HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1615 '\ 415 _._~_-"_'__4_._""~-'_ .... . ___-,._._. _ _._....._.__....~_._____.._.._._. _4. -1-....-.,,:..... '. .-. O. ~" [ 'prooeedings, shall tail to oomply with 8D,J ot the above and toregoing reet"'lotions, oondUiontll . - . ' ~ . or limitations within sixty days atter written notioe by mail to _the said part1 or parties ~t the seoond part. hie. her or their hei re, personal repr..entuhe8 or ani8l18, or any lot them, at the last known addre8s, by the 8ald party or the tiret Jl81't, hi8 sUooessors, personal repree- sentatlv8s or assign8, or either ot them, then the 8aid above de80ribed and oonve7ed property shall immediately revert to the said party of the tirst part, hie lUooessors or assiRDs, who 8hall be entitled to im.mediately enter upon eaid property Without noU\)e, and tUG pos.es8ion of the .ame with tull title in fee slmple, together with all improyemente thereon, and no waiver ot any ot theee oonditlone, limitation8 or reetriotions, expressed or implied. or failure for aDy , length ot tilll8 to entoroe the .ame 8hall ~nsti_tute a bar to 8uoh entorl)ement t\t any tille. It is further understood and agreed that party ot the first part w111 not make any deed to any lot in ailtmore rark prior to January let, 1935, without the atoreeaid provieions and restriotion. It 1e turther etip~lated and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that in the event of the fallur~ ot said party or partiee ot the seoond part to make any ot the payments herein provi- ded tor a period ot tour month. fro. dat~ ot last p~ent. all money previoully paid by said par- ty or partie8 ot the 8eoond part upon thie contraot shall be torfeited to said party ot the tirst part as liquidated lamages and this oontraot shall cea8e and terminate upon thitrJ days notioe in writing to laS::lmown address. It ie mutually agreed that time is the essenoe ot this oontraot, and that all covenants and agreements herein contained shall. extend to, and be obligdaa.1 upon the Ueirs, exeou tors, admin- istrators and assigns ot the re,peotive partie s. III WITliESS WHEREOF, The said parties have hereunto set their bands and seals th1a Unh day ot Karoh. A..D. 1925. Exeouted in duplioate. Signed, 8ealed and delivered in the presenoe of~ '-. I. G. Jlollurlen. C. ~. ~ra8well.........( Seal} I l[ 1= . I' ' Amos A. Roper. 't" 11' ~ II 28th da;y ot ,iCaroh, .~ I S8JIIUel Marks._.......... ( Seal) A.D. 1926, at ti o'olook P. Y.. ----------I#III/#I##II##i#I------------- P. C. Eldred, Cle ~k ot the )iroui1; Court, 1 .. / / B7. -/'. c,:./ /10 1'" Deputy Clerk. ,/ Louis J.U.ller ASSIGBlIEBT OF CONTRACT. TO Harry DaTis. [ STATE OF FLORIDA ) . . COUftY OF ST. LUCIE } DOW ALL )(Elf BY THESE PRESElITS? THAT I, LOUIS KILlER, of the County of St. Mloie and , State ot Florida, tor and in oonsideration of the 8UIIl ot FIVE HUHDRED (t600.00) DOLLARS do here by assigns and transter unto HARRY DAYJS,- of th\J County ot ~p. Beaoh and State ot Florida, , ~~ his heirs. exeou\o~'/adminl**rato~G and &at.i8f, a oerta1n oontraot, said oontraot being dated Karoh 18, 1925, between Co C. ~ra8well and J. ~~ Bailey and Louis Killer, said oontraot agree- ing to oonvey .a.ot One (1) I)t the forth.eat ~arter (BWi) and the Lot One (1) of the Southwest Quarte? (S'Ii ) of Seotion Elgb teen (18), township Thirty-one (31) ,;)ou th ~ ot R9.n8e Thirty- nine UiI} East ot the '.rallahaBlee Jlerldlan, 1f1orida, oontaining 160 aorell, uoording to the ot- . Uolal Plat of the Survey 01' the Baid lADl. returned to the General Land Offioe b7 the Surve1- or General. IX ID'lES3 CHEUOr r I have bere~to ~.t ~ hand and seal at Fort 1'leroe. this the 26~h 4q o~ Karoh. 1926. , Lou!. K1ller...... ..(Seal) ~~~~f1~~~j;{~~ii - < <-<~'ri!l~l~Fffl~l;~ . .... ., :.' -::....~.....~~~.'-~..:;:)r.;r.;.0.....~?i , , .,,' ."to" ..~__uP.:~!~j--:f~::;~f;;:~.~~.-~"';.ft.