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!hi. deed i8 given 8ubJeot t~ a oertain mortgage tor ta7GO.oo dated Karoh, 2'th, 1926.
given by J. W. Wilson and Wite, Della n. Wil80n, to aaude I. Golda.ith. and p'fable in one 8Dd
two years atter date with interest at 8~, whioh tbe part1 ot the seoond part 8<<rees to aS8WI1ft
am pay, With intere8t.
PROVIDED NlVImTBll:LESS t these preoents are uade subJeot to the tollowing express oondi tiOI18.
restriotions and limitations whioh ale aooepted as oovenants running with the said land~ and
which shall be binding alike upon the heirs, exe~tor8, administrators or assigns ot the said
party of the se40ud part, lIho b1 aooeptaDoe ot this inetl'Ument agree. to abide by, pertorm and
adhere to the same as one ot the exprese oonditions ot these pres8nts:
1. That no building shall be ereoted on any of said Iota at a oost ot le8s than three
thou8and dollars, whioh 008t shall not inolude &n1 other Ola8S of improvements, 8ave and .xoe~t
the aotual material aDd oon8truotlon ooat of the uain building.
2. That not more than one building, together with the usual outbuildings, shall be erooteA
on any one ot the 8aid lots: nor shall Bald lande, buildings, or any interest therein be 801d,
leased or otherwise oonveyed to or used directly or indireotly bl any persons other than the
Cauoa8ian raoe; provided that nothing. herein oontaine~ shall prevent the keeping and maintlinibg
usual and necessary servants on the property tor reasonable family U8es.
a. That no building ehall be construoted or ereoted at a 1088 di8tanoe than twenty feet from
the tront line ot either of said lot..
And th&18aid parties of the tirst part hereby fUlly "arrant the title to said land, and
will defend the same against the lawrul olaim otall persons whomsoever.
II WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereuvU set their hands and
aftixed their seals on the day and year t~*t above written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the
Presenoe ot!.
J. W. Wilson........(SEAL)
Della B. Wilson....((SEAL}
Roberta White.
J. .. Ergle.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, ,that on thie 26th d~ ot Maroh, A.D. 1925, betore me ~rsonally appear~d
J. W. -ilsOl1 and Della B. -ilson, his wife, to me known to be the persons desoribed in and who
exeouted the toregoir.g oonveyanoe to ~. .1(. Waters, and severally aoknowledged the exeoution
thereot to bo their tree aot and deed tor the uses a.nd purposes therein mentiontA; and the said
Della B. -11aon, the wite ot the eaid J. W.~ilson, on a .eparate and private exaaination taken
and made bl' and betore me, and separately and part trOlll her said husband did aOknowledge that
she made herself a party to the sai4 Deed of Conveyance, for the purpose of ranounoing, relin-
quishing, and oonveying all her right, title and interest whether of dower or of separate pro-
perty, Statutory or equitable, in and to the
# deed freely and voluntarily. ard wi thou t
't or trOlll her said hueband.
lands therein Aesorlbed. and that she exeouted s"~
any oonstraint, tear, apprehension or oompulsion
aignature and offioial Deal at Fon Pi<arce. in the Count1of St. Luoie and State
d~ and year last ai'or8laid.
_ J. W. 6rgle. .......(Seal}
~ 1I0ta17 .l'ubl1o for the State ot Florida at
~ ~ Coma188ion Expires Sept. 21, 1928.
dq ~ Ilal'Oh, .l.D. 19~ at 9o'olook, .l. M.
" P. C~.'1&1~red,/Cl'rk ot the Cirouit Court
N //(fJA \
0: By;?C) '-:'/ lI.d/~ _- / Deputy Clerk.
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\4 ~.
Large .
th18 the 27th
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