HomeMy WebLinkAboutTYPICAL VALLEY DETAILVALLEY nET g& m m NOTE FN r CL;tVA LEY nA' SHINGS-aEFORS pAU WOOD4GRMSN-ob, TH ALIGNAND IN§ - 1(-- kiFAD VALI Ey 01-A'ser CLEATFLASHIgOATLEAST -8liCl MTH TAPESSALANTO"I BDTH SIDES OFCFROP,4 c NTjtFt 6F; EMSTRA7 EWri ILEE4TTHfZCUC-HVALLeVi:i,, VALLEY, PLASHINteft'GANDMPSMhIDkEEMPANHOADWijobscc -SEALANi b. 7) &NGAGS fpf: "In 24" (j. PANEL AS L IVED END bF PANEL To or.FStE-,- CLEATAM AsTAC R 'IF PANEL. # 10— 1 2X1o Lo PANCUE!HEADFIECLa & 24 SER . lEs ROOF VALLEY OFFSET CLE4'r T uklr)EojAyj,jEi4L, ASTf4 ()2 r. 30# FEL-F 8:r E buiij SOLID DECK 00 2004 E JGLZRZ INC.. SU!ty-- 4APE (By ENGL RT) CHAJVW MMOU7-MOTICE: PAQC-#.jjq 77"-- Ls' wg-i RYBo_"T'VIENTOFRZGULATQ MANDCODRADAW 2301 !'ie4A Oft, T" a IL,2-:Ae Hialeah, r"M 3010 . SCOPT'... This NOA i being issued under the applicatdocurne"VtiOn submitted has been reviewedusedink,-RamI Dade. County and'othe, areas This NOA shall not be Valid eter the e7 pirat111MianiiDadeCounty),aud/Gr the AFTY (Inor ""'W tested for quality assurance purpomanufacturerwillinr,'& the expo_nsdof such.tOfsuchproductormaterialwithindeterminedtheiriMsdbyliand-Dade County prp ucteapplicablebuildingqodp.. is product is approVed,as described.herdi,,, including -the VelccitY Rurricane Zone o ert Series 1.30o Steel Each unit shall bear a perins'atement: "'%fiam'-Dade COuntY Product C.ao"Z R'E-N-1'WAL11 of this IVOA shall. be consideredIntheapplicablebuildingcodenegatively, affec T!'IRIMUPTATION of' mat,,j,js, use, and/or this NOA will Occur aft sales, ad'vertis' manufacture Of the P,,,d-,, u29 or any other purposes shall athis1-40A shall be cause for termination and re SERI—EMINT: 'he NOA number, prele4'ra"on date May be displayed in a . f in its entirety. dvertismg C T10 NTZ' A c opy, a f th i s - entire I NOA shishall -be available "OrinsPection rL-thejob site at' This,NoA COUSIsts Ofpages I through S. The-stibInitted docilmentation was I reviewed by AOECGUtqfy SEICTUON iaI4_.PI9Y.da' 3317&2-474 T(786).;45 2590IF(7 99. 6) 315 23 IV% W d' W'Mla'n rules and regulations governing thed. accepted by mi puse Of construction materials. Thami-Dade County rLereallowedbytheAu"hority Havi .. tict Control: S6ction,,t.0, be. i, derLe, stated below. The Miami-Daoe-co as.other than- Miami' Dad uRtY Pr ductCpjjftj'SeItIbheCounty) eseIfthisproduatOxI& - t1o1av, d"s product ing and the AHJ eria AaIIS to pet-form.1in.the-aed L ion 3naY immediately jeV Anfi6r, -the Qk0l. fy, Pf. - " susPendthe use17Rreservestherighttorevokethis, acgopItrolSectionthat,this PrOdjjej if it is Or 1114teriAl faiI I . 11 requirements d has been designed to CbnjpJY with the Flor.jea.Bu -CodeheFloridaBuildingCode. .. ilding 257 CUPS and 61, Clips) I -label with the manufacturWs nameior logo, 61olApproved", unless otherwise - TY' Statp- and foil -owingnotehn. 06i ifter a renewal application has been filed and thdre,has'been TIP changeingthePerformanceofthisProduti., the expiration date or iftjjer, has b en a revisiontor . Orchap9e in theProcess. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement. t, omatically lek-ininate, this NOA. Failure to com OfA4Y Produc forOvalof -1\70A Ply 1140i any section of eded by the words Miami-1) a:LC6 Florida, and; f-ollowliterature. if any Portion of th 0 ed by the isPkY.04. then it shall be done I be Provided to tile user by the mtherequestofteB a luf uildingofti,,al acturer Or its, distributors and Pacheco, P.E. NOA. No.. 16-092 0.14 Date. App Pi ge 10-115 ROOFUIG AmmjY APPROVA-L,; COtego -"j MOW, Panels(Non-Struclural) steel Deek Typ.-: Wood M -Desig- Pressure IrR ADDI, 8 -0 -g PRODUCTtt& MAN URED OR LABDUED BY APPIA7CANT; LmC, —ft 41 2ILM eRSiOM Tett Product Seriez 1300 Length: various Width; 16" A R CrffwdwftTAS12:5 Corrosibn 1esistaqt,:gajvaIurnq, Thickness 0.024 (24 pr.ef6rmed,. sk4i.idin g ear&,C'Dat 4-.Pre.-finishe .rneta] . d Min. Yield Strength. ST) 7 panels, Cli Lqngtfi 2" TAS 125 Coitosib4 resist jt. cajV4jUtje,,,prefOM ed,, Height- 1 -9/1,611 r-OAtedTfe- filshed Inetal HcTS ror usp , I nFieldorThickness0.020 eranterand -reA aofRoof, 6"Clip Length:, 6 3141, Vj. dt, h: P I TAS 125 COrrosion-' re istant:gatvalume, PreAtormed, coated, Xb-f , =§hed,. imi -lips for;use i3i Thickness 0 0216T-din Perraiter and C6mer'Ardas of J oof, Piec6s Length: varies, Width:, varies NIA COrrOsioli resistant, 9`1valume. Prebormed, Thickness 0 -0276; coa md, Pie-flni fie' oil, fxiln pieces.. E-,FJLDZ4I%f--.R I-Agen ey —Test.,Illddemdufler Morton International I AS-0286-91L Pak. Morton ' International Ut Sptay Feb. 1986ASTNI - 117AS1296-91T I - Accelerated --VieeheringArchitecturalTestingInc. 01-32797,01 Feb. 198,6. ASTJ d 0 23 Axchitectural Testing Inc. I TAS 100 Nov..1998 01-32-797.03 Elurricane: Test Laboratory, LLC. ASUIVI E 8 NOV- 1993 01515-0615-05 TAS 1-,)5 Architecturai Testing Feb.2006 922-70.01-109-j-, TAS 11 25 Octolber. 2009 e, t Rom j M. X-TO Ple.: I&OP20.14: A Pproval Datel 1/03,16 A_1PPR0-V,%.D M48snou _q. system Dieck Typ e.- siope -Rap-9ge.. Maltnm lu pjgtM, L --- Daek.g 0 - Alre Porrier Board. WReys: AteeSISGries: eries 1, A Wood,Non, Panel 16"Wide NeW 0 greater ' 9/ 31"11 greater P Ywood. or wood, pja.nL see Table IS. 5 el" Inaccordan - ri. _ CeWl ng-shanknaiiss Minim IVUnI - 32") Mlinimuln underla side-lapll uid 05 en and 12 --gauge I V4, rows 1212 O.C.In th Any aPP-roved fire e,ratings of this the asssemb)Y. See Valley Construe and Wi . th Engi tion ert2s..( Instal! the 11series i instaflation instruc Penetrations, valley1-00flngApojjcation PaneigsfiWI be irist at'a. m a drnum liste, Spoiler t,ip. Corr..".. Of ar. Sta njdli"Ng s e am, h a 11 MAXiPREO(Of A_rI-----_____111A.1fl Mum DesiP PressuresVM _Ze Is _2 M_ M C; vp) I A 24" MePF)i_ze-—`—_, , 71; 0 A DECouNTY, W 011 U_-1_1M applicable building. code,, but in no c seliaced611.0-c- In rerooffng, * * SI be Whe],0 th than 4 8d annularedeql,Is.lesg,tli 10 Y! the above 8ttachment method must be dj . an. 13Y Thick ment shall ' be an ASTA4 D 226 Ty 1n ad 10 odsting . oachmeri.t laps4 Under] Pe 11 aPrient shall be fia 0- Jannular 17i stened MIdth 117111113r). 4" nig Shank nail . & spaced 6" o;t.z at.all I ;stant;14.0-7caps; field of the roll. Or. ..APSandlwoanyaPPrOliedunclefliv1 taggOred barrier hav, ment. iavinzaicuj, n jqO',k. 1 - 1ngacPrrent_NOA- Refi rto-aJPoLm9sr-tem assembly current Aredi1. 'rect9171 listing.ifg, Limitation # as Well asthelocal t :boftheive arrier wjth, shall be in comphlance With R0091:19 Applfca . t I ion:StandardarrentPublishedinstallation1. RAS 133: struc-tions. 300 panel- and Ions and accessories in Compliance, with the c details in Englert's Instal I laqo- . n -... 'curre4tPublishedonstructiOnandof -her detai I ual.- Stan . Is shaU 'be 0dadRAS',133. ObStrucTed in c jauci6. With' led With approved PanelIinTa - CiiPs located at each p6nej:IIbl, A below, paraffel,.to roof Slope, fastiene. side lap spacedresistarit.screws of sufficient i 10 wafer head0PenetratethroUgh ' inch- Use 2 Screws for the ),t ength thecliparid.11seA! I scfews" sheathing 71 f r the 61 clip. seamed to a oo d, VTUL'V.I D;rslcN PIZESSURts ane. co,,,60; seam, (single, loll Per—i:neter 16-0920.14 ApprovalDatejj)jj j ppage 3 ors SYS-PR. Fire clasSificaii011 Is 1101 PJaft Of this-acc ral:ffigs of, product. MWdlnum designed- pressure' and. Corners)- Neither -rational: analysis,f Pressute'Zones (i.e. perfinetprs =—Ean -del' 3. D * t JQ1mg-APPl'cation Standard RA§, 13 All. panels s.hall be permanently label 6low- All clips sball be permane I'Mi.anli'Dade cOlInt b Y Product Contrb ntly ]a. 5. AU products listed herein shajj IlaVe a Rule 61G20 of the FlOnd&Admi ' nistral 6- Pimels may b6jobslte 1-011 f'ormed with 45121-11"? U Xance.7 refer to a current APP . roved R o.fj4g.:MatetjWs Direc, tory for Ire- Cfein shall -be APPJic6le:to za ofro pressure zonoo P ,rl jj tar.sierlrextrapolationshallbepermittedfOicnhanced,f ' teningpt enhancedasCornersandCorners), lencrths from eave to ridge, described in with the*14ant1facturees name and/Oi* logp, and'the f0110wh1a statement- Oproved" or with the. 191,18miq) ieled with the ma ade County NvOudt-Control:-Sehl as.seen, nufactLirer2s name ah0or logo, 'andlor- model RY assurance audit in accordanc ""' 'thihe FlOO& Building Code andCode. hine w -roodel. u 6.10.63 from -En&A'P ollfbrmed Ptod7jcts Ass ciAtion. INO , A 16-0.920.14 Expirat!60 'Date'. 11103121 PRge 4 of 5 114/02 A—'MLD APM ANDO MR-17W, IN RIGI FILE DR.A.T,7VR-jG8 0 P -L 10 -m) 441-INT I P fS QM TRJ C 13 4,70VIE, SOS ILL --11L q go e 'ren a u, iLlts-g. Fee S s a rn seamiltv -'ast 1300 pi4 Seaga hli ITL Ys T FlAlff Pq TEr ACCL, -P TANCEFURDIJ, n 4pprovaj. Page 5 of s 7 I OF RE-GULATORYA-M. COD-#, ADIVRG C rye SIPPa-2331, _NJV 07054 This 1110A Js being- issued ddoPn er the applii:a qumentat. P submifted has been re i wedused, in M - . MY - vie am; Dade Cou and Other -areas This NO-4- shall riot be lmlfd after the expiraInMiamiDadeCountv Product y and/or the A14i or material tested -for quality ass rainanner, the m anufacturer will -incur tile 11ex-1suspendtheuseofsuchProductormater. is jal Vifit' ' determined by 1\41arni'-Daderequirem, . County This . euts of the -applicable building code- product is approved- as described hereincluding1, the Hij-1 -Velocity 14urricane Zone c DEf Sam? Slit-) sLizeet, LTAB2L"TC" Each unit shall bear aperin an( statement. OlWiami-Dade' County Product COt, W'F-WAL" Of this NOA shall be consideredRtI , InorheApplicablebuild - code negAtiijejy' affec 110"" If this NIOA will occur af, materials, use. and/or manu- Lar-ture of the prod, f9r- sales advertising or any other purposes. shzLOfthisNOAShallbe . cause for termination and j pis The NOA number precTirationdatemaybedisplayedinadvertisinginitsentiret,, CT IDN' A shall be av copy Of this entire NTOA ailable for inspecti1011 atthejob sit-- OA- reneA's NOA No. 14-102_).26 and c( This N Tile submitted documentation 0,,as reviewed b - _y EW70- MIAUM i-D ADV CupM CONT R0- L S RcTfolq T( 90)3. fiam rules and, regulatio_n.s 90verningthtu e.of..construbt nepteio tedacedbyMarni-Dade CountY P n1a 17 Ais. Th uct C040-01 Section t ` be: the Authority I-jav g juris 0Bre-allolved by' od ' n date stated belmi. The IMi diction t4o. ami'-Dad6 'Ccu*,Pk0ditct Control: SareasOtherthanMiiamiDade, county.) msdjve the.. purpos M if this Pkbduct or: to have this se Of such testing and the AHJ may Ails to Peff0l'blin the accepted li, irnmediatel'y revolce, modify, orntheriurisdiction. RER resert.,es the ri rhtLLductControlSectionthatthisproduc., o to r6VOICe this acceptance L -'mr dal fails, to meet tileAten and has been designed to, compl 1&dthie-Florida Building Code Y the Flolida Building' Code. 00f Dee Proteqt!ol' 2p-d t label witl the manufactur_rs,_ name .,.lbgq. 11 APProved", unless 6thenviselloted. herein. ct?.' state and 'r`bjjowing fter a renewal applicat. n has been filedla,,d- bg the pej.Tbr...6 there, has, been no cl3allrreOfthisProduct, r the eXPiratiOn date Or if there has beAorprocess. jVjisLse of. en a. revis' ion, or phange.i. the automatically ter' Lb's NOA as aii endorsement el any Product. minate this NOA_ i I . . 1 coinInOvalOfNOA. Fa jurelo, . POY, Wiffi al),Y SeCtibn by -the words Miani-Dade County, Florida, and IxQllowed b111"e- If any portion y tl,- of the NOA is dislj'l .10 ayed, then it sh J. be done, al be Provided to the user bY the manufacturer Or iLs d.istributorsrequestoftheBu7jldingOfficial. . and Of pages I throuah - Tigera. J. 140A Md.: r—paradon Date.- 0_)16 Apprbvaj,zD,,te 71222 02/02/2 7 pa.-e I of 3 41: F TC; A- VM, RGO: iD SSEP LL Categorj' Underlayn'le Fiberglass T,h's acceP-Lauce is for Irersashxeic'60ersasweldm8010n, for "se 'With approved prepared roof VelocitI fftiniciatii.Zone o.fthe.Floride Buil, PRO DUCT4, - DRE, sr,'RL Versaft "doFel 42" 9 100, Res-isfar, P. D eek t0i 70*Zeeffojj Versaameldo 7257 166.7' V Skeet 36, x 166.71 T L Cono'Ver, INC U'Brvu Ta T -V- D", Z -S-t A a c ij PRI COnstruction MaterialsT6cllnolokies UO r%Mriters Labo m—Lories Inc kq-STAL :4 A- VersaShleldo FireResistant Roo-f Deck PrinstalledinstrictcOrnpliancewitIlapplicatVer8a-ShieldO Fir starlt ROOf Deck Pn111stalledijithaibinirnum4iucheadla73' VdrsaShipldO Fire-Resistarlt h com Roof Deck Pr( P'iance Ith -da S underjaynjea'!," plott -uilding Code 15: Roof Z-eck- Profewo,,,. (aj.a -Vusa-k-a "VersaShield aShiWdP- UnderhiyTnenf') and, S010"7), as describ hs- Designed to col-n t.j..S"Notice.d.ApCode. IY with: the, Fl ccyptaild 0 71 ASTM D 226 n-Asphaltic fibera l7vpa u a . m. ass basedunderj'aym- lid/orfire barrier. -ellt UT-790 NOn--A-si)haltic fiber., giassrlbasefIrebarijer. SHP shee, an&or tzt 02-G-) ZLS ASTAILD.226 ASTM D j26 5831 TAS 700' VT6 1990 LTL'7'90 54 UL790 03/2:1/()() 7926 ASTMI.D 2 q 6 140 TIL790 09/2-.-1/69 I ecTion or VersaShieldO Sojcx, Firee-BUilding Code. -Resistant Sjjg P Shew,. shall be rec"'0110 VersaShield'@ Solo 'Fire-Resiashinglelayer Pfshion. Staw, Sli . Sheet shall be eciiOn shall be me, hanically used in lieL, 0- in. Q ''VheP fastened with a I ?-- code Prescribed A 71 1 *D 22 6 T.-Ype ff ITO.A- Iq Expirat!" 1 a- Ot' Data: 02107/1.2 kuoroww'D.O.: 02/024 - , T7 P29e2,Df- Fire classification -is not part of tills acct ratings Ofthis produd 2. Thi S a ceptance is for prepared roofin applicable btulding:,dode, 9 3. Ver,-aS h'eldoFire-ResistantR -jeDeckp,,, days of- 1 00 VOicatiOn. VersaSbi'el& Solon, VersaSMWA F're'Resistant Roof Deck - component,, used. in foof assemblles, RoofS;, Versasbielde- esistant. Ro FwithanYMPProve&.ro Of Deck Of cOVedAg: NoticeorVersaSlhiel& 8610"Fire Resistwlt SlipAoceptapce. If VeksgShieldO is not listed. areq . Fire-Resistm MAY be Made to the COIIWoJ Department f6-r 4PProval'Provided Products. wind uplift resistance, and fire ta versaShiel-&- Fire Resistant Rooff D,,k 1 asphaltic underlayment rspecifthatmaybeuise,dl, Pc ro Pf assemblile s using YersaShi bk to a cur -rent APO7- All.p ql all have a quRote61020 . -3 of the-FlOrida A -v rL,'--PT G: All nembranes OrPackagin shallbeartfle- c, g state of manufactudng facili impr statement: "Miarnibade ty, YeIlGw line to 11 s1lown below. COuntY Product Con i AQ PMIT IYS W, IT Application 'for buildin. permit shallThisNti be accom 0 We Or Acceptail6e. Any other docn-,,ents required by Buildi] instal iation of this material. 04 EVDII Vm P r '14 Vance, refer to a current -,kProved Rooffna mI aferiAls. Direc fo fire Pplicatiorjs. Minimum tOry decic, reqPirethdrits Ztlaff in 'COMPHArice with PtectiOn shall not be left -e,,cposed as a teMpo.._ R My"'OOf for loncrer than '00PSheetshallnot! be. 16ft.-,exp6 ` d - rotePtion -and Versa8 se A tho hieldO Solorhl Fi She . L'semblies ate , V' ` are.aI ;I?Prqved under s J bfAcde ptanico, rotection, or Versashieldo S6101--i Fir4e;_kWstani SlipifAcceptancelistin=,, Versa Sheet MAY IJe -usedShieldOFir&P, Itb eck ProteeitjSheetmaybeused -,is a c J of D. on it R f tecti OfnPonehll Part Ot an asseOofDeck,: Pro on Itibly. lb: the'Noti A utho rity. Havin ju Or VersaShiejd0sGl6Tg!.F i of xe-Re4lsX4nt Slip $heet. risdiction (AHJ) or Ihiel fiaffil.Dad,CountY ProducttbatappropriatedocumentationisPro-vid6d tt . ipg results- p detail tOmPa#bilfty of the 01--ction and VersaShiel& sojoTm Fire-R.esistant Sfig Sheet -are a non - Is a 15re barrier for Prepared roof asse do Fire -Resistant RO Offe&, Fdr B re c assification ofOfDeckProtectionV, .— 6 . ... wed, Roolffi z SolngMaterialsDirectolyFO " or r fire ratilitYassuranceaudit.,ip n99 0 0§ prqdUct. accordance with jhCode. e Floti& Raildiq, Codt and it or identifiable maricing. of the 111111facture".S, name. or 10.00 - andItifYtheASTMStandarddesi, 4 , citynationorlo. 416 -follo.wing A Pproved' or tfie 11a-mi-Dade COuntY Product " govand Control, Seat by copies of the -follo"vin": ofr"'al or Applicable bui1ding code in order to properly evaj.a, the T, MRS A,\ C-Cz" Y, Z4 J Tcro Approvaj 1P2w: 02/0712,2 Datcz. 02102J17 PaW- 3 Gr`3 NOTES: 1) THtVEkT PIPE MU*ST BE EXfENDED THROUGH THE LT OF THE PANEL2) CUT THE PANEL TO FIT*T'.'HEP'IPE- PROPERL 3) TPJM THE ROOFJ-ACK SOIHAT THE PIPE WILL FIT SJUGLY AND'INST-ALL OVER THPIPE. I E 4) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PANEL AND THE BASE FASTENING RING OF THEROOF -JACK.' 5) ATTACH THE BASE OF THE ROOF JACK TO THE PAN U.SING'#1/4-14X7`/8"STITQHRISI - 0. C I L XL-FASTtNE' 16) APPLY. SEALA 7) IN W'BETWEtNTHE PIPE AND THE TOP, F THE ROOF JACK. S fALL A 8TAII . INLESS StIFIEL CLAMPING RING SNUGLY AROUNDTHE TOP OF THEROOFJACK. STAINLESS STEEL 'HOSE CLAMP SCREM @ I" O.C. SOLID DECK 2500 SERIES PANEL- @2004 ENGLERT, INC. VENT PIPE SEALANT BY ENGLERT ROOF JACK DEKTITE OR E(jUAL) SEALANT BY ENGLERT ASTM , D.226.. 30# FELT. By EWLERT) IENGLERT IJT JN[)LRLAYMWT TO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICiF PA GE # f NOTM 1) THE VENT PIPE MUST Pq EXTENDED THROUGH THE FL 2) CUT,7HE PANEL TO:FIT THE PIPEPROPERLY.* 3) TRIM, THE ROOF JACKS6 THAT THEPIPE WILL FIT SNU PIPE. 4) APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PANEL AND THE BASE ROOF JACK. 5). ATTACH THEBASE OF THE ROOF JACK TO THE PANEL XL,FASTENtRS-@--I',,'aC, 6) APPLY SEALANT BE'.RIVEEN THE PIPE. AND THE TOP OF 7) INSTALL A STAINLESS. STEEL CLAMPING RING SNUGLY ROO F, JACK. STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMP SCREWS @ 1" O.C. SOLID DECK — 2500 SERIES PANEL TION DETAIL OF THE PANEL. Y AND INSTALL OVER.THE STENING RING OF THE 114-14 X7i8'STrrCH F JACK. THE TOP OF THE VENT PIPE SEALANT BY ENGLERT ROOF JACK CDEKTITE OR EQUAL) SEALANT BY ENGLERT ASTM D226 30# FELT BY ENGLERT) ENGIFRT HT UNDE''RLAYME'NT 1 @2004 ENGLERT, INC. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICE -PAGE#21