HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1600 Lj\.'\J . . Lots Three (3), Your (,) and Fiye (6) in Blook 8 ot Biltmore Park Subdiyieion. acoording to Plat ot said Biltmore ~ark ot reoord in the Vrtioe ot the Clerk ot the Cir~it Court of St. Luoie County ,Florida. in Plat Book I. page 62. the 8~e beiD8 a ~evi8ion of a portion or the Borthwest part of Lawnwood Addition to Fort Pieroe, Florida, and being looated In the Northwest portion or Seotion 16. TOWDShip 36 S~th, Range 40 Ea8t. in St.Luoie County Florida. PROVIDED, NEVKRTHltLESS. These presents are made subJeot to all. of the tollowing exprss8ed oonditions. re8triotlon8 and limitations, appl.ying to the said propertJ and wbioh are inte~ded to be. and ahall be bindi>>g alike upon the heire, representatives and asslBns ot the said party of the seoond part and on the parties of the tirst part. who. by aooeptanoe of this Instrument agree to abide by, perform and adhere to said oonditions. restriotion8. limitations, 8S one ot ~ the express oonditioDs of these presents, but only for the pariod ending Januar.y 1, 1936. 1. That no building shall be ereoted on the 88id land exoept tor private dwelling purposes, exoept usaul ~ necessary out-buildings, and ~hat said 'wellinB house exolusiye ot the out- buildings, shall oost not less than $2,600.00, wbioh price &hall not inclu~e arohiteotural expen- ses or tees .'and shall not inolude any other 01a6s ot improvemellts save and excQpt the aotual ma- terial and construotion oost ot the said dwelling house. 2. That not more than one residenoe. together with u8.ual and neoessary out-bul1diD8s, shall be erected on eaoh ot said lots. (.1.00 Dooumentar,t Stamps oancelled) 3. That no unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereby conveyed, now shall the same be used tor any commeroial purpose; nor shall the same or 8Dy part thereot, or an,y interest therein be sold. released or otherwise oonveyed to any porsons'ot~er than the oauoasian Race; provided that nothibg herein oontained shall prevent the keeping and maintaining usual and neoessaty servants oc the property fo~ s~asonable tamily use. This prevision, however. shall not cause forfeiture unless the holder of the tee 1s shown to be at fault. 4. That no buildine shall be oonstruoted or erected at a les8 distance than twenty ~~e~ trom the frcnt line ot 8aid lot, or either of them. ~". ~ " 5. That it sfiid party of the seoond part. bis heirs, ~epresentatiYes or assigns, .. any hold- -;, . or of the property hereby oonveyed by virtue ot ..., Judioia~ proceedings, 8hall tail to oomply with any of the above and foregoing restriotions, oonditions or limitations within sixty days at~er written notioe by mail to the said party ot the seoond part. his heirs, personal represen- tatives or assigns, or Bn7 of them. at their last known address. by the 8aid parties of the fir- st part, their suocessors, personal representatives or assigns, or either ot them, then the said aboye desoribed and oonveyed property shall immediately revert to the said parties of the first part, their 8Uoceseors or assigns, who shall be entitled to immediately enter upon said property without notioe and take posRession of the same with full title in tee simple, tOBether with all improvements. thereoU. and no waiver ot any of these oonditioDs, limitations or restriotions, ex- pressed or implied, or failure tor any length of time to enforce the same shall oonstitute a bar to 8I1oh enforoement at any tims. It is further understood. and &greed that parties of tl>> firat part; w111 aot make any deed to any lot in Biltmore Par{prlor to January 1,1935. without the atoresaid pruviaions and restriot- :1 1 ions. J" 'fOGETHER With all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanoes, with every privilege, right, tltle, interest and ,estate do.er. and ri~~t of dower, reversion. remainder and easement thereto belongine or in 8D1'W1se appertaining: '10 HAVE AID TO HOLD the aame in tee simple torner; llD the sald parties ot the tirat pa,--t do oo'nnant .Uh the 881d party ot the oeoond part that they are lawtully seized ot the said premiu8; tbat they are tree of all inoumbranoe&i and that they have good right and lawful authority to sell-the Bamei and that sald parties of the tirat part do hereby tully warrant the t1 Us to 8&14 laud., and 111111 defend the 8ameaga1Dst the lawrul ~t1~~t~~i~}~lr{~