HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1607 '.I '-I I ~ - - - ;' L January.2nd, 1926, January 2nd, 1927 and Januar7 2nd 1928, reupeotively; whioh 8aid deterred p~ntq are evldenoed by three \3) promil8or,y note8, with intorest at the rate ot 8evetn (7~) per oent per annum, payable semi-annually, and it i8 understood that eaoh ot the partie8 here- inabove bad are obligated to p~ said amount in the proportions and interefJts herein etate4. 6. Tho 'ruatee lhall at all times keep full and proper books of aooounts and reoorde ot hi. , prooeedinge and dolugs but shall not be required to ~ive a~ bond and shall not be liable exoept tor the re811lte of hie own gro8s negligenoe and bad taith. 7. 'the tl'\1stee shall be entitled to reoeive reasonable oompen8ation. for 8ervioes rendered In oonneotion with this trust agreement. 8. The protits derived trom the 8aid property shall be divided between Hillsboro Canal Land Company, a ~lorida oo~poration, ~ioneer investment ~ompa~, a Florida oorporation, J.A.Rostan and Ware dandolph, Jointly, George severa~ce, J. F.~alker. E.$.Kott~~ , J. ..Rostan, ~ Green- berg, J.W. Long, A. J. Reed, Carrie Laudenbaok and J. K. ~luim, Jointly, in the proportion8 and interests a8 stated in paragraph One hereot. 9. it i8 under.tood that In the event auy one ot the abov$ stated J8rties should tail~ to meet .any pa,men\8 by him or them 80 obligated, atter sixty days notice, said party shall torfeit whatever am~t bas been paid in as liquidated damages and the remain~ng unpaid portion of said shares or sha~e shall be divided in the above proportions aDd interests and paid for aooordingly by those interested. II WITlESS WHEREOF, I, J. &. ROSTAll. as True tee, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day ot March, A.D. 19~. ( r. - I' " ~ I' I . I. i_ . --',- J. ~. Rostan........(.L. S. ) TRUSTEE. "- S18ned, sealed and delivered in the presenoe of- E. C. Davi8. I' Robert E. CaIiD. STATE OF FLOaID~ COUlJTY OF PADl BliCH } 1 SS ) \ . Betore me. an otfioer authorize4 to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, this day 2::>th ot IUlrOh, A.D. 1920, personally appeared J. .A. Rostan, ae Trustee, to ma well known and lmOla to be the person who exeouted the above and foregoing agree.ant, and he aoknowledged before samo freely and voluntarily tor the pupposes therein expresled. and seal at J..ak. Wo...th, Florida this 25th day of *aroh, ~.D. 1920. Robert 6. CUD. liOTARY Botary'~'b)''1\o'lof'~iiE: -State of !'-lorlda Ky ~ommlssion Expires Februar,y.18,1927 Mr- u_led_ t~pk'e1!-- I this the 27th day OfarOh, Ii- ~ at Large. ~ A..D. 1920, at 9 o'olook A. K. p. C. Eldred, .. Cle,r ot th,- Ciroui t "'ourt, .- /r?' cy , / ,...----x f' - By 'A._ . ,." .~. ,--~.(// D.C. . ;' () ..--~ r ---- - -4#1#11######### -- -- ..-- "- I. H. Water.., .las1gnmeDt of Agreement. . to J. W. ailson. State or Florida, ) I CO\Ultl' of St. .Luoie ) '01' an4 inoonsideration of the ~ of Ten D(lllar8 ud other valua ble oOl1lideraUon. I . ~ ,. it Qt:.tv.... . hereby tranater, ..t over, .ell and aaeign", all ot rq r}lbte. title, intel'ut and demand. what- Boever in and to a certalA agrl_~nt tor 4...d IX.OIl te4 b7 ICeye\oDt Realty COllilpallT ~ I.M"l'ateret j. i~ .1 , g~~~i~~Wl~ijfl '.. ........ ;~.\,.Y1{5k~i~fJ~i