HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLTED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit N , umber:, U7143 a fl;-57- RECEIVED 'APR 2% 7010 B ilding: Permit Application .-Planning.and DevelopMent Services Permitting Department St. Lucie County Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553: Fax:(772)46.2-1.78 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR:: Build'ing PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCAfION: -Address: 13982 CEDRO Legal Description,- 6/7.34 39 all that part lying northeasterly of 1-95 1306-111-0001-000/0 PropertvTaxlD#.' Site Plan Name: 'SPANISH LAKES FAIRWAYS Lot No. Block No. Project Name: 23' 17' '6" Setbacks Front:31 Back: Right Side: Left Side:' 15 DETAILEDDESCRIPTION OF WORK: SINGLE FAMILY'RESIDENCE (replacement: home): 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH GARAGE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional.work. to rforrhed under his'permit- check all* apply: HVAC Gas Tank OGas Piping Shutters OWindows/Doors zElectric Plumbing OS'p�rinklers Generator Roof Total Sq..Ft of Construction,: 2,108 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: 2,108 Cost of Construction:'$ 58,000 Utilities: []SewerE]Septic Building. Height: OWNERAESSEE: CONTRACTOR: NameMYNNE B UILDING'CORP. Name: MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE Ad'dress:80008OUTHUS.HWY.1 SUITE402 Company, WYYNE DEVELOPMENT CORP.'-. City: PORT ST. LUCIE FL State: Address: 8000 SOUTH US HWY .1 SUITE402� Zip Cocle.- 34952 - (772) 878-7656 Fax:--. City: PORT.ST. LUCIE State. FL Phone No. (772).878-5513 Zip Code: 34§52 Fax: (772) 87877656 Phone No. '(772) P787551.3 E-Mail: Till in fee simple,Title Holder. on next page (if dlffe�rent E-Mail: f ro, . rn the Owner listed above) State or County License: CGC03 599 It value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED N�tice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DE,SIG N ER/FNGI NEER: Not �Name:.BRADEN&BkADEN Address: 417 COCONUT AVE. City: STUART Zip; 34996 Phone� (772)287-8258 Applicable a MORTGAGE COJMPANY� Not Applicable - Name: - Address: City: State: Z,ip: Phone: State: FL FEESiMOLE -TITLE HOLDER: Not Name:: Address:. �.City: 0 Zip: Ph ne': Applicable BONDiNG COMPANY:. Not Applicable Name: Address: city: Zip: Phone: - I certify tha't.no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St Lucie�oun makes no I representation tha�t is granting a permit will authorize the permit -holder to build the . subject structure W�ich is in co'nYlict With any a , pplicable Home I Owners Association rules, -bylaws or and covenants that nriay-restrict or prohibit such structure. Rlease consult with your Home.Owhers Association and revie , wyour.deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration.of the granting of t . his reques I ted permit, I do hereby agree:that I will, in all respects, perform the work ,in accordance With the appyoved'plans, the FI rida Building Codes and St. Lucie CountyAmendments. Jhe'following building permit applications are exerhp� from undergoing aful.1 concurrency review: room additions,. accessory structures, swimming pools, fences1wall * '-residential use s, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non WARNING TO -OWNER: Your failure.to �ecorcl a Not . ice of !Commencem e.nt may result in yourpayi,ing twice for - im . P . rovements t . o your prop . ert.y. A.Notic6 bf'Commehcement must be rec&ded.and posted on'the jo'bsite before the first inspection. If you inte I d to O'btain finaricing, consult with lerider or-6n attorney before commenc . Ing Work or retordi . ngvour Zice of Commenc6ment... Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Agent Signature of -Cbntractor/Litense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 5r.� COUNTY OF: S-r. ku C_?�� The forgoing instrument Was acknowledged la�fo'ire rhe The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me th Ry of APA 1 20 JA� this sL3� day of 14e,4 I L 20 1 .-by v_ rt—# n—j, L v Au 6 (Name of person acknowledging) (Name.of -person. acknowledging) (Signature of NotWublic- State of Florida (Signature of Notary.Wblic-: State of Florida Personally Known v-_" OR ProdUced.Identi fication Personally Known OR Produced Identification pe of Identificafinilml Type of Identific ti DOROTHY ANN BASKIN' DOROTHYANNBASKIN- Commission No. My CONimISS%tqG 030145 !g;M�G 030145 Commission No. * .1 MycomMIS� (PIRES: October Bonded Thru Notary Pub lic 2, 2020 Ond writers e EXPI.RE& ctober2,2020 Bonded Thru Notar y Public Underwriters evise .15/20 " R 'd 07/ .14- REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERYISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TU RTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVAW _REVIEW. REVIEW .-REVIEW-- REVIEW'� DATE .COMPLETE INITIALS C MR= u