HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1596 I 3~}6 . of theil, then the said aboy. deaoJllPbed and 00....81ed property shs11 illlll.41&tel1 reyert to \he * aaid parties ot the tiret part, their auooeBsore or a.8igna. wbl aball be eutit~.d to immedlately euter upon 8iid property without notioe, and take poseesalon ot the I~a with tu~l t1t1e in tee 8imple. toaether wl~~ all 1alpro~.ment& thereon. and no waher ot aDJ ot these oondlUone. li81\&\ion8 or restriotloas. expreseed or implie~. or fa11uro tor a~ length ot t1.. to enforce the a~ ehall oonetitute a bar to .uoh enforoement at aQ1 tlme. It i8 ~rther understood and agreed that partiee ot the tiret pAr\ WilfDo~ make ~ deed to &nT 10\ In Tuoker Terraoe prior to oJ.aw.al7 1, 19a6. without the &tore.aid proT18ions and restri- otions. 'fOGETHER wUh aU the tene.enh, hendUBIllenh and appurtenanoe., wUh eTerJ prhUege, r18ht title. interest and estat.. dow.r and rllhk ot .o.er. reyerelon, reaainder and ease.ent there- to boloncinB 0 r in anywi.. ,ppenalnina: 'fO HA.VE DD 'fO HOLD tbe same in tee 81mple torenr; All]) the said partlel of the .'Jl7ltll part do ooYe~ wlth the aaid party or part i.. ot the .eoond part that the, are law1Ully .elsed ot the said pre.hu; that the7 are tree of all in~branoe; and that they have good rlght and. lawf'Ul authorlty to seU tbe saae; and tbat the eaid parties ot tba fll...t part do hereb7 ful:y warranty the title to laid lam, am w111 detend the same againet the -law:f'ul. Ol&ill8 or all -;I " -9--..-.....~_..~...._.... _...... P-_..' ..... '_.__-:-,:""._~_-' _._.~..._ ...-~.~ ..._~, ..--.._..,........_..., _..._ ....__.... _ ~...... _.. ....,.... ._.. helre. peraonal repreaen_atlTo, or aI8isn.. or any ot the., at the lalt known ad4~8. bl the 8ald partie. ot the tirst part, \hei~auooeBeors. pOrlonal representatlT" or a181~8, or tither person. whoaaoeyer. IJI WITlRSS WBBBEOF, the sald parties of the tirst part have hereunto ..t their handl and aeals the dq and ,ear tirst aboTe wrltten. SlgDl'td, Selled and Del1nred. oJ. E. Leinen. Helen 1'. Row.. ($.So Cents Rev. Stamps oancelled) Charl.s C. Brasw&~l.....(SEAL) Hub7 Braswel~~..........(SEAL) I in our pureeenoe: STAR OJ' FIDRlD.l CWI"fi 0" S'f. WOIE ) ) I HEREBY DD'fII'Y. 'fhat on this 26th dq ot Karoh, .l.D. 1921). botore .. personally appeared Charlel C. Brae..ll and Rub, Brae..ll. hie wlt.. to _ known to b. th9 penons desoribed 1n and who exeouted the torepiDg COnY'Tano. to KaI7 iloa8 and th'7 1...ral17 aoknowledged the exeoution thereot to be their tree aot 8Ild deed for the u..s and purpolelil therein Mntioned: .lID the .a14 Rub1 Braaw.llpw1te of the sald Charles C. Bralwell, on a leparatoe aril prlTate exaalnatlon taken and aade b7 am betore .e, an4 .eparate17 aDli apart tro. her BUd buaband. did a Iknowledge that &he made her.lt a party to tbe la1d Deed ot Con.,eyan08, tor the purpo.e # renounoing, rellnqubhlng and OOnY.7inS all her riSht. ti"le and intenlt. whetblr o~ dowel' or ot ..,arate property, statutory or equitable. in and to the lands therein de8oribed. lUld that 8he execmte4 the aaid Doed free17 and yoluntaril1 and without an1 oon.tralnt. rear. apprehen8ion or oo.pul81on or or trom her lald bu8band.. . WInESS JJq .1gnatul'e aDd. otfio1al ..a+t Port Pieroe, in the COUlit7 of St. ~oie md State ot P, orida, ~ e dq &Dd 18ar bst atorelaiel. cP~ ~1I the 26th 4tq~ot Maroh, ....D. ~~t;:. Heleu p. i9.. JlO'fARY PUBLIC. STAn J.f L.iROE. _ co_iedon e:q1rG8 a/ll/~ 1925, at I. o'olook F. K. P. C. :ll4red. / Cl'r.1)Z?c~. 6ul?icourt. B7 ~ c:!-~--_.A: '.r --'J D. C. .- ~ I :..~. ~. ;ff.~~~~~i!1t@fl -", .; ~;' }~}J{\~~.~~~~?~:- ~ .. ~ . "~::'''~~.... .Tl1f~'::-:""f,.~~ ,~~~.~~.:.. "~.:.::~'.:~-?Ji:~~~~~~}t~f~: