HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONSCANNEu END. 0:15-111011, MIM-1 0n;PART 92# C0* i-IR— qA V-_ewl, etajs_ 2MI -Wee, 0:,h** Lane O'Copm... is NOA is being i_,sued under the applicable ru udocumen_a"on Submitted has been reviewe& and. sed in Alfianil Dade,Counly and.: Other areas wher This NOA shall. 'not beVARd after the expiration dIROamiDoeCounty) or 0aterialtested hor . aud/Or the AT-ri Chn ar-ea qualitY assurance purposes, Jmanufacturervvillfi-iour,the expenseof such...tastinjOfsuchproductorogterial . 'thmAeterminedby1\4i wl - theIrILMsdic-tOl allil-Dade County. product Contrapplicablebulldingpodo.. LPtOductisappr6ved,asdiasc7libed-.hilibluaingthe -T-ligh, Min. and elocity I-lumicane Zone of t-hJ rt Series 1300 Steel Pa 91,31"TG.- Each unit shall bear a pennanent, .1 statement "hliami-Dade CIDInty Product Cbntrol of this: NITOA shall be- considered aft, applicable building code negatively affectin TkW, 0 Tror of this NOA will occur, after thma'Lerials, use andlor manufacture of the podu, sales, adve 9 or auyothC_X pwposes shall aL t, to this NIOA shall be cause for terminelon arid remo The NOA number prece e4iraiion date may be displayed in advertising iiiiinitsentire-Ly. Y-1q-qP—mC—_V zo A copy of this entire shall be available fbr hWectioll , NOA shallb This a`L 'the job site at tic NOA consists Ofpages I through 5. , ThQ'subIllifted documeWtatoq was reldewed by RI T, 60i -M pq qd, / - Oil A and regulations 8PVqriw e: On. niat -albadi—PrIM'TheLCepted y Miami- eb U ntyJallovedbyth &dhct Onrltrol- e Awhorily CP. J dk, '* tIont:w. beAXLstatedbel.ow. The _&Rai33i_,JJa -Code Pther than,.Miam I IhIwPt0 UaCoiiftj Sr. Dade ec tollCOUntY) feserve tk.jight..t,.: rthis product bavo this: pr6duct and thel-AM' may immediately ziaq the9kLRERrd-Ithd useesbr,ves the right to or:susM A sectioll that accep if. it, this Producf or -is M e% the, rtquirenients as been designed to complyFlonda. BLIldirlg Code. vMfi the Florida Building Code Q_Us and 611 3el with the Manufacturees. wnelor logo' d"tY.. state. and %MvinaLpprovedl% unless..OtherwU. 11 1. noted hdk6in. a renevval application has been filed and thtre.has -been 110 qh4ngethePerformanceOfthisprodud. expiration date or ifther, asb b en a revision or.changeProcess. 14SMe Of this NOA Is an in the endo;sement of any product lornicallytemimatethisN0A_ Fa4'ure to cQMPIY -Mfth any section ofIOfN70A. bY the words Miami -Dade C6untY. Flbrida, and: f011oWed by theure' If any Portion Of the NC!A is dispjayed, the-11 it shal . i be done provided to the user by the M ' request ofthe a4lufacturer or its distributors andBuildinaofficial. Pacheco, P.E. MCA No.: 16-0, 7-k0Ir-IVQU Date. !!ID3j2I gja,-el 1/03/1 u4 page 1 0 25 REVISION OVA L PIoofihg Me%l, Panels o.- Steel Wood iP PTMure ROZUCTS 0,q LABEIz, ID BY APP114C-AN— Test e 0 c 6 A 4 P In e Pmduct Series 130.0 Length: variouss TAS 1-25Width. i6if Corrosioil resistaht,.-gWWalum Thiclawss standing' 0214 (24. kama -f 57 sa re Mishe dS .57 panels. d 57 k clip Leng.fli: 211 Widt . h- IT I I TAS 125 corfosib resist4fit maza4, pr ga1V4lu*,PTefHeight1-9/16" FieldThielmess0.020 or and-,_ Area ofR06f-, 6" Clip Length: .6 Y." TAS 125 Corrosion PreOrmed IHeight. 1.651,1 dqlj s fo-r.u,-%, M2 Tlim Pieces Thib esS 0.0276 P=% 7 =c Length: varies NIA Coryosio6.res- Vridth:-varies Thicknes'S'0-0276; coated, *e-finislied Arij. STI-Bym- mm.- Tftt I entfflerMortonInternationalA M121 —Am e —(R e D, D.- S-0 86-91L Bait SpiayMOrlOnIntern4tional. ASTU A . Feb. 1.986 AS-0 86-91T 117 Accelerated-VJertherIng. Architectural Testing Inc. ASTM, Feb. 1986 01-3 797.01 . G23 Architecturai Testing Inc. TAS 100 Nov. 199801-3279703 1 ASTM- F, gHl"Ticalle Test Labomtory, LLC. 01551061.5-05 Nov. 1998 TAS 1-25 Feb.2006ArchitecturalTm&g 922270101-109-1-0 nks 05I October. 200!) mi, qm MAX on APProval Date! U0311-6 page 2,Df 5 1 A—P.'DR N-Ys te ma A - 1: D.i Deck 1)eSCXiPt1Da: Slope -Raage.. aldmuw UPIMBli— . Reat: Underlayme,_t M v -Barr-ler Board: VkUeys: Mi-Ow A ceeSsGrles: Series J30-0 panel Pa, Yodd, Non -Insulated New Constucti., 2fl: 1-2u Or greater See T-ab!"M / beloi. In accordarice.with a] ring- shanic nails. spact OCnimUm 134VI the vfinhnurn underlaymc Side-1aP and 6" end -la and 12) -,Yauge 1 rows 12"Oic. in 'the fit A.nY EIPProved. fireba. aC ratings, of this TP - oz the a-qsembly. See ii, Valley construction, shb and with EriglerOs cU4, jt's- hXtall the ries 13( installation instructiJn. PZva. Y ce, ne '101lic " e R =19AO ation 9ta Panels shall be.instal at a mmanjurE j, isted spoiler tip corrosion I a minimum 3/16 Of'M Standing se.ams shaU Roof A4-2- Vm Design PressUrES cup slia—dm m CUP 4 TM, INM DON' E cc I I RMIRIM, l Field 2.1, 16" Wide or greater P N ood,or W-OWplar'ik- cable building code, but -In nQ ca O-c- In rerooffrlg se shall -It be.105s than 9 9d: annulboveattachment , 'Wheitthedeqk.$1 ar Method must be'In ad di'don-to e16,S1in9-4ttackjnenLIt-shallbeanASTA4.1)'276T3. Underfa, Ypp- .11 i0stalled."W'.1t.1Ymentshallbefkst6ne-. w, i;anjh1IM1)m4f. ilar zi*G sh.ank rlails- spaced 6- ; . "nI .. sistant.:,t -dap- of the.ro, 4F. Or, any. 4pprcn,6.du7 gia - - - 9gered ving a current NOA. R. av'11 alcurre :1140A. 19sYstem. assembly efer th a cutr.ent direciory. listing fbras. ation well as--,the-1o;afq br be in co -- Tner within. mpliInce With ROO It PublNhed installation 1. t 9n9ApP-Ucatibn--.*.'tRnd SM 1 -- S ardRAS 13eons. 3 Panel" Arid accessories arid details in In complian, - Englert's In ce W1 'be current PublishedSWat.j n - uPdOn and other details shall:, - - . D4atival. Flas4h.. dard RAS '133. .be On*ucte-d, in coj3 pjjan - 19s, with approved Pc jjelTZibleAbelow, paraffC"P' 'OWWd-at eacej-t6 h-pandl.,ib.sidellapgm-edistai,zt,sc re0slope, W, fasterewsofsvlfitiez- 1 - 4 - %' 41 a wafer head2screw$ metratouseengthtoP, Lfarthe, 21 clip Wic, -usa thrOugh-Ahe sheathing4screws. -f -1. ' lip. Gi the 6 c , mucnan'C OY seamed to a goo PST 12 --0 - —a. we, searjq,:(sj".-j psy Date-' 1119312-1 4PrOvQ1 Date11103/16 Page 3 of 5 ilevis, SYS OAf 1. Fire c assificoon is'not paft-Oflhis acceptanCel, Mfer to a c=ent Approvexathigs.ofth,.pro5 . duct. d PPoEL g f0rflre, ne:, ma ffinura designed pressure listedandcorneq). be' applicable.to aU roofgessumNeither"!60iftel'arml sis, nor: I ZQ4e.4 (i.m. Udi pekkieter% ewa PO ation shaU. be pennift enhancO.IcOTers and come n.), ng at OMancedPMsUrezoes04Perlmftmi.M' id. _d f0t enlne panels - M4Y.- be,. rojjs:f,on,-ned i.n. conf$.nuotm L , OMkoolringAPI)Hdatfon standard RAs 133: eave: to r, 1vIB4muM leng-ths.sWI.bp A if. panels described ib sball be Permanently- lab Ahe manjifacturees name andloi6-'CQUnty Product Control AOdIroved" at with f log Statementthe-Miami-D I. ' go, and ft 6110-wing, P& Q.0unly PN#jjbt- below. All dliPs Sh;Edl be Permanently label d with the nianUf COntrbl"S&das-seaetftrertsnamea' I EM pd7or and/or model. AM All product I C1 herein baj, I s have a quality assurance audit - 0 m accordance. vdth-the piRule6l(32 Of the FlorldaAdministrative 6'ode. Odda Builftg code,:ancl Pal-WIS may be-jobsite roll -tn mW une modb from Engjer,*Rj0lIfOrMed,Pr0duct A,ssIPcfitj, Dgte' IVOM2.1 91pprova, Datelj/03/16 pav -4 of 5 1.9h S.. 215 T&,LD..A-ND;PER-L%zTMAN7D MCI LIE BEN, 162, Gntlo-14) ell, OPTION) sea' Seam Vidsosuk 8-TERMS 8 fs END NCIE 16-0926.14 D tte- IiAsru Approval Dat.11 610311 Pagges of 5 AV PAR _"U"-NT OF nGULAT0,,jApqD FCOMO, COD_#r - ,Ue GAUV P_I-rs'Pia]RY, NJ 07054 This 1`10A is being issued under ther applicable IdocumentationsubMittedhasbeen.-revjew6d andusedMMamiDadeCountyandotherareaswhei This NOA_ shall not be v ldaller the expirationIn. Miami Dade County) alidjor tje , Product or material A14J (in a tested for q - assurancefhanner, the manu-facturer ? alily Will-Mcur the expenst, suspend -the use of such Product Or material withijifit. is determined by TWiam!'-Dade County pro 9'irements of th e applicable building code. This approProduc' is 'dd as described herein, E including the High VeIOPIV Hurricane Zone ofjhel R7BESCI 'rers2sweldo SHP Sheet- L-NMR-1-IING: Each. unit- shall bear a perman statement- -Mami-Dade '-OuntY Product ContC of this NOA shall be consideredinfileappl- bl, buij&., coica de ne-gativety aff L-c TEZR! "MATI 011-V of matek ials use, . And/or this NOA will occur afI f sales, advartis- manufkcture of the prod ing,or any other purpOsesOf 'his NOA shall be cause I sha lor termination and. The NOA number pre( Piradon date may be dis in its erjtrety played in advertising cOPY Of this entire _NOAS'laj' be available for inspection at thejob site 0TThis'"' -A- -lene'" N'TOA NITO- t,41 022.26 and ccliesubmitteddocumentafionwasreviewedb, 271:M Mlzz__,Fs__ M--DAM COME, OT NPA-Mi-DADE C'Gww reTION R E-1, 16Z) A E31es and regulations governina the use eacceptedb5rMami-pade Co J.cqns 0 M.aterialS., Th. d uRty RFR- --Prpdfk'fCojj n Owe by the Atghority Sectioli tini be: Hgvjngj4rjsdiction (AH ate. stated below. The Miami -Dade V 1. CO TroductasotherthanI _iami Dade unty ontr(il, Section, Urposes I counw-) r-M&,V-e the-1ight to havef. -this Prbduct Or materialba thisofsuK ...ils perform in..the accepted. ch testing and- the AHJ maY irnmediaw'jy' ' t theiriunsdicti'013- - IRER reserves t1jeri revoice, M(jd*-, or act Control section ght. t6TPVolve tMis'ac-ceptallce, that this product or inaterial fa"ls. to Meet -the d -has beOij designed to. compl 4qth *da Bujldin, jCode, Flor'd8'Buildinz- Code- I Y the Yloiq. aAl Roof.. D4&- protectlan and _Ver1'aS1Ue!dr- so,= label vdth the ,ufaoturees name or liaApprovedn,-unIess othemise 04M, state and folio-,,vingnotedherei. Nr a renewal- app) the perlb, "Ation haskeh file&and...thre hasn- an been 110 chaj.,,crceOfthisproduct. :,e the expiration date or if therb'has been A- revisiontorprocess. Imis. A use Of this NOA as or change in the automatically an dnd6rsemterminatethisNOA Faijure:t6 - " Pht el MY product, Moval Of NOA. comply- with ar)y sec-Lfon led bY the "vords !V-iami-Dade County, Florida. andterature. If arW portion fQJIOwed b3l theoftheNOAisdisi)layed, then it shall- be'done III be Provided to the user by the rDan&acturer 0therequestoftheBtlildtl1cr - tits distdbu rs dOfficial- to an of pagges Tigera. Late: Appro-eal Da,.e: 0-71021217 Pne 1 er.3 ROGREVC Assxm-BLY A!,_,xovAL Riporing. Uilderlayinent Fiberglassg SODPAR: This acceptaur e Is for e.rsaShleldo M28hie-W Solon, qr Fire-Resil for use with approved PTepared roof 4SSemblieVelOcitYHunicadiai . da Build! n Zone, ome-Flon LL --'-0 DUCT Dmozi-p2, IMNEW-29bared * 5- 2 __ IS ,__UUV 424kazi 0 R s VersaShield.-o FkL, 422' Xc I o 0, rollsReslstal't FGez-Deck Fro-ter-tion llersashi:,__j& 8,,bj6._.m 1FIre-Resistan,f Sli 72" X 166.7' rolls 166.7rolfs OL'eL N!T'A-N-UFACT_U-R5TG- 11-1-JOC 4_T-Y(DN.- CODO-Ver-T INC 18 wDR-Nic-p- SU3,mxrm,?D. MeSt _Agea PRI cv Z%LConstruction11,1aterials Teelmologies GAP- ELI?,-iUndf-Mriters Laborao,-ies h2C_ nnxi hq8T-Au,ATjA!-01m - Vers8ShieldO FiR,,, installed: istaOt Roof Decl;: prc, n str'ct comPliance with aPplicabi2. Vemagh; 3. 40 v "Kesistant. Roof Decl,, pro, installed with a minitnum ., inch headL VersaShieldO-Fi.re-Resist,nt lap in Roof, Deck protcQMPhance,,vith Florida.Buildinr uOderlayme,y,. - Code 151 eck Protec-do,,, (-ka -Ve jiijdqka -VersaShield S-0,10-am), * UW6flaY_m'n,0 -andd - i "' cnb.e.d:WtW,-:N afnDesignedto. comply Otice:of.-Act9piWiththeFBOA-— de- Code., a the. nd,- , Test ., Product, ASTNI D 226 , Noli-Asphaltic-fibeq). as Z, 9! . ;bas . ed - underikylpVpe11and/or Bre banier. . . e-,It LJT-790 NORrAsphaltic fire bamier. fI'ergaSs_baSO4sIiP;sheet and?or 02-02 Al ASIMID:L76- r-021 0 I 5 010.31 TAS'i 001 1990 UL790 54 UT-790 011WOO T926 ASTIV-D 22,6 Os/I all 1 140 LIT-79o. 09/22.n,169 TJOII or VerSaShieldO Solor., -ire3aildingCode. _'-Iesistant S"P Sheet Shall be tion Or VersaShieldo Solo --I Fire-pesishinglelayer -Lashion_ stan' Slip. Sbeet shall be iiozi shall be Mechanically used in lieu fastened with approved.fasteners inOfa. code Prescribed AS TIM D 61y2pe 11 M04 Eviraami Date.- 02/07122Approv2r_U,,,-,.- 0210-7137 P-9.ge2 of - LIBUT-A-7-10 TS.- F fre' ch3stification is -not Part Of this- accepratingsOfthisProduct 2* This eceptance is for Prepared ro'ofing a] applicable building code. 3- 1e"SaSh'eld" F 're-ResiStant Ro of Deck Proq, days ofapplic * ation. Versa$b'i6IdP Solon. i FhVeTsaShield'& Fir.-.Resi.s comp taw, Roof Deck it V "n't used in roof assemblies. Roofa, rsqS4ieldo 1pt e Aesistaot AWithany; a- , . .60"Deck pro roof -CoVe ing Notiorvejg1dolee.of, Acceptap . ce . V6 o.---.1Fire ResfstaI1t.Sfi0 Fil'O'Resistant 1s11 a.reqUea may be in de to -Abe AtControlDepartment. Productsi. wind f" approval Pr9v!ded:tll, uPV'f' resistance,: and fire -tes667VersaShiei& Fire_,Resjt tant asphaltic tinderlayment that Roof Decic prot specific . maY be used asTOOCIFassembljsUsiac, 61SA8 ... llesistawzSlip, She. M. V . We!& 74 All J!e1br to a cur,-Len prodUCIZJ iste4 h0djjI,.sh,.dl - LApproy Rule 6102()-3 of ' . have a:. qual it.3theFloridaAdministrat' Ve membranes Or DA k'ginE- -shall bear the impristate. of manufacturing facil- nt statement: I% I ialIji 113' Yellow-Une to identjShownbelow. -Dade COMY Product. Control A UmDEnc- Applic atibi)-torbuildihaPe itshallbeaccorM This Notice of Ace Mpa 2- Any other doc I eptahce- uMents required by BuildingInsWlatienofthismateriai. E TVD ory PC TH 81 1. A nc,'e, refOr to a current Appro- red Roofth 1vfaierials U9Ire Plications. Min.imum deck, requirements: CtGLY for filke 9441f be in compliance -with C iOn shall not be left exposed as a teinp .. Rj-esfstm S11-P Shee-t'shwl not - OrOYTGOf for 1011gjar than 30. beJefl.,exp- 404he w0thdr.. ojectiOn arld VersaShWdO e bl' les. 4ft aPProvtd un t S are -A. ders cifiq,a serjj6 soppefonor'Vefs " _6 aShield"'SOIDTAi Pire kegj . * '-. c! 1 epm ce: list, stgot SUP:911- 48 VersaShie Ida Fire--Rft,, ee"M W "be U90d nay be use i * ;. IstantJlzd* - onasacORIPOnent-part.-Of"an as, rMeCtiobek, pro ti - Tri bly I u: t&. , - ... S I:— —6tieLePOilorVersaShieid" 2' O'V.;. N ofiontyffavill9iI - 011(Z-1j). .. o f el. a proprl urisdicti or the. e is.twlt SliP- Sheq ate doe Unlentation,is '6 0-c6u.nty, results- PrOw ed to d Prodbet, L - Ornpan Hity. of -the, tion and VemShieldO SOlor-1 Fire -Reb sistant sli.: am toor prepared roof asse p, Sheet. are a. Tion- Fire'Resistan . t Roof Inblie& '56k. flie. 'IDedkprort :C aftirld tion-,o ROOKng> Materials Dil-tetory. c4on. -or v0j.Zi.sfii i .. a for fire_ratj- 4Q, S010""' Fife- ngassuranceaudi Je- It hlaccordance with -the Ullding C. Odb. and identifiable malM' B" Of the manufacture? 4=. s..na I e. & 1020theASTIviSm Gibil andtandarddesiamatipilorJogroved" or -the M-Dade COL .. Q,.arto,* followptyP;, :- S..- Ing C011trOf dal as by Copies of the followiig: Or APPlicable buildffig cOde in order tb properly evaj uate . the A C-CZig-PT INOA jNo_: 21-Viration Wt,. 02/07/224ppi"D'.'al -Date- 0210:2117 P .3 - 329e or TYPICAL PEN&RATION DETA NOTES: 1) THE VEW, P PE MUSNI F THE PANEL21 WTH NELTOEPA -PIPEgEEXTENDED THROUG THE P7Rl,MTME R66F JACK SO THAT THE PIPE WILL FIT SNUGL AND'INSTALL OVER THE 4) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PANEL AND THE BASE FASTENING RING OF THEROOFJACK, 5) A-17TACk"THEBASE OF THE . ROOF JACK TO THE PANEL U MG #1/4-14=8' STITCHXL:FASTENERS@1"O.C; APPL6) *Y SEALANT BETWEEN THE PIPE AND THE TOP OFINStALLA E ROOF JACK. STAINLESS.MEL'CLAMPING RING SNUGLY AROUND THE Top OF THERPOFJAcK STA)NLESS S CLAMP_"__ TEEL HOSE SCREMS @ i" O.C. SOLID DECK — 2500 SERIES PANEL— VENT. PIPE SEALAANT By ENGLER7r ROOF JACK DEKTITE OR EQUAL) k L __'Zt Aj AKrr ov 4GLERT ASTM D226- 30# FELT ENGLERT)- ENGLERT HT UNI)EkLAymjENT @2004 ENGLERT INC. I Lit:Vf:(; T TO CI-IANGE WMIOUT N077CE PAGE#21 TYPICAL PE NOTES: 1): THEMENT PIPE MUST BE EXT-ENDED,THRQ!JGH T14E FLAT C 2) PUTlTHE PANEi T6:0rr_fHE0.IPE; PROPERLY. 3) TRIUTHE 06F JACK.S0 tHAT . T E,PIPE WILL FIT SNUGLY PIPE. 4) APPLYSEALAINIT BETWEEN -1 HE PA . NEL AND THE BASE FPS ROOF-jACK- 5). ATTACk T"HE-BASE OF THE R.Q.O'F JACK TO THE PANEL USIN XL ' FA'STENE'Et'S Q'Il-O.C. 6) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PIPE AND THE TOP OF THE 7) A STAINLESS STEEL QAMPING:RING SNUGLY ARo CKR= ItJA _ STAINLESS STEEL HOSE I CLAMP SCREWS 0 1 * O-C. SOLID PECK — 2500 SERIES PANEL - THE PANEL. 4D INSTALL OVER THE NING RING OF THE 1/4-14X719'STITCH F JACK - THETOP OF THE ir VEENT PIPE SEALANT BY ENGLERT ROOF JACK DEKTITE OR, EQUAL) BY Ag%126 .30# FELT NGLERT) ENGLERT HT UNDtol.&MENT. @2004 ENGLERT, INC. I SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICEI - PAGE#21 TGF U_R1 8970 - RGofing,' Systems Reff'1380 Mal information for Pootnsasvistarnq INNG-FeRT 12GO AMBOY AvE- PERT14 Ar-160yl M 0EM6.1-1920 USA 1-qeclf,:C-151 20rspated sheathing Inrline: Unlimited Underfayment — One layer VersaShield: UnderiaMYSheet: — On&, IWO Type 30 base,sheet or "V Pane'L_' — -- Steel zinc or coppir j 6ljjnq panels. ethanicallSeries2000'or e 2500'-,,:n sheathing. ; v2 or spaced One or. more,plies, "VersaShieldOanels;: —Steel, zioc-or copper rooffing' Series:20C& 6rt"Seri es 2S()C?,,, mechbnlc . 611ly rk ter 3. Decic: CtI513-.) 1saine':'Unliml ted Si?rrier Board. — 114 in. Min. G-P Gypsum Denso insulaqon tc)ptiona * 1): Fiberglass, poi vFCMbr*a'ne' v1socyant Any: UL Classified Mibdlfl6d bitumen nff SYStE14 suitable.for useAdth any* dof in, WeI,`z1nc or copper*roofing panels; de 2000- or -SE!ji :2500%. - - I q-5 LaELLIKIdDied'an 20!4-(16-:17 Odesdom? Print this vao- sy stems ClaSS A ImPac a 4 Pat., ge I of I 30 R184, Chanic. ally fastened. mech-WicallY fastened. Se.ries i000", llsll i- 1-., 00", "Series I-101 Sedds 110w, , "Series Isow, impach. 4 Merhanically fastened. IC)bG'. Sedes I job', 'Series 11'01% . t%Lflts! 1300'., 7Se.r*s' 1506 LIAPact' 4 with all jOints- StOggerad a mirt-.6f 6. in. from. the P1 PerliXe. or wood f-tb&,.'j3ny thickness yvy()qdjolnts. mi BUR system or-CPE, CSm. CSPE, EPDM, NOO, PIS,..PVC, TRO or To - n., cl"Strles iow,, -series 110V,"Series 11,01", 'SeriasO'Qd' -Series-lsowi termi. Or Tl' . @ 291 7 UL LLCleappearanceofacOmPanysname. or prOduct in Is database does not in itself assurc- that products so"Identified.have beenManufacturE'd Under UL's Follot-4-rjo Servico'. brity th6se PrOduCts bearing the UL Mark shbuld be'considered-tobe Certified inunder (JUS Follow Upm Se -Ace. Always look for die r4a k an the product. .4 jqove.Fed- UL pertruts; the reproduction Of the material Contained' in the Olulft C-eTtifiCalion Directory Subject to the follomng Conditionsw 1. TheGuideInibrmitidn, Aissernblies, Constructions, Desighs, SYS'eMs, and/or Certiffcations (files) must be. PniSentl d In their.4inprety an . d In anon-misidading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 1. The statement "Reprinted irromthe Oilfine certilicationsDirectorywithPermissionFromUL" must appear adjAcent to the extracted material. In addition, the ri2 rirktecilrru trj4j' Copyright notice in the lollo%-ng io t: V 1017 ULI LLC". Must indWe arorma 112-50 http://database,ul.com/c,-,i-bin/XYV IFRAME/8hovVa,,,,7e.htnil?name=T,.. 10/5/2017 13 SOLID 13Etl(-/ ENGLIRT HT UNOCRLMiEw @-!,X04 EVGLEPT Inc. VIALL HEAMULL FLA'-Rl-jtqG FFELTELt L.. Elo-- FAMEL 10 PANEL z CLOSURI POP RJVE-, 0 24" 0' f- Ee 2 Z CLOSURE CUr TO Fri BM-&-M PAINEL.-SET IN 2 ColqT B&M OF 4) SEALAW A;46 CAULKED' VEFMCA LtY AT SFLAM M-ALAWj r't'VVIDED BY U,Ec T To 0HAmeff.wrtHourAfO77CE FAGE#15 TYPICAL, P—Tes.- 21 Af- Ly *"rr TAf-- TO, IN-M DE CF PANEa. IjACIiSIDA-VALLFLASH114r..Byi,%jSTA LLW'G AND IN.-O 9,j14a_ SV.LAM-;,&Pa 1"'TAL'- COUNTEk FLASHNGAND CAULICIW, H g)20V4F-VGLER7-. WC. SMANT CPRO qDb By ENGLM b COUNT01, SIDEWALL 7 . BUTYL TAPE SY FMSTENEP TO SERIES IROOF PANEL RELD 8 W6 Qf-fAAiG—=EWMOU-'NO—ljc)z ' FELT (By Berm< PAG—;=420 11 aox.EROot 2) FIELb CUTO ATrAalilt 4) APPLyS6 L, AkOpNb j** 5) -ATrACF+Md( ONFE'SiDeAT. 12004 Sivaa? 17 ING W07—I....-r AND2XI'V OQQWRF-;WS. 711_ F'!-- CLOstme, MUNs GAPS Apo River ON SERf.E.S. FOQF PANEL POP RIVEt- (),Ie QZ Obky !a 24" SCREWS Eft PANEL - PANEL VA ASIDA 0226 MIGLER-f HT umn, z CLOSURE 4UT TO.'Fif Bg nPIMEL- SET- IN 2 dWt S': , i - SEALAW 'AM, ' , EADS'OFI-0AULK,Ed...VEEr,. -- AT SEAMS . ICALLY kohogENGLMT) WLID DEGIC S"HJEOT 7'0 10HANG5 I W, Tl'-II0U_0V077Q_e Htp/RIDGE -CAP CLOSURE PAG-9#9 1300 scfuEs R66F piwa SOUD DECK SCREWS P t2" Ox ASTl-I D226 301 Fa-1 (E?y EMLE IcRsils C. 12" o.c. EDGE CLEAT KAV E TPUM DET, Al: L I REVJSJO 11 MIALL SCnCTOFA 2) CLF-Ua Mkt;;4' HEM OM70 aCL 31 ENGAGeDRjpj 6., BEGIN PANEL PANEL To @2,G04MYQt,ER7-, AVC 1-110 CHANI, ,,W AfouCE., JOAGE#6 VALLE-YD-F TAIL RE 0 21 PASTP=11C VL Sfifj lic pis GTI V!, 3) AUWanb.-IYSTALLZ.*S-c V, llA4-eY..kA8H1Nr. AIL-r "EV"WITHTAPEsMAT51 - . LEAST. AWIO,4abT SI-Aammok, - -PACKFRohjCW—rtc'ttrA,. .. wadmy EN7MROF-VAUE., 61. UGNlrALI,,Vq,, wim-ft-, SM,,S, LASHINr 5) CANEL 4F 7) PANEC MEDa F PANEL To CLEATANIUA:7-JACH RQOF, pANU 910-12- FIELD CLrL 1' PANCAlW'-HEAD azwo. SCREWS @ 244, SERIES ROW- P.NEL V Fq, LEYAL OF S T CLSkT ENG .4T V ASTH D2-6 -3NY FELT By ENCLERT) SOLFID, [GjECK cows. 34. I UTY-17APrz, (By ,rti @-7004 ajqL-,R7 fmc;. To CIHANC I -6a'MHOUTN071C,; pmacya