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dated on the 13th dq of F.bX'Uar,y, A.D. 1926, oo..,ering ~\ )lumber Two O~), ot Blook,,6t ot
Kraemerfs Sub-diYllion, a. appears ot reoord in the ottioe ot the Clerk ot the Oirouit ao~
ot Saint,Luoie County, Floridat in Plat aook 2, page 10, said agreement for deed being reoo~ed
in the otfioe ot th~lerk ot the ~irou1t Court ot Saint lAlo1e Oounty, Florida, February, 3f)th
1926, in Book 69, Page 544.
In witness whel'eOt, I ha..,. hereunto set my ham and seal on the de-:r and year above written.
I, K. Waters...........(Seal)
Sipecl, Sealed am Delivered
in tbe presence pt:
Walter K. Roger..
H. L. Rogers.
\oIn the 26th da,y of Karoh, personally al)peared betore ma an ottioer, authorized to take
aoknowledgements of deeds, t.. X.Waters, to.e well known to be the person who exeouted the
1hat hI exeouted the 88111 tb r the purposes therein expressed.
and 8eal this the 26th d~ ot Karoh, A..D. 1926.
27th day ot ..f.irOh,
ilalter ll. Roger.a,. .. (Seal)
Botary .i'u.bl1o tor the State ot Florida at
Large, lIy ~ommiaaion Expires Aus~t 12,1927.
A.D. 1920. at 9 o'oloo~, A. X.
P. O. Eldred,
Clefk,o~ the Cirouit Court,
h /~/
By: ~-,( :-'"'/? L_'U'/ Deputy CleXic.
Underwriters Properties Corp.
Warranty Deed.
II. E. Weiss.
THIS IBDEBTURE Made this lOth d~ of Yay A.D. 1924, BETWE&ft Underwriters Properties
Corporation, a oorporation existing under the laWs of the State ot New Yo:rk and authorized to
do business in the
.1-- 'I'l-ra/:".~
ration ot Florida,
IrIfIESSETH, that the said party ot the first part. tor and in oonsideration of the sum ot on.
state of Florida, party ot the tirst part and St. ~Qoie Inlet Land Corpo-_
of the ~ounty of .ralm Beaoh and Stat. ot Florida, party ot the seoond part,
dollar and. other valuable consideratIona to it in hand paid, the reoeipt mer.ot 18 hereby aok-
nowledged, has granted. bargained. s6ld, aliened. remised. relaased, oonvey~ ~nd oontirmed, and
by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release. oonvey and confirm, unto
the Baid party ot the seoond P8.l:'t and its 8U.008ssore and asaigns forever, all that oertain paroel
of lanriD8 and bei_ng in tbe Counties ot st. J.<u.oie &: Palm BtLJloh and State of Florida more par-
tloularly desoribed as follows: ,
Lot one (1) sSaoti:n thirty-two (32) in Township thirty-seven (37) South ot Range
Fo~ty-two (42) East,in St.Luoie County, Florida. and Lot One (1) in Seotion five (5). Township
thirty-eight (38) South ot Range torty-two (~2) Xast,in Palm Beaoh County, Florida.
SubJeot h~ver, to two oertain mortgages. one dated ~oYember 14, 1923, in the sum of
.15,000, payable to I. K.'-hitney, and one dated April lIt 1923. in the sum ot 119,296, pa,yable
to J..s T. Anyon, the pa,yment of which said mortgage ln~ebtedness the urantee herein aS8\Ulies and
BBrees to make.
'fOOE'fHEll with all the teneaonta, hered1tUlentB aDll apPlrtenanoes, with evel7 priYllege,
right, title,interest and ..tate, ~Yer.ion, remainder and eaeement thereto belongig or in any-
Wis. appert!liniD8: TO HAVE iJD to HOLD the 8811I8 in tee simple forever.
ADd tbe n1d party of the tint p.rt 40th OO'fenant with ~. .ald part)' of the ..tond l&rt
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