HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1606 I l:J\J tj . _.__.~'_':-..._~._~--~ - .-._ -_.__ .-.---'-"-'-'-._.__"'_0_._._.' _ ,_..___...__......... ...- ._,___.__ ________._~._ _---'-____ __.___ _______.__,.___ _____.___.. ..__._.. ___._.._ _m_O__ ____ 0_ _ "! -- ~""'.'.~ .-- ,.p. . ""'-.. . "--..~. ..... ~ -'- -....- -.. ,.'... .. - ."'-. ,_.<:"~ """--'~""""'-",.;.-...--... .. .... ... - -.- . -- '-..-' - ......-. "'-:-.',' -,..,... "..- ..,'........ whioh oontraot \here was oonv.,ed me oertain lands therein deioribed, situated in st. Lu6ie Coun~7 'lor Ida , bereb)? deolare and ft8ree \hat I nIl, and ~ heirs, au.ooeuore. aAminis~ratorB and exeou~ra shall hold the sald prell1sG8 tor tho purposes, with tho powers and subJeot to the proyisione hereot. 'Zor the benofi t ot the oeetul que trust and upon the truet 1'ollowing y,.:- 1. In trust 1'Ol" the Hlllsboro Oanal Land OomPaD7. Pioneel" Investment OompalQ', a oorporation of Florida, J. A. Rostan and Ward Randolph, Jointly, George_~!verano~, J. ,.Walker, g. S. Kottor J.A.Ro8tan, Max Greenberg. J. W. Long, E. J.Reed, Carrie La~tII!>aok and J. II. Bluim. Jointly. in the tollowing proportions and interests, to-wi~:- (a) That the .aid ~ll1eboro Canal 1and CompaD7, a Florida oorporation, 18 entitled to an un- divided one-quarter interest (l/.) in and to said propert~; .(b) !hat the ~ioneer Investmtnt Compa~, a Florida Corpo~ation. is entitled to an undivided one-eight (1/8) interest in and to 881 d Propert7; (o) that the said J. .A.. R08tan and Ward Randolph. jOint17, are enUtled to an undivided one- eight (1/8) interest in and to 8aid property; (4) That the aaid George Severanoe 18 enUtled to an undivided ten-one-hundredth (10/100' interest to and in 8aid property: (e) That the aaid J.F.Walker, is entitled to an undivided ten-one-hundredth (lO/lOO) interest in and to said property; (t) That the said E.S. Kotter is entitled to an undivided one-twentieth (1/20' interest in and to aaid property: (g) That the said J.A..aostan is entitled to an undivided eleven-two-hundredth (11/200) inter- est in and to said proper~y: (h) That the sai~ Max Greenberg is entitled to an undivided seven-one-hundredth (7/100' into rest in and to said property; it> (i) That the said J.W.Long is entitled to an undivided one-tortieth (l/~. interest"and to 811id prope rty; (J) that the said K.J.Reed is entitled to an undivided interest ot one-twentieth (l/20) in and to 1Iaid property; .1 I (k) Tha. ~he said Carrie l.audenback and J.II.Bluim, Jointly, are ontitled to an undivided one- twentieth (1/20' inhrest in and to said property. 2. In trust, when required by notioe in writing by a maJority ot th08e interested to sell and oonve1/ any portion or allot said real e8tate to suoh pitrson or pers~as ma,y ba by them de8lBna~ed, at 8uoh price and upon ~Ch teras as may be stipulated, and to exeoute and deliver any and all deeds, mortgages, or other instruments necessary and proper in oonneotion with the 8ale of said property. 3. In t1"lA.8t to rsoeive all moneys derived from the 8ale of said property and to apply the , 8ame on the purohase price thereot or on taxes and all other legitimate expenses arising in oonneotion with said property; and to ti8t~ibute the p~of1ts trom the Bale of said lands and all other proflte derived trom Baid real e8tate, among those interested, in the proportions her einabove named, when authorized to do 80 in writing by a maJority of those interested. 4. The trustee _7 emplpy all such &gents and attorneys 88 he may think proper and find expedient and presoribe1 th.t~. powere and duties, and at no time shall he be personally ree- pon81ble tor any mi800ndu.ot, errors or om188ionB of 8uoh agents and attorneys employed and retained wi th rea80nable O9.re. 6. !he property hereinaoove dd80ribed W88 purohased on ocm\raot 1'or the .ua ot Two Hundred SeY8nty-seven Thou8aDt DOllar. (.277,000),- p"able as 1'ollow.:- Sixty-nine thou.aDd Two .- Hundnd am. 'ift7 Dollars II69.2flO.) in ouh and. the balanoe to be paid in t bree (31 equal ann- ual. In.\allmente ot Sixt7-alne 'rhouDud bo Hundred Uld Fifty l>oUar. (t69,250) DRl"eJ.'\. on I) r '- 1 I' @i~~t~i;~r~~rt .', '/":"::';',::>>~i1~jl~