HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEEP SLOPPED ROOF SYSTEMEU cm, Lez Lj U U5 Z; SCANNED rig." W--- Florida Bdilding Cade, 6th Edition (2017) High -Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Roof System Manufacturer: Notice of Acceptance Number: i 16 v ?0- Miniffiem, Design Wind Pressures, If Applicable (From RAS 127 or Calcula.6oni): PI: 9- P2: P3: Manimum Design Pmsure From the NOA specific Sys m);— /06 3 S- C-d at O—c OC Hathod'of tile attachment: ov 4e.,-, -2 oe C Am. Roof Slope: Ridge Ventilation? 2- Z6 men rs , C, TYPO &I Spacin !F. ype Cap Sheet.: A oof Cavedng. 30P, 0 Typo &SIze Dnip Ed&-. 5 TGr- U-R 18970 - Roofing Systems L; 11-12, a9 —R - - SLe—general 111forma@nn Inr Ronfing syste PJC 12001: AMBOY AVE PERT'12AA'fty i NJ'08861-19.7-0 USA 1 - Deck'. C-15/j2. or spEicec) sheathing Zncline; t One layer "VersaShiel Plv Shp-eL- — One ' layer Type 30 base,siv Pencils. Steel, zinc or copper roofxrj Senes 2000-or "Series 2500",-k-neLfia nic 2. or spaced sheathing. inc.line-, L One or more -plies 'venSetn'-11 t! i, Zinc or copper roo fing pi Serie5:20OW dr1sarkes 2500", machiin lc 3. Declt..C-Isj 2 intline; U sarriler Board: — 1/4 in. Min. G-P Gypsu IVIS.Ulatlon (Optional): — Flbemlass,.pal Hembirane. — Any UL Classified-mbdiffed Membrane *stem. suitable for use ujith ar Panels- Steel, zinc or copper rIcol" ing pzSaies'200v O'c'series 25()o", mechanici La--Wvdaied'on 2014rO6-17 Questions? . I print 1:1 Page I.- of IC R1 I 00fing S4 CIEFSS A Ympact, 4 mechanically fastened. Id", mechanicaflYfastened. led "Saries; 10()0", lSaries; I 100- S aries:1101", "Series 130W, "Series 150011, impact-. 4' mechanically rast lmd. lobo!, rseri as 1100", "Series 110r, ',Saries 1:30&7., "Saries 15PO' 1 —.1 . '. 11 Impact: 4 CckOn with all jOints; staggered a mln,oriS in. from. the. plywood joints, irate, Partite or wood fibei any thickness. syst4mi BUR'system or CPE, CS,. CSPE, EpDM, NBP, PIE, PVC,' TPO or TREulation. i4nated "Series 1000", "Series 1100*, "Seriesied. 1101", 'Series J-IbD.", "Serjes:1500,, Terrils Of Use Pane Ton The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so'idW1fi6d- h 1@ 2017 UL LLC aye beenmant'Mc-tur6d'under UL's Follow-up Service. Only those Products bearing the uL Marl-, should be congidered,to-be Cariiriedl;' under Ws Follow, UP Seervice. Always look lbrilie Marit on the product.' And covered UL - atertapermitsthereproductionof &klle m, if contained In the 01111ne Certification Directory subject to the following Conditions: 1. TheGuideInformation, A ssemblies, Constructions,1 Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications Miles) must be Presented In their entirety and In anOnrmisteadingmanner, without any manipulation of the data (or clravjings) 2. The statement "Reprinted frOm4he Online certiricationsDirectorywithpermissionfromUL" must appear adjacent to. tile extmct ad material. In additio'n, the reprfqtLd[`M'aterfaI ' Copyright notice in tile follovving format: "0 2017 UL LLC". must include a Ilttp://dalabase.ul.con-dcgi-billIX.YV/ I template/LISEXT . /I FRAME/showpage I htmJ?ndMC=T... 10/5/2017 SOL.ID OECK—r ENGLERT HT VNDEkLAYMENT g)-'004 &W-GLERT, INC. WALL SYSTEJJ HEADWALL FLASPING i—ASTM .02:6 SO# FEL-i (Ejy ENGLER-1) MP'll L. BOX ANEL E S 3) PER PANEL Z CLOSURE 24" O.C. HEADVIVALL META&& I -, - - Z CLO..7URE CUT TO Frl SEMED1 PANEL. SET LN 2 CONT. j5E&J)s OF 41 SEAUW-1 AND CAULKED 53 VEfMCALLY x,- 5 4MS fSEAl ANT POOVIDED BY Mr EpT) SUBJECT To CHANGE KqlrHiourmo-17CE:' PA GE o! 1, 5 X'() -Trz 8 . 1) APF'Ly tEALAWTAPETO INSIDE OF PANEL LEG., 2) ATTACK SIDEWALLPLASHING BY IfNSTAUNG PASMNER@24-cLr. -jHROUGHSSftjAji-k- AND lt,3-,o pANt-l_ MpE 3) ItisTALL cotJNTER R.ASHING AND CAULIC14r, jiEMMERrSMA'Mr. D WALL DEETAIL.' SE4ANT (PROVIDb - BY ENGLEYet-) COUNTEiZ FLASHING 31DWALL FL4S Jt4G 7- BUTYL TAPE 8Y ENdLEW FASTENEP g 24' D.C. SERIES ROOF -PANEL, FIELD 13END I\ AS.TM Djj6' i FELT ;(,gy El ENCLEPT HT WqDEP. . gwillE SOUD DECK Q2004ENGLERT, (111C SUBJEC-IrM G%MAAjGS'U1JTHoLf -No1 77CE pw'-Etpo 4 71 INO mss: 11 BOX sm of 2) FIELbio4Tit, 3) SEEATTANCTLOO 4) APPLYSEAL AROU140 ph 5) ATEACH 016, ams WDE A-f frA01311noid 0 7_1 300 SERIES F(.)QF PANEL POP RIVE-1 ()14E SIM ONLY ip, 24,, ER PANEL Ji, 71YRICALIM UP I 6FSEMANTAND 3 ANY -GAPS PCIPRIVEro,4 V SFALAN TAND k U1141hium OFS" SOX PANEL END 13226 30#.- FEt:,-- 13Y C km, T,) UtqDE.RLAY&,Giqr- SOLID DECIC Z CLOSURE 6U j TL)- PANELm, SET I . SEALANT W 2, QCW. 8EADS. AND lCAUWtd:VEtrjCALLATSEAMS (SiALMI' mo - - , - y l . - Pvtow BVENGLE, 9- er,/ I 2004 EIVC-LERT, INC. sus"Ecr 210 QHWGE k?,?THGU-rV077CE PAIDOC-CAP CLOSURE PAGH# E "AME T R 1,59 D A 2-300 SERIES fZOOF* PANV_ SCREWS o 2" O.C. AMA D FEL7' (Pl' SVGLE . RT) E, HTGLE'ayMDER ENT 2) IM ALL D WOOD J3MP ElJr-EBY431.1oilgia OPEN HEM ptq-,() SOLID DECK S Rays @ MEAT& Fl8l'EKUf4r. MTN 12' O.C. EN-CIONTO SUST)PATMJ= DRIP Ppc,= IgT6 OPEN HEMElEGINRANELIjqSrALLAT.j(3N. -OF PANEL TO DRIP EDGE Q2_q04 gjVjol Ep7 jjVC SUBJEC7 jQCH.4NGEW,7.HC)U7 Aro-,7cE: I : .