HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORTRECEIVED APR 2 4 (2018 ST. Lucie County, Permittin QO.TRINI-ff ERD APPENDIX i: AYTACHIVIENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND unwr kESISTANCE - . .. 2 . . I Table Deck Application Type Description Page IA-1 Wood NeworReroof(Tear-Off) . A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 4 1A-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet,. Boncled'I nsulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5 113 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5 1C Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 6 11) Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover' 6 1E-1 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) ' E Non-] nsulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 7 IE-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non-] nsulated, Me6h. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 8 1F Wood New or Reroof (Tea-r-Off) F Non -insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 8 2A Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 9 2B Steel or Structural concrete, New, Reroof (Tear -Oft) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 9 2C Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 10 3A Structural concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 11-14 3B Structufa Lconcrete New or Reroof (Tea r-Off) F Non -insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 14 4A LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 15-16 4B LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 16 4C LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover —'17-19 5A CWF New or Reroof (T6ar-Off) A-1. Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 20 5B CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet_Roncled-lnsulat�ion, Bonded Roof Cover 21 5C CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B �ftch-Attached'Ba—seinsulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 22 5D CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover Mech. Attached insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 22 5E CWF New, _RerQoqTear-OffY—orRecover E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 22 6A Gypsum ------New or Reroof (T6ar-off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 23 6B------Gypsum New, Reroof (Tear -off) or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 24 6C Gypsum New, Rer,00f (Tear-OfQ or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 24 6D Gypsum New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mech.-Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 24 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 25-26 7B Various Recover F Non-] nsulated, Bonded Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 26 The following notes appIV to the systems outlined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks , and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified. and/or FBC Approval documentation- 2. Insulation / base sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following deck engagement: > Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration. > Steel: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. FILE Copy > Structural concrete: Minimum 1-inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturer's published installation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of polylsocya n u rate, polystyrene, wood fiberboard, perlite, gypsum -based roof board or mineral -wool roof board that meets the CIA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3 and.is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity] ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-RZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page I of 26 40 � '\�TRINITYJE . RD 4. Minimum 200 psi, minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Type D (mechanically attached base sheet, bonded roof cover), whereby the base sheet fasteners are installed through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 5. Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D: Unless otherwise noted, referto Section of FM Loss Prevention Data'Sheet.1-29 (January 2016). 6. Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application; the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions > HA (HA): Full coverage at 25-30 lbs/square. > Dow INSTA STIK Qulk Set Insulation Adhesive (D-IS): Continuous 05 to 1-inch Wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. > Millennium One Step Foarnable Adhesive (M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. > OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. (PaceCart or SpotShot). Note; OlyBbnd Green may be used where OlyBond 500 is referenced > OlyBond Classic (OB Classic): Full coverage at I gal/square. > ICP Adhesive & Sealants CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. > Note: When multiple layers(s) ofinsulation andlor coverboard are installed in ribbon -applied adhesive, adhesive ribbons shag be staggeredfrom layer -to -layer a distance cifone-hafthe ribbon spacing. > Note: The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 7. Unless otherwise noted, all insulati I ons are fla . t stock or taper board of the minim . um thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. In no case shall these values be u . sed to 'increase"the MDP listings in the tables;:rather if MDP listing below meets'or exceeds that listed for a palrticularsystem - in the tables, then the thinner board listed below may be used'as a drop -in fo - rthe equivalent thicker material listed in the table: > Millennium One Step Foarnable Adhesive (M-OSFA): MDP -157.5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick) > OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MDP -45.0 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick Multi -Max FA-3) > OMG OlyBoncl 500 (OB500): MDP -187.5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick ISO 95+ GQ > OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MDP -315.0 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick ENRGY 3) > OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MDP -487.5 psf (Min. 0.�Anch thick ACFoam 11) > ICP Adhesive & Sealants CR-20: MDP -117.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch thick) 8. Bonded pblyisocyan u rate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 9. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone I design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 1 . 6, and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM Loss - Prevention -Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-25_Q5nuary-2016).for_Zone 2/3 enhancements. 10. For fully bonded assemblies, the maximum design pressure for the selected assd-mbly-shall-meetor-exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and no rational analysis is permitted. 11. For mechanically attached components over existing decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existinigdeckfr wV�iithdrawal Tr.,Nt. nr�.A­qualifiecl-clesign -professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements'for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 12. For existing substrates in a bonded recover or re -roof installation, the existing roof surface or existing roof deck shall be examined for compatibility and bond performance with the selected adhesive, and the existing roof system (for recover) shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI ]A-1, ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 13. For Recover Applications using System Type D, the insulation is optional; however, the existing roof system shall be suitable for a recover application. 14. Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWC) shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWC is referenced,refer to current LWC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. For systems where specific LWC is not referenced, the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWC over st I ructural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1, Point 1. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinitil ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10. . 12-112 for FL1602 . 7-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 15�"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-148S Appendix 1, Page 2 of 26 ��TRJNITYJERD 15. Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following references for bonded base, ply or cap sheet applications. TABLE 1: TRI-BUILT ROOF COVERS Reference Layer Material Application BP -AA Base Ply FBC Approved ASTM D4601, Type.] I (Base and Ply sheets, Asphalt -Applied) HA at 20-40 lbs/square Ply FBC Approved ASTM D2178, Type IV or V1 SBS-AA Cap Ply TriBuilt SBS Granular HA at 20-40 lbs/square (SBS, Asphalt -Applied) SBS-TA Cap Ply TriBuilt SBS Granular Torch -Applied (SBS, Torch -Applied) SBS-SA Base Ply TriBuilt SA SBS Base . jSBS, Self -Adhering) Self -Adhering Cap Ply ViBuilt SA SBS Cap APP-TA Base Ply or Ply Tr!Built APP Smooth (APP, Torch -Applied) Torch -Applied Cap Ply TriBuilt APP Smooth, TriBuilt APP Granular APP-SA Cap Ply TrIBuilt SA APP Cap Self -Adhering (APP, Self -Adhering) 16. Vapor barrier options for use over structural concrete deck followed by adhered insulation carry the following Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. The lesser of the MDP listings below vs. those in Table 3A applies: VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS; STRUcTuPAL CONCRETE DECK, ADHERED INSULATION PER TABLE 3A Option # Primer Vapor Barrier insulation Adhesive MDP (psf) Type Attach VB-1. ASTM D41 TriBuilt SA SBS Base Self -Adhering Inta-Stik or CA-20, 12-Inch o.c. -60.0 VB-2. ASTIVI D41 TriBuilt SA SBS Cap Self -Adhering Insta-Stik, 12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB-3. ASTM D41 TriBuilt SA SBS Cap Self -Adhering Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive, 12-inch o.c. -157.5 VB-4—. —ASTM D_ __Q41 TriBu It SA SBS Cap Self -Adhering CR-20, 12-inch o.c. 1 -270.0 VB-5. ASTM D41 TSelf-Adhering Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive, Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive, OlyBond 500.or CR-20,12-incho.c. -290.0 17. Dens Deck shall be field -primed with PG100 prior to self -adhering membrane application. Refer -to -tables herein for other priming requirements. 18. "MDr =Maximurn Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads. Refer to BC-1609-for-determ! of design wind loads. Exterior Research and Design, LI.C. d/b/a Trinity JERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-112 for FLIL0017-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 GP EDITION (2017) FBC NON-FIVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 26 ��TRJNITY]_ERD TABLE 1A-1: WOOD DECKS, — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck AnchorSheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note 15) IVIDP N o.' (Note 11 Type Fasteners' Attach Type Attach 'Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min. 0.25-inch Dens 8-inch o.c. in 4- Deck, Dens Deck Prime, Polygla'ss G2 Base, '32 ga., 1-5/8- inch lap and 8- (Optional) FBC SECUROCK Gypsum - Min.19/32- CertainTeed'Glasbase, inch diameter inch o.c. in Approved, Fiber Roof Board, Min. SBS-AA, W-1 inch plywood Firestone MB Base, JM tin caps with 11 three, equally AStM C1289, _HA 0.75-inch FescoBoard HA BP -AA (Optional) SBS-TA, -60.0 at max. 24- Perma-Ply 28, Tamko ga. annular ring spaced, type 11 polyiso- (homogeneous) or min. BP -AA APP-TA inch spans Glass Base or shank nails staggered cyanurate 0.5-inch Structodek GAFGLAS#75 center rows High Density Fiberboard Roof Insulation 8-inch o.c. in 4- Polyglass G2 Base, 32 ga., 1-5/8- inch lap and 8- (Optional) FBC (Optional) Min. 19/32- CertainTeed Glasbase, inch diameter inch o.c. in Approved, Min. 0.25-inch Dens One or SBS-SA, W-2 inch plywood Firestone MB Base, JM tin caps with 11 three, equally ASTM C1289, -HA Deck, Dens Deck Prime, HA SBS-SA more SBS- APP- SA, -60.0 at max. 24- Perma-Ply 28, Tamko ga. annular ring spaced, type 11 polyiso- SECUROCK Gypsum- SA or SBS-TA or inch spans Glass Base or shank nails staggered cyanurate Fiber Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA GAFGLAS #75 center rows 6-inch o.c. in 4- M in. 2-inch D-IS, OB500, 32 ga., 1-5/8- inch lap and 6- ' Min. 19/32- Polyglass Elastobase inch diameter inch o.c. in ACFoam 11, [1[, CR-20 or M- Min. 0.25-inch Dens DAS, SBS-AA, W-3 inch plywood or Polyglass -tin I caps with 12 four, equa . Ily H-Shield, H- OSFAatop Deck, Dens Deck Prime OB500, BP -AA (Optional) SBS . -TA, -60.0* a t max. 24- Elastobase Poly ga. annular ring spaced, Shield CG, fastener or SECU ROCK Gypsum- CR-20 or BP -AA APP-TA inch spans shank nails staggered Multi -Max FA3 rows, 7-inch Fiber Roof Board M-OSFA center rows or ENRGY-,3 oc 6-Inch o.c. in 4- Min. 2-inch D-IS, OB500, Min.19/32- _�;IyglassEl.st6hase— 32 ga., 1-5/8- inch lap and 6- ACFoam 11, 111, CR-20 or M- DAS, (Optional) SBS-SA, inch plywood Polyglass —inch diameter tin inch o.c. in equally H-Shleld, H- OSFA, atop .(Optional) Additional OB500, One or APP-SA, W-4 at max. 24- or Elastobase Poly caps with-1-2— —four, Shield CG, fastener layers of base insulation CR-20 or SBS-SA more SBS- SBS-TA or -60.0* inch spans ga. annular ring sp.ceed�,� —Multi-Max-E&3 rows, 7-inch WOSFA SA or APP-TA shank nails staggered or ENRGY-3 _0_C____ APP-TA I I center rows Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 . 6' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-RZ Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 4 of 26 F QOTRINITYIERD TABLE1A-2: WOOD DECKS- NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4EROOF (TEAR�OFF) OR RECOVER -SYSTEM TYPE A-2` MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR, SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF -COVER System Deck AnchorSheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note 15)- MDP No. (Note 1) Type- Fasteners Attach Type Attach Type - Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) 12-inch o.c� in 4- Min. 0.25-inch Dens beck, Mim 19/32- Polyglass OMG Flat inch lap and 12- (optional) FBC Dens Deck Prime, SECUROCK inch plywood Elastobase or Bottom Plates inch o.c. in two; Approved, Gypsum-Flber Roof Board, (Optional) SBS-AA SBS- W-5 at max. 24- Polyglass (square) with equally spaced, ASTM C1289, HA Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard HA BP -AA BP -AA TA, AW-TA -60.0 inch spans Elastobase Roofgrip #12 staggered center type 11 polyiso- - (homogeneous) or min. 0.5- Poly cyanurate inch Struc.todek High Density rows Fiberboard Roof Insulation Polyglass 12-inch mc� in 4- (Optional) FBC (Optional) Mim 19/32- Elastobase or OMG Flat inch lap and 12- Approved, Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, One or SBS-SA, APP- W-6 inch plywood . . Polyglass Bottom Plates inch o.c. in two, . . ASTM C1289, HA Dens Deck Prime, SECUROCK HA SBS-SA more SBSL SA, SK-TA -60.0 at max. 24- Elastobase. (square) with equally spaced, type 11 polyiso- Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SA or APP- orAPP-TA inch spans Poly Roqfgrip #12 staggered center cyanurate TA rows TABLE 1B: WOOD DECKS- NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPEB: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE INSULATION,' BONDED TOP INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER.' System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. Deck (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min. 19/32-inch Min. 1.5-Inch Dekfast Hex with Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard (Optional if (optional if using W-7 plywood at max. 24-inch ENRGY.3, H-Shield Dekfast #12 or TruFast I per 2 (homogeneous) or min. 0.5-inch HA using AA Ply) AA Base) One or SBS-AA,.SBS-TA,, -60.0 —spans or Polyt.herm MP-3 with TruFast DP .1.33 ft Structodek High Density Fiberboard BP -AA more BP -AA or APP-T . A RoofInsulation- APP-TA . Exterior Research and, design, LLt. d/b/a Trinit4l ERD Evaluation Report A42970:10.12-R2 for FL16017-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017. Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systiems; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 5 of26 _V� 'JERD TPJNITY TABLE 16 WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR-O I OF) OR RECOVE . R SYSTEM TYPE C. MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER system Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note IS) MOP No. Deck (Note 1) Layer (Psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply Min. 19/32�inch (Optional) Min. O.S-inch,Siructocl6k High Density Dekfast Galvalume (Optional if (Optional if using AA plywood at max. one or more layers, . Fiberboard Roof Insulation or min. 0.25- Steel Hex with I per 1.33 - using AA Ply) Base) One or more BP -AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP- TA -82.5 .W-8 24-inch spans any combination, inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime or D dkfast #12 DP ft2 BP -AA or APP-TA loose laid SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, (Optional) Dekfast Galvalume W79 Min. 19/32-inch plywood at max. one or more layers, Min, 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, H-Shield or Steel Hexwith Dekfast #12 DID or I per 1.33 SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- -82.5 24-inch spans any combination, Polytherm TruFast MP-3.with ft2 SBS -SA or APP-TA TA or APP -TA loose laid TruFast DP TABLE ID: WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROPF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D: PRELIMINARILY ATTACHED INSULATION, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER' 'System insulation Layer(s) Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) MOP NO. Deck (Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners Attach Base.Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Polyglass Elastobase, Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates Min. 19/32-inch Elastobase Poly, Polyglass G2 Base, (�quare) with Roofgrip 12-inch o.c. in 4�inch lap and 12- (Optional) One- SBS-AA, W-1 1 0 plywood at max. one or more layers, Prelim. CertainTeed Glasbase, Firestone MB #14, Dekfast Hex with inch o.c. in.two, equally spaced, or more BPLAA SBS-TA, -52.5 ?4-inch spans any combination Attached Base, JM Perma-Ply 28, Tamko Glass Dekfast #14 or TruFast staggered center rows or APP-TA APP-TA Base or GAFG LAS #75 MP-3 with TruFast HD Min. 19/32-inch . Dekfast Hex with Dekfast 12-inch o.c., in 4-inch lap and 12- SBS-SA, _W-11 plywood at max. One or more layers, Preli m. Poly glass Elastobase or Polyglass #14 or TruFast MP-3 with inch o,.c..in'two, equally spaced, One or more APP-SA -52.5* -24-inctispans any combination Attached Elastobase Poly with poly top surface TruFast HD staggered c enter rows SBS-SA SBS-TA or I APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch -On�;� -Prelim. Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12- (Optional) One SBS-AA, W-12 plywood at max. any combination Attac�_ed -Elastobase 'Poly (square) with Roofgrip #12 inch o.c. in two equally spaced, . or more BP -AA SBS-TA, -60.0 24-inch spans staggered center rows or APP-TA APP-,TA Min. 19/32-Inch . one or more layers, Prelim. Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom-Pla es t� 12-i . nch o.c. . in4 -inch lap and 12- One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, W-13 plywood at max. any combination Attache d Eiastobase Poly with poly top surface (square) with Roofgrip #12 inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, 1 ____ -center SBS-SA SBS-TA.or 24-inch spans staggered -rows APP�TA Exterior Research and, Design, Llt. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Evaluabion Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 d"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALPATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 6 of 26 QTRINITYIEW TABLE 1E-1: WOOD DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOFCOVER- Systern� Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) IVIDP No Deck (Note 1) Base Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (Psf) W-14 Min. 15/32-1 - rich plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in two, (optional) BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA -45.0* inch spans equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA or APP-TA W-is Min. 15/32-inch plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase 'Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch.o.c. at 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two, (Optional) BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA -52.5 inch spans equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA OrAPP-TA Min. 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase, Polyglass Elastobase (Optional) One or Poly, Polyglass G2 Base, CertainTeed 32 ga., 1-5/&inch diametertin caps 8-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. inthree, SBS-AA, SBS- - W-16 plywpod at max. Glasbase, Firestone MB Base, JM Perma- with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails equally spaced, staggered center rows more BP -AA or TA, APP-TA -60.0 24-inch spans Ply 28, Tamko Glass Base or GAFGLAS #75. APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or P61yglass 32 6a., 1-5/8-inch, diameter tin caps B.-Inch ci.c. in 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in three, (optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- W-17 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly with poly top.surface with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails equally spaced, staggered center rows more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA or -60;0 24-inch spans APP-TA APP-TA W-18 Min; 15/32-inch plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in two, (Optional) BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS4A -90.0 inch spans equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA or APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps 4-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 4-inch o.c. in four, (Optional)Oneor SBS-M, APP-' W-19 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly with poly top surface with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails. equally spaced, staggered center rows, more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA.or -97.5 24-inch spans APP-TA APP-TA W-20 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c. at2-inchlapand6-inch o.c.injhree, (Optional) BP -AA or SBS-AA, SB5-TA -105.0 inch spans equally spaced, staggered center rows I A I PP -TA orAPP­TA Min. 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps 5-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four, (Optional) One or SBS-AA, SBS- W-21 —plywood _at max. Elastobase Poly with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails equally spaced, staggered center rows more BP -AA or TA, APP-TA -112.5 24-inch spans APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps SBS-SA, A . PP - plywood at max. Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails. 6-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four, (Optional) One or SA, SBS�TA or -112.5 .W-22 24-inch spans Elastobase Poly with poly top surface Note: Thn-caps-ar- to be primed with De pr'mecw"n equally spaced, staggered center rows more APP-TA APP-TA ASTIVI D41 prim er. 6terlor Research and Design, I.I.t. d/b/a TrinitVIERD, Evaluation Report A429 . 70.10.12-112 for FL16027-RZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) S1&1485 Appendix 1, Page 7 of 26 TABLEIE-2t WOOD DECKS -NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TFAR_bFF) OR RECOVOR SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLYATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) MOP No. Deck (Note, 1) Base : - Fasteners, Attach Bas . e Ply P PI Ca y (Psf) Min. 19/32-inch Polyglass E16slobase, Polyglass Elastobase OMG Fla t Bottom Plates (square) with 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch (Optional) One or W-1 plywood at max. Poly, Polyglass G2 Base, CertainTeed Roofgrip #14, Deld'ast Hex With Dekfast #14 o.c. in.two, equally spaced, staggered more BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS- -52.5 �4-inch spans Glasbase, Firestone MB Base, JM Perma- or TruFast MP-3 with TruFa.st HD center rows APP-TA TA, APP-TA Ply 28, Tamko Glass Base or GAFGLAS #75 Min' * 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass Dekfast Hex with Dekfast #14 or TruFast MP- 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch One or more SBS- SBS-SA, APP- W-2 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly with poly top surface 3 with TruFast "D o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered SA SA, SBS-TA or -52.5* 24-ifich spans center rows APP-TA Min. 19/32-in r ch Polyglass El8tobase or Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) with 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch (Optional) One or SBS-AA, SiBS- W-3 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly Roofgrip.#12 o.c. in two, eq Ually spaced, stagge . red more BP -AA or TA, APP-TA -60.0 24-inch spans I center rows APP-TA Min'. 19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square). with 1-2-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and i2-inch One or more SBS- SBS-SA, APP- plywood Elastobase Poly with poly too surface Roofgnp #12 o.c; in two; equally sppcOd, staggered SA SA, SBS-TA or -60.0* 24-inch 5 center rows APP-TA TABLE 10: WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF [TEAR-�OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F: N.ON-INSULATED, BONDED ROOF COVER. System Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Deck Primer (Psf) Joint Treatment Base Ply Ply Cap Ply Min. 15/32-inch.plywood (Optional) ASTM D41 None SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA or SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS-TA _90'.0 at max. 2.4-inch spans APP-TA orAPP.TA �-Min..15/32-inch plywood (Optional) ASTM D41 Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of TriBuilt SA TriBuilt SA SBS Base (Optional)'SBS-SA or SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS-TA _97 at max. 24-i_nc1i­spaqs__J_ SBS Base, rolled into place to create continuous bond. APP-TA orAPP-TA Exterior Research and Design, ULC. d/b/a Trinity I EIRD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166. e EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-R2 Revision 2:09/25/2017. Appendix 1, Page 8 of 26 JERD OTRJ N I Ty TABLE 2A: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS - NEW CONSTRUCTION, RtROOF (TEAA-00F) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE B: ME . CHANICALIV ATTACHED BASE INSULATION, BONDED TOP -INSULATION, BONDED R . OOFCOVER System' Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer - Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. Deck (Note 1) Type Oasteners Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply, Cap Ply (Psf) Min. . 22 . ga., type B, Min. 1.5-inch Dekfast Hex with Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard (Optional if using Grade 33 steel or ACFoarn 11, ENRGY Dekfast #14, Trufast MP-3 with Trufast HD or I 2 ft2 thomogeneous)-or min. 0.5-inch HA (Optional if using AA Base) One or SBS-AA, ' SBS- -45.0* SC-1. - min. 2,500 psi 3, H-Shield or per Structodek High Density, AA Plyj BP -AA BP_ more AA or TA, APP-TA structrual concrete Polytherm OMG 3-inch GaIv Plate Fiberboard Roof I nsulation APP-TA with dMD HD Min. 22 ga., type B, Min. 2-inch Dekfast Hex with Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard (Optional if using Grade 33 steel or, ACFoam 11, ENRGY Dekfast.#14, Trufast M P-3 with Trufast H. D or I 4 ft2 thomogeneous).or min. 0.5-inch HA (Optional if using I AA Base) One or SBS-AA, SBS- -45.0* SC-2. min 2,500 psi 3, H-Shield or per . Structodek High Density AA Ply) BP -AA more BP -AA or TA, APP-TA structrual concrete. Polytherm OMG 3-inch Gaiv Plate Fiberboard Roof insulation APP-TA withOMDHD Min.'22 ga., type B, Min. 1.5rinch Dekfast Hex with Min. 0.75-inch Fe'scoBoard (Optional if Using . Grade 33 steel or . . 1 Oer'l.33 thorbogeneous)'or rnin.'0,5-inch HA (Optional if using AA Base) One or SBS-A A SBS- 1 SC-'3. min. 2,50.0 psi ENR GY 3, H-Shleld Dekfast #14 o r TruFast ft2 Structodek High Density . AA Ply) BP�AA more BP -AA or TA, APP-TA -90.0 structrual concrete or Polytherm . MP-3 with TruFast HD Fiberboard Roof Insulation APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Min, 1.5-inch Dekfast Hex with Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard BP -AA (Top surface: One or more SBS-SA, APP- SC-4. Grade 33 steel or ENRGY 3, H-Shield Dekfast 014 or TruFast I per 133. - (homogeneous) or min. 0.5-inch HA primed with ASTM layers, SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -90.0 min. 2,500 psi or Polytherm MP-3 with TruFast HD ft2 Structodek'High Density D41 primer) APP-TA or APP-TA structrual concrete Fiberboard.Roof Insulation % "TABLE 2B: STE EL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS -NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR�-OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM -TYPE C: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER -Sys'em- Base Insulation top insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. �Dq.k (Note: 1) Layer (Psf) -7 Type Fait6ners Attach Base Ply Fly Cap Ply Min. 22 ga., type B, (Optional) -One or (Optional if (Optional if using AA SC-5. Grade 33 steel or more layers, any -Min-.O.5-inch SECU ROCK Gypsum- OMG 3-inch Galvalume Steel I per 1.78 using AA Ply) Base) One or more BP- SBS-AA, SBS- -75.0 min. 2,500 psi combination, loose Fiber Roof Board-------__ Plate.ithOMG#14HD ft2 BP -AA AAo�APP-TA TA, APP-TA structrual concrete laid Min. 0.5-Inch Structodek High Min. 22 ga., type B, one, or more layers, Density Fiberboard Roof Dekfast Galvalume Steel Hex with -(Optional if (Optional if using AA SC-6. Grade 33 steel or any combination, insulation or min. 0.25-inch Dens Dekfast #12 (steel only) or #14 or I per 1.33 using AA Ply) -Base)-Orte or more BP- SBS-AA, SBS- -82.5 min. 2,500 psi loose laid Deck, Dens Deck Prime or TruFast MP-3 with TruFast DID fe BP -AA AAorAPP-TA TA, APP-TA. strUctrual concrete SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof (steel only) or HD Board Min. 22 ga., type B, (Optional) Dekfast Galvalume Steel Hex with SBS-AA,-SBS- Grad e 33 steel or One or more layers, Min. 1.5-inch ENR I Gy 3, H-Shield Dekfast #12 (steel only) or #14 or I per'l.33 (Optional) one or more TA, SBS-SA, SC-7. min. 2,560 psi any combination, or Polytherm TruFast MP-3 with TruFast DP ft2 SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA APP-TA, APP- -82.5 structrual concrete loose laid (steel.only) or HD. SA - Exterior Research and design, LI.C. d/b/a Trinityl ERD Evaluation Report A42970A0.12-R2 for FL16027-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 e"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by:, Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-RUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 9 of 26 P TRINJTY�ERD TABLE 2C: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF [TEAR-0F:F) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D: PRELIMINARILY ATTACHED INSULATION, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER NOTE:. INSULATION IS OPTIONAL FOR RECOVER APPLICATIONS Syste M Insulation Layer(s) Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. Deck (Note 1) [Psf) Type Attach Base. Fasteners Attach Base, Ply Cap Ply Min. 22 ga., type B, , . One or more Polyglass Elastobase, Polyglass OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap (optional) One or SC-8. Grade 33 steel or min. laye . rs, any Prelim. Hastobase Poly or JM Perma- with Roofgrip #14, Dekfast Hex a . nd 18-inch o.c. in two, more BP -AA or APP- SaS-AA, SBS- -45.0* 2,500. psi structrual Attached With Dekfast #14 or TruFast MP-3 equally spaced, staggered TA, APP-TA concrete combination Ply 28 with TruFast HD center rows TA Poly&ss Elastobase, Polyglass. Min. 22 ga., type B, I One or more Elastobase Poly, Polyglass G2 �.OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap (Optional) One or SC-9. Grade 33 steel or min. layers, any Prelim. Base, dertainTeed Glasbase, with Roofgrip #14, Dekfast Hex and 12-inch o.c. in two, more BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS- -52.5 2,500 Psi structrual Attached. Firestone MB Base, JM Perma- with Dekfast #14 or TruFast MP-3 equally spaced, staggered TA TA, APP-TA concrete combination Ply 28, Tamko Glass Base or with TruFast HD center rows GAFGLAS#75 Min. 22 ga., type B, One, or more Polyglass Elastobase or OMG Fiat Bottom Plates (square) - 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap SBS-SA, A . PP - k-10. Grade 33 steel or min. layers, any Prelim. Polyglass Elastobase Poly with with Roofgrip #14, Dekfast Hex and 12-inch o.c. in two, One or more SBS-SA SA, SBS-TA -52.5* 2,50b psi structrual combination Attached' Poly top surface with Dekdast #14 or TruFast MP-3 equally spaced, staggered or APP-TA concrete ... with TruF6st HD center rows Min., 22 ga., type B, One or more OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap (Optional) One or Grade 33 steel or min. layers, any Prelim. Polyglass Elastobase or with Roofgrip #12 (steel only) or and 12-inch o.c. in two, more BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS- -60.0 2,500 psi structrual combination Attach . ed Polyglass Elistobase Poly #14 equally spaced, staggered TA TA, APP-TA concrete . center rows Min. �2 ga., type B, One or more Polyglass Elastobase or OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) 12-inch o.cJn 4-inch lap. SBS-SA, APP- SC-12. Grade 33 steel or min. layers, any Prelim. Polyglass Elastobase Poly with with Roofgrip #12 (steel. only) or and 12-inch o.c. in two, One or more SBS-SA SA, SBS-TA _60.0* 2,500 psi structrual combination Attached Poly top surface #14 equally spaced, staggered or APP-TA concrete center rows Min. 22 g—a—,-tyPe-B,_ . SC-13. Grade 80 steel or min. —On_e or mo re layers, any Prelim. kAached— TriBuilt APP Smooth Dekfast isofast IF-2.375-AT Plates 12-inch o.c. in the 5-inch (Optional) APP-TA SBS-TA, APP- -82.5 2,500 psi structrual combination with Dekfast #15 HS wide, heat -welded side ]a . p TA concrete Min. 22 ga., type B, One or more SC-14. Grade 80 steel or min. layers, an y Prelim. TriBuilt APP Smooth Trufa 4 �in. arbed-Seam � 12-inch o.c. in the 6-inch —wide, (Optional) APP-TA SBS-TA, APP- -82.5 2,500 psi structrual Attached Plates with Trufast EHD F�steners -beat-welded side lap TA concrete combination Min. 22 ga., type B, One or more Dekfast Hex with Dekfast #14 or 12-inch o.c. in the 4�inch SC-15. , Grade 33 steel or min. layers, any' Prelim. TriBuilt APP Smooth OMG Flat Bottom Plates with lapanc118-incho.c.intwo, .(Optional) BP -AA or --112.5 2,500 psi st;uctrual combination Attached OMG Roofgrip #14 equally spaced, staggered APP-TA TA, APP-TA concrete F center rows Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity, ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 6'"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVAWATION TRI-BUILT Modified, Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) S16-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-R2 Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 10 of 26 TRINITY JERD TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS - NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER SEE NOTE 16 FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS' Syst . em Base Insulation Layer. Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note IS) MOP No. Deck Prinner. Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply. Ply Cap Ply (Psf) -.SELF-.ADHERING SYSTEI�S WITH BASE'INSbLATION ANDbPTiONALTOP INS'ULATION OF THE SAME -TYPE: Structural (Optional)-] x Min. 1.5-inch H-Shield or'Multi-Ma. (Optional) additional layers(s) of D-IS SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 C-1 concrete ASTM D41 FA3 D-IS base insulation SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA Structural (Optional) . (Optional) additional layers(s) of D-IS SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -135.0 C-2 concrete ASTM D41 Min. 1.5 -inch ACFoam 11 or ENRGY 3 D-IS base insulation SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA C-3 Structural - None Min. 1.5-inch, min. 1.5 pcf Insulfoarn D-IS (Optional) additional layers of base D-IS SBS-SA (Optional) One.or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -157.5 concrete insulation SI3S-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA C-4 Structural None Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn OB500 (Optional) additional layers of base OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -120.0 concrete insulation SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA Structural (Optional) additional layers(s) of (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, C-5 concrete None, Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY3 OB500 base insulation OB500 SBS-SA SBS­SA or APP-TA S,BS-TA or APP-TA -127.5 Structural (Optional) additional layers(s) of (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -150.0 C-6 concrete None Min. 1.5. inch ACF.oam 11 or H I -Shield OB500 base insulation 0135.00 SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TAorAPP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY j, H- (Optional) additional layers(s) of M-OSFA SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -232.5 C-7 concrete None Shield or Multi -Max FA3 M-.0SFA base insulation SBS-SA or AP P-TA SM-TA or APP-TA C-8 Structural . I None min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pcf lnsulfoam CR-20 (Optional) additional layers of base CR-2 0 SBS-SA (Optional) One or more S.BS-SA, APP-SA, - -240.0 concrete insulation 1 SBS -SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA - Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam III, (Optional) additional layers(s) of (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, C-9 concrete None. ENRGY �, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi- CR-20 base insulation CR-20 SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA -270.0 Max FA3 or ISO 95+ GL C-10 __�t_r_uctural- _None-� Min. 2-Inch ACFoam 11 or H-Shield OB classic (Optional) additional layers(s) of OB Classic SBs-sA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -27.0.0 concrete (FULL) base insulation (FULL) SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam-111, (Optional) additional layers(s) of (Optional) One'or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, C711 concrete ASTM D41 ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA base insulation HA SBS-S I A SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP- TA -480.0 Multi -Mix FA3 s WITH BASE INSULATION 7 .SELF -ADHERING SYSTEM AND COViRBOARD: C-12 Structural None Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 D-IS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- D-IS SBS_SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -67.5 concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-SA-or-APP�JA SBS -TA or APP-TA Structural Min. 0.25-Inch Dens Deck, Dens (Optional) One or more _S13S�SA,-APP-SA, C-13 None Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn I D-IS D-IS SBS-SA SBS-SA AP.P-TA �A�P� SBS-TA or A -120.0 concrete - Deck Prime or Structural min. 2-Inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY-3 or H- Min. 0.25-inch SECU ROCK G.ypsum- DAS SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, -2.47.5 C714 concrete None Shield DAS Fiber Roof Boardr SBS-SA or APP- . TA SBS-TA or APP-TA C-15 Stru . ctural None Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 OB500 Min. 6.25-inch Dens.Deck, Dens. OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, 127.5 concrete Deck Prime SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS Exterior Research and Design, LLC d/b/a TrinityJERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-112 for FL16017-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVAIXIATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-5.9166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Sysitiams;.(800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 11 of 26 _)0 jER TRINITY D 'TABLE 3A: SfRucrURAL CONCRETE DECKS - NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TFAR-:OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER SEE NOTE 16 FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS system Deck Primer Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (PSq C-16 Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, H-Shield or OB500 Min.*0.25-inch Dens beck, Dens. (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, concrete ISO 95+GL Deck Prime OB500. SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA -150.0 C-17 Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY-3.or H- OBSOO Min. 0.25-1 1 rich SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, concrete Shield Fiber Roof Board SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA -247.5 C-.18 Structural None Min. 1.57inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3, H- M-OSFA Min. 0.25-inch SECU ROCK Gypsum- (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-S.A, concrete Shield or Multi -Max FA3 Fiber Roof Board M­'OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TAorAPP-TA -232.5 C-19 Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY-3 or H- M-OSFA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, concrete Shield Fiber Roof Board M_OSFA SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP , TA -247.5 C-20 Structural None Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.6 pcf Insulfoarn CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens ' CR-20 SBS-S'A (Optional) One or more SBS7SA, APP-SA, -.240.0 concrete. Deck Prime SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA Min. 1.5-inch Ultra -Max or Multi -Max C-21 Structural None FA-3, min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III or min. CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) one or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, concrete 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shleld, H-Shield Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA -240.0 CG or ENRGY 3 C-22 Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY-3 or H- CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsu m- (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, concrete I Shield . Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA -247.5 C 23 Structural None Min. 2 -inch ACFoam II or H-Shield OB Classic .Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB Classic SBS-SA (0 . ptional) One or mor I e SBS-SA, APP-SA concrete (FULL) Fiber Roof Board (FULL) SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP- -350.0 Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam III, -C-24 ASTM D41 ENRGY3 , H-Shleld, H7ShleId CG or. HA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, C onc!ete . . Multi-M.x FA3 Fiber Roof Board SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-T'A or APP-TA -350.0 ASPHALT AND/CIR TORCH APPLIED SY-STEMS: C-25 Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11 or H-S -,eld--- D-IS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum-. D-IS BP -AA (Optional) One or more SBS-AA concrete ___ Fiber Roof Board BP -AA -225.0 C-26 Structural None Min. 2-in'ch Affoam 11 or H-Shield D-IS Mlr�. _02S-Inch­SECU_ROCK Gyps D-IS APP-TA (Optional) One or more APP-TA concrete Fiber Roof Board APP-TA -232.5 C-27 Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11 or H-Shield OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB500 BP --AA-- (Optional) One or more _� SBS-AA concrete Fiber Roof Board BP -AA-----_ -225.0 C-28 Structural None Min..2-inch ACFoam 11 or H-Shield OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OBSOO APP-TA (Optional) one or more APP-TA concrete Fiber Roof Board APP-TA -232.5 C-29 Structural - None Min. 2�inch ACFoam 11 or H-Shield M-OSFA, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- . . M_OSFA BP -AA (Optional) One or more SBS-AA con crete Fiber Roof Board BP -AA -225.0 C-30 Structural None Min. 2rinch ACFoam 11 or . H-Shield M-OSFA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA APP-TA (Optio . nal) One or more APP-TA concrete Fiber Roof Board APP-TA -232.5 Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Evaluation Report A42§70.10.12-R2 for FL16027-R2 Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017).FBC NON-HVHZ. EVALUATION Revision. 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nierninen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800)'516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 12 of 26 \,/T'RINITYIER'D TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER SEE NOTE 16 FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS System D . eck P rim . er Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MOP No. Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psq Min. 1.5�inch Ultra -Max or Multi -Max C-31 Structura I None FA-3, min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III or min. CR-20 M I in. 0.25-Inch SECUROC . K Gypsum- (Optional) One or more concrete 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield FiberRoofBoard CR-20 BP -AA BP -AA SBS-AA -225.0 CG or ENRGY 3 Min. 1.�-inch Ultra -Max or Multi -Max C-32 Structural None FA-3, min. 1.3-inch.ACFoam III or min. CR-20 Min. 0.25-Inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) One or more concrete 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield Fiber Roof board CR-20 APP-TA APP-TA A PP -TA -232.5 CG or ENRGY 3 C-33 Structural None (Optional) Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11 or H- OB Classic Min.9.257inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB Classic (Optional) One'or more concrete Shield Fiber Roof Board BP -AA B . P-AA. SBS-AA -225.0 (FULL) (FULL) C-34 Structural None (Optional) Min. 2-inch ACFoarn 11 or H-. OB Classic Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB (Optional) One or more concrete, Shield Fiber Roof Board Classic APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 [FU LL) (FULL) C-35 Structural ASTM D41 Min. 1.5�inch ACFoam ll,,ACFoam I[[, ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA (Optional) One or more concrete Multi -Max FA3 Fiber Roof Board BP -AA BP -AA SBS-AA -225.0 C-36 Structural ASTM D41 Min. 1.5-Inch ACFoam 11, ACFoarn III, ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA 'Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA APP-TA (Optional) One or more concrete Multi -Max FA3 Fiber'Roof Board. APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 (Optional if C-37 Structural ASTM D41 Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard HA None N/A Us! ng AA Ply) (Optional if using AA Base) One or more BP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA, (homogeneous) One or more APP-TA -277.5 BP -AA AA or APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-Inch ACF�; �IIACF6a. lll,� (Optional if (Optional if using AA . C-38 concrete ASTM D41 ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA -Min,0.75-inch Fesco Board HA using AA Ply) Base) One or more BP- SBS- AA SBS-TA, _290.0 Multi -Max FA3 One or more AA or APP-TA APP-TA . I BP -AA . -(Optional-lif C-39 Structural ASTM D41 Min. 0 5-inch Structodek High Density HA None N/A using AA Ply) -(Optional if using AA Base) One or-more-BP�_ SBS-AA, SBS-TA, concrete Fiberboard Roof Insulation One or more -APP�_TA -285.0 BP -AA AA or APPmTA St�uctura I Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam 111, Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High (Optional if using AA Ply), (Optional if using AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA, C-40 concrete ASTM D41 ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA Density Fiberboard Roof Insulation HA One or more Base) One or more BP- APP-TA -480.0 Multi -Max FA3 AA or APP-TA BP -AA Exterior Research and Design, ULC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 6'"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Syste ms; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-132 for F1.16017-112. : Revision 2:09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 13 of 26 ��TRINITYJER*D "TABLE3A:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS �- NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF). -SYSTEM TYPE A-1: 96NDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER SEE NOTE 16 FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS System Deck Primer- Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Structural Min. 1.57inch ACFoam 11, ACFoarn 111, (Optional if (Optional if using AA C-41 concrete ASTM D41 ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or HA Min. 0.25-Inch Dens Deck Prime HA using AA Ply) . Base) One or more BP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA, _480.0 Multi -Max FA3 One or r nore AA or APP-TA APP-TA BP -AA C-42 Structural ASTM D41 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime HA None N/A (Optional if using AA Ply) (Optional.if using AA Base) One or.moreB P SBS-AA, SBS-TA, 510.0 concrete One or more APP-TA BP -AA AAorAPP-TA. TABLE 3B: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF)' SYSTEM TYPE F: NON -INSULATED, BONDED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System No. C-43 Deck Structural concrete Primer ASTM D41 RoofCover (Note 15) MDP (Psf) -315.0 Base Ply SBS-SA Ply (Optional) SBS-SA or APP-TA Cap Ply SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS-TA or APP-TA C-44 structural concrete ASTM D41 BP -AA (Optional if using asphalt applied Ply)' (Optional if using asphalt applied Base) BP -AA or APP-TA SBS-AA.SBS-TA APP-TA �Q25 Exterior . Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/aTrinity ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALPATION Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Syste . ms; (800) 516-148S Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-112 for F11607-R2 Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 14 of 26 76SH \4TRINITYIERD TABLE 4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight Base Insulation Layer Coverboard T: Roof Cover (Note 15) M P No. Note 1 Concrete (Note 14) 1PSf) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Can Ply $ELF-AD1JERING,SiSiEMS WITH BASi.INSULATiON AND'6PTION4L Top INS6LATION'OF THE SAME TYPE: LWC_1 Structural Min. 20b psi, min 2- Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoam OB500 (Optional) Additional OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- 120.0 concrete inch Elastizell layers of base insulation more SBS-SA SA LWC-2 Structural . Min. 200 psi, min 2- Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3, ISO 95+ GL (Optional) Additional (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- concrete inch Elastizell or H-Shield OB500 layers of base insulation OB500 SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -225.0 APP-TA or APP-TA LWC-3 Structural Min. 200 psi, min. Min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoam CR-20 (Optional) Additional CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- concrete 2-inch Elastizell layers of base insulation more SBS-SA SA _180.0 Struct ural Min. 200 psi, min. Min. 1.5-Inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam IH, ENRGY 3, (Optional) Additional (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- LWC-4 I concrete 2-inch Elastizell ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi -Max CR-20 layers of base insulation CR-20 SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -180.0 FA3 APP-TA or APPmTA LWC-5 Structural Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Celcore or Min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn CR-20 (Optional) Additional CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- concrete Mearicrete layers of base insulation more SBS-SA SA 222.5 Structural Min. 200 psi, min. Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ACFoam III, ENRGY 3, (Optional) Additional (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- LWC-6 concrete I 2-inch Celcore or ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi -Max I CR-20 layers of base insulation CR-20 I SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -222.5 Mearlcrete . . . FA3 - APP-TA or APP-TA SELF.-ADHERING'SYSTEMS WITH BASE INSULATION AND COVERBOARD: Structural Min. 200. psi, min 2- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK (Optional) one or SBS-S4'4PP- LWC-7 Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pd insulfoam OB500 OBSOO SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -120.0 concrete inch Elastizell Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board APP-TA or APP-TA LWC-8 Structural Min. 200 psi, min 2- Min. 1.56inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3, ISO 95+ GL Min. 0.25-inch SECU ROCK (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- concrete— -inch Elastizell or H-Shield OB500 Gypsu m- Fi ber Roof Boa rd OB500 SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -225.0 — APP-TA or APP-TA Structural - Min. 200 psi, min. — - - -inch Mih. 1.5 -ACFoam 11, ACFoam III, ENRGY 3, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK . (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- LWC-9 concrete 2Anch Elastizell ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield,-HzShield-CG, Multi -Max CR-20 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -180.0 FA3 or min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn . APP-TA orAPP-TA structural Min. 200 psi, min. Min. 1.5-incliACFoam 11, ACFoam III, ENRGY 3, (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- LWC-10 concrete 2-inch, Celcore or ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi -Max CR-20 Min. 0.25-in h-SECUROCK -_ C!17.� SBS-SA more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -222.5 Mearicrete FA3 or min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoam Gypsum -Fib rRoofBoard APP-TA or APP-TA ASPHALT AN D/ORTOACHAPPUEDSYSTEMS: LWC_11 Structural Min. 200 psi, min 2- Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3, ISO 95+ GL Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK BP -AA (Optional) One or SBS-AA, SBS- concrete inch Elastizell or H-Shleld OBSOO Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board OB500 APP-T� more BP -AA or APP- TA, APP-TA 225.0 TA LWC-12 Structural Min.'200 psi, min. Min. 1.5-inc6 ACFoam 11, ACFoam III, ENRGY 3, Mi n. 0.25-inch SECUROCK BP -AA, (Optional) one or SBS-AA, SBS- concrete 2-inc h Elastiz ell ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi -Max CR-20 Gypsum-Flber Roof Board CR-20 APP-TA more BP -AA or APP- TA, APP-TA 180.0 FA3 or min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn TA Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-RZ Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 15 of 26 r TRINIT Y ERD TABLE4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight Base Insulation Layer Coverboard Roof Cover (Note 15) IVIDP No. (Note 1) Concrete . (Note 14) Type Attach Type A ach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Stru . ctural Min. 200 psi, min. Min. 1.5-inch ACFo.am 11, ACF I cam III, ENRGY 3, Min. 0.25-inch'SECU ROCK BP -AA, (optional) One or SBS-AA, SBS- LWC-13 concrete 2-inch Celcore or ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Multi -Max CR-20 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board CR_20 APP-TA more BP -AA or APP- TA, APP-TA -222.5 Mearlcrete' FA3 ormin. 2.0 pcfInsulfoarn . TA TABLE413: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight AnchorSheet Base Insulation' Top Insulation R . oof Cover (NoteAS) No. (Note 1) Concrete jNote �4) MbP (Psf) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Type, Attach Base Ply . Ply : Cap Ply Min. 1.5-inch Min. 22 ga., 7-inch o.c. at (Optional) Min. Therma roof Composit I e, . (optional if Type B, Min. 300 psi .4-inch lap and 1.5-inc.h Polytherm Composite or (Optional if using AA Base), LWC-14 vented steel Approved �GAFGLAS OMG CR 7-inch o.c. in ACFoam 11, H �HA min. 0.5-inch Structodek HA using AA Ply) One or more SBS-AA,SBS- -45.0 at max. 5 ft cellular LWC #75 BSF two, equally Shield, Multi- High Density Fiberboard BP -AA BP -AA or APP-. TA, AP�-TA spans spaced tenter Max FA3 or Roof Insulation or min., rows Polytherm 0.75-inch FescoBoard TA (homogeneous) Min. 22 ga., 7-inch o.c. at . Min. 1.5-inch Type B, Min.300psi GAFGLAS OMG CIR 4-inch lap and 7-Inch o.c. in ACFoam 11, H- (optional) one SBS-SA, APP- LWC-15 vented steel Approved #75' BSF two, equally Shield;Multi- HA None N/A SBS-SA, or more SBS-SA 'SA,,SBS-TA -4510 at - max. 5 ft —spans cellular LWC spaced center Max FA3 or orAPP-TA orAPP-TA Polytherm rows Exterior Research and Design, U.C. d/b/ii Trinity ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-RZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; .(800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 16 of 26 \\ �TRINITY I ERD TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION oR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet (Note A below) Roof Cover (Note 15) Type No. (Note 1) Lightweight Concrete (Note 14) MDP (Note A) Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (PS9 'GENERIC' CELLULAR LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE: Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick cellular Min. 22 ga., type B steel LWC. Note: To qualify the LWIC under this 7-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-16 at max 5 ft spans or assembly, an OMG CR BPF Shall achieve B3 OMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more SBS-AA, APP- -45.0 structural concrete an average withdrawal of53 lbf when field of the sheet BP -AA TA tested per TAS 105 orANS11SPR1 FX-1 CELCORE CELLULAR LtGKrWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE: Min. 0.0179-inch Tensilform S-75 or min. Trufast FM-90 or 8-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 16-inch o.c. in One or more LWC-17 0.0205-inch Tensilform Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore B1, B2, 133 or B7 two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the SBS-AA -37.5 75 at max. 5 ft spans or OMG CR BPF field of the sheet BP -AA structural concrete Min. 22 ga., type B steel Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in One or LWC-18 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore BI through B12 two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the more SBS-AA -45.0 structural concrete OMG CR BPF field of the sheet 1313-AA Min. 26 ga., type HF Bl,, B2, B3, B4, 9-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in LWC-19 steel at max 5 ft spans Min. 225 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF B7, B8, B10, B11 OMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more SBS-AA -45.0 or structural concrete or B12 field ofthe sheet BP -AA Min. 22 ga., type B steel B1, B2, BJ1, B4, 7-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 14-inch o . c. in LWC-20 at max 6 ft spans or Min. 225 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF B7, B8, 1310, B11 OMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more SBS-AA -45.0 structural concrete or B12 field of the sheet BP -AA Min. 22 ga., type B steel B1, B2, 133, B4, 9-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap,and 9-inch o.c. in LWC-21 at max 6-ft-spans-dr Min. 225 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF B7,B8,B10,B11 OMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more SBS-AA -45.0 structural concrete or B12 field of the sheet BP -AA Min. 22 ga., type B steel Trufast Twin Loc- 9-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in One or more LWC-22 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 225 psi, mi F- -B1,6r 132 two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the BP7AA o . r APP- SBS-AA, SEIS- -45.0 structural concrete Nall field of the sheet TA TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B steel B2 (with poly- Trufast Twin Loc- -9-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in One or more SBS-SA, APP- LWC-23 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 225 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF film top surface) Nail two, equal [�­­spaceclstaggered rows in the SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -45.0 structural concrete field of the sheet APP-TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B steel LWC-24 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF B2 Trufast. FM-90 8-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in BP-AAorAPP- -SBS-AA,.SBS- 60.0 structural concrete three equally spaced, staggered center rows TA TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B steel at max 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF B2 (with poly- Trufast FM-90 8-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in One or I more SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP- structura I concrete film top Sur face) three equally spaced, staggered center rows or SA, SBS-TA -60.0 . APP-TA or APP-TA Exterior Research and Design,. I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 C"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for F1.16017-112 Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 17 of 26 1W I �qN \]TRINITYIERD TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS -NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet (Note A below) Roof Cover (Note IS) Type No. (Note 1) Lightweight Concrete (Note 14) MDP (NoteA) Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (pso Min. 22 ga., type B steel Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in One or more LWC-26 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore B1 through B12 two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the SBS-AA -75.0 I structural concrete— OMG CR BPF field of the sheet BP -AA Min. 22 ga., type B steel LWt-27 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Celcore MF Polyglass Trufast FM-2160 10-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c. in (Optional) 1313- SBS-AA, SBS- -90.0 structural concrete Elastobase Po y three equally spaced, staggered center rows AA or APP-TA TA, APP-TA ELASTIZELL CELLULAR UGHTwiIGHTINSULATING CONCRETE: Min. 0.0179-inch LWC-28 Tensilformi S-75 or min. 0.0205-inch Tensilform Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch thick Elastizell Trufast FM-90cir 7.5-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7.5-inch o.c. One or more SBS-AA, SBS- 75'at max. 5 ft spans or Range 11 B1 through B12 OMG CR BPF in two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the BP -AA or APP- TA or APP-TA -30.0 field of the sheet TA structural concrete Min. 0.0179-inch Tensilform S-75 or min. Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch thick Elastizell B2 (with poly- Trufast FM-90 or 7.5-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7.5-inch o.c. One or more SBS-5A, APP- LWC-29 0.0205-inch Tensilform Range 11 film top surface) OMG CR BPF in two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -30.0 75 at max. 5 ft spans or field of the sheet APP-TA or APP-TA structural concrete L\IVC-30 Min. 22 ga., type B steel at max. 5 ft spans or Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch thick Elastizell . Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o'c. in a. 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in One or more SBS-AA, SBS- structural concrete Range 11 1311 through B12 OMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the BP -AA or APP- TA or APP-TA -45.0 field of the sheet TA -WCm31— Min. 22 ga., type B steel at max'5 ft spans.or Min. 200 psi, min. 2-Inch thick Elastizell 132 (with poly- Trufast . FM-90 or 7-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in - One or more SBS-SA, APP- st-ructural-ccincrete Range 11 film too surface) OMG CR BPF t wo, equally spaced, staggered rows in the S135-SA or SA, SBS-TA -45.0 -_ . I field of the sheet APP-TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B steel - Min-350 psi, min. 2-inch thick Elastizell with Z�ll-Lre-te-Fibers,-supple-mentally Trufast Twin Loc- 6-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, SBS- LWC-32 at max 5 ft spans or attached with Roofg - 1 and_3_ rip #2 _i rich, B2 Nails (min. 1.8- three, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more TA, SBS-SA, -60.0 structural concrete plates at 1 per 8 ft2 inch) field of the sheet BP -AA APP-TA or APP-SA Min. 22 ga., type B steel Min. 350 psi, min. 2-inch thick Elastizell with Zell -Crete Fibers, supple -mentally B2 (with poly- Trufa;�TwinLoc­ -6-ins;l c- in a 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in SBS-SA, APP- LWC-33 at max 5 ft spans or attached with Roofgrip #21 and 3-inch film top surface) Nails (min. 1.8- three, equally spaced, staggered rows in the SBS-SA or APP-TA SA, SBS-TA -60,0 structura I concrete plates at I per 8 ft2 inch) field of the sheet or APP-TA M.EARLcRETE CEULUL,AR LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CoNcRETE: in. 24 ga., type B steel 'C-34 ;Inch Trufast FM-90 7.5-inch o.c. in a 3-inch lap and 10-inch C. 0 Lwr x na 5 ft Spa ns or a max5ftspans r Min. 200 psi, min. 2 thick Mearlcrete BI through B12 or in two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the t Te 0 C ne Me or more SBS-AA -30.0 s 'c t tructural concre e OMG CR BPF field of the sheet P BP -AA B AZ Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a-TrinitY I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 C"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-1485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for F1.16027-112 Revision 2:09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 18 of 26 TPRJNITY ERD TABLE 4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS— NEW CONSTRuCTJON oR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: MECHANICALLY -ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet, (Note A below) Roof. Cover (Note 1S) Type No. (Note 1) Lightweight Concrete (Note 14) MDP (Note A) Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min. 22 ga., type B steel Trufast FM-90 -7-inch. o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in One or more LWC-35 at max 5 ft spans or Min. 30b psi, min. 2-inch thick Mearlc'rete 'B1,B2 or B12 or t . wo, equally spaced, staggered rows in the BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS- -45.0 tru s ctural concrete OMG CR BPF field of the sheet TA TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B steel B2 (with poly- Trufast FM-90 or 74nch o.c. in a'4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in One or more SBS-SA, APP- — LWC-36 at max5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Mearlcrete film top surface) dMG CR BPF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the . SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA -45.0 structural concrete field of the sheet APP-TA or APP-TA LWC-37 Min. 22 ga., type B steel at max 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Mearicrete 131, B2, B3, B7 or Trufast FM-90 or 7-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the One or more BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS- -5 structural concrete B11 OMG CR BPF field of the sheet TA TA or APP-TA .5 Min. 22 ga., type B steel B2 (with poly-, Trufast FW9 10 or 7-ifich o.c. in a 4 -inch lap. and 7-incfi o.c. in one or more SBS-SA, APP- . LWC-38. atmax5ftspansor Ir Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Mearicrete film top surface OMG CR 13PF two, equally spaced, staggered rows in the SBS-SA or SA, SB S-TA -52.5 structural concrete . — field of the sheet APP-TA or APP-TA A. Base Sheets options are coded is follows: > Bl: P61y&ss G? Base; 132: Polyglass Elostobase orPolyglass Elastobase Poly; B3: GAFGLAS #75; B4:'GAFGLASStratavent Nailable Venting Base Sheet; 135:GAFGLAS Ply 4; B6: GAFG . LAS FlexPly 6; B7: JM Perma Ply No. 28; B8: JM Vensulation; B9: JM GlasPly IV; B10: JM GlasPly Premier B11: Tamko Glass -Base; B12: Tamko Vapor -Chan Exterior Research and Design, LLC. cl/b/� Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 e" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION TRI-BUILT Modified Bitu men RobfSystems; (800) 5164485 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL16027-112 Revision 2:09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page 19 of 26 QOTPRJNITYI:ERD TABLE SA: CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION 611 REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof- Cover (Note 15) MDP No. (Note 1). Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (ps,f). CWF-1 Min. ?.5-inch Tecturn Min. 1.5-Inch ACFoarn 11, D-IS or. Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime, SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or min. 0.5- D-IS or (Optional) One or SBS-AA, SBS-TA, Plank or Tecturn LS Plank ISO 95+GL, H-Shield I Polytherm; ENRGY-3 OB500 inch Structodek High.Derisity Fiberboard Roof OB500 BP -AA more BP -AA or APP- APP_TA _45.0 Insulation TA CWF-2 Min. 2.5-inch Tectu m Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ISO 95+GL, H-Shie d. I DAS or Min. 0.25 . -inch Dens Deck, Dens - Deck Pr . iinne, D-IS or SBS-SA or (Optional) One or SBS-TA, SBS-SA, Plank or Tecturn LS Plank Polytherm, ENRGY-3 OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board OB500 A PP -.TA more SBS-SA or APP-TA, APP-SA 45.0 APP-TA Min. 2.5-inch Tectum' Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, Min. 0.25-inch Dens beck, Dens Deck Prime, (Optional).One or C . WF-3 Plank or Tectum LS Plank ISO 95+GL, H-S.hield, CR-20 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or min. 0.5'_ inch Structodek High D ensity Fiberboard Roof CR-20 BP -AA more BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA, -52.5 Polytherm, ENRGY-3 TA APP-TA Insulation tW,F-4 Min. 2.5-inch Tectum Min. 1.5-inch ACFoarh 11, ISO 95+GL, H-Shield,' CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime, SBS-SA or (Optional) One or SBS-TA, SBS-SA; Plank or Tectum LS Plank Polytherm, ENRGY-3 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Ck-20 APP7TX more SBS-SA or APP-TA, APP-SA -52.5 APP-TA. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for F116027-112 Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision. 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-148S Appendix 1, Page 20 of 26 System No. CWF-5 CWF-7 "�,JTFUNI-ry � ERD TABLE SB: CEMENTITIOLIS WOOD FIBER DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF), SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR, SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER Deck AnchorSheet Base Insulation Top, Insulation Roof Cover (Note 15) MOP (Note Type Fastener Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) Min. 15-inch Min. 0:25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Min. ��S-inch Polyglass 9-inch o.c. in4-Inch ACFoarn 11, ACFoarn Deck Prime, SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) Tectum Plank Elastobase, Trufast lap and 12-inO OX.. III, ISO9S+GL1 H- Fiber Roof Board, Min. 0.75-inch SBS-AA, or . Tecturn L I S Polyglass Inuldek in two, equally Shield, I ENRGY 3, HA FescoBoard (homogeneous) or HA BP -AA one or more SBS-TA, -30.0* Plank Elastobase Poly, Loc-Nail spaced, staggered Polythemn or Multi- min. 0.5-inch Structodek High. BP -AA or APP-TA Polyg . lass G2 Base center rows Max FA3 Density Fiberboard Roof. APP-TA Insulation Min. 25-inch Polyglass 9�inch o.c. in 4-inch Min. 1.5-inch - K Tecturn Plan, Elastobase, Trufast lap and 12-inch o.c. A CFoarn 11; ACFoa'm Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-TA, or Tectu rn LS Polyglass I nuldek in two, equally 111, ISC95+GLo H- Shield, ENRGY 3, HA Deck Prime, SECLI ROCK Gypsum- HA orAPP- One or more SBS-S,A, -30.0* Plank Elastobase Poly, Loc-Nall spaced., staggered Fiber Roof Board TA SBS-SA or APP-TA, Polyglass G2 Base center rows Polytherm or Multi- APP-TA APP-SA Max FA3: Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Min. 2.5-inch Polyglass Trufast 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 18-in.ch o.c. ACFoarn 11, ACFown Deck -Prime, SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) Tectum Plank .Elastobase, Polyglass Twin in two, equally Illo IS095+GL, H- HA Fiber Roof Board..Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard (homogeneous) or HA BP -AA On . e or more SBS-AA, SBS-TA, or Tectum LS Plank Elastobase Poly, Loc-Nall spaced, staggered, Shield, ENRGY 3. min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or APP-TA -45.0* Polyglass G2 Base center rows Polytherin or Multi- Density Fiberboard Roof APP-TA MaxFA3 Ansulation Min. 2.5�inch Polyglass 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch Min. 1.5-inch Tecturh Plank Elastobase, Trufast lap and 18 . -inch o.c. ACFoam ll, ACFoam III, ISO95+GL, H_ Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens . SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-TA, or Tecturn LS Polyglass Twin in two, equally Shield, EN RGY 3, HA Deck Prinfe, SECUROCK Gypsum- H A or APP- One or more SBS-SA, -45.0* E16.s.tobase Poly, Loc-Nail spaced, staggered Fibdr:Roof Board TA SBS-SA or APP-TA, —Polyglass G2 Base center rows Polytherm or Multi- APP-TA APP-SA MaxFA3 Exterior Researckand Design, ULC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Evalua I tion Report A42970.10.12-R2 fo . r FL1602'7-RZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017. Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-.BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof �ysterns; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 21 of 26 no, \J WNITTIERD TABLE SCi CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBERPECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER, _____��STEM-`FYPEB�. MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE INSULATION, BONDEOTOP INSULATION" BONDED ROOF COVER System D eck (Note 1), Base Insulation -Layer--__ Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note it) MDP No. . . Type, Fasteners Afti-ch— ---_ Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap:Ply (Psf) Min. 2.5-inch' Min. 2-inch H- OMG Polymer GypTec Plate Min..0.5-inch Structodek— i sing (Opti6nalifu ' AA S BTS.- A A, CVVF-9 Tecturn Plank or Shield or with Polymer GypTec or TruFast I per 4 fe High Density Fiberboard HA pt nal, Base) One or more BP -AA SBS-TA, -45.0* Tecturn LS Plank Polythc irm TL 3 in; Plate with TL Fastener Roof Insulation pl� y -or-APPrTA APP-TA TABLESID: CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SY5TEMTYPtC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck (Note 1) Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply NO. (Psf) Min. 2.5-inch (optional) one or Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime WF-10 Tectum Plank or more layers, any or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof.Board or . Trufast Twin Loc-Nails I fit' (Optional if using (Optional if using AA SBS-AA, Tectum . LS Plank combination, loose m in 0.5-inch Structodek High Density tmin..1-inch embedment) per 2 AA Ply) BP -AA Base) One or more BPrAA SBS-TA, -45.0* laid Fiberboard Roof Insulation or APPmTA APP-TA TABLE SE: -CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR RER06F (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck.(Not - e 1) Base Sheet Ro . of Cover (Note 15) MDP Base Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply' No. (Psf) CWF-11 Min. 2.5-inch Tecturn Plank Polyglass Elastobase, Polyglass Elas tobasie Tiufast Inuldek 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch ox� in two, (Optional):One or SBS-AA SBS-TA1 or Tecturn LS Plank I Poly, Polyglass G2 Base Loc-Nall equally spaced, staggered center rows more BP -AA or APP-TA . . APP'�; -30;0* rWF12 Min. 15-inch Tectum Plank Polygl.ass El . astobase, Polyglass Elastobase Trufast Twin Loc- 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 18-Inch o�c� in two, (Opt ional) One or SBS-AA, SBS7TA, or Tectum LS Plank Poly, Polyglass G2 Base Nails equ . ally spaced, staggered center rows more BP -AA or AP134A APP-TA -4 -5-0.1 Exterior Research and.Design, LILC d/b/a Trinity I - ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for F1.115027-112 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUA71ON Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 TRI.-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) S16-148S Appendix 1, Page 22 of 26 ��TRIN'ITYJERD TABLE 6A: GYPSUM DECKS — REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTE M TYPEA-1: BONDED INSULATION, BOND ED ROOF COVER System Deck (N . otes I 8i 12) -pase Insulation Lqyer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply No. (Psf) G-1 Existing, sound poured gypsum Min. 2.0 pcf, Insulfoarn OB500 (Optional) additional layers(s) of bas� OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) One SBS-SAI APP-SA -112.5 or gypsum plank deck insulation or more SBS-SA G-2 Existing, sound poured gypsum Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3 or (Optional) additional layers(s) of -base (Optional) One SBS-SA, APP-SA, or gypsum plank deck H-Shield OB500 insulation' OB 1 500 SBS.-,SA o-r-more SBS-SA SBS-TA or APP-TA -112.5 orAPP-TA4--.I_ Existing, sound poured gypsum Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3'or in. 0.25-inctiSECUROCK Gyps uM- (Optional) One SBS SA, APP-S.Al G-3 or gypsum plank deck H-Shield or min. 2.0 pcf, Insulfoam. OB500 Fib Roof Board r OB500 SBS-SA or more SBS-SA SBS-TA or APP TA or APP-TA Existing, sound poured gypsum. Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II;_ ENRGY 3, (Optional) additional layers(s) of base (Optional) One SBS-SA, APP-SA, G-4 orgypsum plank deck H-Shleld or Multi -Max FA3- M-.OSFA insulation and/or min. 0.25-inch MOSFA SBS-SA or more SBS-SA SBS-TA or APP-TA -202.5 SECLI ROCK Gypsurri-Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA G-5 Existing, sound poured gypsum Min. 1.5-inch, min..2.0 pcf Insulfoarn CR-20 (Optional) additional layers of base CR-20 SBS�SA (Optional) One SBS-SA, APP-SA -240.0 -or gypsum plank deck insulation or more SBS-SA G-6 Existing, sound poured gypsum _Min. 1.5-Inch., . min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn CR-Z0 Min. 0.25-Inch SECUROCK Gy psum- CR-2 1 0 SBS-SA I (Optional) One or more SB . S-SA SBS-SA, APP. SA, -240.0 or gypsum plank deck a . Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA or APP-TA or APP -TA Min. 0.25-inch Den's Deck, Dens (Optional (Optional if using G-7 Existing, sound poured gypsurn Deck Prime or StCOROCK Gypsum- CR-20. None N/A if using AA Base) One or SBS-AA, SBS-TA, -245.0 or gypsum plank deck fiber Roof Board AA Ply) more BP -AA or APP-TA BP -AA APP-TA Existing, sound . poured gypsum Min. 1.5-inch Affoam 11, ACFoam III,. (Optional) additional layers(s) of base (Optional) One G-8 or gypsum plank deck ENRGY 3, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or CR-20 insulation and?or min. 0.25-inch CR-20 SBS-SA or more SBS-SA SBS-SA,.APP-SA, -257.5. Multi -Max FA3 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA Exterior Research and.Design, U.C. d/b/a Trinity I ERD -10.12-R2 for FL16027-RZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017).FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Evaluation Report A42970 Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitum . en Roof Systems; (800i S16-1485 Appendix 1, Page 23 of 26- k ",,�TPJN1TYjER.D TABLE68: GYPSUM DECKS -7 REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulati on Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note 15) No (Note 1) Type Fasteners (Note 11) Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap PI y MDP (Psf) Polyglass 9-inch o.c. in 4- Min. 1�5-inch Min. 0.25-inch Dens, Deck, Dens . Existing, sound Elastobase, Trufast �M- inch lap, and 18- ACFoam 11, ACFoam Deck Prime, SECLI ROCK Gypsum- 1 (Optional) G-9 poured gypsum Polyglass 75 or FM- inch o.c. in two, III, IS095+GL H- Fiber Roof Board, Min. 0 .75-inch One or more SBS-AA, or gypsum Elastobase Poly, 90 or Twin equally spaced, I Shield, ENR�Y 3, HA FescoBoard (homogeneous) or . HA BP -AA BP -AA or SBS -TA, -45.0* plank.cleck Polyglass G2 Base Loc-Nails stag gered center Polytherm or Multi- min. 0.5-inch Structodek HI gh APP-TA APP-TA rows Max FA3, Density Fiberboard Roof Insulation TABLE 6C: GYPSUM DECKS.-- REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPEC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck (Note 1) Base Insulation Top Insulation Layer, Roof Cover (Note IS) IVIDP Type - Fasteners - Note 11) Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply No. Layer (Psf) (Optional) One or Min.:0.25Anch Dens Deck, Dens Deck G-10 Existing sound poured gypsum or more layers, any Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or min. 0.5-inch Trufast Twin Loc- Nails (min. 1-inch 1 per 2 ft2 (Optional if using AA Ply) (Optional if using AA Base) One. SB - S-AA, SBS- gypsum plank deck combination, loose laid Structodek High Density Fiberboard embedment) BP -AA or more BP -AA or APP-TA TA, APP-TA -45.0* Roof Insulation TABLE 6D: GYPSUM DECKS— REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: NOWINSULATED, MECHANICALLY AtTACWED.BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck (Note 1) Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP No. _ia— �e._ Fasteners (Note 11) Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (Psf) G-11 Existing sound poured gypsum or gypsum Polyglass Elastobase, Polyglass Elastobase Trufast FM-75-or-FM-90 or 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in (Optional) One or more SBS-�A SBS-TA, ffAA' plank deck Poly, Polyglass G2 Base Twin Loc-Nails —two;-equally spaced, staggered center rows BP -AA or APP-TA PP T 45.0* Fxterior'Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity] ERD. Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL1602 . 7-R2- Certificate of Authorization #9503 EDITION (2017) FOC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Reviiion 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nidminen, PE-59166 TRI-B.UILT Modified Bitumen Roof System . s; (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page Z4 of 26 QTRERD, TRINI TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS 'SYSTEM TYPEA-1- BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roftir Cove (Note 15) Substrate No. Type Attach Type Attach Base MY MPP : P ... (Optional) additional lay&s(s) of base Cap ph. (psf) Existing R-1 asph Itic roof Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 D-IS insulation and/or min. 0.25-inch D-IS SBS-SA (Optiona6ii) 0 e. r (00 SBS-SA, APP-sA, SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board .SBS-SA-orAPP-TA SB S-TA or Alp-p-TA -67.5. R-2 Existing Min. 2.0 pcf Insulfo . am (Optional) additional layers(s) of base D*-IS (Optional) One of asph I altic roof D-1S.. insulation SBS-SA SBS-SA* more SB S7SA, . APp_SA -90.0 Existing Min. 1.5-inch ACFoa.m 11 or ENRGY 3 or -min. Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber R-3 D-IS D-IS SBS-SA (0131tional) One or more. SBS-SA, APp-SA, asphaltic roof 2.0 pcf Insulfoam Roof Board SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-tA -90.0. Existing (Optional) additional layers(s) of base R-4 asphaltic roof Min. 1.5-inch ACFo.am 11 or ENRGY 3 D-IS insulation and/or min. 0.25-inch D-IS SBS-SA (0113tionail) Oneor rnore SBS-SA, APP-SA, SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS_SA or APP-TA S.13S-TA or APP-TA -9011.0 Existing R-5 Min. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pcf Insulf6am OB500. (Optional) additional layers of base OBSOO SBS-SA . Ptional) 0 1 ne or more asphaltic roof insulation �SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP�SA -120.0 R-6 Existing Mi . n. 1.5-inch, min. 2.0 pd Insulfoarn. OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUR.00K GypsuM7Fiber. (Optional) one or more asphaltic roof Roof Board OBS00 SBS-sA slls-sA, APP-sAl, -SBS-SAorAPP-TA SBS'TA or APP-TA -1.20.0 Existing Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3 or H- '(Optional) additional layers(s) of base R-7 asphaltic roof Shield OB500 insulation and/or min. 0.25-inch OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) One.or more SBS-SA, APP-SA, SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-SA orAPP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA (Optional) additional layers(s) of base R-.8 Existing Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY 3.,.H- M_ M_ asphaltic roof Shield or Muiti-Max FA3 OSFA insulation and/ormin. 0.25-inch SBS-SA (Optional) One or more SBS-SA, APP-SA OSFA SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-SA-or APP�TA -157-5: S6S-TA or AP'P-�A R-9 Existing Min. 2. . 0 pcf Insulfoam (Optional) additional layers(s) of.base asphaltic roof CR-20 CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) one or more. insulation S6S-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA -240.0 Existing Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber R-10 ­� Min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoarn CR-W (Optional) One. or more asphaltic-roof�_ Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP-TA' -240.0. hein. r5--inc� �Ult�ra-Max or Multi-M.ax FA-3, Existing (Optional) additional layers(s) of base R-11 min. 1.3-inch ACFoam-111-oc, , �in. 1.0-inch CR-20 insulation and/or min. 0.25-inc . h (Optional) One or more asphaltic roof ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG or ENRGY CR-20 SBS-SA SBS-SAAPP-SA SECUROCK Gypsdm-Fiber' Roof, Board SBS-SA or APP-TA SBS-TA or APP .-240.0* 3 -TA Existing (Op ional)-additional layers(s) of base R-12 Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, ENRGY-3 or H-Shield CR-20 insulation andio-r-m-in. O.-2-5,nch CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional), One or more I SBS-SAj APP-SA, asphaltic roof SBS-SA or APP-TA -247.5. SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board--_ SBS-TA or APP-TA Existing Min. 6.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck R-13 Min. 1.5-inch MuIti7Max FA3 D-IS. Prime of D-IS BP­-AA-SBS�__ I (Optional) One or more SBS-AA, SBS-TA or asphaltic roof or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Ro SA, APP-TA _PZAA or AP I Board - BPzAA-or AP APP-TA. -67-51 ng Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck R-14 Exist! Min. 1.5-inch ACFo.am 11 or ENRGY .3 or min. D-IS. Prime or SECUROCK G BP -AA SBS- (Optional) One or more asphaltic roof. 2.Opcfinsulfbam. ypsum-Fiber Roof D-IS SA, APP-TA BP -AA or APP- SBS-AA, SWTA_or__ Board. TA APP-TA wo- Exterior Research*and, Design, ULt. d/b/a Trinity.11EIRD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Evaluation- Report A42970. 10.12-112 for FL1602'7 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION -R2. Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE59166 TR.I-,BUILT Modifiied. Bitumen Roof Syste . ms; (800 . )516-148S Revision 2:09/25/2017 Appendix 1, Page-25 of 26 � N Tpj I TY I E K'D TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Substrate Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) MOP No. Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) R-15 Existing Min. 1.5-inch ACFoarn 11, ENRGY 3, H-Shield Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens beck BP -AA SBS- (Optional) One or more SBS-AA, SBS-TA or asphaltic roof or ISO 95+GL OB500 Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof OB500 SA, APP-TA BP -AA or APP-TA APP-TA -127.5 . Board R-16 Existing Min. 1.5-inch AtFoam 11, ENRGY 3, H-Shield M�_ Min . .0. 1 25-inch SECU - ROCK Gypsum -Fiber M_ BP -AA SBS- (Optional) one or more SBS-AA, SBS-TA or asphaltic roof or Multi -Max FA3 OSFA Roof Board OSFA SA, APP-TA BP -AA or APP-TA APP-TA -157.5 Min. 1.5-inch Ultra -Max or Multi -Max FA-3, R-17 Existing min. 1.3�inch ACFoam III or min I.G-inch : CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber (Optional). One or more asphaltic roof ISO: 95+GL, H-Shleld, H-Shield CG or ENRGY Roof Board CR-20 BP -AA BP�AA SBS-AA -225.0 3 or min. 2.0 pcf Imulfoarn Min. 1.5-inch Ultra -Max or Multi -Max FA-3, 1148 Existing min. 1.3-inch ACFoarn III or min. 1.0-inch [CR-20 Min. 0.25-Inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber (Optional) One or more asphaltic roof. ISO.95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG o.r.ENRGY Roof Board CR-20 APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA -232.5. 3 or min. 2.0 pcf Insulfoam __j TABLE !B: ' RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE F: NON -INSULATED, BONDED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER system Deck . Primer Roof Cover (Note 15) MDP Base Ply Ply cap Ply No. (PsQ R-19 Existing asphaltic*roof ASTM D41 BP -AA (Optional if using asphalt ap plied Ply) (Optional if using'asp'halt applied Base) BP-AAorAPP-TA SBS-AASBS-TAAOP-TA -45.0 Exterior Researcii-and, Design, WC. d/b/a Trinityl ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-R2 for FL26027-112, Certificate of Authorization #95 ' 03 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2: 09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 TRI-,BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (800) 516-148S Appendix 1, Page 26 of 26