HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1603 qut.~ .. .- r . _...,'..'.. 0_) ~ . . _ . ~. ~:. _ r L oertain paroel ot 184d 171ng and being in the County of Saint l..loh Uld State of Florida. . more par'loularly d.aotibed aa follow.: BegUming at the Soutbeast oorner' of Jo81e Rlobal"deon's Iud ill Soo. 27, Town.M.p 37 SOQ,th of Range Q Baet, and lUnning thellce South 20 roda; thenoe West 80 rode; then(\e !forth 20 rods; thanoe Xut 80 rod8 to plaoe oW beglnning exoepting the right ot war ot the nort.C~ /' Eas~ Coast Railway, Whioh should be desorlbed asy-'':'- Beginning 20 rods and 33 teet South ot the Ifonheaat oomer of the Sou.thw8at ~U'ter of tbe A10nbaastQuarter of Seotion 27, Township 37 South of Range U Eut running thlnce ~outh 20 rode, We.t 80 rode. 1I0rth 20 rot. and. L.ast to point ot b.inninc, being in Saiat !.uoh "ounty, .'lorida. (;;"J 'f' is-~, .a;;:f''J 11.. J. . 'together with all~the ten..ents, haredItaaenta aD! appurtenanoes, with. ever)' prIYilege. rl&ht. tl tle, lntereat and estate. reveraion, rell8.inder aDd easement thereto belonging or in ~8e appertaininc: 'to JU.VB .&liD TO HOLD the aa. in tee eimple torever. III WI'tBSS WH!BEOF the edd part)' ot the firet part bas oaaeed these presents to be . r 8igned Cashier t )' ita President and it. oorporate seal to be attixed, atte8ted by 1ts ar aboye wri tten. 1) FORT PIERCE BAlIK A TRUST CO. : B7 E. L. Prioe m Preeident. Atteet: J. B. Howard Its Cashier. Signed, Sealed aD! delivered in the presenoe ot: J. If. .Durden. ( K. ;["e-kSDll. S'tATE OF FLORIDA,' COUlf'fY OJ' SAlIf'l mClE: I hersby oen~ tbat on thie d~ pereomlly appearlld betore me, X. L . Prioe and J. B. Howard. Pre.ident and Cashier. respeotiyely, ot the Fort 1'1eroe Bank 1& Trust COIlPany, who eaoh \- " aomowledged that he exeouted tbe foregOIng instrument as the tree aot and doed ot the said bank, ani that they attixed thereto the Corporate leal. I have hereunto 8et ay hand and otfioial 8eal at Fort !'ieroo, Florida, ~(l<M-' G'c...~(lu4'~ b' 1. II. Durden. . ~!:. - c:.;~~l--::"f.. Rotary rUcbl1dO tor the State ot noii~&. at \'";o~ ~ ~ ~ f-. Large, K,y ommiuion Expires April 6, 1927. 9th d~f Jlaroh.,:'.,D.1925, at 4.20 ~. K. Q. :~ :8: R Filed !- ~\~. P. C. Eldred. - Clerk ot.. the _ Ciroui t By cAl7(/ -r. -7 // - Gourt, D. C. -------III#lllj:#I###~##--------- Irving RaSMUssen and Jennie Rasmuasen, Warranty Deed. lIrs. Alioe Drake Killer. r THIS DUD. Kade the 2nd dq ot Aoaroh, A.D. 1925, by Irving Rasmussen and Jennie Rasmussen. hia Wite ot the Count)' ot Kaae State of illinois hereinafter oalled the grantors to Krs. ~i08 Drake lil1l1er ot the County of "ook ;)tate of Illinois hereinafter called the grant... ,.. . WI'l'BESS:&tB, Thd the sait grantors in oonsideration or Ten Dollars and other valuable oon- l' , sideraUons uollers, tbe reoel}1tr whereot 18 hereby aoknolwedged, do give, grant. barBain, sell, allen, remise. release, enteott, oonve)' and oont1ra unto the said grantee and her heirs and asaigne. in fee .laple, the land. 8ituate ill St. "'\101e ~ounty, State of )lorIda deaoribe4 ae folIo_a: the Weat ten eor.. ot traot .1x, an4 all that part of the w.et .en aores ot traot 3 lying South ot the main outrall oanal of the Indian River rarms DraInage Dhtr10t, in ;)8ation elgh~ '. ... ". ..... .:::/i:;:t~li~~i