed by Hector M. Medina, P.E. 4. Test report of Large Missile Impact Test, per FBC, TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per, per FBC, TAS 203-94 on. "Sce'tional Residential Garage Doors?, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Report No. HETI 00-904, dated.08AV2600, signed and sealed by Hector M. Medina, P.E.. 5. Test report on Salt Spray (Corrosion) T69 per ASTM B 117 of a painted GAO steel panels, prepared by Celotex Corporation, Test Report No. 258592, dated 08/17/1998, signed by W. A. Jackson, PiE. "Submitted under NOA 0 03-0210.04" C. CAL CULATIONS "Submitted under NOA # 14-108.14. 050 1. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 09/2212014 and 071242014, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, PA. 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, complying with F.B.0 2007, dated 12AW2008, signed and sealed by Humayoun Farooq, P.E. Submided under NOA # 09-0128.03." Carlos AL Utrera, P.R. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 15-0304.02 Expiration Date: February 22,2020 Approval Date: April 23,2015 DAB Door Conivany. In D. E. F. QUAIJTY ASSURANCE' 1. Mi.ami-Dqde Depart MATERIAL CERTIFICA! 1i Notice of Apcept'anc Lexan Sheet Produc t 2. Notice of Acceptancel Insulfbam. E . xpandedi 11/29/2017'. ' 3. Notice of , Acceptance Expanded Polyst ren( on 01/11/201.7. 4. Notice of Acceptance Dyplast ISO-01 Polyi 5. Notice of Acceptance their Eipanded.Polyst expiring- on 02/24/201 of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) No. 13-0717.0.1, issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics, for their approvedon 11/28/2013 and expiring on 07/17/2018. No. 14-0311.08, issued to Insulfbam, LLC, for their Uystyrene Insulation, approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on qo. 11-0926.07, issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Block Type Insulation, approved on 11/10/20 11 and expiriring Submitted un der NOJ1 6. 'test Report on Aeceler ASTM G155 of"PVC I Testing, Inc., Report N Rafiel E. Droz-Sedaj P 7. Test Reports on Tensil( by Hurricane Engineeri 11/29/2004 signed and 8. test Report on Self-1911 Test of "REHAU non4 Pubport I No., 0 , 4-761-14 6 STATEMENTS "Submitted un 1. Statement letter of code interest issued by AI-Va Javad Ahmad, P.E. o. 11-0926.06, issued to Dyplast Products, LLCi f6r their yanurate Insulation,'approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on o. t-0-11.20.'04, issued to Cellofoam North America Inc, fdr ene Block Insulation, approved on OV24/201 1 and 9.05-028,02" ed Weathering Using Xenon Arc Light Apparatus Test per ktrusion Materiar, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & HETI 04-A.002, dated 09t27/2004., signed and sbal6d by Test per ASTM D638 of 'TVC Extrusion Materiar', prepared ig &. Testing Inc., Report No. HETI 04-1751, dated- ealed by 1. Ghia, P.E. tion Temperature Test, Rate of Burn Test and Smoke Density ain PVC extrusion materiar, prepared by ETC Laboratories, 9.6, dated 05/06/2004, signed and sealed by J. L. Doldhn, P.E. IVOA # 14-0814.05" brinance to the 51hedition (2014) FBQ and no financial Corporation,dated 05/13/2014, signed and sealedb'y E -2 Carlos M. Utrers, PX. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 15-0304.02 Expiration Date: ' February22,2020 Approval Date: April 23,2015 A7- 1/2- X 2-1,/4' X III rA GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE W/ (4) 114 X 5/6- SUS WITHOUT DELRON SLEEVE (STD.) 7-1/2- -X ;5- X .071 - GALV. STEELENDROLLERHINGE II W/ (6) 114 X 5/8' SMSvWITHKILITDEURONSLEEVE (SM.) WITH DEIRO. SLEM (.11101,111) 7-1/e X 2-W4 X .071, DAILY. STEEL , ;ER HINGE LOCK VW1, ( 4) 014 X 5/8" SOS 2/ 00" WITH DELRaN SLEEVE (oPnCN!9 ----------- CENTER HINGE 15/161W x .15 Tw. LATCH I 07rMOARD LOCK 8 SPRING LOADED SLIDE BOLT (BOTH SIDES) FASTENED W/ (4) 114 X 1/4' S.MS, 5/6- M"i LOOKCONFORMTOSECTION 1008 REGARDING GARAGE DOOR! 7 X 7 DALY. AIRCRAFT TYPE CABLE & NICO-PRESS SLEEVE MIN. 5 TO I SAFETY FACTOR 7" X r X 12 " STEEL PLATE. WITH (4) 114 X 3/4- SELF DRILLING SCREWS BRACKET STD. LIFT DOOR 7LOftni OFDOORrnATU1 HEMIIT coNsms or DOOREACH DOOR W-=6, i- -IS- 2 fEC=10 S 2i; S.- . 9 1 SECTION 18" 3 SECTIONS 21; aa 7' 4 SECTIONS 21' 71-V 5 SECTORS IV 7'-Q' 4 SECTIONS to* I aEFO—N2 r toa' FFEE Tmmm 2 SECTI HS 21' OHSW-r 2 SECTIONS IV 3 SECTIONS 21 W-V I smnoN IV 4 SOCTIONS 21P F-V 5 SECTIONS 2.1' W 6 SECTIONS IV 5 SECRONS 19' 1 SECTION 21" G'-V 4 SECTIONS IV 2 SECTIONS 21' 9'-r 3 SECTIONS IW 3 iECT-10"S 12 10' 2 SECTIONS to" 4 SECIIWS 101-31 1 SECTo" to* 5 SECTIONS 21' 1 '-V 6 SECTIONS 21' 1 0 -9 F-- SECnOW M' I-MM-6-2 If I V 5 SECTIONS 15' 2 SECTIONS 21* 3 SECTIONS 21* I V-V J SECFICNS 18- 4 ?E—CI*M 2P 14 TF--V FS—MTKWS to- SECTIONS 21- 12 6 SECTIONS 21 12'-3" 7 SECTIONS 21' 12'-V 0 SECTIONS iVI2 SECTIONS-21' 12'-0' a SECTIONS IVI3 SECTIONS 21' 13'- 4 SECTIONS !C4 SECTIONS 21' U-3- 3 SECTIONS IW 3 SECTIONSWI to sec— to FiSOn"S 2V 13:-V I SEC11ON $V 7 SECTIONS 21' 14' 5 SECtIONS 21' 14'-3' 5 SECTIONS 18' 3 SECTIM-2-l' 14'-V TIONS JW14 4 SECTIONS 2 I'l to F4r-,' SSICTIONS 15" 5 SECTIONS 21* far- 3 21IF72IRTURS15,91 SIMEON 2 1 - IV 6 SECTIONS 15-14 SECTIONS 21- 20 1 BRACKET LOW HEADROOM DOOR OPTION 7T7E B" X 3-11r X .010' L PLATE WITH (4) 114 X 3/4' SDS Top -nxTuRE 5-1/2' X 2-3/4' X 0.1" STEEL PLATE WITH ONE 5/16-18 MIS W/ NUT GPMONAL DOOR VIEWER FASTENED TO END STILE WITH TO BE INSTALLED AT 6) 014 X 3/4" SELF OMWNr SCREWS ANY cm-`VCFNTrRqn[rt L sm I romm7i I I i ijnm1i I Emil I i rim- i i uiini7inii IION' 11 JIM MOM - I 117ml 1 1 7nIII 11117-m- LOPT'O,NAL,,v,ENTT 7. O.C M. LOPTI"SH FACE P)c NO AREA NOT TO EXCEED COLONIAL DESIGNA WOOD GRAIN DESIGN ANI120SO. IN. MAX DOOR Mal" CENTEII STILE OUTSIDEHANDLE NO STILELONGUIDESEND STILE WITH (4) 914 X 5/8' SMS X AW LOCK BAR ENGAGES ON IN TRkCK EACH SIDE OF 000 CENTER STILES OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK OPTIONA M 313 LOCK BAR LOCKING SHOWN ALTERNATE TO I 8,-o- To 9,10" SPRING LOADED SLIDE UULI DOOR MOTHS LOCKS SHOWN ABOVE IW-o" TO III-101 DOOR WIDTH$ 16-2 INSIDE ELEMTIQN RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR I'l It WX 30,lrl'p S "WNG SCREWS MAY BE USEDInD5je" SMS DOORS INC. rrico_ne MCSterQ Model 8!4/811 S.:. 1 6'-2" X 16'-0 High ith Window Uto Option DESIGN PRESSURE RATING - + 56.0 PSF 64.0 PSF LT21 PRODUCT IS RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IM 1_11-%li Q NERAL NOTES 1. THIS PROOUCT'HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED To COMPLYWITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FOC) FIFFH EDITION (2014) SCHEDULE W INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURIOCANE ZONE (WHZ). cENTER sma counamm 2. ANCHORS "Lk. BE AS LISTED. SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. DOOR WIDTH$ Of CENTER stin ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERKL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL 81-o" TO W-10, 2 DRESSING OR STUCCO. 101-01 TO 111-10, 2 3. ALL BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS SKALL BE ZINC PLATED CARBON STEEL. 12'-G* TO IW-10' 3 4. ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN 14'-D' TO IW-10' 4 THESE DETAILS ARE Nor PART OF THIS APPROVAL. g ZiVin 0 In DUMTION DIMEASE 5 USED IN DESIGN OFANCIIORS INTO WOOD ONLY. M M-13 I V-G TO 15*- 1 a" THS S'- 11". TO IV-212'-=O-" To 131-10" 1 L 1 DOOR MOTHS mAim MuIrlb 5 14 m%p Do 3 ca F3 C) C3 1 3: 9 s z 1p U) 04 r WITH THE REQUIREMMIS OF FLORIDA Ii-"201 A, TAS-203 FOR HVHZ AND 09. D PRODMIRIENEWED 2 Opm balftflaFlaft 8, amp BY drawing no. 1011111112i 00-18 X 2"&V 5 0 VIMIUSAR 0 VERTICAL INTERMEDIATE 14 X 5/11" S.M.$. 3/4' SELF DRILLING S. W16 GA. X 2-111V X 2- MY. STEEL U.SARFORCINGTRUSS0BOTTOMOFPANEL TRUSS FASTMED TO VERTICAL WERUEDLATE STILES W&M j 14 X 5/8' SALS. mo TO 10 STt E W/ FOUR 111 14 X 3/4' SELF DRILLING S. OPTIONS JST SECTION (BOTTOM) REINFORCING STEEL TRACK BRACKET FASTENED TO WOOD JAUS WITH 5/16' X 1-5/8' LAG SCREW WJFULLY 'NREAOEOIERREADTYPEA ONE PER BRACKET SOUTHERN PINE 0.55 7.9 1 1.9" X 2.10" X 3.3' X .050' STEEL TRACK BRACKETS SEE SHEET 2 FOR SPACING 18 Ok X 2-1/4- X 2- BALM STEEL UZAR REINFORCING TRUSS TRUSS FASTENED TO VERTICAL INTERMEDIATE SIILES W/ TWO 111 14 X 5/8" S.M.S. AND TO END STILE W/ FOUR 111 14 X 3/4' SELF DRILLING SM. 1/2' X 1-3/4' X 16 GA. OPEN TUBE 0 TOP & 1307TOMI, OF FACH PANEL Ux 2' GALV. STEEL U.BAR NED TO VERTICAL INTERMEDIATE U 14 X 5/8' r.MS. 14 X 3/4' SELF DRIULING SCR. 2ND SECTIQ INJERIVIEDIATE SECTIONS REINFORCING REINFORCING OPTIONAL STOP MOULDING BY DOOR INSTALLER 1 14 X 5/8' SMS G PER HINGE 1/2" X 1-3/4" X 15 GA. FORMED STEEL CLUED TO PANEL AND SECURED TO ENO SnUE VAIN 3/10- POP RPMS 0 le D.C. 1-7/6' X 2-5/a' 11 111 ILI" STEEL CENTER SnLE POP RIVETS F41/14 X S/a' S...S. HINGE TOP SEcria RE3NFORCING X 2- X 2-1/e X 18 Gk STEEL STILE 24 GA. STEEL PANEL - 0 FLAPS BENr OVER PANEL-\ 1/2- PUNCHED HOLES a 4' OC. Q 0 Ix X 2" CALV. STEEL UBAR issTO47TICAL INTERMEDIATE5/8- S.MS. LE SELS-DRIUUMG-SC . C4 END STILE a0 Ld j lufZ 0 0 W Q C3 I ce0 34 E0 z 08t/) 3/8 1 a POWER -COLT BY TIOWERS' EDGE r it DISTANCE- N. EMBED INTO 3000 PSI MIN. CONG. 2* LIIN. EDGE DISTANCE ONE PER BRACKET SEE SHEXr a FOR BRACKET SPACING 0 ;Z 3/4' MAX'. Engn JAVAD ARMAD CMIA t& W2 ER INCE a lb, wia&AFkri" INTERIOR ROLL p , -1—aqAqmwlo swmftcoft I INTERIOR SIDE 16 18 Gk GALV STEEL ROLLER HIN STEEL TRACK CENTER*HINGE 14 Gk X 2-1/a- X I- (STAMM 0 7/iG* PUSHNUT a 0 Zol i 12 GA. FLEDO, RZMER SHAFT- 1.82' DUL X .50' STEEL ROLLERS (STO.) G INSTAL N X 3-5/16 X liol&Ar SECTION 8- j. X SO no. AS; ENE P 1.82* CLOL X .50' NYLON ROLLERS (OPTIONAL) drowing W/ 114 Z5 ?? t;ITO I YB,' TRUSS No. 2.76' OA, X..50" STEEL ROLLERS ,OPTID 00-18 ED M k LWA NUT 2.75' DIA. X SO" NYLON ROLLERS PTIO:Lj RIVETS 511V X 1-5/8' LAO SCREWS INTO WOOD OR 3 4- X 5-1/2- X 3- X 12 GA. 5/16' SLEEVE ANCHORS ALY STEEL WITH 1-1/4" EMBED INTO LUSONK0 OP ROLLER BRACKET ON EACH SIDE 3 PER BRACXET hSTENEO W/ (6) 0 14 X 5/8- S.M.S. 2-1/2' X 4-11/4' X 13 GA. STEEL PLATCS WELDED TO 1-7/2' X 1-1/2' X 14 GA. ANGLE 090 THK. CALM. STEEL ADJUSTABLE FASTENED 7 TRACK SLIDE FASTENED 70 BRACKET WITH (4) 1/4_20 SS. BOLT% NUTS YW 4,,11-11 1 3 4' HEX HEADNU . T, B_!, TOP BRACKET OPTIONAL LOW HEADROOM DOD HORIZONTAL RMFORCEMENT X 1-3 X g GA. FORMED STEEL 2' X S-I/ 0 P L AlG7E FASMOD TO GZ j! .104 VERTM STILES WITH FASTEK0 X. STEEL 2) 3/16' POP RWS WORIA 81WKETSVO-St. Low HEADROOM DOOR OPTION HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT 1/2 . X 1-3/4' X 16 GA. FORMED STEEL GLUED TO PANEL AND FASTENED TO VERTICAL.snLEs VATH 2) 3/16' POP RWVETS 81' DR X S' ROLLER MIAFT OPTIONAL INSULATIONS. EPS-EXPAN ED POINSMMEDENSITY - 91.05 PCF N.O.A. oil-0926.07 ORISO-25 POLY-ISOCYANURATE DIENSITY - 2.0 PCF N.OA j 11 --M2&05 CDM SUPPORT REOD, ON EXFMING 8 FT. IN I A A—] RACK LENGTH = OPENING HEIGHT PLUS Gh O&V. STEEL TRACK 2 X 2 X 110' HORIZ. ANbU SPOT WELOM TO HDRIL TRACI( WITH TWO WELDS AT.1-1/2- APART FIRST AT J* D.C. REST AT 0' O.0 coNNEcTm To no owmEr Ai4cE 15 X 3/4' DOLE & D 37/08SPEUNG SKAFT GUIDE 2) 1/4-20 X 5/8, SOLT & VERTICAL TRACK 2-1/8P X I- X .080' SECTION A -A 4- a 411910EVEDOOR HE3GHT SECTION HEIG IS7 2ND13RI314TH15THI BRACHU PLACEMENTS 81 . 82 03 B4 81_ a Be. L_27 j 18" 18" 18" 18 NIA 1* TO 2' 11-3/4" 23" 34. 45 g, 67 6--67 L2 1 N/AI1' TO 2" 11-3/4' 23" 4: 6" S" To " 21' 11-3/4- U. 45 5U5567- 67* F-6' 0 18,' 18 TO 2" 11-3/4- 3- 34" 45' 56' 67- 713-174 1112L L8118' 21" 1' TO 2' 11-3/4" 45- 78-1/4- FOR DOORS MORE THAN'8 Fr. HIGH. USE ADDITIONAL TRACK BRACKETS AT 10' O.C. 1.9' X 7-19" X 3.r X .020" STEEL TRACK BRACKETS 2-3/16-- HIGH CONNECTED TO TRACK WITH P0 114" BOLTS & NUTS. ULNWIT - LUJ M N.OA 110-1129.04 OREre 'INSULPM LI& DENSITY - 0.92 PCF N.QA #14-0311.08 14 GA. GALV. SM R5"R HINGES FA§!RED114X5/8 SMS MIN. .024' ROLL FORMED STEEL PANEL DRAWING QUAUTY 0-40 MIN. YOU) STRENGTH - 34 I(SI WITH PRIMER AND BAKED -ON TRACK CONFIGI, POLYM PAINTED TOP COAT APPLIED TO BOTH SIDES OF STEEL VERTICAL LI HIGH LI STANDARD LI LOW-HEADRO 12 " GAL% STEM DOUBLE TRACK BOrFOj BRACKET FASTENEDW/ (4 8 14 X 5/8- SMS AVAILARLE TRACK OPTION Eagn JAVAD AHMAO IODUCrRIBINIMM cm, V"sonmwFLA. PC 70592 CAR. D6k--SEE SKEET 4 BOTTOM SFAL OPRO143 c4aw, 5! 0 a 668O)o I C) 0 oil kw-g- 00-181 9L-00 4 PC 00 NY33d'VU AUU18 U3TlW UNY InM A301 V 'SN 03J-LOIS 4 PC 00 NY33d'VU AUU18 U3TlW UNY InM A301 V 'SN 03J-LOIS 313tJONW DI 133L-a v-vmmmwm )iDvdl NOW 301S RM IV S013M IDdSt (C) /M ON sSr%tiL..8/Gxoz-t/& W Im 31OW UN03 01 (13=3NNO3 S3Md MOM 01 a3N31SV.:l DNd0'8OOa 3AM, '3*0'.91 'IV 13M 1331S 11000 NJ '010 at ly No x .1 x .9/1-z SM01 C* SI3X3M IYU 1331S *AlV0 '40 vo nU 3' at IV InN IP H3 HLIFA HM [Sd COOZ SJ.j on a L/G wJ N3018 OT WOUS, 06-0 Nlyl lSj Ome - ki InSOND3 a t-r 8 z I-V JNO3 SNOSMIS, AG TTV- ONO3 Z- Z11-1 ONOD Ao U4Fr 9 Rju 15 us Flu 0313, All XTHNOD EC t JNO;) U jSF3-oO3 MOWS 030YG 3UMOAHLS StIONONY SNIOMS ILOH:), MISAS 8000 All 03SOdFQ SMI IRL lHOdcJnS LSnW S11314WAS MUMS 1331S tz OMddWISA weenti 133LS H3ldYOY dlHLS.M DN[ddlUIS.M H308M nnfiffinivX7 --8314VQV drdl%M 0 vo at IV cm W10a A d185111M SMAN IGM MNWj .911C 110 SM3k*S ONMHO J13Sxa# 1331S Mytill ago. X . $,/C- i x A 1MV1133110,1NE ago, x X-.1/1 MY03110ANSH 310 ' 91, IV av3H 3hoa IM dalDMInYl S13NU -am xm. .91/c Nosm3mos oNnim -rus j' x of 315m 3-0 ZI IV ymm-00A-a MaNy snORM X .91/1 a/=,-. IVtsoy) 9/9-1 x .01/s M led Gql V119 ZI(ASd +9 X .09*91) MWP 83d QVOI (-)mowimi nnmm sq-1 G,Zs* Z/USd 99 X .91'91) GYM-83d MI (+)uorj3w mmm Notizadsm Nodn iYouict mmine Au amoaddw CNV Q3M3WH 38 AV" NOUYTWISNI 8000 *0110038 30 MOW ON HIM SONMM IL40WU NJ INHONW11 11000 HCH TOMS woo All 03SDdAl, SCFV01 iwddns oi Ymorius oNamoddm 10 AOM30V AJWA OL IMIlWW 110 080338 .40 SMION3 14011DAVIGN00 M314 NOA SUM AS SSKVP AD NOIDWOUd 30WISIO 3003 'N171 Z/t-2 ONY 0311"3 Wyl t/1-1 HM '313WN03 lSd ODOC OINI '0*0 r, do SMMS MUA MIK AS IAMS MA wl, 3"ISIO 30M 'NIR t IaMP13NmM-a tuvA ILMNOO Isd 000C OIMA pvtJOONOWSHIMAW, All 33WISIO 30M 'Ntfl Al/C-9 030VU *NWl .1r/C-1 HUM -313101403 led OOOT OINI -0-0 .9 030W3 'NIN Z HM 'IWM N=Q GYnU Inotto OINI 10*0 8 0313, All MJNO* .67C 038143 33NVISIQ 3003 Witt C X 11 2-1.r 313HDNOO lSd 0009 01141 'X0 .903BR3TIM1-f mm M M3010 03rlU 1110119 01NI 70 L 40 ONlWdS HIM AMU AS 1:13d&l. .ll 3ONY,LSIO 3003 'NIVI Z/L-Z 1 HUM '313HONOO lSd CODC MNI 70 .9 J-9 HLYA ITWM >10010 Gnu iftollo 01141 1010 003MI3N?Frl; M 'V/e 30 SNOWSALIM .0013. AG 140OWLIA t;l HIM Nrtnloo *om:) uo mym molil AHNOM (132HOAM311 031notio QL 031JOHONY 38 TIVHS HDIHm semi, Goom dAs On amai minssna ANNOSM 01 NUUMNNOD Mone uo Nonmasm Nodn hmum smaime 3HL As 03MUddY ONY 03HIMA 39 AYA HOLIMISM '0=311 AO 833RION3 ON HIM SM0lLV3nddV IN31,13M011 HGOC! HDA IMONOW HODG 3MVS 40 Name HoA ownm 3e nm Nsis3cJ/sN(Nlvinoiv3 imimoov ON 03MO110J 3W SOORIBM 3MHL it *S38=nHLS OOOM 01 IN3KHOVIlY We OM dAS SX? SWMtADHS OLNMONS--MDK13n-NotiVnylSt4i-3Hr- 1-0 U103dS a Jimsens 000M 0 NUILD3NNOD NOW -OW 7-R= )- V, NOUD xm '310 .01 1 SON3 viovi .9 sm=S w "40 . Cloom I lxVw 1010 OL SON3so Mw MUDS Syl ya: Isla 3h NlYl Zll-kl-1 PLASTIC COMPLIES'WITH DOOR PANEL CHAPTER 26 OF FBC 24 GA. (024) STEEL MIN. SEE EVIDENCE PAGE 1.7 1 63 L725 7/16' DIk WASHER 1. x 1/g SMS 21 3/4- - L 0 IV. OM ENDS MAX. AND 7* O.C. &W. WDW. WUIH- EXTERIOR -FRAM INTER16R,-FRAM 0 ot, is I/W RIGID PVC ONE PIECE WJECRON RIGID PVC ONE PIECE INJ MAX4) IS X 3/4' SMS a 0 ENOSO.D , ;2T..MC. MAX. 6- P 7 A 175-X .062 DEEP GRom cll A 00 1/4,, POLYCARBONATE LUM 26. BY SABIC INNOVANIVE PLASTICS' w 140A 013-0717.01 A DIE] 'A i 0 a z A A[ a 06 1 I- oz Ll 175 X .002 DEEP ofmow EDP 7. 00 1W 4R INSIDE ELEVATION RAISED PANEL EM80SSED DOOR WITH OPTIONAL WINDOWS AND 6-1/t D.C. MAX WINDOWurEs ckN 13E IN ANY LOCATION IN DOOR SECTION 321 1 1 98 X 3/4' SMS110 @ Q - , FR6M ENDS 175 x .082 DEEPAM: 4MO;2' 04. MAX. w u x 8 X V4* SMS III 3/E FROM ENDS 7/18' DIA, WASHER - - - - - - - - - - FLk, PC 7 92 U.N. I ;I" I , AND 7 O.Ci MAX DOOR PANEL . r- -- I,,(/ Eq,XVAD AHMAD PRODUCr 24 Ck (.024) STEEL MIK, EXTERIOR ek rowIng no. 1 000R PANEL 15/16- MIN. D.L. CPO. IF aduc to 24 Qk (.024) STEEL MIN. GLAZINO SITE 02015 m VINDOW WIDTH 00-18 Florida Building Code Online Page I of 4 Plolida Departments' Bc's Home I Login I user Registra on Busines1EProfess'bh& Product ApprovalaUSER: Public User Regulation Producr APP al Menu > Product or Annilcat Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Emall Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Sta Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I PublIcations I Fl3c Staff 1 BCJS Site Map I Links Search ch > Application List > Application Detail FL15371-Ri Revision 2014 Approved Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. DAB Doors Company, Inc. 12195 NW 98 Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 305) 822-7870 RBerge 518@hobnall.com 3avad Ahmad alfarooq@afceng.com Allen Berger 12195 NW 98 Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 rbergerSl8@hotmall.com Exterior Doors Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Listing Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Miami' -Dade BCCO - VAL Standard Year TAS 201-94 1994 TAS 202-94 1994 TAS 203-94 1994 Method 1 Option A 05/13/2015 05/19/2015 file:///C:/Users/13RYNNW—l/A 1SIKJL7.htm 5/26/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 4 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 05/26/2015 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 15371.1 Hurricane Master'Model 824/811 Large missile impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2" garage door. Wide (Reinforced) wl Window Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15371 RI C CAC 16xI6 Garage Door LMI (15-0302.01) dwq 98-05j)dApprovedforuseoutsideHVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +48/-52 07/21/2020 Oth ' er: See attached limitations of use for Installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FL15371 R1 TI 16x16 Garage Door LMT (15-0302.01) dwq 98-05.od FLIS371 R1 II Limitations Of Use.pd Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.2 Hurricane Master Model 824/811 Steel Sktional Garage Door 16'-2" Large missile Impact resistant 16'-2" x 161 steel sectional garage door. Wide,w/ Window Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLlS37-1 R1 C CAC 16x16 Garage Door LMI (15-0304.01) dwo 02-21.odApprovedforuseoutsideHVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +3§/744 07/21/2020 other: See attached limitations of use for Installation Installation Instructions Instructions. 1`1-153 1 RI II 16x16 Garage Door LMI (15-0304.01) dwq 02-21.0 FLIS371 RI II Limitations Of Use.r)df Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.3 Hurricane Master Model 824/811 Large missile Impact resistant 18'4' x 16' steel sectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 18'-2" garage door. Wide w/ Window Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15371 R1 C CAC 16x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.03) dwq 05-03.odApprovedfoeuseoutsideHVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes QualityAssurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +40/44 03/29/2017 Other. See attached limitations of use for installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FL15371 R1 11 18x16 Garaae Door LMI (14-0814.03) dwa 05-03.pd FL15371 R1 11 Limitations Of Use.pdf Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 9 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.4 Model 824: 164' Wide Large missile Impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional ReInforcqd) Steel Sectional Garage garage door. Door wl Window Lite Option Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15371 R1 C CAC 16x16 Garacie Door LMI (15-0304.02) dwq 00-18.r)dApprovedforuseoutsideHVHZ,. Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +56/764 02/22/2020 Other. See attached limitations of use for Installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FLlS371 RI 11 16xI6 GaraQe Door LMI (15-0304.02) dwq 00-18.pd FL15371 R1 II Limitations Of Use.l)df Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.5 Model 824: 16'-2" Wide Steel Large missile Impact resistant 16'-2" x 16' steel sectional Sectional Garage Door w/ Window garage door. Lite option I file:///C:/Users/BRYNNW-1/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/SISIKJL7.ht,m 5/26/2015 Florida Building Code On-line Page 3 of 4 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Ye Approved for use outside IVI Impaci Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +27/-30 Other: See attached limitations Instructions. Yes use for Installation Certification Agency Certificate 1`1_1 371 RI C CAC 16x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.07) dwq 03-06.nd Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/14/2016 Installation Instructions FL15371 R1 IT 16x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.07) dwq 03-06.0 FL15371 RI II Limitations Of U§e.pd Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created -by Independent Third Party: 15371.6 Model 82 : 18'-2" Wide Large missile impact resistant 18'-2" x 16' steel sectional Reinforce ) Steel Sectional Garage Door wl Window Lite Option garage door. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ.* Yes FL15371 RI C CAC 18x16 Garacie Door LMI (14-0814.11) dwo 99-24j)dfApprovedforuseoutside I H.VHZi Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure* +55/-64 03/1012018 Other: See attached limitations ole for Installation Installation instructions instructions. FL15371 RI 11 18x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.11) dwq 99-24.i)d FLIS371 R1 11 Limitations Of Use.pd Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by IndependentThirdr Party: 15371.7 Model 824: 1p'-4" Wide (Reinforced) Large missile impact resistant 9'-4" x 161 steel sectional Steel Sectio I Garage Door w/ a tion garage door. Window Lll:70I Limits 4 Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15371 RI C CAC 9x16 Garage Door LMT (14-0814.09) dwQ 01-05,r)dApprovedforuseoutsideHVHZ: es Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +62/-70 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/04/2016 Other: See attached limitations of u e foe installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FL15371 R1 II gx16 Garacie Door LMI (14-0814.09) dwo 01-05.odf FLIS371 RI II Limitations Of Use.pd Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party, Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.8 ModeI824: 4" Wide Steel Large missile Impact resistant 9'4" x 16' steel sectional Sectional Gar ge Door wl Window garage door. Lite Option i Limits of Use Certification* Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ., Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: YJS FL15371 R1 C CAC 9x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.04) dwq 01-09.0 Impact Resistant. Y es, Design Pressure: +5.0/-60 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/09/2016 Other: See attached limitations of use for installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FL15371 R1 11 9x16 Garage Door LMI (14-0814.04) dwq 01-09.13df FL15371 RI 11 Limitations Of Use.od Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15371.9 Model 924: 12'14" Wide Steel Sectional Garaje Door Large missile Impact resistant 12'-4" x 18' steel sectional garage door. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ, Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate FL1S371 RI C CAC 12x18 Garage Door LMI (14-1014.13) dwa 04-01.vdf Impact Resistant, Yes Design Pressure: +6,0/-65 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/14/2020 Other: See attached limitations of use f r Installation Installation Instructions Instructions. FLIS371 RI 11 12x18 Garage Door LMI (14-1014,13) dwo 04-01.pd FL15371 R1 11 Limitations Of Use.od Verified By: Javad Ahmad PE #70592 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: file:///C:/Users/BRYNNW—I/AppData/Loca J empALow/SlSIKJL7.hftn 5/26/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 4 FE-1 FEE Contact Us :: 1940 North Monme Street. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida, :: Privacy' Statement :! Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement j Under Florida law, ernall addresses are public records. If you do notWant.your e-mail address released In response to a public-recards r,qyest, do not send electronic mail to this entity. instead, contact the office by phone or by traditlonal mail. Ifyou have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October.1, 2012, licens - ees licensed.runder Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department withan email address If they have one. The ernaffs provided may be, used for official communkation'witWthe licensee. However email addresses are public record. Ifyou do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 55, F.S., please click her Product Appr9val AcFepts- RE RM—M Ml.— 0 VIT ,, IM Credi 9' ' rgE file:///C:[Users/BRYNNW-1/A`ppData/Local/Temp/Low/SlSIKJL7.htm 5/26/2015